Holy Light

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Joel Bridgerton
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Joel Bridgerton (?)
  • Character Role (Survivor, Police Officer, Priest, or Saviour): Police officer
    Character Skills (they should add up to 130 and only include guns, speed, medicine and melee):50
    guns, 30 speed, 50 melee
  • Backstory (The exact story of what happened in the few days prior to the event will happen in a forum conversation, so don't include this in your backstory):


Many have spent their blood, sweat, and tears desperately trying to make their way to a place free of torment from the otherworldly forces that have besieged humanity. Lives have been lost, belongings left behind. People have lost everything in the pursuit of safety and have left parts of themselves behind in order to do so. And they continue to do so to this day, a journey that will threaten and wear down even the most astute of people, eagerly undertaken for the mere chance of a better life.

"Joel Bridgerton"was not one of those people

One of those lucky enough to have a family history stretching back in the one place that's been somewhat protected against the constant siege, Joel was known as being somewhat of a nuisance throughout his life, frequently the type of person to insult others, berate them for minor things, someone who thought they were better than the rest. Yet his family still loved him, even if they didn't
approve of his attitude. Despite his flaws he did as all people do, moving his way up in both years and experience, until the time came to finally find a purpose.

After he had gotten old enough, he would go on find a job as a bartender of all things, though as one would come to imagine an aggressive personality in such a location would not bode well for the imminent future. Even his family were skeptical of his choice, though the man's admittedly impressive physique had lessened their concerns over someone picking a fight. They had failed to consider the possibility that he would be the inciter. Sure enough, tragedy would strike. A barrage of heckling from bar-goers would make Joel's character flaws come out in full strength, and while the full extent of what happened is unknown, what is known is the end result. The bar had burnt down, with many patrons stuck in the flames. Such a tragedy had been unseen in his particular community, bringing images of those that had been kept out so thoroughly.

Paranoia would spread, accusations would be made, and Joel's less than stellar attitude only made the situation worse. In an effort to calm the situation a drastic suggestion was made...

Suffice to say, the sudden loss of everything would affect Joel quite drastically, a wake up call, if one could call it that. Though by the time he had realized the brunt of his mistakes, it was too late, and he was kicked out. Struck by grief and regret, Joel would go on to make his way to America, where he would begin his attempt to right his wrongs. The experiences with the "demons" would only strengthen his conviction, atleast at first, providing him an image of what those who had cast him out had seen him as, making things clear to him; He had to change, causing him to take on his current name, his previous one is known now only to those he was forced to leave behind, and himself.

He would find some reprieve however...the difficulty in communications had made history of his past hard to discover, allowing him to become a police officer, in an attempt to enforce the weakened structure of society that America had found itself in, leading to the current situation.

"Joel" likes to think he's changed, though it may be that
Man is a monster all his own, regardless of how he attempts to change...
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--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name:
Greece Numero Uno
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068
Discord Name & ID: mainetm

--- IC Section ---
Character Name:
Johnathan Clark
Character Role: Survivor
Character Skills:
40 Speed
40 Melee
20 Medicine
0 Guns

He's an American former priest, born and raised in what was formerly known as New York. His path to priesthood was influenced by an ambush performed by the demonic cult. They had kidnapped his father Alexander, alongside his engineering crew during a shift. They were then later used to perform a ritual to bring forth the demonic figure only known as the "Entity" to Johnathan.

This compelled him to study the bible, alongside a variety of religious texts that he had gotten hold of from a young age. He was determined to keep his community safe after the Cult attack, and eventually his dedication and commitment led him to become the priest of his local church. It was here he would work tirelessly to keep his community safe from the demonic horrors of this world, however he would realize that he was only one man in this fight.

Weeks passed by, and he thought that the Entity was but a mere myth at this point. But it didn't take long before it came back to him. He started to see glimses of Cult figures near his church, but as soon as he noticed them they dissapeared. Days later he started having nightmares about the Entity. It haunted him, and every day he spent in the city it felt like it was after him... Though he was never sure of what seemed to be real and not, and this played part in his retirement.

Another week had passed of torment and taunting from the Entity, and even though it only appeared in his nightmares... It still felt real to him. It had gotten to the point of where he was starting to doubt his faith. Though it didn't take long before he came to see his Church in ruins. It had been vandalized, and no longer was the beautiful church he preached at. Put simply, the cult had ruined it.

This caused John's retirement and eventual leave from the city. He packed his bags and headed north, as his faith was no longer as solid as it used to be. He was under the belief he couldn'tsave the city, so instead he ventured to save himself. He had heard rumours of the renowned priest Father Gabriel residing somewhere there, and so he made it his mission to reach them. Perhaps with his aid and guidance he could shake off the entity, and eventually grow stronger in the fight against the demons.


