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Applications are back open, as I have checked through current applicants, and notified those who are accepted, either through the forums or on discord. If you have not been notified, you have unfortunately not been accepted, either your character cannot be brought back, or I didn't see you fit for grunts. Do not worry, though! You may still apply for prisoner. Same goes for all of you who are procrastinating. You have three more days. :)
Applications are back open, as I have checked through current applicants, and notified those who are accepted, either through the forums or on discord. If you have not been notified, you have unfortunately not been accepted, either your character cannot be brought back, or I didn't see you fit for grunts. Do not worry, though! You may still apply for prisoner. Same goes for all of you who are procrastinating. You have three more days
us that applied to be prisoners, do all of us get accepted or only the picked ones?
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: wackyTiger73883
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
  • *Discord Name & ID: wackyTiger#7899
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Patrick Anderson
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: Patrick is one of the more rebellious individuals living under the rule of the Combine. Due to his antics and constant troublemaking behavior, he was sent for incarceration.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play as this character as it’s one of my first rebellious or troublemaking characters in the server and I want to see how far I could go with the character.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Patrick Anderson was born several years before the Combine had invaded Earth, mostly living under Combine rule practically all of his life. His parents were troubled civilians that scraped enough just to get by, his father acting as a smuggler for a nearby resistance group and his mother often taking care of him. At the age of 19, Patrick was taken from the care of his parents and had to live on his own in a completely different apartment complex somewhere in their city. Contact ended up being cut between him and his family by the time he reached his 20s, being relocated to a completely different city far away from any sort of family.

Patrick had attempted to make his life work as a civilian for the Combine, but the living conditions and constant abuse from metropolice resulted in his resentment against them entirely. He decided that he would work under a resistance group, of which would end up being disbanded several years after his enlistment. The group mostly involved themselves in smuggling operations throughout the city, though it didn’t take long for them to be busted by local metrocops. It was at this point that Patrick was found to be one of the main smugglers in the group and was sent to temporary incarceration somewhere in the outskirts of the city. Days turned into weeks turned into months before he was finally let out under supervision due to his status as a former resistance member, though it didn’t take long for him to attempt to continue breaking the laws and rules abided by the Combine.

His constant troublesome behavior and law breaking resulted in him being sent to an incarceration facility far, far, far away from his city. At this point, he doesn’t even remember the city he had lived in before being incarcerated for practically the rest of his life.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I’m a chill and laidback individual somewhat new to HL2RP but experienced in HL1RP and roleplay in general on Garry’s Mod. I’ve been hopping roleplay servers from time to time and haven’t really gotten my footing on anything other than half life related roleplay projects. I’m easy to make friends with and am a pretty social person.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yeah, just recently joined and getting used to this community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Unfortunately not.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing about Half-Life is the community itself. Without its existence, Garry’s Mod wouldn’t have even existed and all of these amazing creations made by players of the series. The community is what brought me here in general.
    • --- Section One ---

    • *Steam Name:ATLIEN
    • *Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:149455686
    • *Discord Name & ID:Galaxy Man#5530
      --- Section Two ---
    • *Character Name:Tiffany Peterson
    • *Character Role:Prisoner
    • *Brief summary of the character:A bulgarian lady standing at 5,6 feet tall .. she was a resistance member living with lambda , clovers and others ... she've been living underground her entire life rarely even stepping a foot in the city before she got caught by civil protection and arrested her for life
    • *Why do you want to play this character?:Tiffany was probably my most interesting character that i made soo It will be interesting to have it in this event
    • Full Backstory:Tiffany Peterson born in bulgaria-Sofia ... she is suprisingly young believed to turned 18 right when the 7 hour war started... After the combine took over earth she has been living a complete homeless life and stayed in a homeless shelter in c24 for 1 year until the time where she found some people and she started her life in the UNDERGROUND and never stepped foot in the city ever again... she survived only on headcrab meat and antlion meat until she met some people from ###### and ###### which they took her in their base for safety.... nothing much interesting happened from there she just stayed in base surviving and working with others until she was caught by CIVIL protection and had her sentanced to life in prison which is how she ended up right here at this time...
  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: HOKI​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:435300941​
  • *Discord Name & ID: s1nple#5845​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Chavdar Gospodinov
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    A middle-aged Bulgarian man sentenced to prison facility in the scorching wastelands. He is abrasive and incredibly selfish, willing to do anything to get something for himself, even if it costs other people's safety.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
    I want to play a character that only cares for himself and is willing to do anything to keep himself safe or get out of a situation that detrimental to him even at the cost of others' safety. Also, I haven't played any Short Stories events in a while and this one seems cool.
  • Full Backstory:
    Chavdar was born in a small Bulgarian village some twenty years before the Resonance Cascade and the Seven Hour War. He was born into a large family but poor family, having seven siblings. Being a middle-child, he was mostly neglected by his parents as they favored the youngest but forced to manual labor on the family's farm. Because of this he developed an incredibly selfish personality.

    He is barely educated, only passing several grades in elementary school before dropping out without his parents realizing or perhaps even caring. Upon reaching adulthood, he moved to a nearby town where he pursued the career of a mechanic. However, this did not pay well and he opted for an arguably less moral but more profitable career choice; crime.

    His career wasn't successful by a long shot as he was sentenced for 5 years for grand theft and robbery aftering being caught burglarizing a tycoon's mansion. Fortunately, he was unable to serve his sentence because of the catastrophic apocalyptic event known as the Resonance Cascade and by extension the Seven Hour War.

    He was able to escape and assimilate into the new world as a civilian. He returned to his pre-war career as a mechanic, but continued to occasionally steal on the side, making a somewhat comfortable life for himself in the new world order.

