fallout, hell's empty.

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Radio Bob Approved


Outskirts of Slab City, California - 2251.

You didn't come here to settle.

You didn't come here to prospect.

You didn't come here to die.


You're just some average wastelander, or maybe you're not - you're a wanderer. One who ain't quite made it to this new civilization getting all hyped up around what's left of America, you're just outside those golden gates of SLAB CITY. But you got shit to do before you're ever going in there or anywhere near - one of the few unfortunate people left in the wasteland who do that "stand by your word" and "complete obligations" shit.

So, here you are,

Maybe camped out in a tent, or held up in an old shack - or took over some rotting mechanic's.

Either way, you're halfway to Slab City, maybe with a friend, maybe with family, or maybe no one at all.

And you got shit to do.

Who are you?


this is an event taking place in the fallout world, it's a spin on what i had originally planned for my fallout event, this is the first installation in the series as a precursor to a megaevent,

this one will be accepting no more than 4 applicants (unless you apply with someone as a duo or group, there is exceptions)

your app will be accepted base on the following;

- creativeness

- room to work for GMs

- if it's just fucking good.

apply below,

each of the GMs working on this will accept an applicant who's application they like.

made in collaboration with,
@Doom Demon
feel free to apply for any faction,

any race,

any items, any relatives, friends,

any kind of character,

the mini-event will last a single day and will be entirely tailored to your character and experience.
Christoffer Solheim

A foreigner coming from lands far astray, rumored amongst the locals to be a part of a long-distant group called THE SLAGS-- preppers who sealed their fates deep underground by Modoc. Clearly not human, but no green skin or ghoul, a sort of in-between it seems. They roam the lands in their caravan (or was he on foot?), bringing about papers and inks; seemingly destined to map out the entire state for their community-- or something else? Slab City, one of many points of interest on this Cartographer's list; he stands alone in this strange and unfamiliar world.

Why they've been shafted for this job, why they're alone, and everything else in between is a blur... one that even Solheim seems all-less familiar with every day he's in the blazing deserts.

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John Ruiz

A once abysmal badlander with roots coming from banditry - although now a supposedly reformed, grizzly mercenary wandering throughout the wastes to stabilize his economy. Originally coming from the southern regions of America, just now marching through the hopes of a new, major civilization being formed by whatever is left of the "United States". The pathway of the dunes has led him close to Slab City, where he is now willing to explore the interests it has to offer to him, maybe it could lead to new life - or perhaps down a darker destiny. The future is there to lead his objectives, perhaps meeting new peers.
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"The Unity will bring about the master race. One able to survive, or even thrive, in the wasteland. As long as there are differences, we will tear ourselves apart fighting each other. We need one race. One goal. One people... to move forward to our destiny."
Skull-Crusher (more commonly known as simply "Crusher") is a curious, fairly intelligent Super Mutant. One of many victims of the Master's plans to create a master race utilizing the Forced Evolutionary Virus. After the defeat of the Master at the hands of the Vault Dweller in 2162, Crusher was left to his own devices. With the collapse of Unity, many Super Mutants sought refuge in Jacobstown, and many more travelled East, unwelcome by the various human settlements in the wasteland.

The mutant initially found a home in Jacobstown, using his great strength to his advantage as he worked in the mines and forged himself a place in society. However, something simply didn't sit right with Crusher. He found himself staring longingly into the great wastes, remembering the short-lived adventures he had went on in his days in Unity. And so, one day in the middle of the night, he had vanished without a trace. Taking what scarce belongings he had scraped together and setting off in one direction or another- determined to find adventure and companionship in the great wastes once more.

The year is now 2251. The wastes have changed since the days of the Master, and his exploits are all but a distant memory for most. The New California Republic has solidified control over the western-most portion of the United States, and have finally established some semblance of reconstruction in post-nuclear America. However, much of the wastes remain untamed, and as such Crusher still roams the west 100 years later.

Hearing tell of an odd community called "Slab City" in Southern California, Crusher set out, his interest piqued. Finding a group of fellow travelers near the outskirts of the heralded civilization, he must first settle his debts with fate, and ensure his mysterious obligations are resolved.

[NOTE: May be getting a pet centaur companion if @Petski decides to apply for the event.]

Marcellus (Marcel) Brutus
"Embrace the Chaos, Forge a New Path."

In the unforgiving wasteland of Arizona, a child named Marcellus Brutus was born in the year 2230. From an early age, he displayed a mischievous nature, adapting to the harsh post-apocalyptic environment where strength and survival skills were essential. To endure the scarcity of resources, Marcellus resorted to street fighting and minor theft, utilizing his intelligence and dexterity to secure his basic needs.
Amidst the chaos and scarcity, Marcellus found a glimmer of hope in the emergence of the well known up-and-coming faction known as Caesar's Legion. Their reputation for order and discipline inspired him, offering a potential chance for a better life. Driven by curiosity, he set his sights on joining their ranks, seeking to leave behind the desperate life of a scavenger.

