Holy Light - Season 2


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Holy Light - Season 2
Holy Light is a story based event series set in a universe with complex lore and worldbuilding based on the Christian narrative. It is required to read through the lore if you wish to apply, and if you have any questions feel free to message me directly or ping me on the Short Stories Discord and I'll clarify as best I can!

Demons control the Earth. From the inception of humanity Demons have controlled and manipulated the course of history to ensure their own power. Humanity is the cattle for their sadistic enjoyment, our only chance because of their arrogance and sadism. Without something to tormet, life on Earth is no more than another Hell. So the demons allow us to live, indefinitely prolonging the conflict between Good and Evil, believing us to have no chance.

What Are These Creatures?
Demons are creatures that exist in non-corporeal form as spirits; these poltergeists are capable of object manipulation, possession, and influence over the sinful. This is their most powerful form, but fortunately they crave mortal bodies. Possession of the living is possible, but difficult, however most prefer possession of the dead, meaning the vast majority of demons on Earth are inhabiting corpses. Each demon is immortal, but destruction of the body casts the demon's soul back to the depths it came from, forcing it to make the arduous journey back up.

The World - Asia
Each continent provides a different game for the Fallen Angels. In Asia, this game is hide and seek. The continents were decimated thousands of years ago, so that the lands are barren and hopeless. Trees are shrivelled, and dead, and the grass is black. The communities that live there are hidden underground, but are forced to come to the surface in search of food, which is hard to come by. It is said that there is a vast Asian resistance that have been working together in secret to devise a way to push back the Demonic invasion of Earth, but the existence of such a network is dubious.

The World - Europe
Europe is a place of vast cities and organised countries, each of them perpetually at war with eachother. It is an open secret that the leaders of these countries are mere puppets for their true, sinister overlords, if not directly possessed themselves. Most inhabitants of this continent are sent to fight and die in meaningless wars, though the lucky may be able to dodge the draft and live in the city, where crime is high and a Demon lurks by every corner, waiting to possess an unwitting victim. Lead by the Pope, the Church survives here, saving as many souls as possible whilst trying to avoid detection by Governmental forces - though they seem more interested in the life after than beating the Demons back on Earth.

The World - Africa
Africa has somehow mounted a significant resistance against the Demons. It is said to be a Utopia, surrounded by walls 500 feet high and protected from Demons, African citizenry is highly sought throughout the globe. But letting in outsiders is dangerous, the vetting is thorough, and the bar for entry is high.

The World - America
The Americas have the second lowest amount of demons in the world, though doesn't mean that Americans are spared from the invasion. Communities that form here are small, and Demons are diligent to ensure that they are not able to make contact with eachother, and will often trample groups that grow too large, or if they are simply in need of cattle for possession.

Being incapable of creation, they have allowed us to progress technology for them. The current date is 2008, but the technology humanity has access to is a little behind. Phones and radios exist, but are a rarity. TVs are more common, but used only to play DVDs or VHS tapes. Firearms are plentiful, but whilst there is a high amount of weapons in the world, a vast majority are owned by the dead, or devoted to European wars.

Holy Light Season 1 concluded with the destruction of New Sodom. Season 2 takes place immediately after. You are playing as the residents of New Sodom that were evacuated via train by the cast of Holy Light Season 1. New Sodom was a sinful American city that was acting as an industrial district for a selection of European countries. Shortly after the arrival of the Season 1 cast, the city was invaded by Demons - the vast majority of the inhabitants becoming victim to the Demonic forces and either captured or killed. You managed to escape by train whilst the Season 1 cast fought off the horde for as long as they could. The trainlines were originally created in the hopes of connecting New Sodom to other American communities, and were even in common use by those who left New Sodom to work, however, they were discontinued after the trains and the inhabitants started disappearing.

If you played in Holy Light Season 1 - you do not need to apply. Just leave an expression of interest including your character name and your redesigned skills. You will be given priority.

There is also a special role for those interested. This will include a partially pre-written backstory and an increased significance in the story, though you are still free to play the character as you would like and create a majority of the backstory yourself. You are expected to have a good RP quality and to ensure you are available for all, or at least, a majority, of the days for this event. Message me personally if this sounds interesting to you. You will also be given priority.

This event will include a heavy amount of PvE S2RP, including a dedicated system of combat and multiple encounters. To try and prevent S2RP dragging on too long, enemies will be higher health and higher damage, and slots are soft limited at 9 and hard limited at 12. (Aka, we are expecting 9 applicants but may increase it to 12 if there are some really good applications we want to accept).
Each applicant will have 75 skill points to invest in. Skillrolls will be used throughout the event, so investing into your skills smartly is a good idea.
Only 3 skills will be relevant in this event.
We will be using the WN Base system for skills, so the maximum investment in each skill is 50.