    His plans were once again foiled when he was caught stealing equipment and supplies from the CWU. A search of his apartment revealed evidence of prior thefts over the course of 15+ years.
    This resulted in his incarceration yet again, sent off to a mysterious prison facility in the scorching wastelands.​
  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Cengo
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113942347
  • *Discord Name & ID: Cengiz#4268
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Russian army general.PNGPropaganda.jpg
  • Георгий Морозов ( George Moroyov )
Soviet Reclamation Force - Сержа́нт Serzhánt ( Seargent )

  • *Character Role:
  • Prisoner​
  • *Brief summary of the character:
Георгий Морозов, an older man in his 60s or maybe 70s, was an Engineer in the Soviet Reclamation Force, building Defensive positions with his comrades. He was captured and Questioned during Operation KRAKEN. He is Zealous in his belief in Marxism–Leninism and the overall supremacy of Communism. Морозов is a man of pure will and grit that seeks to remove the Combine from the Motherland and Europe and, if he still lives, to eliminate the Combine from the entirety of Earth itself entirely.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play a Character that helps people who believe in his cause ...he is a hard Marxism-Lenisim believer and would do anything in his power to hurt the combine in any way, even if it means to sacrifice himself to help others​

  • Full Backstory:
Георгий Морозов ( Geroge Moroyov ) was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1955 to a low-income family. He began to excel in his education but had aspirations of joining the military instead. In 1971, Георгий Морозов joined the Russian armed forces. He started his career at The Tyumen Higher Military Engineering School...
After successfully graduating from military school, he joined the 6th Engineer Division in the Russian Army and worked his way up to the top. Truly, he enjoyed every minute of every day that he was serving his country in this way and was soon promoted to an Сержа́нт Serzhánt .

After the Resonance Cascade occurred , He went into hiding...and heard rumors about the Soviet Reclamation Force from Travelling merchants. He quickly made his way to them and joined them, offering his experience and knowledge to them.

During Operation "KRAKEN" Георгий Морозов was captured and questioned and is now sent to Prison.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I am 21 Years old... I live in Germany and have been playing HL2RP since 2018
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • No, I have been in Willard since February.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • I am​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?:
  • Not quite sure yet​
  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Cengo
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113942347
  • *Discord Name & ID: Cengiz#4268
--- Section Two ---
Soviet Reclamation Force - Сержа́нт Serzhánt ( Seargent )

  • *Character Role:
  • Prisoner​
  • *Brief summary of the character:
Георгий Морозов, an older man in his 60s or maybe 70s, was an Engineer in the Soviet Reclamation Force, building Defensive positions with his comrades. He was captured and Questioned during Operation KRAKEN. He is Zealous in his belief in Marxism–Leninism and the overall supremacy of Communism. Морозов is a man of pure will and grit that seeks to remove the Combine from the Motherland and Europe and, if he still lives, to eliminate the Combine from the entirety of Earth itself entirely.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play a Character that helps people who believe in his cause ...he is a hard Marxism-Lenisim believer and would do anything in his power to hurt the combine in any way, even if it means to sacrifice himself to help others​

  • Full Backstory:
Георгий Морозов ( Geroge Moroyov ) was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1955 to a low-income family. He began to excel in his education but had aspirations of joining the military instead. In 1971, Георгий Морозов joined the Russian armed forces. He started his career at The Tyumen Higher Military Engineering School...
After successfully graduating from military school, he joined the 6th Engineer Division in the Russian Army and worked his way up to the top. Truly, he enjoyed every minute of every day that he was serving his country in this way and was soon promoted to an Сержа́нт Serzhánt .

After the Resonance Cascade occurred , He went into hiding...and heard rumors about the Soviet Reclamation Force from Travelling merchants. He quickly made his way to them and joined them, offering his experience and knowledge to them.

During Operation "KRAKEN" Георгий Морозов was captured and questioned and is now sent to Prison.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I am 21 Years old... I live in Germany and have been playing HL2RP since 2018
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • No, I have been in Willard since February.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • I am​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?:
  • Not quite sure yet​
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Translated_Iron
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83615747
  • *Discord Name & ID: Translated_Iron#6666
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Callum MacHugh
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: A 6 ft, 1 inch Irish man, he towers over most people. He has great physique and doesn't looks as malnourished as his fellow prisoners. He has sociopathic and narcisstic tendencies, which he tries to hide as best as he can. Callum doesn't shy away from using brutal violence against anyone to further his goal... which is his survival. Due to his inabilty to be empathetic he doesn't have many friends, something that he obviously doesn't loathe. He has cold blue eyes, a goatee and vibrant red hair.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to take this event as an opportunity to play my first, morally questionable char. All my other characters have, for better or for worse, been "good people", intent on doing as much good or as little harm as possible, to anyone. I believe it'd be fun to betray and backstab other characters. It's also a realistic character that could be encountered in a hostile environment such as a combine prison imo.Callum MacHugh's Mugshot, taken before Combine occupation
  • Full Backstory: Born in Ireland before the Seven Hour War, Callum grew up in a dysfunctional family and community. Callum's parents hated each other's guts, though they couldn't divorce, lest they wanted to face the wrath of the deeply religious community. His family situation most likely caused young Callum to develop several mental disorders. He is deeply unempathetic, he doesn't shy away from causing harm onto other people for his own gain or simply because he has the chance to - this attitude led to several arrests in his early years, petty theft and battery, he also spent time in juvenile prison. Due to this, his parents broke off contact, leaving him to fend for himself at the age of 17...

    During Combine rule, Callum applied and got accepted as a Civil Protection officer. His physique and mental attitude helped him fulfill his horrible duties. Even amongst his colleagues there were rumors about the unneccesarily brutal behaviour that Callum showed. He was relieved of his position and incarcerated once more, this time due to intentional "reckless behaviour" that led to the death of two other officers... coincidentally, two of his most hated colleagues. This coincidence did not go unnoticed, the ever utalitarian Combine needs officers killing citizens, not other officers, so they decided to get rid of him... or whatever they do with inmates in this hell of a prison.

  • He is probably one of the few persons that actually belong in this facility. He has made it his goal to escape... or die trying. Dying is certainly preferable to whatever happens in that prison.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Kinda, I joined 3 months ago.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'd say yeah. I've talked to a few people on discord, fooled around in the CWU chat.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I love how the games convey information about the universe. It's never in your face, you only get clues about what's going on and you have to piece together the Combines' horrible crimes yourself.
    The Combine themselves are also an interesting antagonistic faction, they operate very naturally and somehow feel more real compared to the factions of other games.
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: esim boost

*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190762082

*Discord Name & ID: EBoost#8665

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: John Bluu

*Character Role: Prisoner

*Brief summary of the character:
A Frenchman of regular stature looking for a place in the new world the Union has to offer. Sadly, John took the wrong path. In i17 he was captured for Unlawful Trespass on Shell Beach by Overwatch Forces. Instead of being killed on the spot, he ended up locked in a cell. Only time will tell if he can manage to restart his life and get out of here.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
While John was a short lived character, he was one of the characters that I played during the i17 event. I’d like to see what happened to him after the events of i17 and how he could turn his life around if he ever made it out of jail.

