Accepted Industrial Forty Six

Mr House

known minge
CT Coordinator
Creative Team
Industrial Forty Six
By: Quest & Reece

Purple - Loyalist District
Yellow - Commercial District
Orange - Harbour
Green - Fishing Route
Blue - Factory Line
Pink - Housing District (Shanty Town)


Loyalist District & Nexus

The nexus and Loyalist District are one in the same, each holding a more prestigious environment rather than the run down one the city may make you believe. The streets are clean, policing units are more common here, food is tasty and sometimes foreign, the vendors and genuine and crime is near zero. Because of these few aspects of life the citizens here find very little reason to leave, even their housing block is just at the centre of this district, a luxurious hotel with a lobby that would put the nexus to shame. The citizens who live in other districts of the city has come to loathe this district and those who inhabit it, claiming their pompous and elitist attitude to be the leading cause of it, but, those who live in this district claim it's nothing more than a jealous fantasy. The nexus is a large square outline, with the centre being a large garden for those to wander, the entrances to the nexus are blocked off with forcefields of policing units. The architecture of the nexus leaves the impression it's not someplace someone goes and returns, large black spikes protruding the ground and acting as some sort of defence, that be it humans or something otherworldly. The nexus has garnered quite the reputation because of these black spikes, with no real answer as to how they go there, because of this people have begun dubbing the nexus "Castle Black". Inside, the nexus has hallways as long as the city itself, people finding it eerily easy to get lost. The nexus has a large variety of rooms, each looking like an office for someone who doesn't exist, and perhaps the occasional bedroom if you're lucky enough. The city itself doesn't have a city administrator, rather a council of 2-4 men. Each of these administrators discuss the cities structure and how they can improve. They tend to stay away from the public eye, only showing themselves when absolutely necessary.

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(Supply lines leading into city opened)

Commercial District

The commercial district is the centre of the city, with most of the population staying here. The presence of policing units here are prominent, each being more brutal than the last. Cash is king here, and with the right amount of money, it can get you anything, even the policing units off your back, or maybe to look the other way. Motels, saloons and pawn shops are just a few examples of store that litter this semi flooded town. The motels are rundown just as the housing district, but being killed in your sleep isn't a worry. The saloons are usually always full, policing units off duty and workers who've just finished a round fill the bars, all guzzling down the fish water they call beer. The pawn stores provide a good opportunity to let someone get back up off their feet while trading their goods for cash, but don't expect the clerk to show you any sort of common curtesy, they'll rob you blind while also giving you a smile. Don't expect the policing units to help you either, most if not all have been payed off to look the other way, they're always in it for themselves. The Commercial district isn't all doom and gloom though, as said before, it's the prime location for suitable housing, for a price anyway. It's said this place can make your worst nightmares come true, or, whatever your heart desires, all you need is to know the right people. Getting lost here isn't suggested either, the amount of neon signs advertising some sort of new fish oil will give one a migraine, but, that isn't to say it's impossible either, just hope you don't go wandering to far too far East, directly into the Shanty Town.


(Commercial district at night)

Housing District (Shanty Town)

The Shanty Town, a place only those who've hit true rock bottom go. There's a reason this area is so far away from the rest, that be it the many roaming gangs and thugs, or maybe those who are addicted to the variety of drugs that are prominent here. That isn't to say everyone who lives here is a no gooder, there are a small group of citizens who just simply live here, with the wet floorboards, falling apart buildings or maybe the flooded streets, they're just looking or someplace to sleep. The housing district were previously nothing more than a few empty streets and broken buildings, but once the construction of the wall began, some parts of the city, the Shanty Town, included were flooded. Now, the only way to traverse the waters are through boats or the plenty of makeshift walkways people have made. Because of the already unsanitary environment, the water became toxic, drinking it will riddle you with disease, and swimming in it will give you a brain eating amoeba. The housing district is sadly a shadow of its former self, and with the local administration refusing to assist in its reconstruction, it's left to the undesirables.

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(Centre of Shanty Town)

Factory Line
The factory line is host to a few processing plants, factories, and some hatcheries. Because of some deals struck with the local administration, Farmouth has managed to purchase the hatcheries, processing plants and even begin construction on a few more. One would believe this may halt production to a small degree but if anything, it's doubled. Each workshift a citizen attends, they're greeted with a complimentary meal once their work in complete. Fish, paste and beer is all that's provided, already on top of the normal currency they get for work. But, with the cost of additional pay, also comes the price of less room or error, even the smallest of errors when working can have one be kicked out, re-educated, and sent on their way. This has lead many of the citizens with a sour taste their mouth for Farmouth, as they're more a dictator over the citizens, than a company looking to provide jobs. Each day, two work shifts are called, one during the start of the day and the second towards the end of the day, with each possibly spanning hours depending on what they produce. The first workshifts is a normal trip to the fishing route, where the workers cast a variety of nets, collecting as much fish as they can, before it's shortly after being shipped back to the processing plant, here the first shift ends and the second one is called. The second shift is the preparing of the fish, where the workers remove the scales, organs and fins of the fish, before they are placed in an ice box, and shipped off. As the second shift is a much more gritty and gory part off the two shifts, it's mandatory each work environment is kept as sterile as possible. After both shifts are completed and the day is done, the workers are once more free to leave and commit themselves to anything their heart desires, as long as it's legal.