Guns will determine your accuracy using a firearm.
Speed will determine your abilty to dodge and your turn in the turn order during S2RP encounters
Melee will determine your offensive abilities using a melee weapon/your fists, as well as your ability to parry and block enemy attacks.

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
    Character Skills:
  • Backstory (The exact story of what happened in the few days prior to the event will happen in a forum conversation, so don't include this in your backstory)

Bill Greenwood
Guns 40, Speed 20, Melee 15
(Is this how expressing my interest works?)
Joel Bridgerton
(Season one survivor)
Guns - 50

Speed - 20
Melee - 5

The Coward…

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: LyingFox
  • Steam ID: lyingf0x
  • Discord Name & ID: lyingfox | 636561864976760876
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Anderson Lopet

    Character Skills:

    20 - Guns
    20 - Speed
    35 - Melee
  • Backstory:
Anderson Lopet was born on 04/16/1986, Michigan, his birth mother, Keia Lopet, being a teenager with no one to turn to for medical nor mental help, at the time quickly to leave as well, soon she decided to leave Lopet on a doorstep of a known (extremely) religious orphanage commonly known as Saint Paul's Orphanage due to the mentals issues he was pressuring on his mother as well as the fear of death for her child, nuns of the of the orphanage soon picking him up from a poorly taken of box that he was left in, his birth mother fled much prior from the abandonage as he had already caught sickness due to the weather that surrounded him, soon enough he was taken into the orphanage.

Soon throughout his life he was nearly forbidden from going outside the churches walls, demons quickly rising in numbers around them in small 'packs', often at times being attacked during the night, but majority either killing off said demons or hiding quick enough to not get caught.
Lopet soon grew to try and protect most of his life, but often at times fucking up or simply doing the wrong thing with well intentions.

Soon more and more attacks of small groups of demons came and went, often at times losing people to these attacks and generally affecting the morals of the group, though many still tried to live through the harsh conditions, mainly due to the fact they had barely anywhere to go, no one else to turn to.

Later on in time, when Lopet turned to 22, dead center on his birthday the church was rushed by a much larger group of demons than the people were used to, most dying off quickly, most running, very little trying to hold the church down in spite of faith, and what Lopet did? He grabbed a set of Crusader armor that was left aside inside the hallways, it looked somewhat rusted, quickly wearing what he could before he got dragged by a Priest that somehow managed to come out unscathed, both of them sprinting off down hills and across what was left of dirt roads, soon reaching Sodom after two days of walking and running, lost at where they could possibly be as they ran to Sodem.

In Sodem the two quickly ran around, asking for help to re-take the now lost church, instead being met with hell let loose in the town, a very sad fate as the Priest turned the corner of a alleyway they walked into, getting shot by a APC several times, falling to the floor as he gasped for air, blood quickly filling his lungs as a loud
BAM! was heard as his head now painted on the concrete, no longer alive.

Lopet had no other option, no other way but to run, just run.
Soon the speakers came to life, yelling out to the surviving members of the town to get to the train station, in which Lopet ran to as fast as he could, rushing to the trains and numerous people yelled to get in, many people crowding to get in as member to the left and right began covering the survivors, soon Lopet was rushed into the Train, the doors slamming shut as he was now stuck, confused and miserable, and so were the ones around him

Maybe he could be the
white knight in this story.
Last edited:
Marco Giordano

Season One Survivor


25 Speed

50 Melee

"Where was he?"
Last edited:
Johnson Clark
(Season 1 Survivor)

0 Guns
40 Speed
35 Melee
Bill Greenwood
Guns 40, Speed 20, Melee 15
(Is this how expressing my interest works?)
Cyrus Caine
(Season One Survivor)

5 Guns
30 Speed
40 Melee
Joel Bridgerton
(Season one survivor)
Guns - 50

Speed - 20
Melee - 5

The Coward…

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: LyingFox
  • Steam ID: lyingf0x
  • Discord Name & ID: lyingfox | 636561864976760876
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Anderson Lopet

    Character Skills:

    20 - Guns
    20 - Speed
    35 - Melee
  • Backstory:
Anderson Lopet was born on 04/16/1986, Michigan, his birth mother, Keia Lopet, being a teenager with no one to turn to for medical nor mental help, at the time quickly to leave as well, soon she decided to leave Lopet on a doorstep of a known (extremely) religious orphanage commonly known as Saint Paul's Orphanage due to the mentals issues he was pressuring on his mother as well as the fear of death for her child, nuns of the of the orphanage soon picking him up from a poorly taken of box that he was left in, his birth mother fled much prior from the abandonage as he had already caught sickness due to the weather that surrounded him, soon enough he was taken into the orphanage.

Soon throughout his life he was nearly forbidden from going outside the churches walls, demons quickly rising in numbers around them in small 'packs', often at times being attacked during the night, but majority either killing off said demons or hiding quick enough to not get caught.
Lopet soon grew to try and protect most of his life, but often at times fucking up or simply doing the wrong thing with well intentions.