Full Backstory:

Mugshot of John Bluu before being sent off to prison

A Young Boys Beginning

John Bluu grew up in France, a young boy aspiring to be something. What he wanted to be, he never got the chance to find out. He grew up in a privileged household, everything handed to him in his young life. Things seemed simple for him, he had caring parents that bought him anything he wanted, and he even had a private tutor.

Like all good things on planet Earth, that came to an end when the Portal Storms appeared. John was only 13 at the time of the Resonance Cascade. His hometown of Lyon was spared most of the destruction of the Xen attacks, the French and United Nations Military locking down most of the surrounding area. For the first time, John lived in fear of his silver spoon being taken from him. The coming years of the Xen infested earth put John on the brink of paranoia, unable to sleep and his education becoming something he could barely do with the ongoing war efforts against the hoard of Xeno creatures that roamed Europe.

Union Domination

The day Earth kneeled to the might of the Universal Union, John Bluu finally witnessed the consequences of humanity's mistake that fateful day in Black Mesa. While John and his family were relatively safe from the Portal Storms in Lyon, no one could avoid the Combines' wrath. As the portals opened from the Combine Overworld, John quickly ran to a shelter in his family's home. He did not take any time to wait for his family. By the time he could close the door to the rusty old WW2 Bomb Shelter, he felt the explosions knock on the door like a tornado hit. All he remembers that day is the screams outside that bunker door. John’s paranoia saved his life that day, for his family never made it to the shelter that fateful day.

Upon reintegration into society, John was sent to City 13, Paris. John’s life returned to normal rather quickly, his mental state returning to a prewar mindset as he found the Universal Union could turn over a new leaf against the Xenian Threat. For years he worked as an intern for the newly formed Civil Workers Union, a stable position that did not pay much but just enough for him to get a nice apartment with plenty of food and amidites. And best of all, the internship job was easy enough for him to do nothing most of the day. John by all means had found a way to live a good life.

The Foul City i17

Unfortunately, that life was to end. John received a letter in his mailbox, selecting him as a random transfer to City i17’s workforce intake project. He had no choice but to pack his bags and leave for the Capital of the Universal Union. John tried to get his old position back in the Civil Workers Union, but ultimately failed to do so as his Social Credit did not meet the required amount to even qualify for the CWU.

In a desperate attempt for a brief respite, John made one mistake he’d have to live for with the rest of his life. John Bluu went to shell beach for a chance to breathe the air of the great Universal Union’s capital, a chance to take a break. What he was met with was anything but. John stood on the Shell Beach Island, looking upon the horizon to eye the Air Exchange. Smoke billowing through the air, the stench of the Foul hitting his lungs. As John stared into the AE, the Exchange stared back. A force of Overwatch Grunts forcefully apprehended John, charging him with 603 Unlawful Entry.

Now he lay in a cell, lucky to even be alive. His life in City 13, a distant memory.
A memory he is willing to fight for.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself: Been playing this server for a few months now and like it, want to try something new.

Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Overwatch Transhuman Arm and the Synthetic Biotech they have to offer to science fiction.​

*Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
*Steam ID: *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
''From the streets of Scampia with love.''

  • *Character Name:
  • Gennaro ''O'nnamurat'' Quattrini
  • 1658719976128.png
  • *Character Role:
  • Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A charismatic and kind leader, a bit narcisistic and egocentric at times, but a good person indeed. He's friendly and caring, but can be easily found annoying and irritating once his ego kicks in.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I'd love to play this character because i enjoy prisonRP, and i also think Gennaro will bring some interesting and fun scenarios. Usually i play as an MAA soldier, so this will be a breath of fresh air for me.
  • Full Backstory:
  • 1658721399069.png
  • ''Genny passa la palla!''
  • Born in Scampia, Napoli to be exact, Gennaro was raised in a poor family filled with low-ranking members of the ''Camorra'', the Napoli's mafia, He unfortunately couldn't afford an education; So has a child he spent most of his time cleaning the prized gun collection of the local family's boss.
  • 1658721522956.png
  • ''Gennà, questo posto è il nostro parco giochi.''
At just fifteen years old Gennaro was assigned as a foot soldier for his gang, he collected money from stores, protected the gang's assets, and took care of their rivals. He never liked doing the things he did... But in the end it was either that or a bullet in the head; As his father always used to say ''You can leave the family, but the family will never leave you.''


''Ah, i know how Zeus must've felt like...''

When Genny was 25 years old he was promoted to ''CapoBranco'', the boss gave him his own team, area, and HQ. Gennaro was a king, he had everything... Women, money, guns, cars, boats, you name it and he probably would've had it! Unfortunately tho, this newly found fortune was short-lived as the combine was just behind the corner...

During the invasion he and his soldiers stormed their armory and protected their city with all the resources they had... It was all
USELESS, he saw the people he considered his family get torn to shreds by monsters not even the most sadistic mind could create. Gennaro was actually scared for the first time in his life, he took all the women and children he could and escaped the city using the many veichles he gathered troughout the years.

After four days of sealing the sea he finally found land, he gathered a team of scavengers and equipped himself with pistols and knives. They went scouting and found a ghost town, all the residents were murdered by the combine forces... Gennaro was angry and sad, he decided to barricade the city and use it as shelter for his people. Setting up a resistance.

Gennaro's kingdom was born, he was a beloved and well-respected leader. He treated everyone equally, aiding the ones in need and providing for his big family. He also was in contact with another settlement of rebels, they usually traded goods and went on expeditions togheter. This was a living paradise, un-like other places his settlement was filled with children.

