Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

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Man Blue Trousers

Radio Bob Approved

CPV Recruitment Poster

Pictured; A Recruitment Poster Depicting SHIELD's Signature Mask

The Betrayers
In the very beginning of the Occupation, The first Civil Protection Officers were men and women who had served as Law Enforcement and former military officials drafted into the newfound organization. This first Generation of Officers had seen first hand how Civil Protection was created and how it evolved over the coming two decades. The 1st Generation of these units would be the backbone of how Civil Protection doctrine was created, and many of their number were mastermind over the first formations of fully outfitted CP Assets, from the ragtag and broken Civilian Police that existed as a stopgap to curb global chaos after the war, To the specialized formations of skilled shock assault troops that exist today.

The Birth of the CPV
The Birth of the CPV began in the middle years of the occupation. Comprised mostly of seasoned Units all throughout the globe and including long Veterans from even before the 7 Hour War. The CPV was created as a means of a permanent feeder pipeline of CP Officers who, through great skill and cunning either surviving years of service, or as a reward for personal actions on the field. Units involved were extraordinarily skilled- long lived Veterans of the Global Spanning Law Enforcement force. They were the Veterans, the reliable, the skilled, the few. However, with time as these long service heroes died off, or "disappeared" as a result of in-service injuries or workforce emancipation. These units slowly declined into a shadow its former self during the latter years of the occupation.

The Demise of the CPV
CPV was intended at its creation to be a place where the fast-learners and high performers were to be assigned. But as time passed, more and more of the Units assigned to the CPV either perished in the line of duty or were fast-tracked into the Overwatch Transhuman Arm. A far cry from the "Elite" force as was intended. As a result of keeping the CPV as a "Semi Elite" organization, most of the older units were seconded to the Overwatch Transhuman Arm and joined the ranks of the Transhuman legions. Leaving the CPV as a shell of its former self. And thus ended the reign of the CPV force. However like a phoenix, SHIELD would arise from the ashes of the failed Veteran Force. A force of Hazardous Environment Officers and Close Range Assault specialists, a unit of punishment and reward all the same.

SHIELD. A Phoenix from the ashes
SHIELD was was the Civil Protection Veteran Force's dark shadow. A Phoenix rising from the ashes of the CPV program. SHIELD, shackled with a past of Elitism and Loyalty soon broke down as the original officers perished or moved on from the force. And so SHIELD was born. A widening effort to spec Civil Protection units as Hazardous Environment Officers. A grim band of warriors who would be the unremembered, the forgotten. A place where the failures are sent to die, and where the skilled are sent to eventually become Overwatch Soldiers. SHIELD, a force of failures, sadists, and Veterans. With a mortality rate so high that it must levy volunteers and conscripted from the very worst and best that Civil Protection has to offer.

But those who survive multiple deployments, are widely lauded and appreciated for their skill. But at what cost?


'Pictured; A  Urbanized CPV Rank Leader'

The Purpose of the HAZOP SHIELD

SHIELD exists as a strange niche within the echelons of Civil Protection. Made up of some of the worst Units ever to grace Civil Protection. Either too incompetent, too bloodthirsty, or simply too brutal. With a leadership composed of mainly time honored Veterans of the force, having served with illustrious honor since the very beginning of Civil Protection as a global force.

The Ground Units of SHIELD are known to well to be a combination of careerists, soldiers, law enforcers, and harboring some of the worst humanity has to offer. Killers, Murderers, Sadists, even traitors. All intertwined in a force that was designated to hunt the very Xen Fauna that plagues Earth alongside that of Overwatch Vortigaunt Catchers.

SHIELD Units are an extremely diverse bunch, unpredictable and cunning to an extreme. Each either a time honored hero, or the worst sadists to ever grace Civil Protection. But their strengths is not that of its individuals, but it is purely skill at arms. SHIELD Officers take to the Outlands and Canals like moths to a flame. Spending endless rotations out in the worst environments on planet Earth. Where Radiation, Poisonous Air, and extremely dangerous Flora have taken root across Earth. They are hardened, brutal, and immensely skilled in Small Unit Tactics, no terrain too difficult, and no Xenian lifeform too dangerous to bring down.

SHIELD has double roles both within a Urbanized Environment, and out in the Canals or Outlands.

{The Field}
SHIELD's sole directive is to slow the spread of Xenian Lifeforms throughout Earth. Acting as both hunter, and scavenger across Earth's Rad Soaked American Continent, or the harsh deserts of Arabia. They serve as Canal Patrollers, and inside of the Cities of Earth. Deadly close combat fighters, where their enhanced skill at arms, and equipment bring an edge over the average Anti-Citizen.

{The City}
SHIELD's directive in the City is to curb Anti-Civil Activites and that of Xenian Incursion by any means nesacary. Be it close shock assault with a two man team armed with shotguns and heavy armor. Or directly bringing the fight to Xenian lifeforms by rushing them with sheer force of numbers or heading as guards for infestation teams tasked with curbing the spread of Xen contamination. The Canal Patrols are often made up entirely of SHIELD host units, armed and armored and ready for anything the wilds may throw at them.


SHIELD Inductees, Volunteers, and Conscripts

SHIELD Recruits in three ways. The 1st, through Volunteers, the 2nd through Conscription, and lastly the 3rd through Inductees.

A SHIELD Inductee joins the SHIELD Host after choosing a given squad like any other Recruit in Civil Protection. Here the "Inductii" is press ganged into one of the myriad SHIELD Squads throughout the world. Each specializing in a different type of combat environment. Here they are trained in a standardized curriculum of survival skills, combat tactics, and weapons familiarization before being sent out into the field. Many Inductii do not survive their first deployment. But those who survive and eventually traverse the ranks are lauded for their skill and cunning.

Pictured; SHIELD Urban Units

A SHIELD Volunteer is already an extent Unit within Civil Protection. Serving in other brother squads such as XRAY, UNION, HELIX, and VICE. But choosing to transfer over as a result of job switching or because they tire of their standard squads rather reactionary and sedentary lifestyle. Volunteers are respected for choosing likely the career path in Civil Protection where the mortality rate is high, and the field desertion rate even higher. But Volunteers are granted the respect they deserve, for entering a squad where they will most likely meet a violent end. The vast majority of SHIELD Unit are Volunteers.

Conscription into SHIELD is generally reserved for the worst of Civil Protection, typically a punishment for units after amassing two consecutive blackmarks, or as a means to bring Traitors back into the fold. Sadists, Murderers, Brutalists, Incompetent, and traitors. These SHIELD Units are rightly feared for their terror tactics and lack of empathy. And generally use terror tactics in the field. Such as butchering captures, or burning down entire Anti-Citizen villages with people still locked within. These Units are hated, feared, and at the same respected. Many of these Units die within the first few deployments. But those who survive, the most blood thirsty, blood crazed, and fearless. Are often sent up for Overwatch Transhuman Arm conscription. In few cases, some of these Units return to true, and are returned to their squad or origin or offered a permanent position in SHIELD as a leader, or a teacher. But those few, are rare and far between indeed.

SHIELD Specialization and Equipment

The Curriculum of SHIELD is diverse and extensive. Yet many units take to the Outlands or Canals with little training, or little training at all. Most training is given in a rushed method, and on the fly. Typically increasing the mortality rate for units twofold or even threefold as the Unit in the field comes across unexplainable phenomena, Xen Wildlife, and hazardous zones. Fortunately, each Unit is drilled heavily on CBRN tactics, alongside that of tracking and armor usage.


SHIELD Units are equipped with a series of equipment to ensure survival in radioactive environments, and the harshest environments on Earth. Extreme Cold and Heat are no danger to these units and are thusly equipped with the following:

#1: Enhanced CP Mask : Designation "Respirator HAZOP"
The Enhanced Respirator used and common seen on the faces of SHIELD units is perhaps the only piece of standardized equipment issued to SHIELD Hosts across Earth. While many SHIELD hosts may possess differing tactics for differing environments, The mask is a ubiquitous piece of equipment. Capable of filtering out fine toxins from the air and impregnated with iodine to offer near perfect protection against radioactive particles. The Mask is also equipped with a HUD, and a basic GEN 2 night vision system adopted in part from the common Masks used by HECU Marines prior to the war, taking clear inspiration of the PVS-7 goggles of the pre war.

CPTV : Civil Protection Tactical Vest

#2: CPTV Vest : Designation "Civil Protection Tactical Vest"
A enhanced ergonomics plate carrying vest lifted from the then prototype IOTV GEN I used in the continental united states prior to the war. Encompassing the regions of the chest, stomach, groin, neck, and deltoids on both arms. This armor is protective as it is heavy. Equipped with standard Level IV SAPI Vests, these pieces of armor slow down the Unit to a marginal degree. Hence why it is only used during sewer sweeps, and out in the field as needed pieces of PPE.

#3: Shotguns : Designation "Close Supressor Weapon"
Sadly, many of SHIELD Hosts throughout Earth use the standardized MP5 or MP7 loadouts with the occasional unit using a AR-15 legacy weapon or a Kalashnikov based weapon when long range engagements are expected, typically in the field. A piece of equipment issued to every SHIELD Unit is a shotgun of varying design and type. With the Benelli M4 being the weapon of choice. However units preferring to use lighter loads in their shotguns such as flechettes or incindiary tend to use pump shotguns of varying make and model. The most common being a Mossberg 590 series weapon or a Remington 870.

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Splitting up the CP faction even more and diverting the activity of an already burnt out faction is a TERRIBLE idea. This adds way too much convolution and the only way I can see this working is a medium between CP and OTA, but even then it's kinda silly because then why are we adding more event factions.

This would be cool for CP training inside the Nexus I guess, but I can already guess that there will be people who wander around in the city like trolls, similarly to how the OTA were being abused in i11. I don't see this working.
Splitting up the CP faction even more and diverting the activity of an already burnt out faction is a TERRIBLE idea. This adds way too much convolution and the only way I can see this working is a medium between CP and OTA, but even then it's kinda silly because then why are we adding more event factions.

This would be cool for CP training inside the Nexus I guess, but I can already guess that there will be people who wander around in the city like trolls, similarly to how the OTA were being abused in i11. I don't see this working.
The Concept behind this was to unbloat the i3s and to give the Civil Protection faction a end-goal rather. Like, already we have a reward no one takes that essentially PK's their character. The OTA selection program. This would allow a CP character to continue their progression by having an endgame to aspire to, and a achievable goal to get. Its either-

-> Move to souless robo RP as a OTA
-> Move to Loyalist RP as a Blue Tier. At 300 STC

This concept is a middleground of 200 STC, because that is actually attainable within a rather short timespan. Usually less than a month.

Its a means to add something to aspire to.

- This is still also heavily a WIP with the leads, and ideas bouncing around. If you have a suggestion- I'd be more than happy to add or redact things based on public opinion.
I don't know man. The whole legionary stuff is too on the nose. Combine wouldn't care about making special titles or positions for "exemplary work".
Fellow combine combine mains... Roleplay might be saved if this is accepted... Hopefully these guys get swords too... and power over lore figures like the Minister of Civil Protection... Heil Rebel Skull Devourers!
so true my brother in 2015 hl2rp servers, heil to the legion. i also suggest they also get a revolver and a spas12, really just symbolizes the tru power of the legion... glory to the univrsal union...
I don't know man. The whole legionary stuff is too on the nose. Combine wouldn't care about making special titles or positions for "exemplary work".
We have legit roles for examplary work as is. Look at the entire Loyalist Party for reference. Look at the Rank Leaders, look at MCP people. CPs need an end goal besides becoming a non entity (OTA) or Citizen (Collaborator)

Fellow combine combine mains... Roleplay might be saved if this is accepted... Hopefully these guys get swords too... and power over lore figures like the Minister of Civil Protection... Heil Rebel Skull Devourers!
Give me some actual reasons, Like I dunno what you are trying to say here besides trying to give a funni.

View attachment 26909
so true my brother in 2015 hl2rp servers, heil to the legion. i also suggest they also get a revolver and a spas12, really just symbolizes the tru power of the legion... glory to the univrsal union...

Give ideas, concepts, this is a place to figure out what to add to Civil Protection as a endgame goal and as a means to unbloat the perma I3s we have. If you aren’t gonna contribute to the conversation, then you aint got a leg to stand on bruv
Sorry, man this just sounds like another Sub-Faction ( Department ) with an RL spot
This looks so cool and provide i3 stuck people due to inactivity of a few command units for a cool end-game role, I would support this and join this not gonna lie
Sorry, man this just sounds like another Sub-Faction ( Department ) with an RL spot
Think of it as a uncompressing the i3s and giving them a place where they could continue their characters progression and to give them an end goal to CP to that isnt a Command Unit, a OTA or a Citizen.

Command Units are few and far between because there only exist like 9 of them. Especially Rank Leaders who besides Melon have been mostly absent. Or inactive, or burnt out or on loa. This would give the i3s a possible end game, a Veterancy Status. Where they could potentially pick up the slack.

Its intended as a Skill identifier, and a sub specialty (That being trainers, educators, and disiplinarians), and that they are trusted in a relative sense. 200 STC cost and an i3 as the basic requirements.

It is also heavily a WIP, and if you have concerns or potential additions or redactions tell me.

Like this is an award that isnt a dumb personal item or clothes. Its something units should rightfully try to acquire as their end goal.
So.. what you're doing is you are granting authority and extraneous powers to an unnecessary slot. This can already be done at the level of i3, and the opportunity needs to be broadened. If you are looking for technical subject matter experts, allow a caveat to an intention's rank. Don't create a whole new slot. I'm unaware if these technical units have the opportunity to do projects. If they don't, they should. If they do, it should be the responsibility of the rank leader to train their people technically and to oversee what projects are being taken by subordinates. You could use a similar system to how the U.S. utilized technician ranks at the rank of specialist during the 40s and 50s, which would be akin to what level i3 is at.

That is something that promotes the same objectives, calls for more developed technical roleplay, and allows for the opportunity for units to develop something beyond themself and receive accolades for their work. This does not need to be something complex like a new rank, position, or armband. And can be something merely left in an individual's datafile.
So.. what you're doing is you are granting authority and extraneous powers to an unnecessary slot. This can already be done at the level of i3, and the opportunity needs to be broadened. If you are looking for technical subject matter experts, allow a caveat to an intention's rank. Don't create a whole new slot. I'm unaware if these technical units have the opportunity to do projects. If they don't, they should. If they do, it should be the responsibility of the rank leader to train their people technically and to oversee what projects are being taken by subordinates. You could use a similar system to how the U.S. utilized technician ranks at the rank of specialist during the 40s and 50s, which would be akin to what level i3 is at.

That is something that promotes the same objectives, calls for more developed technical roleplay, and allows for the opportunity for units to develop something beyond themself and receive accolades for their work. This does not need to be something complex like a new rank, position, or armband. And can be something merely left in an individual's datafile.
Thanks man for the pointers, I'll collaborate with the CP leads with implementing this in a practical sense... I will send an up here once complete.

But again, this is also intended as a end-game objective for CPs to acquire aswell.
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I don't know where this terminal i3 thing is coming from. For the past week there haven't been enough CP's to commit crimes(via /checkcrime). So, the theory that there are so many i3's that have zero direction is confusing for me. Maybe the CP leads should audit themselves to get rid of inactive people and promote those who are active. It's simple as that.
If you are disagreeing just to disagree. Then go away and touch grass.
Bold words to say for someone who just wrote a comically massive suggestion for what is essentially glorified CW EpU LARP but somehow worse.
I don't know where this terminal i3 thing is coming from. For the past week there haven't been enough CP's to commit crimes(via /checkcrime). So, the theory that there are so many i3's that have zero direction is confusing for me. Maybe the CP leads should audit themselves to get rid of inactive people and promote those who are active. It's simple as that.
I can't really do anything to change that from where I'm at. That would be a question for the leads, I'm just proposing a potential solution to the problem that they are working with me to eventually put into effect

Bold words to say for someone who just wrote a comically massive suggestion for what is essentially glorified CW EpU LARP but somehow worse.
I'm sorry that you see it that way, you could give me a pointer to how you would fix this concept? Take aways or additions?

Finished a whole rework and tonal shift, as well as incorporating @JustWats suggestion.
Splitting up the CP faction even more and diverting the activity of an already burnt out faction is a TERRIBLE idea. This adds way too much convolution and the only way I can see this working is a medium between CP and OTA, but even then it's kinda silly because then why are we adding more event factions.

This would be cool for CP training inside the Nexus I guess, but I can already guess that there will be people who wander around in the city like trolls, similarly to how the OTA were being abused in i11. I don't see this working.
The Org will exist as a squad within Civil Protection that exists a reward elective. As an alternative to Workforce Emancipation or OTA Transfer. Its a means to reward people who stay in and don't take the easy way out. Its the metaphorical, "Final" award to everyone within Civil Protection. I would envision that it would have limited slots, but that discussion between me and the Leads hasn't occurred
Sorry, man this just sounds like another Sub-Faction ( Department ) with an RL spot
Not my intentions, As I said above. Its intended to be a reward squad for people who amass enough STC to Emancipate or go OTA. But instead choose not to go for the useless gimmick rewards we currently have. Plus- they are an "Advanced" Specialty. If you have any ideas you would like to throw in. I'd be more than happy to incorporate them :)
Maybe the CP leads should audit themselves to get rid of inactive people and promote those who are active. It's simple as that.
1. We literally just had an activity check not even a month ago.

2. We’re not gonna promote players who don’t deserve the rank. High activity isn’t sufficient enough to fulfill the standards and responsibilities higher ranks require.
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