Frozen Tears


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team




A group of Civil Protection officers from City Thirty-One finds themselves enlisted in a non-standard operation outside their sector. Either forced by their blackmarks or in pursuit of additional perks they are being shipped off using several dropships to the northern regions of Greenland. Their mission - reinforce a local garrison. All is well, until suddenly, one by one - their aerial transport comes crashing down. Whatever caused the damage is unclear, but without an OCIN connection, and stranded in the middle of a frozen wasteland several different problems quickly take priority. Just how the hell will they get back home? Will they even want to, after what awaits them?




Separated Overwatch Transhuman Arm [Whitelist Required] (2/2)
OWS - Shotgunner (1/1)
OWS - Standard (1/1)

Surviving members of the Transhuman Arm team. Due to the damage sustained in the crash, and the sudden severing of the OCIN connection, they find whatever slither of free will they had returned to them. Together with their considerably less augmented allies, they will have to survive through this harsh wasteland and somehow find their way back - or push the mission to its original conclusion. Whatever the idea is, nothing will be borne out of the operation if everyone is dead...

Civil Protection - "Wolf Regiment" [Whitelist NOT Required for i4+i5] (18/18)

i3 Slots: (4/4)
i4 Slots: (6/6)
i5 Slots: (8/8)

Handpicked officers from City Thirty-One, operating under the alias 'Wolf Regiment'. Originally sent to reinforce a mysterious Combine base established in the outskirts of the Northern Greenland region. It would appear only the leadership has been filled in on the exact details of this operation, with the lesser ranks being left oblivious besides the very basic information. After the sudden crash, they are left vulnerable, separated, and without leadership - in the middle of an unexplored frozen wasteland. To even see the light of another day, they will have to regroup, reinforce and think, think fast.
For they are not alone...


Dropship One:

Dropship Two:

Dropship Three:

Dropship Four:

Dropship Five:



During the initial event set-up, Civil Protection players will be given X amount of chips to spend on an OOC vendor to purchase their equipment for the mission. You will always start with your uniform and mask, everything else will have to be purchased. You are free to strategize in the OOC area before the event starts. OTA players will be given pre-made equipment, and won't be able to buy things on their own.

Each rank will have a different amount of starting chips to spend, according to the list below:
Intention Five - 500 chips
Intention Four - 750 chips
Intention Three - 1000 chips


- Section One -

  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]:

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31):
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA):
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded):
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only):
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • Name at least one character's family member:

- Starting time: APRIL 19 (8:00 PM GMT+1) & APRIL 21 (7:00 PM GMT+1) -

This is a NON-CANON event.
This event follows a "one-life" policy. All deaths with IC reasoning will be considered PK.
Your choice afterward is to play as a special passive role.
Bleedout Godmode turned ON.
Healing mid-combat is ALLOWED.
Whitelist restrictions may be lifted if the Event Host deems the individual capable of Roleplaying in sufficient fashion throughout the event.
Repairing armor mid-combat is NOT ALLOWED.
NIGHTFALL and PROJECT: HERMES survivors from the Civil Protection faction can re-apply here, taking into account that they have been relocated to serve in City 31.
Keep in mind that Civil Protection officers of a rank i5/i4/i3 are NOT forced to go through a memory replacement procedure, only if they volunteered for it out of their own will.
*The one-life rule might be overruled if the deaths are too frequent or a certain threshold of participants is not met. That also means creating an entirely new character if need be.
**Repairing and healing rules can be overruled if the character is considered covered and in a safe spot.
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  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: cjtn10 325702184236744705

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.HELIX-03 (This character was in nightfall)
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): Civil Protection I3
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced into attending due to previous exploits
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship One
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: HELIX-03 has had a long and strenuous career, this expedition being the second suicide mission she was signed onto. Following the excursion into the Quarantine Zone outside of City-53, 03 was the only remaining survivor of her protection team following the eldritch betrayal her Rank Leader committed to become something other than human. After crawling out of the hell she found herself in, she was picked up by a squad of Overwatch troops patrolling the area. After reporting in on what had happened to the rest of her protection team she was expecting to be slated for amputation for mission failure. This was not the case, recognizing the pure grit she presented by managing to escape she was slated for immediate transfer to City-31 alongside a promotion and mandatory memory replacement . A procedure that well, didn't go exactly as planned. Following her botched memory replacement she was transferred to City-31 to be inducted into the so called "Wolf Regiment". Not one month after her relocation and service within said regiment, her Rank Leader hearing of her cunning and experiences from 53 forced her onto yet another potential suicide squad. The events that transpired in the Quarantine Zone by City-53 still haunt her to this day.
  • Name at least one character's family member: Andriy Sokolova (Her brother), Olenya Sokolova (Her Mother)
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- Section One -

