For Greater Glory

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Content Creator
For Greater Glory

"Viva Cristo Rey!"

Mexico has entered the largest civil war on the North American Continent since the American Civil War. The rebellion was instigated as a response to an executive decree by Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles to strictly enforce Article 130 of the Constitution, a decision known as Calles Law. Calles sought to eliminate the power of the Catholic Church in Mexico, its affiliated organizations and to suppress popular religiosity. Join us in telling the tales of those who fought and died.

For Greater Glory​
-This event is taking place on the 23rd of June (Due to the conflict ending on the 21st of June 1929)

-You can choose any origin that makes sense

-Survival is far from guaranteed


-The chance of us accepting a application drastically goes up with effort put into the application, though this doesn't mean we want as many words as possible.

-For the Government forces, you must show quality RP


Government 0/8


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Role:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory:
--- Section Three ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Mexico?:
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Mexico has come under another conflict, many shall reign and claim the short intermissions of peace in the country, this is no different in any aspect besides theme of rebellion - religion. Rebellion and war has nigh ruined this whole country, and now it threatens the plots of lands governed by Ambrosio, involving him. Even being a religious man, it is his duty to uphold his position, his political position, above faith. For rebels would surely have him dead, regardless of whom he pray to.


Twenty years of service in his position, Ambrosio is a man dedicated to his duty. Loyal, foremost to his family, afterward, the governance and stability of his part of his nation that which his family lives - for, his home, is where he rules. No man, no rebeldes will upset the stability of the home he grew up in, and grew to lead. For, this a fight not only he must take action due to his position, but where his wealth lie, family - for you'd be half a man to not neglect faith, sacrifice it for all you hold dear. Your family.


So, let the name mean death, a means to the end of the Cristeros' rebellion, their little movement - if it means he, and those he love, shall return to the relative peace they once knew, he shall call his banners, raise his guns, and fight. Dutifully, for country. Whatever you would call the sorry state of Mexico. It may be his country, but his focus centers in on his domains. His life, and times.



--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: bigdaddyboy413
  • *Steam ID:IDK
  • *Discord Name & ID: bigdaddyboy413#7556
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Ambrosio A. Trevino.
  • *Character Role: Governor.
  • *Brief summary of the character: Above.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Position of power, every store need's a well-written lead villain.
  • Full Backstory: Above.
--- Section Three ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Not much to say!
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No!
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Alot of folk.
  • What's your favorite thing about Mexico?: Me. (I'm Latin/Black)


--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: quest
*Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
*Discord Name & ID: eight#1240

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Agente Felipe Anton Salazar-Lorenço
*Character Role: Government (Commander? OIPS Agent)
*Brief summary of the character: An evil government agent secret police investigator with unconventional and barbaric tactics.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I’ve never actually heard of this, and it’s pretty inspiring to see people defend Christianity in a time of religious persecution, and though I’d usually play the good guy defending his faith I’d like to take on an unconventional character, someone who willingly carried out the evil acts that were state-sanctioned at the time to shed a light on the actual events that took place.

Full Backstory: Felipe Anton Salazar-Lorenço joined the newly formed Servicios Confidenciales in 1918 after serving in the Mexican Army for several years. He became known as a reliable guy who could get things done—a government man ready to do whatever his superiors asked of him. In 1925, the agency changed its name to Oficina de Investigaciones Policiales y Sociales under President Plutarco Elías Calles. Calles was strict about enforcing laws that targeted Catholicism, which became known as Calles Law. Felipe was involved in various government-sanctioned atrocities, including crackdowns, rebellions, and guerrilla warfare. He had a reputation for being a skilled investigator and was authorized to go after political and religious opponents. Felipe played a part in each of these operations, sometimes resorting to brutal methods such as hanging dissidents on streetlights for weeks to send a message.

--- Section Three ---
Tell us about yourself:
I’m a great guy, real great guy.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Since last March.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes.
What's your favorite thing about Mexico?: It’s hot.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: landon​
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Commander Fito Gutierrez​
  • *Character Role: Cristeros Commander​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: A Civil War is an interesting concept, and I would like to play a leadership role.​
--- Section Three ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Not much to me, my name's Landon and I like HL2RP.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here for almost two years.
    Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes.
    What's your favorite thing about Mexico?: My father is from Mexico, and from what I've been told (never been there myself, unfortunately) it's very diverse in what it has to offer. Some ways better than others.​

    • "What is a man without his morals?"
Formerly a well-respected Inspector General of the Mexican National Guard, Fito Gutierrez was always remembered as an outspoken and opinionated elder. This particularly came into play once the President began rolling out forces to enforce the newly-constituted Calles law, and Fito knew he couldn't idly stand by here and watch his beliefs be desecrated in such a manner. Turning tail against the Government, much to the disdain of his conformist family, he took one step out the door-- against their pleas for reason-- and never returned back. Since then, he has joined the ranks of the Cristeros; and his experience garnered as an officer has proved invaluable. Now his orders are fed directly from Enrique Gorostieta Velarde himself, and he has become infamous for leading large strings of successful ambushes against the Mexican Military deep down West.