Police Officer
The Jester of Defence

50 Guns
50 Speed
30 Melee

Officer Jack Reynolds grew up in a small town, a tight-knit community struggling to survive in a world overrun by demons. Raised by his father, a former police officer, Jack was inspired by the stories of bravery and protection in the face of constant danger. From a young age, he dreamt of following in his father's footsteps, becoming a beacon of hope for his community.

As Jack reached adulthood, he enrolled in the local police academy after his father sacrificed his life to protect his son during a demon attack. However, the chaos of the world meant academies were unorganised institutions. The training was haphazard and insufficient, leaving the recruits ill-prepared for the reality they would face outside the academy's walls. Nonetheless, Jack remained undeterred, hoping that he could grow into the shoes his father had left.

On his first day as a police officer, Jack quickly realized the gravity of the situation. The town had suffered a recent demon attack, leaving its streets stained with blood and buildings ravaged. The absence of corpses indicated that the demons had taken their victims as vessels only shadows of these people's lives remaining, leaving the town's residents in a constant state of fear.

Despite his inexperience, Jack refused to let fear consume him. He relied on his father's teachings, along with the limited knowledge imparted by the academy, to guide him through each day. Jack's optimistic outlook and willingness to help others made him popular among the townspeople, who admired his spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

Jack's encounters with demons tested his resolve. Numerous times, he found himself on the brink of death, narrowly escaping the clutches of demonic entities. His lack of proper training and impulsive nature often put him in dangerous situations, but his quick thinking and resourcefulness allowed him to survive. Jack's mischievous sense of humour, inspired by the old VHS comedies he watched with his father when he was young, became a valuable tool in diffusing tense situations, providing a brief respite for his colleagues during the constant threat of death.

As the days turned into months, Jack witnessed the struggles of his fellow officers and the town's residents. Limited means of communication kept them isolated from other communities for unnerving amounts of time, and the fragmented concept of states made cooperation between different communities nearly impossible. However, a strong sense of community and the guidance of religious figures, who worked tirelessly to protect their flock, brought the town together in the face of adversity. It wasn't long before the town fell, Reynolds barely escaping across state lines where he finds himself now.

Through it all, Officer Jack Reynolds remained steadfast. He understood the weight of his responsibility and the need to be a symbol of hope for his community. Jack dreamed of a future where demons could be eradicated, and people could live without fear. Despite the grim reality of his world, he remained determined to make a positive difference, even if it meant risking his life.

As Officer Jack Reynolds patrolled the streets of a new town where the people's way of life was completely foreign to him, his optimism and unwavering spirit became a new beacon of light amidst the darkness. He may have been inexperienced, but his commitment to protecting the lives of himself and those around him never wavered. With each passing day, Jack faced the threat of death head-on, relying on his wit, intuition, and resilient spirit to navigate the treacherous landscape. It wasn't long before another ugly horde showed its face.

"Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds rest in thee."

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  • Steam Name: Finny
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70511341
  • Discord Name & ID: Finny#8424

  • Character Name: Nicolae "Nico" Lăzărescu, the Confessor
  • Character Role: Saviour (Nomadic priest)
  • Character Skills: Guns 0, Speed 30, Medicine 50, Melee 50

A towering figure at 6'8" in height, this man commands attention wherever he goes. Carries himself with an air of resilience and unwavering determination. Middle-aged, with the wisdom of years etched into his face, he possesses a timeless quality that belies the chaotic era he inhabits. Long, jet-black hair cascades down his back. His beard, full and carefully groomed, frames his face with a sense of authority and reverence. Eyes, a striking shade of grey-silver, shimmer with an intensity that hints at both his fervent devotion and his own inner battles. Drifting around him, like the robes of an ancient prophet, is a black cassock, the traditional attire of an Orthodox priest. At the center of it all, hanging prominently from a chain around his neck, is an Orthodox cross. Its intricate details have been carved with care.

