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Official Devblog #31 - Vort models, shop simplification update, overflows

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Vortigaunt models

@kawasaniac has pulled off yet another amazing job fleshing out vorts further with a new model update! The vort update comes with a set of tattoos, hats, a belt, couple new uniforms and trousers (gasp)

The tattoos are inspired by tribal art and come in various iterations, including glowing ones:


Couple of new uniforms and misc additions such as a CWU uniform, a belt and a new sweet looking lab coat


Hats, hats and more hats! Galunga’folk now have a selection of more hats to choose from


Lastly the unspeakable shock that awaits us are the addition of vort trousers for high up there collaborator galungas to wear..


Shop update

Shops were a pain in the arse to run for a long time, requiring CWU faction to handle a lot of micro adding each shop employee + permits. We have simplified this process reducing that micro by a large margin!

Tenant = Shop owner, pays rent, add/remove employees, automatically gets access to shop permits
Employee = Works in the shop, does not pay rent, automatically gains access to shop permits

Like before the concept of a tenant (shop owner) remains as before but we’ve now added a dedicated “employee” role that tenants can themselves assign to their shop. You walk up to a citizen terminal, click shop, and from there you’ll find options to manage your employees. Shop owners no longer need to ask CWU to add/remove employees as now they themselves can do it on the go.

1. Player select "shop"

2. Here the player can choose either "tentants" for shop owners or "employees"

3. Shop owners can view their employees and add/remove them as they choose

4. Tenant view is as before where you may view if a shop owner has paid their rent

Permits were always a pain to micro, we’ve simplified this by removing the old requirement to add permits to each employee individually. Each shop now supports a set of permits manageable from the combine PDA. The CWU assigns the shop itself permits without the micro of having to add such individually. Once a shop has permits assigned to it, all the tenants/employees of that shop automatically gain access to those permits. This means the CWU only needs to assign shop permits once and then they’re done! The old way is still available as well if by chance it is needed for special cases.


  1. Open combine PDA (CWU manager)
  2. Select a shop
  3. Easily set rent, tenants, employees
  4. Scroll down for shop permits (permits automatically shared for tenants and employees)

The CWU will of course still need to initially assign the shop tenant and the initial shop permits but the rest should now be a walk in the park.

Container placement

Currently this system is disabled on the server to add in a few extra checks but we now have support for container placement without the need to call an admin over. You craft your container which pops up in your inventory, from there you can click “place” and you’ll activate a preview placement mode. Once placed you cannot pick it up again, you’ll still need an admin for that but this will make the initial step better.


We’ve made big steps to defeat the cursed buffer overflow, M!nt made a large update you can read about here that has helped considerably. Votton has also been working on cleaning up code, removing unused variables and other typos/unnecessary bloat. Furthermore Aspect has removed unused old plugins to reduce bloat as well.

1. Small quality of life addition, chips now visible from the inventory right panel


2. More languages added
3. CP/OTA socio-status bar no longer lasts a long time, but rather fades out after a minute
4. Item label feature, allows you to label items with a custom name
5. Kitchen knife weapon also able to be used as a crafting tool in recipes
6. CCA WL can bypass now the max 10 SC limit
7. Somewhat old now but a reminder it was added, a handy /handsignal command that brings up an animation wheel for various gestures
8. /CheckPlayerSmugglerPickupItems command added to check players pending sumggler items from pickup points
9. Bug fixes!

That’s it for today, we'll be working on a long overdue vort update to fix a lot of their bugs and issues experienced in todays gameplay. :approve: