Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

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To state, I won't be jumping into the band wagon of what you feel may be the incoherent disagree spam. With that in mind, I will give you my thoughts analysis:

Veteran units necessarily get shifted around often in the regime. Elite Protection Units, I will not lie, have been used as NPC threats and as considerations for implementation as actual characters in the past; however the key ingredient thing here is that EpUs are glorified Rank Leaders with an edge-complex. I will quote this from someone I knew years ago who was a CP Enthusiast / Hardliner to the core, and even mentioned this about EPUs:

Those words, or those words there-alike, still ring with me today.

Anyway, imagine we put a hypothesis that this was accepted; how many people will change their backstory to say they're veterans from the Seven Hour War just to have potential future chance at becoming said faction? Why veterans, specifically? What constitutes a veteran? Why? We have a little bit of lore about what goes on with Civil Protection after the Seven Hour War and originally they are as you'd expect; military occupiers serving the state until the Eastern Uprisings occur a year or so later after the war. That's the grueling part of where Civil Protection started to become Civil Protection, because it takes some insanity to create insanity on a scale never seen.

I will admit - the origin story is nicely delivered. Would it suit City Twenty Four? Probably not, but I can see it probably serving somewhere else that isn't down to conventional use. It's a hyper-specialised force composed of something akin to what would rival that of Overwatch to a point where if they were ever introduced; there'd be no mercy given to anyone. It'd be a walking bloodbath for most RP scenario involving them. Doesn't sit right.

See, your writing intrigues me. I don't think anyone disagrees that there's problems with the writing and that I'm inclined to stay on that hill and defend that because, in my head, it makes sense.


This whole concept is built around the idea of what keeps on being repeated; veterans. At any rate, every unit is essentially some form of veteran. We're roughly 15+ years into the occupation and Civil Protection is mostly composed of the same players. So would this be suited for City RP? The answer would be no, so what would they constitute other than being one of Mendelevius' videos of the unit getting shot in the side of the head by a revolver, only for it to ricochet? This is the energy I'm feeling.

I've came to a quick conclusion these are Mary Sues.

I hope every advisor in the Combine reads this and just discontinues OTA because reading this does make me put the idea in my head that you don't need anything else except these guys. The biggest issues with the whole post stems from this on a storyline perspective. We've already assumed they're going to be top-of-the-line, but this puts them past that level and we've gone from possibly overpowered cops in an EPU uniform to "An EPU with a god-complex as well."

We have the Civil Protection, the CCR and the OTA and ontop of that - Synths. Adding yet another layer I think will oversaturate the server with varying levels of threats that, if one deployment fails, disorganisation OOC occurs.

CP Leads responded to that. If they're not keen, I can't help but probably nod my head to their assessments.

So anything that an i3+ can do on a CP already but with an additional command layer. I can already envision the massive arguments that occur because 'SHIELD' appeared and started barking as pocket Rank Leaders. Then an actual Rank Leader activates and then the SHIELD Rank Leader out-ranks the normal Rank Leader. There will be chaos.

I can't accept the suggestion but I will give these suggestions, instead:

Remake this, because we do have such a thing called "Canal Duty" and we do have a frontier which exists where SPECIALISED UNITS of this calibre may be sent, whether as an honourable or dishonourable relocation. You can either get the best, or the total worst shoved on the Frontier like in the American Wastes, Arabian Deserts, Asian Wastelands, etc etc... that's where I feel this would work best - but the way it's described makes it less than desirable and everyone is pointing that out. The Combine aren't anyone's friends and would simply use these people as a resource in the worst places possible to get results. Otherwise you're giving them far too much credibility and protection.

Keep them away from City RP. It's like mixing the Waffen SS in with the Wehrmacht / NKVD in the Red Army and they had a very terrible reputation of working together for... obvious reasons.

Thank you for the post, but I think your talents can be best served alternatively.
Thanks Rad for a clear consice breakdown and anaylsis. With your two cents,

I got a generalized idea going here that could fit within server narrative…
Canal Duty CP Team would be a interesting approach to getting rid of the admittedly dumbtruck Elite bullshit.

I will redefine this and continue to collaborate woth the leads… get rid of the dumb shit and streamline this substantially.
SHIELD's sole directive is to slow the spread of Xenian Lifeforms throughout Earth. Acting as both hunter, and scavenger across Earth's Rad Soaked American Continent, or the harsh deserts of Arabia.


Or directly bringing the fight to Xenian lifeforms by rushing them with sheer force of numbers or heading as guards for infestation teams tasked with curbing the spread of Xen contamination.


heading as guards for infestation teams tasked with curbing the spread of Xen contamination


where their enhanced skill at arms, and equipment bring an edge over the average Anti-Citizen.


close shock assault armed with shotguns and heavy armor.






Transhumans, are not people. They are lobotomized humans that have everything stripped out of them that could be defined as "human”



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i appreciate im a little old to be the target demographic of this server but holy shit, this reads like babby's first combine faction
I really don't see how this is necessary. The existing Combine structure already fulfills the functions presented, and it seems only to serve to saturate with no explicitly unique purpose that would necessitate its existence.

What I don't like about this: the style detracts from the overall aesthetic of the uniformity of the Combine. There should be zero deviations with the appearance of Civil Protection, no unique masks, colors, articles of clothing, nothing. Anonymity and uniformity should be universal between each and every Officer.

I believe there's a distinct misunderstanding of what i3 units represent. They have served the Combine to such an extent (obeying commands with no issue) that they've been placed into a level of trust within the hierarchy to be able to wield certain weapons and gear to better serve the Combine.

Civil Protection with glowing red eyes, fancy masks that are rage-induced twisted psychopaths? That's a relic of pre-2013 HL2RP that was primarily inhabited by children who thought that sort of thing was cool.
Despite the rewrite and the opportunity given that there was another chance; despite the nice writing, it still doesn't fit the bill for Willard. At the same time, the community is overall majority against the idea and I think the CP leads themselves don't want anything to do with it. Fizzle is, of course, correct when we observe into the "pre-2013" H2RP.

I think it's more accurate to say pre-2016 (maybe 2017), where that was the last recorded sighting of when I had seen an actual EpU character. Anyhow, there's inconsistencies that have cropped up in the new post that take heed of one extreme - but then replace it with another. That is the replication of what currently exists, but in another faction.

Despite your efforts, the idea itself is not entirely fitting into the system we have and that it directly copies from Overwatch far too much. Some issues may have been fixed, while others have presented themselves. This is usually a stress testing of if an idea was to go through, along with an idea with remediations and unfortunately we would successfully predict there would be problems in the pipeline.

You have a talent somewhere in there, but the HAZOP 'SHIELD' force didn't hit the mark.
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