One faithful day though, they were intercepted by an OTA patrol. The combine soldiers raided the place, killing the guards and kidnapping the kids. Gennaro fought with all his might, trying to protect his people... But unfortunately his defenses and weaponry wasn't strong enough, the ammunition was extremely scarce and all the vests were destroyed by the powerful pulse rounds of the units; Gennaro was put in front of an hard choice, either resist and eventually die at the hands of the combine killing-machines, or surreder in exchange for the safety of his people.

He chose the latter.

  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: mrjustin412​
  • *Steam ID: 76561198866246578​
  • *Discord Name & ID: mrjustin122#6241​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Martin 'Marty' Henderford​
  • *Character Role: Prisoner​
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A bitter, sarcasm filled Georgia man not exactly content with his predicament--or many things around him for that matter!​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Martin was an incredibly short lived character of mine when I made the day I joined Willard during one of the last days of the D47 event. I had him wander into the restricted zone out of curiosity and I wound up getting caught and amputated on the spot, though the experience hardly soured my view of Willard considering where I am now.​
  • Either way, Martin holds a bit of a special place in my heart due to his bitter attitude and constant deadpan that I haven't put in any other character, and being featured in a few of my artworks! Seeing as how this is my first event I'll be joining, I want to give him a special little spot to shine so to speak, since he never really had that chance when I first made him.​
  • Full Backstory:
  • A small town in rural Georgia had it's household blessed on May Seventh, 1982 as Martin Henderford entered the world to a former college football player turned shop owner Jonas Henderford, and his wife Grace. Life was idyllic, even promising for young Martin as he enjoyed the liberating outdoors surrounding his town and the community within it that knew everyone by name. When Martin wasn't helping his father run the shop or grabbing groceries with his mother, he was often out learning to hunt, camp, or other survival activities passed down to him by his uncle Irwin.​
As one may expect, however, the American Dream that Martin was experiencing shifted to a grotesque nightmare when he reached nineteen. What Martin at first attributed to strange clouds in the sky soon began to deposit all sorts of strange, other worldly abominations upon not just the town but the surrounding area as well, both within state borders and beyond.​

Apocalypse 2001.png

But, Martin was stubborn, and he was resourceful; it might have been three long years but it was three long years he and his family survived. Unfortunately, the situation hardly got any better beyond that point as, from what one might expect from this tale, the Seven Hour war eventually came and went with Martin having gotten out of said event as well. Though one would have wished to have perished during such a time as Martin was not only whisked away by the Union to their urban centers in Europe and beyond, but he was separated from what family he had left in the process.

While such events would have normally crushed citizens like Martin into submission under the Universal Union, it instead brought on a bitter, resentful side from a man who saw his way of life and future robbed by the Combine. Yet Martin was hardly content with simply wallowing in his loss and pity, instead finding a newfound resolve to instead spite his interdimensional rulers and earn his freedom back.

Proving You Wrong.png

It would take years until Martin had the chance to form such an allegiance, coming across a medically inclined English woman and a Japanese man employed to the Infestation Control in City Seventeen. As Martin discovered, both of them shared experiences not too dissimilar to his own, alongside harboring their own yearnings for freedom. It was here and there that they began to plan their great escape, deciding upon an escape route through the canals, into the sewers, and out through the industrial plants on the fringes of the city. The pieces were all laid into place gradually, each bit of equipment scavenged or stolen, smuggled in right under the Union's nose.


It was when Martin went to the neighboring District Forty-Seven that everything within the intricately laid out puzzle all fell apart; in his goal to try and meet a correspondent that would aid in the plan, Martin instead wandered into a heavily restricted zone. Rather than finding his contact, he instead found (or rather, was found by) patrolling Civil Protection officers that were quick to detain him on the spot. For fear of off-world relocation, amputation or worse, possibly even stalkerization, Martin was forced to inform Civil Protection of his friend's plot; and for that, they both paid dearly.

Yet Martin wasn't off scot-free, in fact his friends likely had the easy way out; for his participation in the escape attempt and the various contraband he was gathered, Martin was sent to an unknown incarceration facility in the middle of the wretched wastelands. A fate made death enviable in it's own right, and yet Martin knew the moment he noticed prisoners had begun to go missing without a trace, it would only get so much worse.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Local Willard Networks RPer who is best known as that CMU receptionist guy and the only other person still running Cole's Homeless Shelter! I also enjoy making artwork in Gmod like the scenes included in the backstory segment!
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Nope, been here well over a year or so!
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Plenty of people! My character biography page should answer that question well!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • For me, it's two things: the subtle world building, and the dreadful atmosphere. For the first, it's not just dialogue spoken by the characters and the other scenery but the miniature stories told throughout the games, little set pieces and props that go unexplained but imply a greater sense of scale. The world of Half Life and Half Life 2 have so much depth to it, it's honestly one of my favorite things

  • The second thing I really enjoy is the dread that really sinks in when you reflect on the world, the horrors of the Combine, the cosmic terror of Xen and the fauna associated with it, even the time before HL2 itself is left to so much interpretation. There are plenty of moments in the games were this sense of terror is forced on the player, but I really enjoy exploring it from an ordinary person who isn't some badass like Gordon or Alyx, it adds to the world building I mentioned above.
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Ekrell

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179035858
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ekrell#9249
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Gir'Talar "The All-Seeing"

  • *Character Role: Prisoner (Enslaved Biotic)

  • *Brief summary of the character: Vortigaunt that knew not the shackles of the Combine. He was brought to Industrial Seventeen by the Grand Elder's call to spread his wisdom and aid in the ongoing struggle alongside the rebellion. An excellent cook and healer - residing most of the time inside camp HOPE. He fell during the final push towards the beach - securing the rebels' rear as they were boarding the boats. The wound was non-fatal and so, left alone he was doomed to endure the enslavement. Instead of being amputated, he has been deemed a worthy test subject for whatever horror awaited in the imprisonment facility.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I believe a vortigaunt would be an excellent addition to the prison aura. I'd also like to tie up the story of my vortigaunt from Industrial Seventeen. Besides, SS freaking rocks every time so it would be nonsense not to partake in them.