  • "Blessed be God. Glory be to the Father."
  • "Nicolae... where should I start with that guy? Told me he was born in a small town, "Sibiu" or something, in Romania. From a young age, this man found solace in the teachings of the Orthodox Church, as it offered him a glimpse of hope... a way to make sense of the chaotic world around him, you could say. He was captivated by the rituals, the ancient texts, and the promise of salvation. As Nico delved deeper into his faith, he became... how should I say this... consumed by his religious studies. He immersed himself in the works of the church fathers, the lives of the saints, and all those complicated details of religious doctrines. His passion grew to an almost obsessive level, blurring the boundaries between devotion and madness. This constant presence of demons in our world only fueled his fervor, he saw it as a constant reminder of the battle between "good and evil."
  • Nico's journey from his homeland to here, the US, could not have been an easy one I tell you that. Can you imagine what that must've been like? With the world in disarray, travelling being as perilous as it is, and borders dissolved into mere lines on a map? Regardless, he was determined to spread the word of God and offer solace to those suffering, so he joined this group of survivors who were making their way westward. Together, needless to say, they faced countless dangers, fighting off demons and navigating treacherous landscapes.
  • It was during that journey that Nico's faith reached completely new heights. He told me how he witnessed unspeakable horrors, experienced personal loss, and saw the depths of human suffering. In the face of such darkness, his devotion to God only intensified, and apparently he vowed "to become a guiding light for those lost in the chaos."
  • After he arrived here, to the States, Nico found himself in this desolate landscape where nothing but remnants of cities lay in ruins and survivors struggled to cling to hope. On his way here, he encountered two fellow survivors, one of them being myself, who also shared his desire to rescue others and bring a glimmer of hope to the world.. although I believe "salvation" would be the word that Nico would use. Together we formed this unlikely alliance, combining our skills and resources we took off on this mission to reach a city rumored to still house survivors.
  • That other dude with us, luckily had a working car, Nico saw it as a "divine sign" that our path was guided by a higher power. Not only that, he apparently interpreted our meeting and our shared purpose as a testament to the importance of our mission. So yeah, we set out towards the city, determined to offer aid and hope to those who might still be fighting against these forces of darkness."
  • - One of the Saviours describing Nicolae's past

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"There is one thing, O Christ, that I want, one thing I desire, one thing I ask for, and that is to be with You."
As Nicolae delved deeper into his religious studies and embarked on his mission to bring light to a darkened world, his unwavering devotion began to consume him. His obsession with religion gradually led him down a treacherous path, blurring the boundaries between religious zeal and the fragile line of sanity.
At first, Nicolae's fervor was seen as a testament to his unyielding faith, his unwavering dedication to the divine. However, as time passed, his spiritual pursuits grew increasingly all-consuming. He spent countless hours lost in ancient texts, seeking hidden meanings and revelations, often forsaking sleep and nourishment in his pursuit of divine wisdom.

His mind became a labyrinth of religious doctrines, prophecies, and mystic revelations, each piece meticulously analyzed and dissected. The world around him faded into insignificance, a mere backdrop to the grand tapestry of his religious fervor. His interactions with others became strained, his conversations often veering into lengthy sermons or impassioned exhortations, leaving those around him bewildered and uncertain.
As Nicolae's obsession with religion grew, his perception of reality began to fragment. The demons that plagued the world became not just external adversaries, but tangible manifestations of his own inner turmoil. He saw their influence in every corner, every act of suffering, their presence lurking in the shadows of his mind.
His obsession turned his thoughts into a labyrinth of guilt, fear, and self-doubt. He questioned his own worthiness, tortured by the belief that he was not doing enough to combat the encroaching darkness. The weight of his responsibility as a spiritual guide became a heavy burden, threatening to crush his spirit under its weight.

Visions and revelations, once a source of solace, now plagued Nicolae's restless nights. He became consumed by vivid dreams, prophetic nightmares that blurred the line between the divine and the demonic. Sleep became an elusive sanctuary, a realm in which he wrestled with his own fears and battled the very forces he sought to vanquish.


--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • Discord Name & ID: maxyourfriend (no ID)
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Cyrus Caine
  • Character Role (Survivor, Police Officer, Priest, or Saviour): Survivor
    Character Skills (they should add up to 130 and only include guns, speed, medicine, and melee):
    Guns 20, Speed 40, Medicine 30, Melee 40
  • Backstory:


In a world torn apart by biblical forces, it would be exceedingly hard to find one who refuses to recognize God and his relations. Yet, it seems they still exist even here. Cyrus is one of the few who refuses to recognize the monsters terrorizing the world as anything other than natural beings, outright scoffing at the proclamation of names such as "demon", "angel", or "devil". Most would claim this as ignorance or perhaps outright blasphemy, even insanity. Cyrus remains stalwart in his beliefs all the same, happy to accept whatever tools may be used for protection, but refusing to believe that the existence of something holy is why a cross is able to harm a demon and why a church is a threat towards them.