Steam Name: Deek29
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:74398729
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: bigmango6868

- Section Two -

Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i5.UNION-28
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i5
Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced in
Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship 3
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
<:: UNIT FILE: UNION-28 ::>

::Unit Profile::
Johnathan Matthews
"Not important. Skip."
::Service Record::
Induction Date:
Commendations: None

Arrests: 3
Amputations: 1
Blackmarks: 2



::Family Cohesion::

"Hmph. He'll be good cannon fodder, send him in."

UNION-28 is not a good cop, at all. He shot his own squadmate in the leg after an arrest went wrong, drawing the wrath of a command unit. He would have lost his family, if an opportunity hadn't presented itself in the form of a trip to the wastes. Will he redeem himself? Only time will tell.

Name at least one character's family member: Jeffrey Matthews - Brother
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: ramen
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: ramen, @hl2rp

- Section Two -

Full Tagline: C31:i4.TAP-52
Civil Protection, intention 4.​
  • Reason for joining operation?: Unit has elected into the operation for 1x removal of 1x Blackmark.
  • Dropship Designation?: THREE.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:​

    INTEVIEW LOG #52 - "▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker [TAP-52]"
    - BEGIN LOG -

  • ▋▋:▋▋.▋▋▋▋-▋▋
    <:: All right, let's see.. Begin with name, occupation, and tagline. ::>

    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "Uhh.. Okay, uhh.. My name is ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker, I am an Intention Four, and my tagline is C-31.. I-4.. Tap-5-2."
    <:: Why are you electing yourself to join this operation, 5-2?. ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "I'm uhh, I'm joining to have my blackmark expunged.. That's the only reason I'd ever have considered this ▋▋▋▋."
    <:: Mind telling me about that blackmark? ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "▋▋▋▋me. Okay, look. It wasn't my intention to ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋-95, she just got in my line of sight as I was shooting. Stupid ▋▋▋▋▋would still be alive if she would've just done like I said and stayed the ▋▋▋▋back."
    <:: Ah, I see. So you're the moron who ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋-95. She was a good woman, you know.. One of our best. ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "No ▋▋▋▋. Why do you think I got the blackmark? Because ▋▋ felt like he should hand it out like candy? No. So that's why I'm ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ here now. Doing this ▋▋▋▋to prove I'm not some sociopath that ▋▋▋▋▋my own people."
    <:: Ah-huh.. Okay. Well.. I guess that's enough for why you're sending yourself to your own ▋▋▋▋▋. I'll send this to ▋▋▋, let him review it.. You'll probably be let on.. Doubt they'll scrub that mark, though.. Good luck on trying, nonetheless... ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    - No Comment -
  • - END LOG -

    Name at least one character's family member:
    Amanda Whittaker - Wife.
    Charlotte Whittaker - Daughter.

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Stanford
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:41852222
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Stanford | stanford5039

- Section Two -
  • Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.SAVAGE-50
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): OWS Shotgunner (preferred) or standard
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): N/A
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): No preference, I'll just put down dropship one...
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: SAVAGE-50, also known as Kevin Paal, was a peaceful man up until the invasion by Xenian forces on earth. Being forcefully conscripted by the Dutch government during a time of crisis he was being given a gun and minimal training. Due to sheer luck and determination he managed to stay alive long enough to see earth being "rescued" by the Combine's forces. At that moment, he deserted out of panic and hid inside of his foxhole dug into the dirt of the streets of Amsterdam, which were bombed to hell. He was soon found by the new overlords of Earth and became one of the first transhumans, remaining in stasis for most of his life on earth now. The occasional deployment proceeds where the shell of a man gets sent out to fight against those who oppose the regime, but one day they're given a special directive and board a dropship alongside some functionaries.
  • Name at least one character's family member:​
  • - Frank Paal (Father - Alive - City 13 - Citizen)
  • - Marietje Paal (Mother - Alive - City 18 - CMRU Nurse)
  • - Debbie Paal (Sister - Deceased - City 21 Upstart City)
  • - Henrie Paal (Brother - Alive - City 01 - CWU Apprentice)
  • 1712139130507.png
totally didn't steal the red borders from wraygun cuz they look nicer than the blue ones 😇
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  • Steam Name: LyingFox
  • Steam ID: LyingF0x
  • Discord Name & ID : lyingfox - 636561864976760876

