No. I warned everyone on the post that they will not be going back to the main server, and there's a reason for this:
I allowed people who were pked, even a couple outside of i17, to come back. It will simply baffle the story if they came to C24 like 'Oh, I met this one prisoner'.. they're a ghost!
Happy with any outcome, as long as I get to get a better back story for where char is or was before appearing again.


This was a joke, I think your name is meant to be spelled as Coffee, the event perhaps required some because it looks like it had alot of work put into it. But overall I don't know because I wasn't there to begin with, to this I deeply am sorry. I should not be able to comment here. Please do not follow my profile.
today was disappointing but im willing to chalk that up to my personal experience (connecting an hour late & wasting time with an escape plan i ended up aborting anyway) than anything inherently wrong with it

imo, today was the day to make use of the pipeline outside the prison and send us on some kind of work assignment or whatever while introducing to us the gravity of the antlion threat. that could've been cool. you got away with not much happening on day 1 because it was the day where everything was being established; but after you'd finished doing that, you should've been moving onto introducing us exciting shit to do in and/or around the prison to keep us busy and give us a reason to stick around and see what happens rather than immediately plot our share of escapes. i guess it didn't help that the launch time got changed twice today due to server issues

im sure day 3 will sort this shit out, but it's also the day where everything ends so the incentive to 'escape' is higher than ever for whoever still remains in the prison

i feel 3 days was too short for this, 1-2 more would've been perfect, but its too late to change that

good luck with tomorrow i trust that it will redeem today for me
An improvement over yesterday. The drones were super cool, I saw it when the drone suicide bombed that tower I wish I got it on recording. Can not attend tomorrow so this happened.

Objectively untrue. I managed to escape after stunsticking 2 OTAs without rp and escape a dozen antlions while on 10 hp.
So the trick to escaping is to just be a minge :approve:

Someone had a great idea of boosting people over the cafeteria wall. That was pretty cool, raiding the kitchen of rations and peanuts. Too bad we all got caught hiding underneath a walkway and were promptly executed. It was dark enough that the grunt probably could've rolled perception just to make things more interesting. It's better if guards P2L and act a bit like NPCs just to make it a little less brutal on prisoners who want to RP escaping, not just making a break for the end of the map for the sake of 'winning'. As we all know it's easier to see a person in Garry's Mod, whether hiding, moving, crouched, or what have you, than can be in real life. Guards are doing good though. Oh well, time to exploit my way out for day 3.
Maybe I had a different view of day 2 compared to other people but here is my own feedback.

Personally, I found day 2 to be far more boring compared to day 1. Day 1 had the feeling of novelty when first experiencing the prison, how the structures work, the different groups and so on. Unfortuantely, that wore off during day 2 and quickly, I found myself becoming disinterested in the SS, and so did other people with how people started to act within the yard.

For the two and a half hours that I spent on the server, a majority of that time was in the Yard or lunch-hall. For the second quarter, we spent approx 20 mins in the Yard after the stalker stuff to wait for something to go on and then when free time did happen, there was some escapees and it went back to waiting RP. It becomes boring.

While I understand that the SS is based around having the prisoners not be hand-held and making their own escape, it does become dull after a while if prisoners are not enabled to do so (though I do understand that items were spread out throughout the prison but they all got found out by OTA, and most of these items were away from the Yard so there was no possible chance for us to find it). There are no hand-made shivs or things prisoners can do to get some sort of advantage.

Organisation for Day 2 seemed to be lacking compared to yesterday, with times shifting from 7pm BST to 9pm BST and then suddenly back to 7pm BST, with a ten minute warning. There were, unfortuantely, a lack of wardens during the majority of the time I spent playing so that could also be a contributing factor of why we spent 2 and half hours waiting pretty much.

There is no real objective for the Prisoners except for escape, escape or escape. Sure, you could do things to perhaps head into Group A but eventually, there is nothing else. There is nothing about if you are a snitch or if you are loyal to the Combine, you may be released from your sentence, or you get a bigger cell. There is a lack of corruption from the Wardens as far as I know. But ultimately, it seems the only true goal is just to escape.

Not everything is negative as I did enjoy seeing the bomb drones heading into the Prison and blowing up one of the towers and the other being shot down. (and as I said before, I didn't stay for the full event, just two and a half hours so there is my POV during the time)
Honestly, I agree with Fedora on this. I stayed for the entirety of Part Two and I was disappointed with most of it.

Of course, not all of it was bad for instance, The Drone attacks and The Stalker speech as well as the first five minutes of the curfew were pretty enjoyable as well as some of the characters in the event.