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(Preparing fish for export)

Fishing Route (Harbour)
The fishing route is a large body of water, enclosed by large combine industrial walls, going from the village of Kolka, to the small island of Ruhnu, and finally finishing at Ikla. During the early years of the combines reign, and the subjugation of Latvia, construction began on this large imposing dam of sorts. The reason as to its construction at the time was unknown, but the citizens have speculated it has something to do with preserving the local aquatic ecosystem. Many years later, the combine have turned this supposed dam into a large weaponised wall, shooting anything that attempts to escape, while also allowing trade ships in. The fishing route has also become host of Farmouth's fishing boats. Across the city a bell notifying them work is ready is rang. Most people who attend these work shifts are geared up and sent to the fishing route, where they'll catch fish for the company Farmouth. If the workers are unlucky they'll come across a few xenian infested fish, infecting the ecosystem, as well as the fish. If such is the case a team of divers are dispatched deep underwater to clean any possible infestations that may have arisen. The diving is dangerous as the water is very dark, but due to the sonar systems implemented into each boat, finding the infestation is easy, the hard part, is clearing it out. After a hards day work most workers visit "The Wet Whistle", a bar located on the main harbour, and city forty sixes main attraction to the saloon scene. From the saloon and harbour you can see the lights echo through the fogs of the fishing route, the light from the three combine lighthouses. These very weaponised lighthouses provide a way for those looking to enter the city a route, while also a warning for those looking to escape. The harbour is mainly a location which more fishing boats are kept for the workshifts, but are also used for the citizens of forty six to fish, mainly catching leeches, strange xen creatures and the occasional boot. During the fishing workshifts some of the more experienced workers claim to see and hear something deep under the water, a large shadowy figure swimming deep below the waves. It's usually chopped us to the normal drunk rabble you hear, but, what if they're right?

(Workers waiting for a workshift)


"The Vision"
Throughout the city certain citizens have begun suffering from vivid hallucinations, slowly but surely turning them mad. The leading cause to these hallucinations is currently unknown, and according to medical personnel it's very difficult to treat. Those who suffer from this disease undergo a sort of metamorphosis cycle, where their body and mind change in ways that make them less human than before. The first stage, the patient suffers from whispers and slight hallucinations, maybe seeing a small figure hiding behind some wall or some debris. The second stage has the patient forming some form of grey rash, the location is random and can vary from a leg or arm, during this stage, the hallucinatory aspects also get much more drastic, with the hallucinations becoming more real, making the patient struggle to know what's real and what isn't. The last stage, and the most dangerous, has the patient going full psychotic, unsure what is real and what isn't. During this stage it's likely the patient is already locked up in some detention centre, keeping them there until their demise, which is usually only after a few days the third stage has begun. In stage three also, the patient can go through physical changes, with their bodies already sustaining most if not all the bodies fat, they can almost look ghoulish. It's advised that if someone is infected, they are to be alerted to the local policing units, where they will be swiftly taken away and executed, as to not spread the disease. The way one obtains this disease is unknown, though some speculate it's through the water supply, the fish Farmouth distribute at workshifts, or possibly some sort of airborne virus, though most claims have zero evidence to be supported. Though citizens haven't been able to find the source of this virus, they've given it a name, "The Vision". A mysterious life threatening virus, lets just hope you don't get it.


(Testimony of what "The Vision" patient saw)

"The Collective"

To some, a group of savages and fanatics, to themselves, a group of highly dedicated individuals, hoping to appease the gods in which they believe have bestowed them visions of their power. This group extremists claim the vision to be a view into the worlds of gods, and to that extreme, they take great pleasure and satisfaction in kidnapping those who suffer from this disease and keeping them captured or their own sick and twisted reasons. The collective was formed a few years after the visions had started, helping those who suffer from it come to terms with their fate, but now, a group of fanatics, trying to get anyone to join their cause. Because of their wicked ways, the collective have to be on high alert when recruiting new members, brainwashing them into believing the outside world is nothing more than pure evil. Nobody knows who this cults leader is or their base of operations, but citizens are on high alert as to not get abducted.

(Eyewitness description of cultists)


Civil Protection & Overwatch

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(A City 46 PT conducting a sweep of Shanty Town)

Civil Protection takes a unique role that has been influenced by the mysterious contract struck between the local administration and the Combine. While their presence is undeniable, their approach is different from their counterparts in any of the other Cities.

The wet and harsh environment demand the Civil Protection Units to be provided with specialized uniforms. The iconic look and silhouette is relatively the same, however, some alterations are visible, namely the visors emit a red glow, rather than the the traditional fluorescent blue. This is a marker of their Civil Protection status, which serves the function to pierce through the foggy atmosphere.

Pre-liberation helmets have been recycled to fit atop of a Unit’s respiratory system, as a local pre-liberation stock pile provides the helmets. This unusual headgear not only shields them but also acts as an identifier, signaling their affiliation with Civil Protection in the fog, to cast a silhouette for any citizen to identify.

While Civil Protection is present in City 46, their approach is notably more lenient. This relaxation in strictness is from the contract established between the local administration and the Combine. Officers are granted a discretion in carrying out their duties. This latitude often leads to a deviation from established CP protocols, with officers ditching the rulebook in favor of a more flexible approach. It’s Farmouth Industries that looms as the primary force in the City. The fishing corporation not only dictates the economic pulse of City 46 but also wields significant sway over the social and political landscape, thus having Civil Protection’s loyalty.

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(Civil protection delivering re-education)

(Additional information will be added the groups section regarding Farmouth once this is accepted. Thank you for reading)
who the fuck keeps on spilling coffee on your research documents reece!!!!!!

very sweet and grimdark
very cool yes

how did u make the pictures?
who the fuck keeps on spilling coffee on your research documents reece!!!!!!

very sweet and grimdark
very cool yes

how did u make the pictures?
The CP report and Psychological report were made by @Quest . The rest are images from art station or google. Most being concept art from other games.

As for the coffee, I love coffee, and apparently, so do the people writing these documents.
Seems good.