- Section Two -

> open wolf_regiment.folder

> dropper1.folder

> open dropper3.folder

> pending.folder

> open pending.folder

> dropper3_heroi4_04.txt

> open dropper3_heroi4_04.txt

ENTRY -- #06


?? <:: Rolling, one, two.. ::>
?? <:: You mind telling me you think you're here? In this chair that is, Four. ::>

[04] <:: -- I didn't mean to lose that USP, we both know that, Eight. ::>

?? <:: You're full of shit, I don't believe that a man your weight and height could be beaten *this* badly --
-- And somehow NOT get killed in the process. ::>

During camera visuals, Unit [ERASED] slid over several photos.

?? <:: These are pictures of you in the medbay, correct? ::>

During camera visuals, Unit Hero-04 nods.

?? <:: So, either you, as a unit with full training and a absolute waste of our benefactors time--
had let yourself be beaten, without somehow not getting shot, or you are giving away your supplies willingly, which is it? ::>

[04] <:: -- I don't like (unintelligible) ::>

?? <:: Speak up, now. ::>

[04] <:: -- I don't like to fight. ::>

?? <:: You fucking what? You don't like to fight? ::>

?? <:: You have by far some of the highest scoring in the shooting range excluding the OWF, and you're--
-- saying to me you don't LIKE to fight? Really? Not even defending yourself? Not others? ::>

?? <:: Not even for
Liam Poacher? -- That's right, I read your file.. Not even for your god-damn brother. ::>

?? <:: You're a disgrace. You don't fight for The Combine, you don't fight for family, you don't belong. ::>

[04] <:: Eight-- No, this isn-- ::>

?? <:: You'll learn to fight, or you'll be getting a Blackmark, possibly two. ::>

?? <:: -- Absolute waste out of you, almost made me proud, Four, you almost did. ::>

?? <:: Get up early, you're going to the Greenland Region. ::>


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> quit

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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Kranky
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:110380124
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Kranky_

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.FLASH-98
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): OWS Standard
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): N/A
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Three
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:


  • Name at least one character's family member:
    David Meyer - Father
    Sarah Meyer - Mother
    Micheal Meyer - Son

    Alice Meyer - Wife

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Tuki
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147382627
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Tuki | ezequiel4661

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i4.JURY-36
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i4 Civil Protection
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Willing

    • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Two
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A somewhat competent unit, atleast from what others say, no blackmarks and a decently clean record are the only truly special things about Jury-36. Once a mere CWU worker from City 13 that wished to make his way up the ladder, turned into another faceless unit of the combine's reign and relocated to City 31. Fueled by his need to reunite with whatever remains of his family, no price really seems high enough for him as long as there is still a small chance for them to see each other again. Perhaps if he goes high enough they will be together again? Perhaps he will die trying.

Name at least one character's family member:
-Anna Ingram (Sister): Status - Alive
-Jacob Ingram (Father): Status - Deceased
-Maria Ingram (Mother): Status - Unknown
-Isaac Ingram (Brother): Status - Unknown
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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: bravo
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150880482
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: bravo5781

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.JUDGE-09

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): Civil Protection

  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced

  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Two

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
JUDGE-09 - the Bulldog of Birmingham - was a terminal i3 in City 31, going on three years at the middling rank. The reason was simple: the city's officer class despised him. As amendable as a dirty nail, 09 was a wild dog that only ended up in a Combine suit over the Resistance for a chance to torment his fellow man. On a bloody sweep near the city's outskirts, JUDGE-09 went AWOL for a period of four days amidst heavy fighting, disobeying direct orders - the stim boost and killer instinct had took over.