But other than that I found this part to be pretty boring and uneventful for an SS event. I found it mostly consisted of sitting around either In the Cafe, Yard or Cells just waiting for something to happen which usually came and only lasted for about Five minutes before being sent back into doing nothing for another Hour. A good example of this would be after mealtime when we were first let out into the yard with all the prisoners. It was fun for the first Ten minutes when we all came together to speak and plan an escape which honestly there were quite a few. But after those Ten minutes, it was...more waiting...and waiting...Then Prison Wide free time for about Fifteen minutes before being sent back to the hard again for the stalker speech. Then it was another 20 minutes of nothing before ONLY SIX people were allowed to do a work shift which there was only one of during the day. Then it was more Freetime...and eventually, the drone came by and we were held back near the cells, facing a wall for Ten minutes before...Guess.


We sat there for another Hour before the curfew was called and half the prisoners died while I and the rest sat in a cell for half an hour before the event ended.

I think another one of my problems was how Nobody could do or find anything on the ground because OTA found it immediately and confiscated it which left Prisoners with nothing to do again. It kinda reminded me of The COTERMINOUS event where there were these Combine books scattered around the floor for Humans to find and call the combine. But the Voltigore kept stealing them to the point where the admins were asking them to stop. Back on track now to The Prison but it seemed as if we couldn't even speak in the yard or do any fights or shankings because wherever we were there were about Four Grunts and Ordinal breathing down our necks all the time which could allow us to attempt escape or do anything fun.

Overall, as I said above I was pretty disappointed with this Event so far but I hope Part 3 can help get it back on track and be fun.
Honestly, I agree with Fedora on this. I stayed for the entirety of Part Two and I was disappointed with most of it.

Of course, not all of it was bad for instance, The Drone attacks and The Stalker speech as well as the first five minutes of the curfew were pretty enjoyable as well as some of the characters in the event.

But other than that I found this part to be pretty boring and uneventful for an SS event. I found it mostly consisted of sitting around either In the Cafe, Yard or Cells just waiting for something to happen which usually came and only lasted for about Five minutes before being sent back into doing nothing for another Hour. A good example of this would be after mealtime when we were first let out into the yard with all the prisoners. It was fun for the first Ten minutes when we all came together to speak and plan an escape which honestly there were quite a few. But after those Ten minutes, it was...more waiting...and waiting...Then Prison Wide free time for about Fifteen minutes before being sent back to the hard again for the stalker speech. Then it was another 20 minutes of nothing before ONLY SIX people were allowed to do a work shift which there was only one of during the day. Then it was more Freetime...and eventually, the drone came by and we were held back near the cells, facing a wall for Ten minutes before...Guess.


We sat there for another Hour before the curfew was called and half the prisoners died while I and the rest sat in a cell for half an hour before the event ended.

I think another one of my problems was how Nobody could do or find anything on the ground because OTA found it immediately and confiscated it which left Prisoners with nothing to do again. It kinda reminded me of The COTERMINOUS event where there were these Combine books scattered around the floor for Humans to find and call the combine. But the Voltigore kept stealing them to the point where the admins were asking them to stop. Back on track now to The Prison but it seemed as if we couldn't even speak in the yard or do any fights or shankings because wherever we were there were about Four Grunts and Ordinal breathing down our necks all the time which could allow us to attempt escape or do anything fun.

Overall, as I said above I was pretty disappointed with this Event so far but I hope Part 3 can help get it back on track and be fun.
I think the OTA For me were the biggest killer here no pun intended. Of this event. But dear god having to go back to the yard every few minutes. And something that surprised me is that we never once did roll call. I like the idea of a prison event but I think next time it could be done a lot better. Most of us were told "Either you escape or you're dead basically" so the fact that it came out later that some might be set free felt a little cheap when we tried escaping and each time we did like a squad of OTA Would be on us like flies on shit, Not to mention the OTA Machine gunners who felt the need to just open fire into the Yard for people trying to peek over the fence Because a few smoothies decided to hike our ball over the fence -_-. Hopefully the Finale saves the event, But IMO Day 2 felt incredibly dead/lackluster as opposed to Day 1 I found many people frustrated with what felt like an increased OTA Presence when we were told oocly by staff today wouldn't be so bad considering and in @Neonity 's words on day one we had 10 OTA On us at a time. Except Day 2 we had 4 towers mostly each were manned by guards and Machine guns and then you had the forcefields at nearly every turn making things even harder.

Was honestly hoping we would've gotten to do some chain gang shit with pick axes but that seemed to happen only for group A once on day 1 afaik.
Maybe I had a different view of day 2 compared to other people but here is my own feedback.

Personally, I found day 2 to be far more boring compared to day 1. Day 1 had the feeling of novelty when first experiencing the prison, how the structures work, the different groups and so on. Unfortuantely, that wore off during day 2 and quickly, I found myself becoming disinterested in the SS, and so did other people with how people started to act within the yard.

For the two and a half hours that I spent on the server, a majority of that time was in the Yard or lunch-hall. For the second quarter, we spent approx 20 mins in the Yard after the stalker stuff to wait for something to go on and then when free time did happen, there was some escapees and it went back to waiting RP. It becomes boring.