The man himself is a grouch of a man, moving into his early forties as he vehemently grumbles about superstition whenever someone nearby dares to call the monsters 'demons'. Rather than worry about the world's more mystical aspects, he focuses his mind on the physical aspects. He manages to keep his physique well in check and has spent what semblance of a 'career' one could make in this broken world centered around mechanical pursuits, repairing what scarce technologies come across his path and dismantling those that are too far gone so that he may understand them... Or at least have spare parts.

The man's life is centered around pragmatism, always working to better the small community he has grown with. Perhaps he never found love, or maybe he never wanted it. Nevertheless, he has spent all of his life working on one thing or another. Never content to leave a broken thing alone, it must always be fixed or repurposed. Any compassion the man shows only comes out rarely when he's happily fixing a toy for a child or making sure a family has their electricity. He largely ignores news of lands far beyond his own, save for the rare rumor of new technologies from Asia; rather that he would focus on the homefront and make sure that the people may last one more day, week, month, maybe even a year. Some might say he needs to rest, relax, and enjoy the time that he can in a world filled with horrors. He outright refuses to do so, ready to rest when the community he lives in is safe instead. A fate most would say is impossible.



He came out those woods. In a beanie, some flannel - torn apart jeans. And the bushiest damn beard you ever did see.

An axe was wielded over his shoulder.

He cut apart demons, left and right. Chopping them down.

Six feet of muscle and fat intermixed.

They say the Local Woodsman, a former lumberer came straight out of a Fairy Tale - he'd cut down the Big Bad Wolf, saved Little Red and went for demons next.


ACCEPTED as Survivor

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Marco
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39958603
  • Discord Name & ID: marco.7184
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
  • Marco Giordano
  • Character Role (Survivor, Police Officer, Priest, or Saviour):
  • Survivor
    Character Skills (they should add up to 130 and only include guns, speed, medicine and melee):
  • 0 Guns, 50 Speed, 50 Medicine, 30 Melee
  • Backstory (The exact story of what happened in the few days prior to the event will happen in a forum conversation, so don't include this in your backstory):
Marco Giordano's Diary
View attachment 24016
Genesis: I
Vatican City. The only place within the cold, dark continent of Europe with any resemblance of hope. It is the only place with no influence from the demons. Satanic spawn that constantly burn civilization down to rubble. We rebuild and they destroy; an endless cycle that seems impossible to end. My parents said the city was a safe haven and the center of Christianity.

Unfortunately, or perhaps luckily, I was not born anywhere near the war-torn continent. Instead born in a small hut on the outskirts of a village, even now I do not know what it was called. I witnessed demonic entities fly past every other week, and of which my family's only tool for defense was a brittle, though effective, cross. A mere wave of it was enough to deter 'lesser' demons from attacking. Even in the outskirts, migration was something that happened every week. The mere rumor of an incoming Demon horde was enough to spark paranoia in small settlements.

Despite the uncountable dangers that come with my continued existence, I wanted to become a doctor, there was no 'doctor school' where my aspirations could be met and so I scavenged for small books that barely taught me about the advanced field of medicine. My parents, who were refugees, emptily encouraged those dreams. Still, I stubbornly attempt to learn about medicine, even to this day. Some said I have a natural talent for it; those people being treated with a simple natural painkiller. I was stern in my words, wearing a facade of confidence, instilling hope in those around me to make them feel more comfortable during treatment. Unfortunately, the wounds inflicted by demons are not only physical...

Moving on, I found joy in exploration, as dangerous as it is. I never took in the look of nature as a child, something that I regret, even now as I am writing this entry. I wished for peace. I wished to not be afraid. A part of me wished for death. It is a shame that wishes never come true.

Exodus: II
After my time as a young child and teenager, it was time for me to take responsibility for those around me. My treatments slowly became more advanced, having found a medical professional in a city not far from my village. Said medical professional was not a doctor, but rather a peace officer. I really never understood them. Most of them were corrupt anyways. All except for him. He helped those around him, a pure Christian at heart. I admired him, so much so that I followed in his steps. I brazenly walked towards him and asked for his tutelage to become an officer like him. That is when I began my journey as a medically trained Officer.

I quickly learned that being a 'peace' officer wasn't about keeping the peace, it was about control. A force designed to keep us, Humans, in check. I was skeptical about this philosophy. My tutor echoed my concerns, though explained why control is more important than peace. He told me about scenarios and events where even a Police Officer was possessed and controlled by a Demon as his faith faltered, leading him to sabotage his own community. Not to mention, corpses roaming the streets. Haunting their former families. A fate worse than death.

Crime within the City was ever-growing. Whispers of the Damned tempt the kind-hearted to commit sins, trapping them within a cycle of remorse and guilt to ease their possession. Not to mention satanic cults sensed by the priests of the local Church. I could never have a connection to the divine as strong as those priests.

