Possibly one of the best events I ever participated across any server. Well ran, well GM'd, got to use a pulse rifle, single handedly wiped out a small OTA platoon, got knocked out, saved by a vort.

100/10 would kill my comrades again if they threw a grenade at me
Amazing, Gigachad event, cool, precioso, incredible, sexy (Like you guys).

With all seriousness now, this event was actually really fucking cool in many aspects. The ambience and music were on point aswell as the propping, the interactions and the different characters colliding with each other and starting arguments was cool too. Yet it truly seems like not many survived ( o7 for the fallen ). I can't wait to try and bring Jury-36 back for another SS if it ever happens, and i can't wait for another Ekrell Short story to come. You always are able to bring quality events, always, you are Amazing Ekrell. The same goes for all the other GMs that helped to make this Short Story a *MWAH* chef's kiss.

It was incredible, i take back my last 9/10 and make it a 10/10.
Genuinely one of those events that reminds you why Short Stories was created. Fun roleplay, fun gameplay, accountable GMs that knew when they were being hard on purpose and being hard cause of a glitch, actual player freedom, and somehow made the infamous “The end is just staff shooting everyone” or “Everyone gets slaughtered in a fight to the end” into something actually compelling and fun. Men were dying left and right, I was ready to about join them, but eventually won somehow, some way. Even if Joseph McKay (KING-15) died there, that would’ve been a decent end to his story.

A genuine 11/10 event, no memes, no bullshit.
HELIX-03 sweep, made it out of another Ekrellverse event + landed a fucking DISGUSTING double tap on an elite OTA with a deagle, adopted a pet crow through the event who became her pet. 12/10
This is my second experience on a local server, namely a foreign one, what can I say, if you look at it from the assembly side (namely N7), the technical part is done well, apparently there are some problems with image resolution, but this can be solved and does not interfere with the game in any way. I liked the characters. the same 20th who evokes only respect, 28 with his desire to return to the family, Helix 3 is our leader, 15th king (honestly I don’t know what to say, we weren’t in contact that often), 19th suicide bomber. Well, the most canonical unit Bec, where is your 52% loyalty or whatever it was that you were lured into pimples only by the appearance of Viktor. If I didn’t mention anyone, I’m sorry, but I’d be glad to play with you and I’ll be honest, at some moments I felt like I was on a domestic local network, I just wanted to speak Russian. and now a little about the event, I understand that this is not a big adventure for us, but I would like more time for the development of characters (moments of calm, just the storm allowed it, but we were busy with security or the desire not to die) and so, that’s it it was cool
Who did I play as?

(HERO-4 is the unit with Orange arm-strips)

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Alright! Let's run down this event.

During the first day was pretty cool, everything seemed up to plan and loved watching the OTA climb the wall just for the MPF to get shot.
Everyone found a *lot* of shit, my dropship somehow survived through the first day as well, despite the first introduction to the 12 meter snow monster.

I loved as well that I became somewhat a "friend" of the vort, best way to put it.
I was also the lore holder for most of the event, I had all three PDA's and most of the keys as well.. And it was dumb of me not to rat out savage for setting the place in flames.

I really wish I got a similar pet to the crow like 03 did, for some reason it was just really cool/cute to see a raven, out of no where go on 03's shoulder... Maybe in another event I'll get a pigeon.

I feel like the first death of the OTA would have been a amazing place to play Goodbye - Marzuku (if you didn't already throughout the story), but other than that a lot of tenseness came throughout the second day.

I'll def be rping out some sort of PTSD from losing at least 10+ units to the Combine, alongside the death of Line-55 (if he didn't live).
All HERO-04 wanted to do was save him, make him realize, but maybe that was too late.

Also, I can't fucking laugh enough that my shitty shotgun trap WORKED 2X .
(image for reference.)


Through and through this event was.. Actually amazing, I wouldn't change much of it and it's one of the short stories I can say I full heartly enjoy down to the glitches.

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Thank you, Ekrell, for this amazing event and characters we made along the way.
10/10, would want a pet pigeon in the next event.


"Four": <:: "Truth is, Line.. The game was rigged from the start." ::>
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