Now it has come for his final stand, and he is willing to lay down his life to preserve his religious beliefs; all while his family simply condemns him as a bitter old man that can't handle the new age of Mexico.
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Javier Ramirez, a young and inexperienced government soldier, found himself thrust into the heart of Mexico's largest civil war since the American Civil War. At just 20 years old, his face bore a mixture of determination and fear, his boyish features contrasting with the brutal reality of the world he now inhabited.

Physically, Javier possessed an unassuming stature, his wiry frame hinting at his youthfulness. His dark, tousled hair fell untamed across his forehead, a testament to the long, grueling hours spent on the unforgiving battlefield. Deep brown eyes, filled with a fervent eagerness to serve, also betrayed the glimmer of trepidation that flickered within.

Dressed in a government-issued uniform that hung somewhat awkwardly on his inexperienced form, Javier stood out amidst the seasoned soldiers. He tightly gripped his rifle, his hands trembling with a mix of nerves and resolve. Each step he took seemed unsteady, his movements lacking the fluidity and confidence of those who had seen battle before.

But Javier compensated for his lack of experience with an unwavering sense of duty and a steadfast belief in the cause he fought for. He sought to make a difference, to contribute to the defense of his country, even as he grappled with the harsh realities of conflict and the moral complexities that arose.

The weight of his equipment, both physically and metaphorically, pressed upon him heavily. In the chaos of war, Javier's once-idealistic outlook began to crack. The innocence in his eyes slowly faded, replaced by a hardened resolve born out of necessity. The horrors he witnessed on the battlefield—the lives lost, the devastation wrought upon his homeland—shattered his illusions, leaving behind a young man grappling with the grim realities of war.

Amidst the relentless chaos and bloodshed, Javier unwittingly became a symbol of youthful optimism and unwavering loyalty. Though his every step was accompanied by the uncertainty of inexperience, his comrades found solace and inspiration in his unyielding spirit. They saw a reflection of their own past selves in him, reminding them of the passion they once possessed


"Let Mexico prevail or burn, either way, I'll receive my pay."
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: DatOnePeson
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150590709
  • *Discord Name & ID: datoneperson
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Frankie Russo
  • *Character Role: Government Soldier - Foreign Mercenary
  • *Brief summary of the character: An Italian mercenary hired by the Mexican Government to train their soldiers and help in the war effort.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Playing as a Soldier/Enforcer for the government will always be needed. I decided to add a little twist to my character to be unique and not just your run of the mill Mexican soldier. In addition to this, a foreign character may open up some roleplay such as different methods being used in training, etc.
  • Full Backstory: Frankie Russo, formerly a Capitano in the Kingdom of Italy's Armed Forces and veteran of World War 1. He was born in Milan, Italy on March 26th, 1898. Frankie grew up amid the Great War, at a young age he was instilled with Italian patriotism and pro-war beliefs. Once he turned 18 he joined the Officer's Academy of the Kingdom of Italy's Army in 1916, once graduated he was deployed in 1917 and fought in the Great War for a year. He remained in the Italian Army after the war, later reaching the rank of Capitano (Captain) after years of service. In 1922 the Kingdom of Italy was usurped and taken over by Benito Mussolini, four years later he began to see some flaws within his leader and saw an opportunity with the Cristero War. Once his service was up, he got in contact with Governor Ambrosio Trevino. Russo, being promised a very generous... was hired by the Governor to help with the war effort.
--- Section Three ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Who's asking?
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes, my first event was BDB's Feudal Japanese event when he invited me to it.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: BigDaddyBoy, Chains, adidas shephard, Mike, and a few others.
  • What's your favorite thing about Mexico?: Day of the Dead, cool skull drip

View attachment 23670

"Let Mexico prevail or burn, either way, I'll receive my pay."
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: DatOnePeson
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150590709
  • *Discord Name & ID: datoneperson
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Frankie Russo
  • *Character Role: Government Soldier - Foreign Mercenary
  • *Brief summary of the character: An Italian mercenary hired by the Mexican Government to train their soldiers and help in the war effort.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Playing as a Soldier/Enforcer for the government will always be needed. I decided to add a little twist to my character to be unique and not just your run of the mill Mexican soldier. In addition to this, a foreign character may open up some roleplay such as different methods being used in training, etc.
  • Full Backstory: Frankie Russo, formerly a Capitano in the Kingdom of Italy's Armed Forces and veteran of World War 1. He was born in Milan, Italy on March 26th, 1898. Frankie grew up amid the Great War, at a young age he was instilled with Italian patriotism and pro-war beliefs. Once he turned 18 he joined the Officer's Academy of the Kingdom of Italy's Army in 1916, once graduated he was deployed in 1917 and fought in the Great War for a year. He remained in the Italian Army after the war, later reaching the rank of Capitano (Captain) after years of service. In 1922 the Kingdom of Italy was usurped and taken over by Benito Mussolini, four years later he began to see some flaws within his leader and saw an opportunity with the Cristero War. Once his service was up, he got in contact with Governor Ambrosio Trevino. Russo, being promised a very generous... was hired by the Governor to help with the war effort.
--- Section Three ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Who's asking?
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes, my first event was BDB's Feudal Japanese event when he invited me to it.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: BigDaddyBoy, Chains, adidas shephard, Mike, and a few others.
  • What's your favorite thing about Mexico?: Day of the Dead, cool skull drip
how many more events is frankie russo gonna be in
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