It was my duty to cleanse those Cults, many members having willingly been possessed by demons. I wielded my weapon alongside my fellow comrades. If these inhuman cultists worshipped hell so much, I'll send them there. We burnt the place down with the corpses. I fabricated a cover story for the incident. Telling people that they were living next to a 'cult' will only cause more paranoia and fear, and that will only bring more Demons within our city.
ACCEPTED as Policeman

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
  • Discord Name & ID: MCG (mcg55555)
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Bill Greenwood
  • Character Role (Survivor, Police Officer, Priest, or Saviour): Savior
    Character Skills (they should add up to 130 and only include guns, speed, medicine, and melee):
    Guns 40, Speed 40, Medicine 15, Melee 35
  • Backstory:

Bill fortunately found himself growing up in an unexpectedly safe settlement around Asia. He did not know exactly how or why he was within that specific continent, aside from the fact that he and his family stuck out like a sore thumb in the area. All he could do was make vague guesses about how they managed to get here, such as his antecedents likely trying to escape the chaos that was Europe and the like.

When he grew up, he had to contribute to the settlement just like any other person, volunteering or otherwise. He was never the best at anything besides scavenging, but he did find himself picking up certain talents a bit better than the rest, resulting in a reliable, well-rounded fellow who could be counted on to make the most of his situation.

Still, the standards were simply much too high for him to be a valuable member of the community, his reliability only getting him so far. As such, he was volunteered like a few others to leave the settlement to represent them, with the mission to assist others in less fortunate areas around the world. That was a couple months ago, at least... Bill eventually found himself landing in one of the American shores, along with a handful of people, splitting up immediately to achieve their goal. It didn't take long before he ran into other unaffiliated like-minded people...

Saviors From Mexico!

Three family members. A father, and two sons; hailing from a shoddy community somewhere in Mexico. Cartels have come for their head, and a nomadic life was the only way out of a cruel fate; but it seems a roadblock has set itself up. Africa is so close within their sights, but they hear the distress calls of those up ahead.
"It's not worth it to stop." The youngest of the two brothers proclaims,

"But what would God think of us to leave people to their demise?" The oldest retorts. Their bickering is interrupted by the wave of the father, one hand still steadily on the steering wheel; "I'm settling it; we're just going to make a quick stop. Besides, we've been on the roads for who knows how long? A week? It'll be good to stretch our legs." And with that, his say was final. The two brothers continue their hushed mutterings of anxiousness, pondering what is to come of them.

And so, the family set their courses for a new, temporary destination. They're armed with what little they were able to uproot in their home, and their diligence on the English language varies between the trio. But, morale is high; one wonders when this is going to change. Their trust in God shall be put to the test during these tribulations and trials that are sure to come with this 'pit stop'. However, one thing still hadn't been made set in stone; who were these mysterious foreigners? It was only natural to start with...

Carlos Escobar! ( Played by @Donavin Jones )

The voice of reason, the level-headed and wise elder (or, at least 'old' for a world where people die young). Carlos Escobar tried to always make the best of the world he was born in, the slums of a quite large community dotted near the borders of America; in Mexico. Crime was rampant in the streets, but he didn't let that stop his true passion. At a young age, he took up the mantle of a simple job; a ferryman of sorts. He was one of the few people in the town that was able to get their hands on a proper, working vehicle, one he had spent months repairing an old beaut he salvaged on one of his old scavenging trips far out from the reaches of the community.

He clung to it like glue, and it became a passion project that inevitably paid off; he was seen as one of the luckiest of the crew, to be gifted a reliable-enough vehicle. From there, Carlos became one of the few people in the community to open up a 'taxi' service of sorts. As the community they lived in was actually multiple settlements strung along the side of the border, someone with a working car was valued highly; and Carlos was the man to get people to their destinations. For the next decade or so, he ferried people along from settlement to settlement; and sometimes the occasional contract allowed him to see far off from the community. He's carried important people, politicians, the well-armed, and the ones down on their luck.

There hasn't been a colorful character Carlos hasn't seen, all while still being a simple man with a simple job. There was one person he picked up who he would never forget, though, and that was his soon-to-be wife; a lovely woman with a name he can't ever forget. Even though she is now long gone from his life, her legacy still lives on in her children; the oldest of them being...