Soon more and more attacks of small groups of demons came and went, often at times losing people to these attacks and generally affecting the morals of the group, though many still tried to live through the harsh conditions, mainly due to the fact they had barely anywhere to go, no one else to turn to.

Later on in time, when Lopet turned to 22, dead center on his birthday the church was rushed by a much larger group of demons than the people were used to, most dying off quickly, most running, very little trying to hold the church down in spite of faith, and what Lopet did? He grabbed a set of Crusader armor that was left aside inside the hallways, it looked somewhat rusted, quickly wearing what he could before he got dragged by a Priest that somehow managed to come out unscathed, both of them sprinting off down hills and across what was left of dirt roads, soon reaching Sodom after two days of walking and running, lost at where they could possibly be as they ran to Sodem.

In Sodem the two quickly ran around, asking for help to re-take the now lost church, instead being met with hell let loose in the town, a very sad fate as the Priest turned the corner of a alleyway they walked into, getting shot by a APC several times, falling to the floor as he gasped for air, blood quickly filling his lungs as a loud
BAM! was heard as his head now painted on the concrete, no longer alive.

Lopet had no other option, no other way but to run, just run.
Soon the speakers came to life, yelling out to the surviving members of the town to get to the train station, in which Lopet ran to as fast as he could, rushing to the trains and numerous people yelled to get in, many people crowding to get in as member to the left and right began covering the survivors, soon Lopet was rushed into the Train, the doors slamming shut as he was now stuck, confused and miserable, and so were the ones around him

Maybe he could be the
white knight in this story.
Pending - This application is for the special role. I'd like to keep this open for a little bit in case anyone else would be interested in it later on. A little competition keeps the quality high! That being said this application will be accepted if a better one does not come along.
Marco Giordano

Season One Survivor


25 Speed

50 Melee

"Where was he?"

Old applicants will receive an update to the forum conversations from the previous season, including new/exchanged perks and a Spiritual HP level which will determine some in game mechanics. Any old perks are considered void for now.
No new applicants have been accepted.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: LyingFox
  • Steam ID: lyingf0x
  • Discord Name & ID: lyingfox | 636561864976760876
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Anderson Lopet

    Character Skills:

    20 - Guns
    20 - Speed
    35 - Melee
  • Backstory:
Anderson Lopet was born on 04/16/1986, Michigan, his birth mother, Keia Lopet, being a teenager with no one to turn to for medical nor mental help, at the time quickly to leave as well, soon she decided to leave Lopet on a doorstep of a known (extremely) religious orphanage commonly known as Saint Paul's Orphanage due to the mentals issues he was pressuring on his mother as well as the fear of death for her child, nuns of the of the orphanage soon picking him up from a poorly taken of box that he was left in, his birth mother fled much prior from the abandonage as he had already caught sickness due to the weather that surrounded him, soon enough he was taken into the orphanage.

Soon throughout his life he was nearly forbidden from going outside the churches walls, demons quickly rising in numbers around them in small 'packs', often at times being attacked during the night, but majority either killing off said demons or hiding quick enough to not get caught.
Lopet soon grew to try and protect most of his life, but often at times fucking up or simply doing the wrong thing with well intentions.

Soon more and more attacks of small groups of demons came and went, often at times losing people to these attacks and generally affecting the morals of the group, though many still tried to live through the harsh conditions, mainly due to the fact they had barely anywhere to go, no one else to turn to.

Later on in time, when Lopet turned to 22, dead center on his birthday the church was rushed by a much larger group of demons than the people were used to, most dying off quickly, most running, very little trying to hold the church down in spite of faith, and what Lopet did? He grabbed a set of Crusader armor that was left aside inside the hallways, it looked somewhat rusted, quickly wearing what he could before he got dragged by a Priest that somehow managed to come out unscathed, both of them sprinting off down hills and across what was left of dirt roads, soon reaching Sodom after two days of walking and running, lost at where they could possibly be as they ran to Sodem.

In Sodem the two quickly ran around, asking for help to re-take the now lost church, instead being met with hell let loose in the town, a very sad fate as the Priest turned the corner of a alleyway they walked into, getting shot by a APC several times, falling to the floor as he gasped for air, blood quickly filling his lungs as a loud
BAM! was heard as his head now painted on the concrete, no longer alive.

Lopet had no other option, no other way but to run, just run.
Soon the speakers came to life, yelling out to the surviving members of the town to get to the train station, in which Lopet ran to as fast as he could, rushing to the trains and numerous people yelled to get in, many people crowding to get in as member to the left and right began covering the survivors, soon Lopet was rushed into the Train, the doors slamming shut as he was now stuck, confused and miserable, and so were the ones around him

Maybe he could be the
white knight in this story.