Info Guidelines & Rules [Archived]

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New example listed underneath powergaming.

"Repairing your armour during mid-combat / unrealistic situations."
- Binds are no longer considered punishable under the 6) Third-party Modifications and Software rule
Base / container rules have been revamped significantly.

Having a read through is advised, but here is the TL;DR:

- Hidden bases no longer exist except bunker (but that is mainly due to map / design issues).
- All containers, in return, can be hidden (though there are restrictions; please read).

That is the general gist. This ruleset will also open up the map significantly for both resistance forces, citizens, and combine forces as previously hidden routes (such as vents / smuggler cove) are now public knowledge again.

The aim of the ruleset is to remove hidden bases due to the hassle of moderating them while still allowing resistance breathing room; that being the buffer of locks / lookouts allowing you to check in advance for incoming enemies while you quickly dump your contraband into hidden containers to avoid getting taken out.
Rule 10 added to container rules:

"All containers (including safes) can be raided by Combine Forces if they see you use them within their line of sight."

This should prevent people from being able to loophole the system by storing their gear in containers, and specifically safes with Combine forces right next to them. Previously, if you stored your gear in a safe moments before being killed by Combine forces, they'd have no way to raid that safe.

This is now another scenario in which safes can be raided, the other one being through gaining the password via any IC means.
- Updated combat section with hand to hand / melee guidelines (previously lacked any info on it). Thanks to @flork
Section Twelve - Combat ruleset edited with the following:
  1. When initiating combat, it is required to make a /me before attacking other players.
  2. Combat does not need a reactionary /me in order to start. The warm-up period sorts this for you.
    1. Voiding combat due to not seeing another performed /me is not a good reason to avoid it. The logs will state whether or not a person did so. If confused, call an admin to confirm.
Addendum is this - People are getting confused on a continual basis for saying they both do and do not need a /me.
Yes, you do need to /me before you attack another player. This is a serious RP server, but it was left as an unwritten rule for the sake of common knowledge. However, this has been thoroughly cleared up.

I hope this helps everyone with any particular questions on the matter and helps all players aspire to enhance their RP capability even in the leadup to battle.

Have a lovely day.
Granted authorisation from @Imperator RAD-X to edit rules slightly

Crime rules updated:
- 4+ CPs now required rather than 6+
- Exception added from crime if:
-- CPs initiate it first
-- OR CPs even in limited number can handle the situation (Check with staff)
Granted authorisation from @Imperator RAD-X to edit rules once again

Base rules updated:
- Solo and Duo players may no longer own a base. This is added because all bases are currently taken over by mostly solo groups, locking out the larger IC resistance groups from owning a base in the slums. Too much load.

In short, this was added:

4. Only groups (3+ members) may own bases. (This is to prevent solo or duo's consuming the whole slums)
Crime Rule change. This is a balancing act for response force units within Civil Protection.

You are free to commit crimes anywhere in the City. However, performing crimes against civilian infrastructure or within the public areas of the City requires at least 4+ CPs online. If you are unsure of the current CP count, type in the command /checkcrime. Slums and Sewers do not count as part of the City.

If you are desiring to take the initiative with a rebel group and desiring to attack the Combine DIRECTLY with armed assaults, bombings etc on their territory, 5+ CPs online are required. This is to SIMULATE a proper response force capability, should it happen. You can always ASK to see if the count is above 5 to enact insurgency against the regime itself.

Let's put it this way: Four is too little to respond to an insurgency assault. Six is overkill to rebel assaults / insurgent activity.
Any questions, feel free to PM.

Crime rules remain the same for civilian infrastructure around the server. If CPs start it, and they only have three units, then the reward and consequence is on them.
Rules will be updated over time

Page is going for a slight reformat. Current changes are as follows:
- Rule 0 was removed & replaced by a general notification that moderation decisions are in the admin's hands for those trying to exploit "Loopholes"
- A new section at the beginning, editing Discord/Forum posting rules to General posting & behavioural rules
- Bug Abuse rule removed in favour of new section touching on abuse, exploits or glitches. Just refined and shortened down.
- Modifications rule updated to be less wordy and more straight to the point.
Triumph has temporarily had its crime rules lifted, counting as part of the slums. Please tread carefully- update coming in after break to support this change for old and new players.
In line with on going major reforms of the Community- this entire rules page will soon be removed and replaced by a brand new ruleset. This is just earlier warning of whats to come given we are in the process of switching up everything. You may notice a lot of policy, balance and gameplay changes all over.
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