Devblog #26 - QoL Improvements, Infestation Control, Song Player, Chat Tabs
We return from our winter break with a bang, bringing many new features to the server, along with further balancing and general improvements.
1. Song Player

We have a new Song Player plugin that Staff can use to play music for the entire server. This music is fetched and played live through YouTube. While this allows Staff to play songs for the entire server without having to download extra content, it comes at a disadvantage. This feature is only available in the ‘Chromium’ and the ‘x64’ branches of Garry’s Mod. If you are not on one of these two branches, you will not be able to hear the music that is being played.
If you are not already, here are some quick instructions on how you can switch to the required Game Branch if you wish to be able to hear the music in-game:
1. Navigate to your Steam Library, right-click Garry’s Mod, and select ‘Properties…’.

2. From the menu that appeared, select ‘BETAS’ on the left.

3. Finally, select either ‘chromium’ or ‘x86-64’ from the dropdown menu on the right and restart your game.

2. Localized Broadcasts

Have you ever been in a situation where even the yell command isn’t enough for the entire room to hear you? Well, fear no more — for we bring forth the Localized Broadcast command!
This command requires the character to be in possession of a Wireless Microphone item, which then allows them to specify the range at which the broadcast should be heard.
Hopefully, this addition should make Security Council & other Nexus meetings a bit easier to host.
3. Chat Tabs

Chat Tabs are back! They were previously removed early during Willard’s development because we wanted to keep everything in one place, but given how much we have grown and how hectic the chat can get sometimes, we have seen fit to add them back. This allows you to create custom chat tabs, each showing specific chat classes, as shown above.
4. Whisper Direct command

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to whisper something to someone close to you, but someone else is also behind you and hears the whisper, even though logically he wouldn’t be able to? This is where the Whisper Direct command comes in.
This allows you to directly whisper to the person you are looking at, or by entering their name in the command. This way, you can whisper in a group of five or more people, and have only one of them hear you.
5. Character Moods

You can now set your character’s ‘mood’ using the /SetMood command. This allows you to express your character’s, well, mood, more visually. Some examples include walking and standing still with your hands folded, sprinting with confidence, or being scared.
More moods and animations may be added in the future, per request.
6. Bags inside Containers

You can now store bags inside containers. You still can’t store bags inside other bags, for obvious reasons, but this should make bag storage much easier now.
In addition, you can now also open bags from the world, similar to containers.
7. New OTA models

The Overwatch Transhuman Arm has new models to play with, all created by the talented Nemez and edited by Jamklanson and Hiros.
8. Infestation Control
Last, but certainly not least, Infestation Control. After a considerably long time in development, we can finally introduce a functioning iteration of our Infestation Control system.
This new system allows members of the Staff Team to design and create Infestation Zones that they can place around the map, and customize their strain and spread rate.
On the player side of things, the Civil Workers’ Union will be tasked with dynamically responding to these new threats before they expand too much and get out of control. They will do this with the help of several new items, entities, and tools, as shown in the video.
As for our rebel friends, they too can benefit from the addition of this new system. They will have the ability to harvest some useful items from these new Infestation Zones using any melee weapon. These items may be useful on their own, or they can be used in crafting to create other things. Be careful when harvesting though — make sure you are wearing either a hazmat uniform or at least a gas mask and gloves, otherwise, you may find yourself severely debuffed from skills or even with severe lacerations…
9. Changelog
New features
'Single Locker' container.
/AdminSceneText command.
Door locks.
Door Lock/Unlock functionality for the Context Menu.
CID-Search via Medical Computer.
Housing System logs.
Cameras now ping Free Vortigaunts when seen.
Youtube Song Player.
Localized broadcasts
CBU radio channel.
RP Item category.
OTA Nomad Uniform.
Chat Tabs.
/WhisperDirect command.
OOC Faction chats
Language/Translation support for item color appendixes, recipe ingredients, and the item spawnmenu.
CP & Citizen knock animation.
New CP leaning animation.
Bags can now be stored inside containers.
Bags can now be opened while dropped on the world.
Players can now change animations while in an animation.
New OTA models & uniforms.
Infestation Control system.
Improvements / Changes
Modified the trash chances config.
Improved the entity cooldown notification.
Scanners no longer drop OTA uniforms when they are destroyed.
Scanners are now immune to gas.
Lowered the required level for smuggling adhesive.
Smugglers now give 2 adhesives per purchase, as opposed to only 1.
Removed the Inspector class.
Muted and hid the toolgun effects.
Capped the maximum Social Credits to 200.
Replaced the lockbreacher with EMP for Cracker AR2.
Buffed Vortigaut beam damage from 55 to 65.
Buffed Vortigaunt armor slightly.
The player's view no longer shifts when interacting with entities.
Lowered vegetable pack smuggler requirement.
Nerfed lighters.
Added animations for new OTA models.
Added icons for some item spawnmenu categories.
Restricted HL2 tools to Staff.
Renamed the CBU to DOB.
Fixed the trash search notification.
The Say Visual command no longer supports Voice Commands.
Fixed a blood syringe exploit.
Fixed the workbench using the wrong model.
Added a missing dummy item base.
Fixed a weapon tooltip error.
Fixed the Spiked Tea recipe ingredients.
Fixed an item list translation error.
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