Mitigious Escobar! ( Played by @Fallizs )

A blabbermouth. One who can't keep his mouth shut; the best way to describe Mitigious Escobar. He was a voice causing annoyance but attempted to always make the situation they were in liveable. Despite the ramping crime on the rise inside the area they resided, his friends allowed him a gateway for a careless attitude toward anything. His father - in his shining self - allowed him to have a good childhood passing him along to an array of jobs for the community around him. Starting at a basic job of a volunteer Firefighter, he grasped the sense of pride that he garnered off from it but ventured to the higher passions that he so wanted.

After his father, with the dazzling rare automobile he had in comparison to his current area, catered him around the town a few times; he dreamt of the speed that it could reach and wished he himself could do it through the power of running. Of course, not all lasts for so long. When Marcelino caused the ascending cartels to smite upon their family with great force - a course of running away from their problems became apparent, and they devised the idea to get into the place of dreams so few people were able to reach: The United States.

Naturally, the state of the world those three resided in began to worsen altogether and the longing border they've managed to get over seemed to get further away from the ever-growing situation upon the earth, their father disallowed them to break their hope; residing into calling it an array of names in the religious manners they grew up with - their faith unbreakable together. In a manner of thoughts devised in the future they hadn't planned at all, they chose to drive towards the embrace of a safe utopia. Dangers lurk beyond every corner, but these troubles are alleviated with the help of his younger brother...

Marcelino Escobar! ( Played by @Landon )

A crackpot doctor, who found their passion early in life. They loved the idea of mortality, and always saw things with a more science-based approach (not to say he wasn't religious, simply some more than others). It was especially during the untimely death of his mother that he decided to dive deeper into the world of catholicism, and eventually found a good medium between the realm of science and religion that he juggled nigh-seamlessly. Marcelino was one of the only few physicians in the community, and his job was well sought after; he found himself becoming the breadwinner of their family due to his extensive knowledge of such things.

He was extensive and dabbled a bit in many medical-related studies, and though his popularity had its merits; he soon ran into trouble with it. A group known within the underground of their settlement showed their heads, and many feared them as a cutthroat cartel that didn't hesitate to leave you strung on light posts if you wronged them. Marcelino tried to jump around their conversations and avoid them to the best of his ability, but the lucky streak ran out once they finally got to the point. They wanted him to join their crew, as a crackpot chemist to concoct their potent drugs. Of course, he couldn't say no; he had to think of his family, and what danger he could be putting them in if he declined their 'offer'.

And so he worked for them, tirelessly for years; but it was manageable, and he made some quick bucks from it. However, Marcelino couldn't live with himself; he was worsening his community every day with the drug problem. And, to top it all off, he was LYING to his family! At this moment, he consulted with God and found that the best course of action was to consult his family about this. Of course, they were furious and urged Marcelino to march on up there and give his formal resignation to the group. And so the naive physician did, and the cartel did not take it quite lightly; driving the family out of the community with vicious threats to their wellbeing.

Now the group is on their own, in the cruel and unknown world; and Marcelino can't help but think he's to blame for all of this.
Carlos Escobar DENIED
Mitigious Escobar DENIED
Marcelino Escobar ACCEPTED
I couldn't justify three slots for this crew given that I believe the more diverse cast of saviours will create a more interesting reflection on the world as well as more interesting dynamics ICly. Landon was chosen in particular as his character's role has the most diverse set of buffs and debuffs I could think of.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Joel Bridgerton
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Joel Bridgerton (?)
  • Character Role (Survivor, Police Officer, Priest, or Saviour): Police officer
    Character Skills (they should add up to 130 and only include guns, speed, medicine and melee):50
    guns, 30 speed, 50 melee
  • Backstory (The exact story of what happened in the few days prior to the event will happen in a forum conversation, so don't include this in your backstory):


Many have spent their blood, sweat, and tears desperately trying to make their way to a place free of torment from the otherworldly forces that have besieged humanity. Lives have been lost, belongings left behind. People have lost everything in the pursuit of safety and have left parts of themselves behind in order to do so. And they continue to do so to this day, a journey that will threaten and wear down even the most astute of people, eagerly undertaken for the mere chance of a better life.

"Joel Bridgerton"was not one of those people

One of those lucky enough to have a family history stretching back in the one place that's been somewhat protected against the constant siege, Joel was known as being somewhat of a nuisance throughout his life, frequently the type of person to insult others, berate them for minor things, someone who thought they were better than the rest. Yet his family still loved him, even if they didn't
approve of his attitude. Despite his flaws he did as all people do, moving his way up in both years and experience, until the time came to finally find a purpose.