Marcel's journey within the ranks of the up-and-coming Legion was however fraught with mishaps and incidents, revealing his unsuitability for such a life from the very beginning. As years passed, the grim reality of ceaseless conflict became painfully apparent. Countless lives were lost daily, leaving Marcel disillusioned and disheartened.
Caught between the manipulative grasp of Caesar's Legion and the questionable liberation efforts of the NCR, Marcellus began to doubt both sides. He realized they were entangled in a web of power struggles, sacrificing innocent lives for their own gain.

Eventually, Marcellus made a life-altering decision. He deserted the Legion, choosing to wander the wasteland in search of a peaceful existence away from the violence and dangers of factions. His experience within the Legion had revealed the flaws in blind loyalty, inspiring him to challenge the prevailing order. With empathy and unwavering determination, he set out on a personal quest to make a difference.

Becoming a wanderer, he traversed the treacherous lands, gaining a reputation as a resourceful survivor with each passing day. His ultimate destination was the west coast, where he hoped to find a sanctuary from the trials of the wasteland.

Perhaps he could start a community with like-minded people, away from this mess... He surely is not the only one to think like this.

When Marcel was wandering around in California. Supplies were running very thin.. Up ahead in the distance he saw what resembled a town... or maybe an outpost? He better check it out before supplies completely run dry...

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Nobody really knows the man who’s been seen wandering the settlements of California, a guitar in one hand and a cigarette in the other. There are stories that circulate among the wasteland inhabitants, attempting to unravel the mystery of this enigmatic figure. Some claim he deserted the New California Republic (NCR), disillusioned by their methods and ideals, while others believe he fled the Brotherhood of Steel, seeking a new purpose beyond their rigid doctrines. Regardless of the rumours, his calm demeanour and captivating stories of past travels have diverted everyone's attention from the only fact that truly matters: he is what the wasteland fears most, a member of the Enclave.

Since the fall of the Enclave in the West, few remnants of the once formidable faction managed to escape to the East, and even fewer succeeded in assimilating into the societies of the wasteland. When the monstrous oil rig, the Enclave's former stronghold, was toppled by the Chosen One, those who survived were scattered, seeking refuge in isolated outposts or finding themselves stranded near the desolate coast. The NCR, driven by their unwavering determination, relentlessly hunted down the Enclave remnants within their firmly held territories, effectively pushing those with a will to live to the untamed frontier.

Our man was once a staunch believer in the ideals of the Enclave, a faction that sought to restore order and control in the wasteland under the guidance of the pre-war United States government. He understood the necessity of a strong centralized authority to rebuild society and protect humanity from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world. While some within the Enclave may have embraced extreme measures, our protagonist was a reformist who advocated for a more tempered approach, focused on the preservation of human life rather than wanton destruction.

However, his efforts to steer the Enclave towards a more humanitarian path were in vain. The NCR's relentless campaign against the Enclave painted all its members with a broad brush, branding them as irredeemable villains and threats to the wasteland's fragile peace. Faced with the wrath of the NCR and the need to survive, our protagonist was forced to flee and adopt a nomadic existence, hiding his true allegiance and evading capture.

Wandering the wasteland, our protagonist sought to reclaim the Enclave's tarnished name by proving that not all members were ruthless warmongers. He utilized his expertise to scavenge valuable resources, offering assistance to struggling settlements and earning their trust through his actions. His calm demeanour and charismatic nature allowed him to build connections, share tales of the Enclave's true purpose, and gather allies who could one day help rebuild the faction from the ashes.

Now, after nearly a decade on the road, our protagonist finds himself on the cusp of a pivotal moment. Slab City, a notorious settlement on the outskirts of California, holds the potential to become a stronghold for the rebirth of the Enclave's vision. Known for its unconventional community and distrust of centralized authority, Slab City presents a challenge and an opportunity. Our protagonist believes that by leveraging his skills and knowledge, he can sway the hearts and minds of the independent-minded residents and convince them that the Enclave's ideology when tempered with compassion and justice, can pave the way for a better future.

With the guitar's gentle melody and the smoke of his cigarette blending into the wasteland winds, our man carries the burden of the Enclave's past on his shoulders and steps into an uncertain future. His resolve unwavering, he endeavours to reclaim the Enclave's name from the clutches of fear and misunderstanding, striving to forge a path that balances order and freedom in a world desperately in need of both. Only time will reveal whether Slab City will embrace his cause, or if it will.


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Nobody really knows the man who’s been seen wandering the settlements of California, a guitar in one hand and a cigarette in the other. There are stories he deserted the NCR, others he deserted the Brotherhood for greener pastures. His calm demeanour and stories of past travels have diverted everyone’s attention from the only fact, that he is what the wasteland fears most: Enclave.

Since the fall of the Enclave in the West, few have fled to the East and even fewer have managed to assimilate into the societies of the wasteland. Our man was once a reformist which matters very little when the Enclave are all painted with the same brush.