  • Full Backstory: Gir'Talar was spawned by vortigaunts purely from The Ralsheck'Va Plains. His nature was that of a warrior or tribal defender from the beginning. Having great reflexes, cooking skills, vortessence embracement, and navigational skills through various fauna he was deemed a potential future member of The Sha'Gani Warriors. Unfortunately, before that could happen his homeland was invaded and so, despite a very fierce battle he fell defeated. Under the guidance of the Great Elder's council, he submitted, becoming Nihilanth's slave. During that time, he proved himself once again to be a very formidable warrior-slave. Thanks to that, he was let into one of the first assaults on Earth. Without a second of doubt, he used the opportunity and fled. Living months in the xenian wasteland he hid, hunted and waited a moment for revenge. One day, he heard the vast call of Rok’Shan’Vass, one of the Grand Elders. Without a doubt he answered, heading straight into the source and submitting under his wisdom. Skeptical at first, later on, he learned how to behave amongst humans, speak their language and embrace the ways of Rok’Shan’Vass.

He arrived at the Industrial Seventeen sewers and was tasked with warning the humans about an upcoming danger as well as aiding them in their endeavors. He did just that, cooking, healing, and hunting for their cause for about two weeks. When things finally fell apart he was the only vortigaunt to stand alongside humans during the great defense of camp HOPE. He endured the chaos there with them, proving a very valuable asset as an almost non-limited healing station during very long and constant offense from the Combine side. Alas, he pushed through the attackers towards the beach, where they were supposed to take off in boats. Seeing many weakened and injured allies he decided to guard the rear as everyone else was making their escape. Unfortunately, that did not end for him well. He got grievously injured and forgotten - left to be shackled and transported into the depths of shame and failure.


At first, he was deemed to be drilled and amputated but then came the need for new prisoners in the mysterious facility nearby. Seeing this as an opportunity to conduct tests on a vortigaunt species they sent him off into the unknown...

"So it would seem, our fate resides within the unknown, cruel grasp of the Combine after all. Was all the effort for naught? The only question remains, are we the Garun'Tha or the Sha'Gani for not succumbing into the darkness when it beckoned so harshly towards us?"

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm playing Willard for a good year now, been enjoying it all this time, especially the SS events! I also had a chance to partake in the CERES event as a vortigaunt so got some "prison" experience from that. Before anyone questions why I'm making a biotic instead of a human, Kaffee agreed to such terms. I personally find it more interesting and engaging, adding more variety to the prisoner side.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yep.
Last edited:
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Appetite Ruining Kebab
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30132309
  • *Discord Name & ID: MightyKebab#9067
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: 'Mamluk'
  • *Character Role: Prisoner (Enslaved Vortigaunt)
  • *Brief summary of the character: Bulked-up alien with unusually anti-social tendencies. Disconnected from his kin, and contemptuous of them as well. Engages in crime as a matter of pride, rarely profit. As likely to be mischievous as he is to throw hands.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: He's an old character of mine from a previous community. One of my best. I never got an occasion to tie up his story in a satisfying way.
  • Full Backstory:


A 'prison' they called it.

Such a human concept of punishment, as typical as it is inept. Did they really think placing him in a boxed room for a predetermined interval was going to work? That his savage and subversive nature could be tamed by anything these fleshy would-be viceroys of Combine could muster? These walls were a false veil of space - and his sentence was a false of veil of time. It was an illusion that took merely an elementary vortal understanding to see past. They could severely limit him from physical pleasures and freedoms, but never sever his connection to the eternal singsong of the universe.

Indeed, even after his head had been 'drilled' (which had been too many years ago, by now), his mind was left free to explore the deepest and darkest (and synonymously the most interesting) reaches of the Vortessence. All alone. In fact - alone was better. For it gave him respite from the 'kinsmen' whose cautioning voices constantly reverberated in his head, urging him to stray from thoughts considered sacrilegious of vortikind, the very contemplation of which compromised the nature of their species. He'd never listened - but they'd always insisted, and when they couldn't make him listen they had barraged him with reproach. The constant, annoying buzzing of flies in his mind, day in and day out. A cacophony of fools. With just one lobotomy, it was all gone. There was silence all of a sudden. Comforting silence. One might say he should thank the Combine. (But that was the mindset of his kinsmen. Gratitude was not for him.)

That rift between him and his species had begun long ago. It had first become obvious in the aftermath of the Resonance Cascade; when they first attained their freedom from Nihilanth. As he'd recall, Mamluk's idea of this newfound 'freedom' was the unhindered ability to serve the needs of his body and mind - to advance the desires of his personal vessel, rather than subject himself to an oppressive collective. In the chaos of their unshackling, there were many who thought similarly to him - but he quickly became a dying breed when the first alliances with mankind were formed. All of a sudden, it was every vortigaunt's divine duty to 'willingly' place themselves under servitude to yet another species, aiding them in their own cause, which bore no inherent relation to his own except for the vague threat of 'Combine'. So soon after escaping slavery, the Vortigaunt seemed doomed to unconsciously find their way back to it - even worse, actively seek it out. What had been the point of fighting for freedom, if one was going to be bound by gratitude in the end regardless? And to what? The actions of a selfish interloper who in laying waste to their master was only acting out of a need for his own survival, and that of his own species? It was a tale far too tall and far too absurd for him to romanticize. That others of his ilk fell for the myth so easily was pathetic, but it was only their nature at the end of it all.

Eventually, there was talk of sending him off-world - this prison was just a temporary transit zone for him. He'd been far too much of a trouble-maker after all, and for fifteen years he had played on the edge of what was acceptable from him; initiating constant mischief whichever city he was conscripted to work in, be it by deliberation or spontaneous whim - often times both at once. Other dimensions, sure, he could take that. But the mere possibility of being relocated back to Xen in particular was a prospect far too unacceptable for even him to put up with. The suffering he endured in that Borderworld forged him into who he had become - but it was because he never fit in. He was a square peg in a round hole there, and he would vehemently decline to pursue any sequence of events that ended with him going back to the one place in the universe where he had ever lost control of himself to such an abject degree at the hands of his callous Controllers. Such an occurence would only deepen his thirst for revenge; and such a pursuit was anything but healthy under the doctrine of one who served his own vessel.