After he had gotten old enough, he would go on find a job as a bartender of all things, though as one would come to imagine an aggressive personality in such a location would not bode well for the imminent future. Even his family were skeptical of his choice, though the man's admittedly impressive physique had lessened their concerns over someone picking a fight. They had failed to consider the possibility that he would be the inciter. Sure enough, tragedy would strike. A barrage of heckling from bar-goers would make Joel's character flaws come out in full strength, and while the full extent of what happened is unknown, what is known is the end result. The bar had burnt down, with many patrons stuck in the flames. Such a tragedy had been unseen in his particular community, bringing images of those that had been kept out so thoroughly.

Paranoia would spread, accusations would be made, and Joel's less than stellar attitude only made the situation worse. In an effort to calm the situation a drastic suggestion was made...

Suffice to say, the sudden loss of everything would affect Joel quite drastically, a wake up call, if one could call it that. Though by the time he had realized the brunt of his mistakes, it was too late, and he was kicked out. Struck by grief and regret, Joel would go on to make his way to America, where he would begin his attempt to right his wrongs. The experiences with the "demons" would only strengthen his conviction, atleast at first, providing him an image of what those who had cast him out had seen him as, making things clear to him; He had to change, causing him to take on his current name, his previous one is known now only to those he was forced to leave behind, and himself.

He would find some reprieve however...the difficulty in communications had made history of his past hard to discover, allowing him to become a police officer, in an attempt to enforce the weakened structure of society that America had found itself in, leading to the current situation.

"Joel" likes to think he's changed, though it may be that
Man is a monster all his own, regardless of how he attempts to change...

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name:
Greece Numero Uno
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068
Discord Name & ID: mainetm

--- IC Section ---
Character Name:
Johnathan Clark
Character Role: Survivor
Character Skills:
40 Speed
40 Melee
20 Medicine
0 Guns

He's an American former priest, born and raised in what was formerly known as New York. His path to priesthood was influenced by an ambush performed by the demonic cult. They had kidnapped his father Alexander, alongside his engineering crew during a shift. They were then later used to perform a ritual to bring forth the demonic figure only known as the "Entity" to Johnathan.

This compelled him to study the bible, alongside a variety of religious texts that he had gotten hold of from a young age. He was determined to keep his community safe after the Cult attack, and eventually his dedication and commitment led him to become the priest of his local church. It was here he would work tirelessly to keep his community safe from the demonic horrors of this world, however he would realize that he was only one man in this fight.

Weeks passed by, and he thought that the Entity was but a mere myth at this point. But it didn't take long before it came back to him. He started to see glimses of Cult figures near his church, but as soon as he noticed them they dissapeared. Days later he started having nightmares about the Entity. It haunted him, and every day he spent in the city it felt like it was after him... Though he was never sure of what seemed to be real and not, and this played part in his retirement.

Another week had passed of torment and taunting from the Entity, and even though it only appeared in his nightmares... It still felt real to him. It had gotten to the point of where he was starting to doubt his faith. Though it didn't take long before he came to see his Church in ruins. It had been vandalized, and no longer was the beautiful church he preached at. Put simply, the cult had ruined it.

This caused John's retirement and eventual leave from the city. He packed his bags and headed north, as his faith was no longer as solid as it used to be. He was under the belief he couldn'tsave the city, so instead he ventured to save himself. He had heard rumours of the renowned priest Father Gabriel residing somewhere there, and so he made it his mission to reach them. Perhaps with his aid and guidance he could shake off the entity, and eventually grow stronger in the fight against the demons.


Police Officer
The Jester of Defence

50 Guns
50 Speed
30 Melee

Officer Jack Reynolds grew up in a small town, a tight-knit community struggling to survive in a world overrun by demons. Raised by his father, a former police officer, Jack was inspired by the stories of bravery and protection in the face of constant danger. From a young age, he dreamt of following in his father's footsteps, becoming a beacon of hope for his community.

As Jack reached adulthood, he enrolled in the local police academy after his father sacrificed his life to protect his son during a demon attack. However, the chaos of the world meant academies were unorganised institutions. The training was haphazard and insufficient, leaving the recruits ill-prepared for the reality they would face outside the academy's walls. Nonetheless, Jack remained undeterred, hoping that he could grow into the shoes his father had left.

On his first day as a police officer, Jack quickly realized the gravity of the situation. The town had suffered a recent demon attack, leaving its streets stained with blood and buildings ravaged. The absence of corpses indicated that the demons had taken their victims as vessels only shadows of these people's lives remaining, leaving the town's residents in a constant state of fear.

