Devblog #25 - Balance Overhaul, Mouth Anims, Quiet Movements, Shortcuts
Significant balance updates took place this update, a lot of time was spent reducing the overall grind feel, allowing for a much improved player experience.
1. Balance Overhaul

Spreadsheets, anyone?
Starting with Crafting, we have spent the last few weeks creating documents and spreadsheets on our current crafting system and mapping out all our items, costs, materials, levels, xp, etc and making updates as we go along. This was a long and painful process which has taken us quite a while until now.
Without going into too much detail, we have entered a point where we decided that crafting and medicine should be easy to get into, but around level 10-20 it starts curving upwards in difficulty, then even more around 20-30, more around level 35+ and then expensive to any items above level 40. To summarize, you start off easy then gradually curve to higher difficulties.
For example, pipe weapons used to need level 20 to craft, some requiring 25+ along with quite a few high tier materials early on. But since this was silly and unfair, we have decided to cut those costs down drastically along with lowering the level requirement to 10. Basic armours are now easier to access along with ammo, some weaker grenades and so on.
Further on we’ve extensively balanced weapons to feel more unique with their own specialties. No longer should you feel your weapons to be as flat or similar to each other as they previously were. We opted not to write a lengthy paragraph about the weapon balancing given it's basically a whole chunk of number editing but consider every weapon to be updated. These changes help pave the way for new weapons to be added in the future.
The result is you should now experience a much reduced grind experience, especially in the early game, while the late game curves up in difficulty to encourage groups working together. Overall we hope the crafting balances and weapon balances provide a much improved experience.
Credit to @SteyrShotgun and @Robert for grinding through the numbers and coding it in
2. The mouth moves!
No more will you stand there silent and idle whilst your character babbles away furiously complaining about the price of bread!
3. Silent movement & doors
When crouching & sneaking your movement will now be much more quite, plus opening/closing doors as well
4. Handy shortcuts
Pressing shift+m1 will now easily and quickly transfer items in containers, no more click dragging over!
You can now drop items from your inventory by pressing Q
From your inventory, you're now able to press R while hovering over ammo to quickly reload
5. Typewriter & Times New Roman font

6. New models

7. Quality of life
7.1 - /Anim alias for /Act commands
For those old school clockwork players out there!

7.2 - Voice commands are copied when clicking on them

7.3 - Visual /me's that do not pass through walls
Used in situations when you're in a group and you only want those who's visible to read your /me's
/mev allows you to type a silent /me that doesn't pass through walls
/sv (say visual) adds a 'motions' in front of your name and also does not pass through walls

7.4 - Check prop owner
Admin tool to check who spawned in props

7.5 - Typo checkers for /event and /broadcast

7.6 - Unload character button

8. Changelog
New features
Crafting balance overhaul
Weapon balance overhaul
Copy Voice Commands by clicking on them
Move items between storages with SHIFT+M1
Drop items with Q
Load ammo with R
Workbenches can now be packed up
New western style radio
4 new languages (Hindi, Bengali, Croatian, Swahili)
Add /PlyNotify command
Add /event & /broadcast command typo checker
New Times New Roman font added
New Typewriter font added
Add /VisorMessage command.
Recognize and see all characters with 'Q' flag
Add 'Unload Character' button
Open doors silently when sneaking/crouching
Mute footsteps when sneaking & crouching
Added visual /me's to indicate gestures/visuals
New foundry model
New check-in terminal model
New notepad + pin model
Burst and semi-auto options added for Pulse-rifle
Balancing Minimi Para vs Suppressor Minigun (Minimi slightly better)
AR2s are now crackable
Make the GmRoll command default to 20
Updated values of MP7 and P90
SR-1 & SG-1 swapped round
Buff barricade HP so they are useful in combat
Allow maximum roll to be specified.
Possible to now track prop owners
Couple of new food recipes
Workbenches now smaller in inventory
Display Credit amount on Credit Coupons
Ammo is now cheaper overall to produce
Lower level requirements for ammo
Added more attachments
Slightly lowered craftable storage requirements
Mixing Adhesive now gives 3 per craft instead of 1
Handmade adhesive recipe added
Adjusted Tools + Electrical crafting balance
Count attribute boosts in attribute rolls
Allow Overseers/Inspectors to pass through forcefields
Bumped up the durability of various tools
Increase printer max paper & ink capacity
Reduce Gasmask and filter costs
Cheaper clothing crafting
Cheaper vort clothing crafting
Trenchcoat now has armor
Moved cracked printer to electronics
Adding Sterling to crafting + reduce cost of Uzi
OZ194 shotgun craftable + Cheaper Sawed off shotgun
Makarov, M1917 and Cobra cheaper
Updated rebel newspaper background
Updated book material
Pipe weapons now quite cheap + lower level requirements
Balanced Assault Rifles
Add global color list (dev thing)
Add /Anim alias for /Act commands
Machine gun balancing
Shotgun Balancing
SMG balancing
DMR balancing
Revolver balancing
Pistol balancing
Balance Bolt actions
Removed cigarette on player death
Remove submachine gun and Magnum revolver (Unused weapons)
Fix barricade placers giving a pistol when equipped.
Fixed bug with crafting music radios
Changed crafting workbench model to fix it vanishing
Fix console texture glitches & adjusted text positions
Fixed grammar typos
Removed vocoder from Dispatch
Changed metal workbench model
Changed chemistry workbench model
Changed oven model
Don't emit vocoder sounds when in noclip
Fix /MeV and /SV being visible by everyone
Fix not being able to exit acts
Removed leftover debug code
Fix group system net message overflow
Misc bugs
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