Official Devblog #33 - Gears of Industry Update


Its been many months since our last devblog. Now that I'm overseeing development, I'd like to have much more frequent devblogs moving forward. Despite the lack of devblogs, that doesn't mean that the dev team hasn't been hard at work. Since the last devblog there have been nearly 1000 individual contributions- large and small. Of course, its impossible for me to summarize all of them in this thread. However, there are a few major changes that are being released when the server relaunches that we would like to feature here


Our very own @Astro has been hard at work on a new version of Industrial 24. He's made a number of significant and impactful changes to the map to mold it into the perfect home for combined City & Outlands HL2RP.

Giving Industrial 24 a breath of fresh air, he's opted to add an additional section to the slums and reorganized several aspects of the city to better accommodate civilian roleplay. Among that, I have re-added a section of the outlands to give more maneuverability and use for all players on either side of the coin. Overall he's provided a few quality of life improvements to better improve map feedback with player interaction and to better improve the flow of movement throughout the map. He hope anyone who interacts with the map finds it enjoyable, and if not, feedback is always appreciated for future iterations.

Here are some screenshots of the new areas:


Yes, its finally here. One of the biggest updates in years, Gears of Industry! After many months of combined effort- with @kawasaniac providing lovely models, myself providing some SFX, and @Naast steering the ship- its finally ready.


Now, this is a huge plugin. The image above details the City Fund mechanic. Where there are various expenses and incomes that contribute to the overall balance of the City 24. All of which are designed for the CWU to manage via immersive GOI entities which have various functions. These are all custom models made by kawasaniac, with really slick 3D2D UIs made by Naast. For a look at each entity and interface.

- Fabricator:​
- Takes in Data Discs, which are items which contain the 'blueprint' for an item, and fabricates said items using resin.​
- Takes discarded food items and processes them into 'biopaste'​
- Recycles junk items and trash into resin​
- Data Disc encoder:​
- Encodes new Data Discs.​
- This consumes the original item.​
- Battery Charger:​
- Takes in various items and consumes them to fill combine batteries.​
- CWU Terminal:​
- A truly massive interface which manages all the various income and expense sources.​
- Allows for you to import new items into the city.​
- Allows for you to export items for money.​
- Allows you to set the budget for various factions within the city.​
- Allows you to create and manage workshifts.​
- Shop Terminal:​
- Enables you to purchase unowned & unoccupied shops if you don't already own one.​

Here is a demo of all the entities in action

There will be a guide written up soon about all the various features which GOI ships, and how to use them in detail. Stay tuned!

On top of all this, Naast is also shipping a few QoL changes for the CPs. This includes some HUD changes, auto clearing Crime Reports, and a new objective announcement HUD animation. I have a demo for the last change linked here:


To those of you who have used my (infamous) Phone system- you may know that I really enjoy deeply immersive systems. As someone who's deeply enjoyed playing games with rich soundtracks like Fallout, I realized that a radio was exactly what we were missing. After a massive amount of effort I managed to complete what I'm confident to say is the most interactive and realistic radio system HL2RP has ever seen.

Some of its features include:
- A complex, immersive scripted radio entity which:​
- Supports an interactive 3D2D UI which allows the user to set the volume, tune to the desired station, etc.​
- Can be modified to be able to tune to rebel radio stations, or combine stations​
- Will temporarily lose signal when taking damage​
- An advanced Lua DJ system which drives over a dozen unique radio stations:​
- Creates a playlist in realtime using a seudo-random process​
- Automatically fades from one track into the next​
- Automatically plays announcements specific to the type of radio (combine, rebel, etc)​
- Synchronizes all radios on the server (within the engine limitations)​
- Supports nearly a half dozen commands which allow for server staff to manipulate the DJ.​
- A huge playlist of nearly 20hrs of music spanning a dozen genres.​
- The combine radio supports four stations:​
- Classical, Jazz, Pop, and 24/7 Breen Speech Radio​
- The pirate / rebel frequencies have six different channels:​
- Blues & Rock, Hiphop, Country, Metal, Punk, and Alternative​
- It now has a slick 2D3D UI which breathes some life to the old HL2 citizen radio model which it uses.​

Here are a couple short demos of the new radios:


The wonderful @LegAz has developed a Fatigue System, which tracks the tiredness of your character. The Fatigue System itself tracks a variable on your character that changes over time based on a few factors, such as: the amount of items in your inventory, items equipped on your character, how many times you've jumped recently, how much you've been running, etc. Fatigue can be restored by either sitting on chair, couch or by lying on the bed. It also can be restored by not AFKing in RP zones, which can be created via the /AreaAdd command. Also some consumables affect fatigue, CPs consumables, for example, restore about 10 energy on every consumption. Fatigue itself affects your stamina, your character skills, the time by which you search garbage piles and access storage containers. Additionally, some chairs, beds and couches allow your energy level to go over 100, and by that have the buffs to the stamina, skills, searching time and etc. for the amount of time that your characters energy level is above 100.

Besides that, along with the fatigue system plugin, he's also tied the gun skill level directly with how you wield the weapon. If you have less skill level than it is required to wield the weapon - it will have increased spread, recoil and sway. If your skill level in guns equals to the minimum required to wield the weapon - it stats will be the same as in the shared weapon file. If your skill level in guns is equals to the maximum skill level required to wield the gun - it will have less spread and recoil and next to zero sway. If your skill level in guns is above maximum skill level required to wield the guns - you won't get any buffs from it


Thanks to @gb_ a variety of plants are now available for cultivation, with each influenced by the cooking skill. Their growth and harvest are directly tied to your expertise in cooking, as well as their levels of hydration and fertilization. These plants serve multiple purposes, both in crafting and medicine, all contingent on your cooking skill.

To start your very own farm- you need to get your hands on a planter, some fertilizer, some seeds, and a water bucket. Place the planter somewhere, then put fertilizer into it, and put your seeds into the fertilizer. From there, make sure to keep the plant watered and after some time you will have some fresh produce!

Finally, I have one more exciting announcement for you guys :cool: :
Can't wait for a pot farming villian called the riddler to be made who fights cops and rebels with his gang of mimes
From what I've seen of the new radio system, its super awesome, tons of stuff we can do with it
bro had something to tell us

talking blah blah blah GIF
Will the admins force me to keep farming realistic by only planting where there's sunlight, or can I just stack 60 planters of potatoes in the deepest parts of the sewers?
Will the admins force me to keep farming realistic by only planting where there's sunlight, or can I just stack 60 planters of potatoes in the deepest parts of the sewers?
You need sunlight or a sun lamp.