He was spared from summary execution by virtue of what he came back with; a hogtied anti-citizen on the city's most wanted list. That didn't stop his command unit compatriots from bending him over on the bureaucratic front, and he was swiftly reassigned - now branded and blackmarked -to the Wolf Brigade, for what they hoped was a quiet battlefield death.
  • Name at least one character's family member: Elizabeth Bedford (Daughter - City Two)
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  • Section One -
Steam Name: anatheia
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104919040
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: notanatheia
  • Section Two -
Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.QUICK-01
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i3 CP
Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced
Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Two

Short (or detailed) character backstory: As a two-year veteran of City 31's garrison, QUICK-01 was detained after a particularly messy sweep in the city's sewers. With an i2's corpse riddled with bullets to the rear and a pill packet full of transhumano in her locker, leadership couldn't quite pin the crime on 01, but she was certainly the most convenient suspect - given a record of disagreeable conduct and toeing the line with the brass. A blackmark brand and a swift sentence to outland duties in the Wolf Brigade were the consequence.

Name at least one character's family member:

Mike Williams - Father
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  • 1712129444447.png

  • Steam Name: Wraygun
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Wraygun

  • Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.JUDGE-35
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): Standard. AR2 preferred.:
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): The same as Stanford's. Dropship one.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A transhuman. Most unkind and inauspicious. A former shell of what was once human.
  • Name at least one character's family member: N/A, family cohesion was fractured.
  • red_banner4.png




Steam Name: boots
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194599358
Discord Name & ID: @swaats


Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.VIKTOR-10 / Reggie Martin
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i3 CP
Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in: Willingly enlisted with hopes of receiving increased cohesion for his family, along with additional ration cycles and access to higher social credit bonus.
Which Dropship was the character on: DROPSHIP-1

Short (or detailed) character backstory: A complacent man struggling to excel or overachieve at his duties. Nevertheless, made it to i3, but hasn't been able to perform to the best of his abilities. After a 99 charge for improper protocol, and short of gaining a blackmark by the skin of his teeth, he seeks redemption for himself and his bloodline by willingly enlisting to the operation, with hopes that they'll all be granted special benefits and be noticed under the peering eyes of the Ministry and the Administration.

Name at least one character's family member:
Ronnie Martin - Father
Ellen Clarke - Mother
Frankie Martin - Brother


- Section One -

  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: You know who I am
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: ItsLiam

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.UNION-33
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): intention 3
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Willingly.
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): 3
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: He's in pursuit of perks, commendations. He wants to become a command unit and thus, will act accordingly. Anything to save his family, he only wants more... More power... More commendations... More protection for his family.
  • Name at least one character's family member: Frank Thomas (Father)
  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: cjtn10 325702184236744705

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.HELIX-03 (This character was in nightfall)
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): Civil Protection I3
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced into attending due to previous exploits
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship One
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: HELIX-03 has had a long and strenuous career, this expedition being the second suicide mission she was signed onto. Following the excursion into the Quarantine Zone outside of City-53, 03 was the only remaining survivor of her protection team following the eldritch betrayal her Rank Leader committed to become something other than human. After crawling out of the hell she found herself in, she was picked up by a squad of Overwatch troops patrolling the area. After reporting in on what had happened to the rest of her protection team she was expecting to be slated for amputation for mission failure. This was not the case, recognizing the pure grit she presented by managing to escape she was slated for immediate transfer to City-31 alongside a promotion and mandatory memory replacement . A procedure that well, didn't go exactly as planned. Following her botched memory replacement she was transferred to City-31 to be inducted into the so called "Wolf Regiment". Not one month after her relocation and service within said regiment, her Rank Leader hearing of her cunning and experiences from 53 forced her onto yet another potential suicide squad. The events that transpired in the Quarantine Zone by City-53 still haunt her to this day.
  • Name at least one character's family member: Andriy Sokolova (Her brother), Olenya Sokolova (Her Mother)
- ACCEPTED as i3 + Dropship One -
- Section One -

Steam Name: Deek29
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:74398729
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: bigmango6868

- Section Two -

Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i5.UNION-28
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i5
Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced in
Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship 3
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
<:: UNIT FILE: UNION-28 ::>

::Unit Profile::
Johnathan Matthews
"Not important. Skip."
::Service Record::
Induction Date:
Commendations: None

Arrests: 3
Amputations: 1
Blackmarks: 2



::Family Cohesion::

"Hmph. He'll be good cannon fodder, send him in."

UNION-28 is not a good cop, at all. He shot his own squadmate in the leg after an arrest went wrong, drawing the wrath of a command unit. He would have lost his family, if an opportunity hadn't presented itself in the form of a trip to the wastes. Will he redeem himself? Only time will tell.