Educated and deadly; only time will tell what brings him to Slab City.




John Ruiz

A once abysmal badlander with roots coming from banditry - although now a supposedly reformed, grizzly mercenary wandering throughout the wastes to stabilize his economy. Originally coming from the southern regions of America, just now marching through the hopes of a new, major civilization being formed by whatever is left of the "United States". The pathway of the dunes has led him close to Slab City, where he is now willing to explore the interests it has to offer to him, maybe it could lead to new life - or perhaps down a darker destiny. The future is there to lead his objectives, perhaps meeting new peers.
accpeted, check forum convos
Nobody really knows the man who’s been seen wandering the settlements of California, a guitar in one hand and a cigarette in the other. There are stories that circulate among the wasteland inhabitants, attempting to unravel the mystery of this enigmatic figure. Some claim he deserted the New California Republic (NCR), disillusioned by their methods and ideals, while others believe he fled the Brotherhood of Steel, seeking a new purpose beyond their rigid doctrines. Regardless of the rumours, his calm demeanour and captivating stories of past travels have diverted everyone's attention from the only fact that truly matters: he is what the wasteland fears most, a member of the Enclave.

Since the fall of the Enclave in the West, few remnants of the once formidable faction managed to escape to the East, and even fewer succeeded in assimilating into the societies of the wasteland. When the monstrous oil rig, the Enclave's former stronghold, was toppled by the Chosen One, those who survived were scattered, seeking refuge in isolated outposts or finding themselves stranded near the desolate coast. The NCR, driven by their unwavering determination, relentlessly hunted down the Enclave remnants within their firmly held territories, effectively pushing those with a will to live to the untamed frontier.

Our man was once a staunch believer in the ideals of the Enclave, a faction that sought to restore order and control in the wasteland under the guidance of the pre-war United States government. He understood the necessity of a strong centralized authority to rebuild society and protect humanity from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world. While some within the Enclave may have embraced extreme measures, our protagonist was a reformist who advocated for a more tempered approach, focused on the preservation of human life rather than wanton destruction.

However, his efforts to steer the Enclave towards a more humanitarian path were in vain. The NCR's relentless campaign against the Enclave painted all its members with a broad brush, branding them as irredeemable villains and threats to the wasteland's fragile peace. Faced with the wrath of the NCR and the need to survive, our protagonist was forced to flee and adopt a nomadic existence, hiding his true allegiance and evading capture.

Wandering the wasteland, our protagonist sought to reclaim the Enclave's tarnished name by proving that not all members were ruthless warmongers. He utilized his expertise to scavenge valuable resources, offering assistance to struggling settlements and earning their trust through his actions. His calm demeanour and charismatic nature allowed him to build connections, share tales of the Enclave's true purpose, and gather allies who could one day help rebuild the faction from the ashes.

Now, after nearly a decade on the road, our protagonist finds himself on the cusp of a pivotal moment. Slab City, a notorious settlement on the outskirts of California, holds the potential to become a stronghold for the rebirth of the Enclave's vision. Known for its unconventional community and distrust of centralized authority, Slab City presents a challenge and an opportunity. Our protagonist believes that by leveraging his skills and knowledge, he can sway the hearts and minds of the independent-minded residents and convince them that the Enclave's ideology when tempered with compassion and justice, can pave the way for a better future.

With the guitar's gentle melody and the smoke of his cigarette blending into the wasteland winds, our man carries the burden of the Enclave's past on his shoulders and steps into an uncertain future. His resolve unwavering, he endeavours to reclaim the Enclave's name from the clutches of fear and misunderstanding, striving to forge a path that balances order and freedom in a world desperately in need of both. Only time will reveal whether Slab City will embrace his cause, or if it will.


app accepted, check forum convos

Another blazing day in the wastes.
The Cartographer takes a sip of his oh-so-trusty whisky bottle.
It's just water. Today isn't the day to relax.


The stars light your way to your next destination. The hills here are easy to draw - sparse, spread.
It's one of those nights. Powering through to get to something resembling safety amongst the unknown.
Cartography. See the world, see the sights. Understand what it is now.
No more time spent locked away. No more time spent under artificial light.
So many promises they gave you.
A challenge.
A test of your mettle.
Chances to finally socialize outside of your home. Chances to try new things - food, clothing. Cultures abound.
The Cartographer's lost in thought. One of the most effective ways to travel.
You already know all of your gear's in-check, and working.
You already know you have enough food to last.
It's empty.
That's what they always told you. It's what everyone always talked about.


It never roots itself in your understanding until you truly experience complete weeks without a single soul on the horizon.
The world itself at your beck-and-call.
Without a goal, you wonder if you'd ever retire and stay somewhere.
Sometimes the thought of not going home strikes.
Staying out there. Continuing to wander - maybe even release your maps for the public.
All a bunch of bad ideas, like they said.
Best to return home. Best to stick with what you know - and ensure there's a chance to grow in the end.
Knowledge is power.

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