Every Escape Route is cut off because previous escaped prisoners. There is no help for the prisoners.
I died 0/10. No jk. It was fun, It is sad I died with Sven but I am having my peace with him finally.
Honestly there should be some help from CTs that People can actually escape without being killed 0.1 seconds into escape
So far so good, I like the hike in action for day 2.

However, one of my complaints would be the relative lack of radio traffic with the guards during the more heated moments of the event. I dunno if it's me being used to CPs never ever shutting the fuck up, but OTA comms seemed pretty barren, to the point where I found myself asking for tasking more then once.

Also when ECHO-30 got suicide bombed that was pretty funny, do that more
Every Escape Route is cut off because previous escaped prisoners. There is no help for the prisoners.
I died 0/10. No jk. It was fun, It is sad I died with Sven but I am having my peace with him finally.
Honestly there should be some help from CTs that People can actually escape without being killed 0.1 seconds into escape
Objectively untrue. I managed to escape after stunsticking 2 OTAs without rp and escape a dozen antlions while on 10 hp.
It was pretty good at the start. But it's kind of disappointing that everyone I try to interact with a build relationships with tries to escape and just gets killed. It's like no one has any goals for surviving in the prison and just makes a b line for any exits they think they can.
It was pretty good at the start. But it's kind of disappointing that everyone I try to interact with a build relationships with tries to escape and just gets killed. It's like no one has any goals for surviving in the prison and just makes a b line for any exits they think they can.
Mostly beacuse it's a one time event most of the non event rebels dont wanna die for nothing y'k?

It's sad how we went from such a packed yard to like 10 survivors really. And then the few suicides that happened. Made it feel more like we were in a concentration camp then a prison.
Maybe allowing prisoners who survive to come back to the main server after a period of time (Group A quite soon, Group B later) would encourage people to not throw their characters away on highly dangerous escape attempts with no regard for the brutal precedent of law enforcement which has been set down?
Maybe allowing prisoners who survive to come back to the main server after a period of time (Group A quite soon, Group B later) would encourage people to not throw their characters away on highly dangerous escape attempts with no regard for the brutal precedent of law enforcement which has been set down?
Maybe allowing prisoners who survive to come back to the main server after a period of time (Group A quite soon, Group B later) would encourage people to not throw their characters away on highly dangerous escape attempts with no regard for the brutal precedent of law enforcement which has been set down?
For roleplay support sake, yes please
Especially if the character was killed on main and barely had any story developement or did anything that'd really be a major thing.
The Warden has already offered a full pardon to one prisoner in exchange for performing a certain task, I don't see why prisoners can't come back as Tarquin has every intention of letting them go once they have served their time.
The Warden has already offered a full pardon to one prisoner in exchange for performing a certain task, I don't see why prisoners can't come back as Tarquin has every intention of letting them go once they have served their time.
No. I warned everyone on the post that they will not be going back to the main server, and there's a reason for this:
I allowed people who were pked, even a couple outside of i17, to come back. It will simply baffle the story if they came to C24 like 'Oh, I met this one prisoner'.. they're a ghost!
No. I warned everyone on the post that they will not be going back to the main server, and there's a reason for this:
I allowed people who were pked, even a couple outside of i17, to come back. It will simply baffle the story if they came to C24 like 'Oh, I met this one prisoner'.. they're a ghost!
And what if you let go the people that didn't get pk'd? my char was caught escaping I17.