Name at least one character's family member: Jeffrey Matthews - Brother
- ACCEPTED as i5 + Dropship Three -
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: ramen
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: ramen, @hl2rp

View attachment 33271
- Section Two -

Full Tagline: C31:i4.TAP-52
Civil Protection, intention 4.​
  • Reason for joining operation?: Unit has elected into the operation for 1x removal of 1x Blackmark.
  • Dropship Designation?: THREE.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:​

    INTEVIEW LOG #52 - "▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker [TAP-52]"
    - BEGIN LOG -

  • ▋▋:▋▋.▋▋▋▋-▋▋
    <:: All right, let's see.. Begin with name, occupation, and tagline. ::>

    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "Uhh.. Okay, uhh.. My name is ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker, I am an Intention Four, and my tagline is C-31.. I-4.. Tap-5-2."
    <:: Why are you electing yourself to join this operation, 5-2?. ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "I'm uhh, I'm joining to have my blackmark expunged.. That's the only reason I'd ever have considered this ▋▋▋▋."
    <:: Mind telling me about that blackmark? ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "▋▋▋▋me. Okay, look. It wasn't my intention to ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋-95, she just got in my line of sight as I was shooting. Stupid ▋▋▋▋▋would still be alive if she would've just done like I said and stayed the ▋▋▋▋back."
    <:: Ah, I see. So you're the moron who ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋-95. She was a good woman, you know.. One of our best. ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    "No ▋▋▋▋. Why do you think I got the blackmark? Because ▋▋ felt like he should hand it out like candy? No. So that's why I'm ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ here now. Doing this ▋▋▋▋to prove I'm not some sociopath that ▋▋▋▋▋my own people."
    <:: Ah-huh.. Okay. Well.. I guess that's enough for why you're sending yourself to your own ▋▋▋▋▋. I'll send this to ▋▋▋, let him review it.. You'll probably be let on.. Doubt they'll scrub that mark, though.. Good luck on trying, nonetheless... ::>
    ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ Whittaker
    - No Comment -
  • - END LOG -

    Name at least one character's family member:
    Amanda Whittaker - Wife.
    Charlotte Whittaker - Daughter.
View attachment 33272
- ACCEPTED as i4 + Dropship Three -
View attachment 33294

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Stanford
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:41852222
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Stanford | stanford5039

- Section Two -
  • Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.SAVAGE-50
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): OWS Shotgunner (preferred) or standard
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): N/A
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): No preference, I'll just put down dropship one...
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: SAVAGE-50, also known as Kevin Paal, was a peaceful man up until the invasion by Xenian forces on earth. Being forcefully conscripted by the Dutch government during a time of crisis he was being given a gun and minimal training. Due to sheer luck and determination he managed to stay alive long enough to see earth being "rescued" by the Combine's forces. At that moment, he deserted out of panic and hid inside of his foxhole dug into the dirt of the streets of Amsterdam, which were bombed to hell. He was soon found by the new overlords of Earth and became one of the first transhumans, remaining in stasis for most of his life on earth now. The occasional deployment proceeds where the shell of a man gets sent out to fight against those who oppose the regime, but one day they're given a special directive and board a dropship alongside some functionaries.
  • Name at least one character's family member:​
  • - Frank Paal (Father - Alive - City 13 - Citizen)
  • - Marietje Paal (Mother - Alive - City 18 - CMRU Nurse)
  • - Debbie Paal (Sister - Deceased - City 21 Upstart City)
  • - Henrie Paal (Brother - Alive - City 01 - CWU Apprentice)
  • View attachment 33296
totally didn't steal the red borders from wraygun cuz they look nicer than the blue ones 😇
- ACCEPTED as OWS - Shotgunner + Dropship Four (OTA duo intentionally starts separated) -
  • Steam Name: LyingFox
  • Steam ID: LyingF0x
  • Discord Name & ID : lyingfox - 636561864976760876

- Section Two -
View attachment 33278

> open wolf_regiment.folder

> dropper1.folder

> open dropper3.folder

> pending.folder

> open pending.folder

> dropper3_unioni4_04.txt

> open dropper3_unioni4_04.txt

View attachment 33283
View attachment 33284
ENTRY -- #06


?? <:: Rolling, one, two.. ::>
?? <:: You mind telling me you think you're here? In this chair that is, Four. ::>

[04] <:: -- I didn't mean to lose that USP, we both know that, Eight. ::>

?? <:: You're full of shit, I don't believe that a man your weight and height could be beaten *this* badly --
-- And somehow NOT get killed in the process. ::>

During camera visuals, Unit [ERASED] slid over several photos.

?? <:: These are pictures of you in the medbay, correct? ::>

During camera visuals, Unit Union-04 nods.

?? <:: So, either you, as a unit with full training and a absolute waste of our benefactors time--
had let yourself be beaten, without somehow not getting shot, or you are giving away your supplies willingly, which is it? ::>

[04] <:: -- I don't like (unintelligible) ::>

?? <:: Speak up, now. ::>

[04] <:: -- I don't like to fight. ::>

?? <:: You fucking what? You don't like to fight? ::>

?? <:: You have by far some of the highest scoring in the shooting range excluding the OWF, and you're--
-- saying to me you don't LIKE to fight? Really? Not even defending yourself? Not others? ::>

?? <:: Not even for
Liam Poacher? -- That's right, I read your file.. Not even for your god-damn brother. ::>

?? <:: You're a disgrace. You don't fight for The Combine, you don't fight for family, you don't belong. ::>

[04] <:: Eight-- No, this isn-- ::>

?? <:: You'll learn to fight, or you'll be getting a Blackmark, possibly two. ::>

?? <:: -- Absolute waste out of you, almost made me proud, Four, you almost did. ::>

?? <:: Get up early, you're going to the Greenland Region. ::>


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> quit

View attachment 33279
- ACCEPTED as i4 + Dropship Three -
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Kranky
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:110380124
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Kranky_

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.FLASH-98
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): OWS Standard
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): N/A
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Three
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
    View attachment 33276


    View attachment 33275
  • Name at least one character's family member:
    David Meyer - Father
    Sarah Meyer - Mother
    Micheal Meyer - Son

    Alice Meyer - Wife
- DENIED due to OTA cap being met, feel free to PM me on Discord if you want to play as Civil Protection instead, you won't have to re-apply -

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Tuki
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147382627
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Tuki | ezequiel4661

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i4.JURY-36
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i4 Civil Protection
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Willing

    • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Two
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A somewhat competent unit, atleast from what others say, no blackmars and a decently clean record are the only truly special things about Jury-36. Once a mere CWU worker from City 13 that wished to make his way up the ladder, turned into another faceless unit of the combine's reign and relocated to City 31. Fueled by his need to reunite with whatever remains of his family, no price really seems high enough for him as long as there is still a small chance for them to see each other again. Perhaps if he goes high enough they will be together again? Perhaps he will die trying.

Name at least one character's family member:
-Anna Ingram (Sister): Status - Alive
-Jacob Ingram (Father): Status - Deceased
-Maria Ingram (Mother): Status - Unknown
-Isaac Ingram (Brother): Status - Unknown
- ACCEPTED as i4 + Dropship Two -
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: bravo
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150880482
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: bravo5781

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.JUDGE-09

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): Civil Protection

  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced

  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Two

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
JUDGE-09 - the Bulldog of Birmingham - was a terminal i3 in City 31, going on three years at the middling rank. The reason was simple: the city's officer class despised him. As amendable as a dirty nail, 09 was a wild dog that only ended up in a Combine suit over the Resistance for a chance to torment his fellow man. On a bloody sweep near the city's outskirts, JUDGE-09 went AWOL for a period of four days amidst heavy fighting, disobeying direct orders - the stim boost and killer instinct had took over.

He was spared from summary execution by virtue of what he came back with; a hogtied anti-citizen on the city's most wanted list. That didn't stop his command unit compatriots from bending him over on the bureaucratic front, and he was swiftly reassigned - now branded and blackmarked -to the Wolf Brigade, for what they hoped was a quiet battlefield death.
  • Name at least one character's family member: Elizabeth Bedford (Daughter - City Two)
- ACCEPTED as i3 + Dropship Two -
  • Section One -
Steam Name: anatheia
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104919040
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: notanatheia
  • Section Two -
Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.QUICK-01
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i3 CP
Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced
Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship Two

Short (or detailed) character backstory: As a two-year veteran of City 31's garrison, QUICK-01 was detained after a particularly messy sweep in the city's sewers. With an i2's corpse riddled with bullets to the rear and a pill packet full of transhumano in her locker, leadership couldn't quite pin the crime on 01, but she was certainly the most convenient suspect - given a record of disagreeable conduct and toeing the line with the brass. A blackmark brand and a swift sentence to outland duties in the Wolf Brigade were the consequence.