While I understand that the SS is based around having the prisoners not be hand-held and making their own escape, it does become dull after a while if prisoners are not enabled to do so (though I do understand that items were spread out throughout the prison but they all got found out by OTA, and most of these items were away from the Yard so there was no possible chance for us to find it). There are no hand-made shivs or things prisoners can do to get some sort of advantage.

Organisation for Day 2 seemed to be lacking compared to yesterday, with times shifting from 7pm BST to 9pm BST and then suddenly back to 7pm BST, with a ten minute warning. There were, unfortuantely, a lack of wardens during the majority of the time I spent playing so that could also be a contributing factor of why we spent 2 and half hours waiting pretty much.

There is no real objective for the Prisoners except for escape, escape or escape. Sure, you could do things to perhaps head into Group A but eventually, there is nothing else. There is nothing about if you are a snitch or if you are loyal to the Combine, you may be released from your sentence, or you get a bigger cell. There is a lack of corruption from the Wardens as far as I know. But ultimately, it seems the only true goal is just to escape.

Not everything is negative as I did enjoy seeing the bomb drones heading into the Prison and blowing up one of the towers and the other being shot down. (and as I said before, I didn't stay for the full event, just two and a half hours so there is my POV during the time)
Honestly, I agree with Fedora on this. I stayed for the entirety of Part Two and I was disappointed with most of it.

Of course, not all of it was bad for instance, The Drone attacks and The Stalker speech as well as the first five minutes of the curfew were pretty enjoyable as well as some of the characters in the event.

But other than that I found this part to be pretty boring and uneventful for an SS event. I found it mostly consisted of sitting around either In the Cafe, Yard or Cells just waiting for something to happen which usually came and only lasted for about Five minutes before being sent back into doing nothing for another Hour. A good example of this would be after mealtime when we were first let out into the yard with all the prisoners. It was fun for the first Ten minutes when we all came together to speak and plan an escape which honestly there were quite a few. But after those Ten minutes, it was...more waiting...and waiting...Then Prison Wide free time for about Fifteen minutes before being sent back to the hard again for the stalker speech. Then it was another 20 minutes of nothing before ONLY SIX people were allowed to do a work shift which there was only one of during the day. Then it was more Freetime...and eventually, the drone came by and we were held back near the cells, facing a wall for Ten minutes before...Guess.


We sat there for another Hour before the curfew was called and half the prisoners died while I and the rest sat in a cell for half an hour before the event ended.

I think another one of my problems was how Nobody could do or find anything on the ground because OTA found it immediately and confiscated it which left Prisoners with nothing to do again. It kinda reminded me of The COTERMINOUS event where there were these Combine books scattered around the floor for Humans to find and call the combine. But the Voltigore kept stealing them to the point where the admins were asking them to stop. Back on track now to The Prison but it seemed as if we couldn't even speak in the yard or do any fights or shankings because wherever we were there were about Four Grunts and Ordinal breathing down our necks all the time which could allow us to attempt escape or do anything fun.

Overall, as I said above I was pretty disappointed with this Event so far but I hope Part 3 can help get it back on track and be fun.

The reason for the lack of Wardens was that we were not included in the ping announcing the shift back to 7PM, I got on at 9 only to find I'd missed half the event already.
Additional thoughts without writing too long of a post:

1. People are understandably bored by the lines and yard and waiting, but tbf it  is PrisonRP. That's what prisoners do, and the experience will be largely player driven unless there are obvious plot devices in place.

2. With that said, the event does seem thin on story. Especially for a 3-day event where there isn't a huge amount of room for developing complex plots or relationships. It seems like the planning process stopped at 'PrisonRP', at least the prepared parts aren't obvious and/or only seen by select people. For example, if people went in thinking it was PrisonRP, but a headcrab outbreak turns it into a zombie survival. Or people are secretly rebels who infiltrated and are trying to guide others out. Something like that.

3. Lastly, OTA are perhaps doing *too good* of a job. I would consider them in this SS to be "support" characters while the prisoners are the "main" characters. When it comes to Short Stories, I think it is better if "support" roles are instructed to dumb themselves down at least a little bit when applicable. The focus should be on what the "main" characters do.

4. For example, items were hidden around but discovered by OTA promptly. Also being too vigilant and seeing every single word said or /me performed, no matter how subtle or how many other actions are going on around it. But that is more of a general RP thing, and wasnt too much of an issue here, for me at least. While yes being vigilant means they 'do their job well', it also hampers the whole point of the SS. Similar to how the i17 regime was toppled by one citizen reporting the corruption. Breen/Whoever reacted appropriately by sending in OTA and rooting out the corruption, but in acting correctly he nullified the entire point of that SS.

These are just a few observations of this and other SS I've been a part of. Still, cool map + setting.

My biggest suggestion for Day 3 would be to involve Class B with more Class A stuff.

Damn, so much for not making a long post.
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