One way or another, he was going to escape his fate.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I do crazy shit but @Merlinsclaw takes all the credit.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Being able to bend the lore upside-down without losing its 'essence'.
Last edited:
  • --- Section One ---

    *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60793691​
  • *Discord Name & ID: HadeZord🍋#4568

    --- Section Two ---

    *Character Name:

  • *Character Role:
    Prisoner (Enslaved Vortigaunt)

    *Brief summary of the character:
    A tall and scar filled vortigaunt Elder with a strangely pale color to his eyes... Physical examination concluded he is ''physically'' blind... Not ''vortally'' however as he would put it, he has an extraordinary perception betraying this physical empairement, a smile can be seen in his face most of the time... And a disturbing aura envelops him

    *Why do you want to play this character?:
    At first I didn't want to make an app for this SS because it seemed to be aiming towards only human prisoners, but after the recent applications for vortigaunt prisoners I decided to shoot my shot as well, also I've heard very good things about SS events and I am yet to be a part of one​

  • Full Backstory:
  • Unfamiliar scenery scrolled past the Truck as it moved towards his new home... But how did he know this?... There's no windows in here... But he knew still... another couple or so of his kin were in the truck with him... But something was very much perceivable by the human inmates...
    They were scared of him.
    Shiv'nihil was an Elder who never met the cold embrace of the ulathoi's shackles... Not until now that is... He was a target of high value to the combine... An asset of high value to the resistance, and a weaver of high regard by his tribe, all a vortigaunt could ever hope to be...
  • Since the resonance cascade he resided in Rome... And... Nothing much of note happened, the resistance made a plan, they prepared to execute it, they then executed their plan to almost non existent result if not outright loss and repeated the process, meanwhile the tribe tried to support this buffoons because they still had a common enemy... After more than a decade of stagnation, more than a decade of futility, more than a decade... Of nothing, Shiv'Nihil had always been an... Unpredictable being, sometimes it was difficult for his brothers to understand him, and borderline impossible for a human to even fathom trying.
    One faithful day... the resistance requested the Elder to commune with them for their most ambitions project yet... The assassination of casto and all of the old futurist party, they had been planning it for years in silence, they had finally gathered enough backing from rogues within civil protection ranks and corrupt CCA members with their own agendas to make it happen, It was a surprisingly resource light mission in terms of ammunition, weaponry and the such... It required people more than anything, people on the inside, and they had finally gathered enough, Shiv'Nihil being the Elder of the tribe was summoned as their representative to relay the details of the plan to his kin...
    ''The day of the shorts spears'' as it would become known by... Was not supposed to have ended the way it did...
    The tribe, having undying faith in their Elder... Listened attentively as he told them... NOT the plan of the resistance... But his own, trough the shifting of the flux, they felt his honesty as he spoke.
    When he said this day would be one to remember... He truly meant it.​

  • 14/02/2018
  • The resistance had planned for the tribe to simply cause noise... make a distraction so that dispatch would have it's hand's full with something else while their inside men let them him to quickly dispatch of casto... and Leave, that was it, that was all that should have happened, a small distraction, a minuscule amount of resources spent, and a tyrant killed silently...
    Ask anyone who was there to see it, but that was anything besides silent...
    What happened instead... Was that Shiv'Nihil Relayed to his tribe to perform a ritual so that he of could travel trough the nexus uncontained... And plant the entire supply of explosives the resistance had stockpiled until that point in various areas of low structural resistance... Little did the tribe know their Elder had simply stole them all the prior night... He claimed 3 minutes was more than enough, and so... they obeyed...
    7 devoted warriors imbibed with the power of Al'Thum halted time itself that day...
    ...And so it began

    Shiv'Nihil moved with swift ferocity as he began planting charge after charge of explosives within the nexus... passing trough human resistance members as they had infiltrated deep within... And in the last half a minute ha had left, he placed a charge on their exit point and returned.
    What happened next is what everyone remembers the day of the shorts spears for.
    Explosions echoed throughout Rome, and the black smoke rose to the sky... Suddenly... The 7 vortigaunt present heard the voices of the resistance member within in immense and desperate panic... And when they turned to their Elder for answers...
    He smiled.
    By the end of the day, The resistance had be all but completely wiped essentially, but so did Casto, so in a way... It was still a success, following the chaos, a sweep was ordered in the deepest points of the slums... And in there...
    They found the Elder... Sitting in a leather armchair most likely stolen from a luxury shipment of furniture...
    The dilacerated corpses of his tribe laid erratically and disturbingly across the room... their Leader drenched in blood that was not his own... as he smoked a cigar...
    At being told to surrender... He got up and said​

  • ''For an intergalactic empire of nigh infinite armament... You sure are pathetic... Can you even fathom how long these corpses have been rotting? I Could have vanished without a trace almost half a rotation ago... Sigh... But at least you are here now... Go ahead... Let us discuss the future''
  • The protection team sent to sweep were confused to say the least, but still, capturing him alive was better than the alternative...
    After a lengthy interrogation, of which Shiv'Nihil answered with complete honesty and a constant, dreadful smile plastered in his face... They were simply going to execute him and be done with it, but instead... a last minute transmission came in... The transmission requested the Conscript be transferred to a prison... as he exhibited some... Fascinating... Characteristics... That their research division would be overjoyed to study...
    So they did...​

  • ''Biotic, you are charged with...''
    17F Fugitive Detachment
    51B Threat to property
    243 Assault on Overwatch
    245 Assault on HVT

    422 Capital Malcompliance
    You verdict is permanent incarceration

    Shiv'Nihil Reminisced as the truck got close to arrival...
    To the resistance... He's a monster
    To the Ulathoi: He's a Criminal
    To his own: He's a Savage

    So why... Was he smiling?
  • --- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself:
    My first char caused an alcohol shortage by himself, my second ripped someone's throat out in the middle of the street, My third caused PTSD to resurge on an RL before being killed, god only know what the fuck is gonna end up happening to me here, but I'm betting it's gonna be stupid, as it should be c:​

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    I've gotten into this server around half a year ago and I've enjoy every second of it​

