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Count Orlok

known minge
Server Council
Events Lead
Event Team
Feb 8, 2022
Key *

ET Lead* - Leads the entirety of the Event Team to establish narratives and events on the server. They contain the authority to maintain the boundaries and expectations for members of the event's team to commit to. Anything related to that is their call to make.
LT Lead* - Leads the entirety of the Lore Team to control and maintain story and narrative consistency with the world building laid out by the team. They handle the members of the lore team and shape the direction the lore will take for both V2 and V3 lore versions of Willard.
ET Game Master* - Enhances the server experience by committing as a Dungeon Master to the server & assists entertainment value. They are event runners and narrative writers should they desire to be.
LT Lore Writer* - Enhances the community experience by committing as a World Builder and designing the lore and story the server sits in, its environment and overarching setting.

SS Manager* - The manager of the Short Stories server which works with ET.

ET Lead
ET Lead
ET Lead
LT Lead
SS Manager
SS Co-Manager
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
ET Game Master
LT Lore Writer
LT Lore Writer
Ocean Man​
LT Lore Writer

Slots: 17/22
The Event Team - What is it?
Keeping it as minimalistic as possible for details - the Event Team is a grouped team of individuals, whether staff or part of the playerbase, that comes together to push forward, manage and envision the planning for events, lore and server narratives. It is also linked with Short Stories, while specialising outside the main server, the Event Team's main focus is to specialise for the main server, expeditions and overall driving community activity that is the main hub for Willard Networks. It is also composed of players within the playerbase that wish to suggest events and develop the community's lore over the period that which the community functions upon for its in-character roleplay.

For information on how to take part: >>> CLICK ME <<<
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For those waiting for their applications to be filtered and responded - I've got pieces of outstanding Uni work to do, along with a Psychology Exam that's imminent. I don't mean for the delays, I will respond to them by the end of this week if I can absolutely do that.

It's the final leading up to the end of the year. Sorry for the wait.
Bassilisk and Merlinsclaw both passed their trial phase.

Stanford has been removed and permanently blacklisted for mass-item transferring and spawning of scripts between CP and Rebel characters.
Roster change in regard to CT Prune & member removal:


Role Change:

Fungle - QA Removed.
Merlinsclaw - QA Added

Sif - Settlement Manager.
Roster change in regard to CT:

Resigned: SiftheAI & Robert.

Added: Cengiz, Keyblockor and Ryebredd, all on trial.

More may arrive in the future, depending.
Roster formally updated with Neonity and Wackytiger on trial as CT GMs.
Ryebredd given a role of CT Quality Assurance.
Updated to be a bit more up-to-date with the current CT team. Been out of date for a long time.
- @Dog removed from CT (Inactivity)
- @Liam remove from CT (Needless role)
- Removed anyone in @Server Council from the roster as they have the power anyway
- Removed @Neonity's trial tag

Cleaned up the roster a bit more.
Roster updated

@Merlinsclaw removed from the team

@Shimac's Stew

To the team. They will be joining us from now onward as members of CT. Don't worry for those still waiting for app responses- we are currently deciding still on your apps and are taking longer than usual due to technical difficulties with one of our reviewers.
Removed redundant role. Two slots opened up- now 3 slots open after a few out of the blue resignations
Reorganised the roster...

5 slots now open (Apps are still closed)
Creative Team Roster Updated.
RedHotGinger Left Team
MelonHeadz promoted to CT Coordinator
Freudeka removed as per leaving the community.
Roster Updated.
Killian has resigned.
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