

The Vortigaunt launches an attack on the prison, following the death of a kin to the battery.
The prisoners are taken out of the prison into the wasteland, and teleported away.. Somewhere close to Industrial seventeen.
The lab is destroyed.

So much for that status quo, huh?​
The escape was pretty unexpected. I was enjoying the inmate rp and had plans for the day. Rebels just interrupted them.

But there was some pretty good passive rp in the yard, and I pulled some sneaky maneuvers early on, that was fun.
FUCKING AMAZING. Escape was truly something.
Only critique: Nobody let me get the extract crate down
Edit: i got the crate down :troll:
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10/10 Armchair general simulator at the end, good final act after some early technical bumps.
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i just thought it was disappointing and more could have been done with the assault on the prison but i think i said enough on the discord about it as is

for your first event, you didn't do too bad. i think the peak was the first day - there was a great degree of structure to everything that funneled players in and out of various places in the prison constantly to give them something to do (unlike day 2) without railroading them into taking one specified pathway for their characters (unlike day 3). i would think about maintaining that balance you initially captured in your future events if I were you, especially ones involving large amount of players

i had fun regardless and appreciated a chance to reuse an old character of mine, so thank you for the event
I've only played two SS events so far, and somehow wormed my way into staffing this one, but both times when the event is over I've had the mellow feeling you get when you finish a really good game.

Can't wait for the next :)
I loved every second of this event. I don't think I was ever sitting there playing, thinking and looking forward to when the day ended, or even when the next thing occurred, because I was always able to enjoy myself in the moment. The whole event was good- even if there was a "little" too much WallRP on Day 1.

I loved the implementation of Overwatch Transhuman Arm to guard the prison and although I was at first skeptical of accepting non-whitelisted OTA apps, I am glad we did as I'm thankful to have met some new, positive members of the community aiming for an OTA WL.

The Wardens were in my view great. The /event at the end doesn't do them justice- the prison was retaken after all, with all sensitive data destroyed, but I suppose many prisoners escaped and the damage must have been huge, so kinda a yin/yan... (P.S. Just learnt you let Sandu live, goooooooooooood <3).

That's not to say that everything was great- there are some things I think were a bit off in terms of implementation.
-> The climax felt very, very rushed. The final fight should have been longer, it felt a bit... weak and pathetic. Sure, OTA got pushed back to our armory but after a bit we pushed back fine. That fight was good and fun- but nothing really happened after. There should have been follow-up engagements. A wave 2 of sorts.
-> Flow could have been better. Sometimes things felt slow or unproductive, and dragged the event down a little. Think more about the things that don't immediately come to mind when creating areas for passive or active RP- especially in enclosed areas.
-> Some areas felt a bit... baity. I caught two prisoners in the IMS research block on Day 2. There was no biolock on the doors to prevent their entry. They found a DB and a gun and as a result almost got executed. If you don't want to biolock an area so that people who shouldn't be there can actually gain access, make the entrance a bit more hidden/harder to reach.

There's more but it's 3 am. I absolutely loved being an Ordinal throughout this event. Wish it hadn't ended so soon. I look forward to your next short stories event- hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later.

A great event for your first one Kaffee that makes a radical departure from the before events of "haha, two sides oppose, go brrrt for three days and have fun!" concept. I hope to see more from you.
The Wardens were in my view great. The /event at the end doesn't do them justice- the prison was retaken after all, with all sensitive data destroyed, but I suppose many prisoners escaped and the damage must have been huge, so kinda a yin/yan... (P.S. Just learnt you let Sandu live, goooooooooooood <3).

Sandu will return in the C40 lore update coming soon...
You're honor, my client did not blow up the CMU hospital. He was merely making a futurism reference.
Sorry I couldn't take part as the IMS scientist. Physically the worst timing having very limited access to a PC.

Fucking home redeco.

Glad the event went well for you guys.