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    The world they created, how it's so vast and filled with potential yet just vague enough to let your imagination run rampant about the intricacies of it​
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Travis
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:219592730
  • *Discord Name & ID: Travis#5678
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Bill Newton
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: Bill Newton is a swindler and a scammer, using his charisma to breach into places he clearly shouldn't be and to exploit to his advantage. He was a thief, often stealing from stores until he was eventually caught in a raid, resulting in his interrogation and death.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • This character in particular has always been one of my favorites, and being a character name that I've carried since early 2015, and I feel his death in the nexus was very... Anticlimactic. To give him new life would be awesome.
  • Full Backstory:
    Most of my on server activity is in this post, but to sum it up it was me and a couple friends simply trying to survive on the server and have fun, so me playing as "Bill"
    Started a group called the NFF. Bill's backstory before city 24 is vague, but to make it a "long story short" Most of his time pre city 24 was spent living in the outlands with his brother Erik, before they're both separated in a Portal Storm. Bill was then raised by an old man named "Odis", a fine culinary chef, who taught him how to survive on his own. Eventually they were found by the combine, and taken to City 24.
The rest of the characters backstory in the city was taken from his personal journal.
My first day in this purgatory shit hole we call "City 24" was nothing special, I mostly just walked around and met some new people. Met a few interesting folks called Fillip and James, they seem decent and seem to share a goal of mine, living peacefully. Work shifts are boring as hell, this menial shit is the actual worst and how do they even decide who did the best or worst? No incentive to actually try, this shit is pathetic.
The Generator Incident
Not even sure how this happened, me and Fillip were just chilling out on the second floor of the RDT, when some random rebel called us over. He had his face covered and asked us if we wanted to make a difference, we said sure and he gave us each some tools and masks. He told us to change clothes and follow him so we did, and in turn we destroyed a major generator in the building. Me and Fillip ran to the loyalist housing, hid there for a while. I hope the other guy made it out.
The Great CWU Heist
Lucky me, I found an apartment in the slums of all places, and who's the first to come knocking at my door than James. He straight up tells us to follow him, so me and Fillip do, we find the back door of the CWU warehouse unlocked and plenty of workbenches inside. We obviously grab them all and take em back to the apartment, this was serious.
The NFF - Beginnings
After we found those workbenches I started thinking seriously, I needed similar minded people and more of them. Lucky for me people seem to jump at the chance for any difference in normality. I managed to get a few folk to join me Fillip, Odis (a friend from long ago), Andre and Jimmy were the first four. I invited James but he was sadly preoccupied with futurism or whatever the hell that is, fair play to them.
The NFF - Rules
We needed some basic rules and this is what I came up with
- Don't use real names on Jobs - Our code word for rebel activity or whatever, use initials on fake names only
- No stealing from slums
- If you aren't comfortable with a job, you don't have to partake in it
rest is common sense
The NFF - Early Jobs
J&N Tools, what a place. We set up a basic system for robbing joints: two go in, one goes on watch, another watches the street. Easy as that. We robbed J&N of tools, storage and even a fucking oven... kinda feel bad for the folks looking back on it. Some point after we stole the oven, Andre runs up to me saying he fucked up, and damn did he. Turns out he tried to sell the oven back to the fucks we stole it from so I improvised, tried convincing them that we were retards that thought an oven was a fucking campfire. Shut the guy up but I'm not 100% sure he believed me.
The blue shirt event, what a disaster. I decided to try and find us some legal work in the city, and Mr. Joung's blue shirt loyalist event was just the thing for us. We'd do security for the event, making sure everywhere went smooth- at least that was our job before the Vice CA showed up with around two hundred armed guards. Whatever, we still got paid.
The Sanitators
As the new kids on the block, we needed contacts. I searched a while for established groups and the first I found were the Sanitators. A guy called Tinker was our way in, got us a meeting with their head called Angel. They were nice enough to hand over some basic equipment and offer their crafting services. Perhaps in future they can be our allies for real.
Incident one
One random day, shit really hit the fan. Some fight was breaking out in the triumph tunnel, Myself Andre and Filip showed up towards the end... just in time for a gun to be thrown towards Andre. He being the dumbass he is, picks up the gun and gets shot by another unit. Jesus this was awful. Luckily Andre lived but not before some cunt kicked him in the head while he was down, we'll sort him out soon.
The "Death" of Filip Helmo
We found that guy that kicked Andre and got some help luring him back to our place with this new guy, Slov. We killed that guy, in cold blood. He deserved it. Later on I saw some guy, looked just like Filip being taken away by the CP's saying they mugged a guy, hell they even called him Filip by name, wasn't exactly a coincidence. I consulted the alive Filip and we decided to fake his death, I helped him out of the city and used his death to try and find any snitches in our group, that shit can't be a coincidence.
The Newfound Foundation of Fitness
I managed to convince Hansen, the head of the DOB, to give us triumph IV, lucky me. I got stuck with a gym sadly but hey, I got a place of my own I suppose. Hansen then revealed to us a route under the city into the slums through the store, so very lucky me. It would seem to become allies with the other side of the tunnel, perhaps we can reach an agreement of sorts.
The Kletka Vol.1
The owner of the other side of the tunnel, Stalin, seems to be quite fond of the idea of us living in his basement. That was until some cunt named Andre Jackson moved in to our spot, Apparently Stalin is gonna sort the whole thing out, but who knows at this point.