Despite his inexperience, Jack refused to let fear consume him. He relied on his father's teachings, along with the limited knowledge imparted by the academy, to guide him through each day. Jack's optimistic outlook and willingness to help others made him popular among the townspeople, who admired his spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

Jack's encounters with demons tested his resolve. Numerous times, he found himself on the brink of death, narrowly escaping the clutches of demonic entities. His lack of proper training and impulsive nature often put him in dangerous situations, but his quick thinking and resourcefulness allowed him to survive. Jack's mischievous sense of humour, inspired by the old VHS comedies he watched with his father when he was young, became a valuable tool in diffusing tense situations, providing a brief respite for his colleagues during the constant threat of death.

As the days turned into months, Jack witnessed the struggles of his fellow officers and the town's residents. Limited means of communication kept them isolated from other communities for unnerving amounts of time, and the fragmented concept of states made cooperation between different communities nearly impossible. However, a strong sense of community and the guidance of religious figures, who worked tirelessly to protect their flock, brought the town together in the face of adversity. It wasn't long before the town fell, Reynolds barely escaping across state lines where he finds himself now.

Through it all, Officer Jack Reynolds remained steadfast. He understood the weight of his responsibility and the need to be a symbol of hope for his community. Jack dreamed of a future where demons could be eradicated, and people could live without fear. Despite the grim reality of his world, he remained determined to make a positive difference, even if it meant risking his life.

As Officer Jack Reynolds patrolled the streets of a new town where the people's way of life was completely foreign to him, his optimism and unwavering spirit became a new beacon of light amidst the darkness. He may have been inexperienced, but his commitment to protecting the lives of himself and those around him never wavered. With each passing day, Jack faced the threat of death head-on, relying on his wit, intuition, and resilient spirit to navigate the treacherous landscape. It wasn't long before another ugly horde showed its face.

Good application. I'll need some time to consider whether I'm willing to turn this from a 9 person event into a 10 person event however, as well as thinking of what character specific perks you may have.


Police Officer
The Jester of Defence

50 Guns
50 Speed
30 Melee

Officer Jack Reynolds grew up in a small town, a tight-knit community struggling to survive in a world overrun by demons. Raised by his father, a former police officer, Jack was inspired by the stories of bravery and protection in the face of constant danger. From a young age, he dreamt of following in his father's footsteps, becoming a beacon of hope for his community.

As Jack reached adulthood, he enrolled in the local police academy after his father sacrificed his life to protect his son during a demon attack. However, the chaos of the world meant academies were unorganised institutions. The training was haphazard and insufficient, leaving the recruits ill-prepared for the reality they would face outside the academy's walls. Nonetheless, Jack remained undeterred, hoping that he could grow into the shoes his father had left.

On his first day as a police officer, Jack quickly realized the gravity of the situation. The town had suffered a recent demon attack, leaving its streets stained with blood and buildings ravaged. The absence of corpses indicated that the demons had taken their victims as vessels only shadows of these people's lives remaining, leaving the town's residents in a constant state of fear.

Despite his inexperience, Jack refused to let fear consume him. He relied on his father's teachings, along with the limited knowledge imparted by the academy, to guide him through each day. Jack's optimistic outlook and willingness to help others made him popular among the townspeople, who admired his spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

Jack's encounters with demons tested his resolve. Numerous times, he found himself on the brink of death, narrowly escaping the clutches of demonic entities. His lack of proper training and impulsive nature often put him in dangerous situations, but his quick thinking and resourcefulness allowed him to survive. Jack's mischievous sense of humour, inspired by the old VHS comedies he watched with his father when he was young, became a valuable tool in diffusing tense situations, providing a brief respite for his colleagues during the constant threat of death.

As the days turned into months, Jack witnessed the struggles of his fellow officers and the town's residents. Limited means of communication kept them isolated from other communities for unnerving amounts of time, and the fragmented concept of states made cooperation between different communities nearly impossible. However, a strong sense of community and the guidance of religious figures, who worked tirelessly to protect their flock, brought the town together in the face of adversity. It wasn't long before the town fell, Reynolds barely escaping across state lines where he finds himself now.

Through it all, Officer Jack Reynolds remained steadfast. He understood the weight of his responsibility and the need to be a symbol of hope for his community. Jack dreamed of a future where demons could be eradicated, and people could live without fear. Despite the grim reality of his world, he remained determined to make a positive difference, even if it meant risking his life.

As Officer Jack Reynolds patrolled the streets of a new town where the people's way of life was completely foreign to him, his optimism and unwavering spirit became a new beacon of light amidst the darkness. He may have been inexperienced, but his commitment to protecting the lives of himself and those around him never wavered. With each passing day, Jack faced the threat of death head-on, relying on his wit, intuition, and resilient spirit to navigate the treacherous landscape. It wasn't long before another ugly horde showed its face.