Name at least one character's family member:

Mike Williams - Father
- ACCEPTED as i3 + Dropship Two -

  • Steam Name: Wraygun
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Wraygun

  • Full Tagline (City 31): S10/OWS.JUDGE-35
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): Standard. AR2 preferred.:
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): The same as Stanford's. Dropship one.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A transhuman. Most unkind and inauspicious. A former shell of what was once human.
  • Name at least one character's family member: N/A, family cohesion was fractured.
  • View attachment 33291
- ACCEPTED as OWS - Standard + Dropship One -




Steam Name: boots
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194599358
Discord Name & ID: @swaats


Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.VIKTOR-10 / Reggie Martin
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i3 CP
Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in: Willingly enlisted with hopes of receiving increased cohesion for his family, along with additional ration cycles and access to higher social credit bonus.
Which Dropship was the character on: DROPSHIP-1

Short (or detailed) character backstory: A complacent man struggling to excel or overachieve at his duties. Nevertheless, made it to i3, but hasn't been able to perform to the best of his abilities. After a 99 charge for improper protocol, and short of gaining a blackmark by the skin of his teeth, he seeks redemption for himself and his bloodline by willingly enlisting to the operation, with hopes that they'll all be granted special benefits and be noticed under the peering eyes of the Ministry and the Administration.

Name at least one character's family member:
Ronnie Martin - Father
Ellen Clarke - Mother
Frankie Martin - Brother


- ACCEPTED as i3 + Dropship One -
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: You know who I am
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: ItsLiam

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i3.UNION-33
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): intention 3
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Willingly.
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): 3
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: He's in pursuit of perks, commendations. He wants to become a command unit and thus, will act accordingly. Anything to save his family, he only wants more... More power... More commendations... More protection for his family.
  • Name at least one character's family member: Frank Thomas (Father)
- ACCEPTED as i4 + Dropship Three -

- OTA slots filled, i3 slots filled, applications still open -

*I made an oopsie and counted i3s wrong, should be corrected now to whoever saw this before the change.
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- Section One -

  • Steam Name:
  • Madpro187
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:1:15521284
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]:
  • saml6026

- Section Two -

  • Full Tagline (City 31):
  • C31:i4.QUICK-02
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA):
  • Intention Four
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded):
  • Willing
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only):
  • Dropship-One
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • Apart of the regular rank and file Civil-Protection for City 31, they had worked as apart of the force for roughly five months. Once word of the Operation had reached the units ear, they saw it as ample opportunity for ascending the ranks or other such rewards - perhaps a mere sense of adventure, albeit such would take a turn for the worst. Albeit in rather more a familiar landscape, something akin to what they had lived in during their earlier years.

  • Name at least one character's family member:
  • Jacob. L - (Father - Living)
  • Olivia. L - (Mother - Deceased)
  • Sophie. L - (Sibling - Living)
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Garlic
  • Steam ID: 76561198983497412
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: @garlic5067/pdariusmack
- Section Two -

  • <::UNIT TAGLINE::> (City 31): C31:i4.Hero-20/ Charles Hunter
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i4
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forcefully, was put into it due to his un-cohesive nature of assault caught and recorded by the Overwatch. It's a punishment to redeem himself back into the civil society of City-31. Whether he lives or not will not effect the Universal's Union demand in attention over him, he is more of a Conscript in a battle of sconed and scripted work.
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only):

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:

    <::Charles Hunter, Also Known as HERO-20 is an officer that worked at City-31 for 2 years. His related ones lie dead in his eyes with his only remaining instincts is to join Civil Protection, with about nothing to lose his choices remain slim, and diced, either live in the horrid society of fear and labor. Or take the chances with the people who betrayed their own race. His death meant nothing to him anymore. In his own mind he feels as if the Combine have the rewards and chances of giving him something he so longed for, his family, this opportunity in his eyes seemed like only a gift given to a bastardized soul. But these rewards would soon change into a fight for fear and death, as HERO-20 got comfortable in his position in the Universal Unions eyes his strength and power got over him, in one way or another he assaulted one of his Civil Protection officers landing him charges of Assault, his reputation was ruined by this mistake, in the perception of other officers his un-cohesive activity could only lead to an uncooperative attempt, no officers would work with him. As his rewards are ruined and his reputation is destroyed, he was offered a chance of redemption. Join a deadly operation possibly resulting in his death but receiving the rewards he wanted. Or... Face the consequences and never receive his rewards leaving him for a possible amputation for his un-cohesive activity. Seeing as he had nothing to lose. He took it.::>
  • Name at least one character's family member:



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Steam name: BantaMan
Steam ID: 76561198123085445
Discord name/ID: BantaMan


  • Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i5.HELIX-15​
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA): i5​
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded): Forced​
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only): Dropship 4​
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: (Family members included in backstory)​

  • UP.png
  • COMBINE.gif
  • <:: UNIT PROFILE ::>
    <:: LOADING... ::>
    • <:: UNIT TAGLINE: C31:i5.HELIX-15 ::>
  • ARRESTS: 2
  • <:: CLOSING... ::>
<:: Hmm...New guy needs to learn the hard way. This time, it really will be do or die for him... ::>

<:: You sure that's a good idea, 43? I mean...isn't that just risking the rest of them to death too? ::>
<:: Who cares? Their number of blackmarks exceed their total arrests and commendations...useless, all of them. Send him in. ::>
    • <:: CLOSING... ::>
Last edited:

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Larry The Heavy​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:145795287​
  • Discord Name & ID : weapons812​

- Section Two -


  • Full Tagline (City 31):​
  • C31:i5.UNION-78
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA):​
  • i5
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded):​
  • Forcefully
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only):​
  • Dropship Four
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:​
  • Anton Klee, now known as UNION-78 joined the Union just like the majority of the Civil Protection for one reason; to protect his family. Being in the Civil Protection for only six months, UNION-78 had developed an addiction to Morphine, a regular stimulant used in the sweeps of the outer districts in City 31. Unfortunately for him, UNION-78 was caught in a large sting operation led by his higher command against the drug manufacturing plant that made the Morphine, with UNION-78 being caught on camera there buying the previous day.
    He was not given a choice. Either join the dangerous mission to continue the protection of his family, or face off world relocation.​
  • Name at least one character's family member:​
  • Sarah Klee (Wife): ALIVE
  • Joshua Klee (Father): ALIVE


--------------------<:: Section One ::>--------------------

  • Steam Name: Jumbi-sama
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:123018325
  • Discord Name & ID: Jumbi | jumbisama

--------------------<:: Section Two ::>--------------------

  • Full Tagline (City 31):

    <:: C31:i5.JURY-57 ::>

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA):

  • <:: i5 ::>​

  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded):

  • <:: Forced ::>​

  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only):

  • <:: Dropship Four ::>​

    • Short (or detailed) character backstory:

    • <:: Edward Pearce, a Civil Protection unit. ::>
      <:: His failure to protect his rank leader from an attacking Anti-Citizen resulting in his officer's death have gotten him a serious blackmark on his record. His life was almost estenguished until he was signed up to attend a mission... his officers did not see any hope in him and in a way this was his death sentence. He very well knew these risks, but he was determined to see his family once again and to protect them from harms way. ::>​

  • Name at least one character's family member:

  • <:: Morgan Pearce [Father] ALIVE ::>

  • <:: Oliver Pearce [Brother] ALIVE ::>

  • <:: Alexandra Austin [Mother] UNKNOWN ::>

CP 2.png
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- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:

- Section Two -
  • Full Tagline (City 31):
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/Type if OTA):
    Intention 5
  • Did your character join the operation willingly, or was forced in (OTA excluded):
    Forcefully, assigned with the expectation that he will die out there. His survival doesn't even seem to be a consideration- not even a 'what if?'. And if he actually does? Well, he won't.
  • Which Dropship was the character on (Empty Slots Only):
    Dropship 4
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
    Joseph McKay, now known as KING-15, was being reeducated by his superiors when he suddenly decided to fight back; the officers around the fight quickly intervening and beating K-15 within an inch of his life. Under any normal circumstances, he'd have been executed right there on the spot. However, in an odd form of "mercy" his RLs had decided upon a better punishment... They only gave him a day to recover from the merciless beating before assigning him to the recently established "wolf regiment"- fully expecting the blackmarked officer to die in the cold wastes, be it to something out there or another RL getting tired of him.
  • Name at least one character's family member:

    Andrew McKay - Father - DECEASED
    Sarah McKay - Mother - ALIVE
    Rodney McKay - Brother - MALIGNANT