Soon after this point, Bill heard the sirens wailing around him.. He'd sit in his apartment, paranoid that the vending machine fake door was not good enough to shield him from the raid. He was correct in that regard. A squad of six units broke down his door, incapacitating him and taking him away... They'd prod him for information, to which Bill would lie or make up a story out of the blue, managing to bargain enough leverage to change his sentence from a certain death to a life in prison... An option he would take.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I'm Travis, and I make SFM's for fun, and enjoy shorter stories filled with intense RP over longer driven events, to keep an idea fresh.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • I've played Willard for over a year roughly
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Many people!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • Probably the source engine, mainly for the mapping abilities of it. I find source maps have a certain feeling to them impossible to capture in any other engine. If we're talking specifically Half-Life I'd have to say the mystery of the games, and how instead of telling you all of the story it's something the player needs to figure out themself.
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Travis
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:219592730
  • *Discord Name & ID: Travis#5678
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Bill Newton
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: Bill Newton is a swindler and a scammer, using his charisma to breach into places he clearly shouldn't be and to exploit to his advantage. He was a thief, often stealing from stores until he was eventually caught in a raid, resulting in his interrogation and death.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • This character in particular has always been one of my favorites, and being a character name that I've carried since early 2015, and I feel his death in the nexus was very... Anticlimactic. To give him new life would be awesome.
  • Full Backstory:
    Most of my on server activity is in this post, but to sum it up it was me and a couple friends simply trying to survive on the server and have fun, so me playing as "Bill"
    Started a group called the NFF. Bill's backstory before city 24 is vague, but to make it a "long story short" Most of his time pre city 24 was spent living in the outlands with his brother Erik, before they're both separated in a Portal Storm. Bill was then raised by an old man named "Odis", a fine culinary chef, who taught him how to survive on his own. Eventually they were found by the combine, and taken to City 24.
The rest of the characters backstory in the city was taken from his personal journal.
My first day in this purgatory shit hole we call "City 24" was nothing special, I mostly just walked around and met some new people. Met a few interesting folks called Fillip and James, they seem decent and seem to share a goal of mine, living peacefully. Work shifts are boring as hell, this menial shit is the actual worst and how do they even decide who did the best or worst? No incentive to actually try, this shit is pathetic.
The Generator Incident
Not even sure how this happened, me and Fillip were just chilling out on the second floor of the RDT, when some random rebel called us over. He had his face covered and asked us if we wanted to make a difference, we said sure and he gave us each some tools and masks. He told us to change clothes and follow him so we did, and in turn we destroyed a major generator in the building. Me and Fillip ran to the loyalist housing, hid there for a while. I hope the other guy made it out.
The Great CWU Heist
Lucky me, I found an apartment in the slums of all places, and who's the first to come knocking at my door than James. He straight up tells us to follow him, so me and Fillip do, we find the back door of the CWU warehouse unlocked and plenty of workbenches inside. We obviously grab them all and take em back to the apartment, this was serious.
The NFF - Beginnings
After we found those workbenches I started thinking seriously, I needed similar minded people and more of them. Lucky for me people seem to jump at the chance for any difference in normality. I managed to get a few folk to join me Fillip, Odis (a friend from long ago), Andre and Jimmy were the first four. I invited James but he was sadly preoccupied with futurism or whatever the hell that is, fair play to them.
The NFF - Rules
We needed some basic rules and this is what I came up with
- Don't use real names on Jobs - Our code word for rebel activity or whatever, use initials on fake names only
- No stealing from slums
- If you aren't comfortable with a job, you don't have to partake in it
rest is common sense
The NFF - Early Jobs
J&N Tools, what a place. We set up a basic system for robbing joints: two go in, one goes on watch, another watches the street. Easy as that. We robbed J&N of tools, storage and even a fucking oven... kinda feel bad for the folks looking back on it. Some point after we stole the oven, Andre runs up to me saying he fucked up, and damn did he. Turns out he tried to sell the oven back to the fucks we stole it from so I improvised, tried convincing them that we were retards that thought an oven was a fucking campfire. Shut the guy up but I'm not 100% sure he believed me.
The blue shirt event, what a disaster. I decided to try and find us some legal work in the city, and Mr. Joung's blue shirt loyalist event was just the thing for us. We'd do security for the event, making sure everywhere went smooth- at least that was our job before the Vice CA showed up with around two hundred armed guards. Whatever, we still got paid.
The Sanitators
As the new kids on the block, we needed contacts. I searched a while for established groups and the first I found were the Sanitators. A guy called Tinker was our way in, got us a meeting with their head called Angel. They were nice enough to hand over some basic equipment and offer their crafting services. Perhaps in future they can be our allies for real.
Incident one
One random day, shit really hit the fan. Some fight was breaking out in the triumph tunnel, Myself Andre and Filip showed up towards the end... just in time for a gun to be thrown towards Andre. He being the dumbass he is, picks up the gun and gets shot by another unit. Jesus this was awful. Luckily Andre lived but not before some cunt kicked him in the head while he was down, we'll sort him out soon.
The "Death" of Filip Helmo
We found that guy that kicked Andre and got some help luring him back to our place with this new guy, Slov. We killed that guy, in cold blood. He deserved it. Later on I saw some guy, looked just like Filip being taken away by the CP's saying they mugged a guy, hell they even called him Filip by name, wasn't exactly a coincidence. I consulted the alive Filip and we decided to fake his death, I helped him out of the city and used his death to try and find any snitches in our group, that shit can't be a coincidence.
The Newfound Foundation of Fitness
I managed to convince Hansen, the head of the DOB, to give us triumph IV, lucky me. I got stuck with a gym sadly but hey, I got a place of my own I suppose. Hansen then revealed to us a route under the city into the slums through the store, so very lucky me. It would seem to become allies with the other side of the tunnel, perhaps we can reach an agreement of sorts.
The Kletka Vol.1
The owner of the other side of the tunnel, Stalin, seems to be quite fond of the idea of us living in his basement. That was until some cunt named Andre Jackson moved in to our spot, Apparently Stalin is gonna sort the whole thing out, but who knows at this point.

Soon after this point, Bill heard the sirens wailing around him.. He'd sit in his apartment, paranoid that the vending machine fake door was not good enough to shield him from the raid. He was correct in that regard. A squad of six units broke down his door, incapacitating him and taking him away... They'd prod him for information, to which Bill would lie or make up a story out of the blue, managing to bargain enough leverage to change his sentence from a certain death to a life in prison... An option he would take.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I'm Travis, and I make SFM's for fun, and enjoy shorter stories filled with intense RP over longer driven events, to keep an idea fresh.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • I've played Willard for over a year roughly
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Many people!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • Probably the source engine, mainly for the mapping abilities of it. I find source maps have a certain feeling to them impossible to capture in any other engine. If we're talking specifically Half-Life I'd have to say the mystery of the games, and how instead of telling you all of the story it's something the player needs to figure out themself.
the legend himself has returned.
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