dont listen to the smoothbrain above me you guys did great, i like the whole "father takes care of you" rhetoric & the façade of trying to reform the prisoners
Funny 1984 "Big Brother" reference. But yeh, I enjoyed the Wardens a lot. They definitely have a big personality.

I think that prisoners may need something more to do besides just repeating today but a bit faster and with multiple rotations a day, otherwise repetitiveness could kill the event. However, I can't speak on behalf of them of course.

My POV of me attempting to do a great escape but dying in a vent.
Also somewhere in the video you hear A Jewish Monkey#1406 join the vc I was in.​
then throwing a locker off a ladder and killing an OTA
You killed me! The entire situation was so bizarre (who expects someone to literally throw a locker at you as you climb up a ladder?) I just went with it and let you knock me off the ladder right away. Creative stuff, Travis. Congratulations on escaping, you deserved it!