• Thread starter Thread starter Donavin Jones
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Donavin Jones



An event brought to you by Dog.
An event inspired off of the Comic Book Series 'CROSSED' and the server Begotten.
I am proud to say, my event is now officially running.

Its a regular day in Los Angles 2006, your in one of the more rougher parts of the city but you have managed to get by.. But as of recent, news broke out of crime and mass riots in the city, and is reaching your area. You think nothing of it, as the LAPD are already containing the issue. Nothing else is said..
Then the news break, its reached your city but you must remain inside.. Orders by the United States Military and UN? Strange.. Little do you know is, the most real and closest piece of hell has been unleashed by this planet, and no one knows who gave it.

The event will start on the day of the outbreak, everyone will remain in their homes for the first 10-20 minutes of the event minus set up (this will also allow people to join in at the last minute). This event WILL NOT BE EASY, guns can be found, but ammo will be scarce. Howver, melee weapons will be hard to find, at least good melee (Sledge Hammers, Fubars, Machetes ect) this event will rely on good thinking and cooperation, but it is encouraged to go on your own or even rob people for their supplies. Armor will be even rarer, if not impossible to find other then to the Police, and (potentially, not 100%) Military. The CROSSED infection works via Moisture, meaning if any blood or saliva hitting your skin, or entering your body. The CROSSED infection can be slowed if you use medicine, and stopped if you use advanced medicine that can combat it, once infected you will have 30 minutes until you turn. Players MAY play as Crossed, but we will have it limited depending on player count. The event is to be run on the 26th-28th THIS MAY CHANGE. Your objective is to escape the city

Don't need to apply for citizen to attend, refer to this in 'Upcoming Events' in Short Stories Discord.
"Its any day as usual, but as of recent some riots have been breaking out and we've been put under martial law by the government.. Oh well, another reason not to go to work-.. What do you mean some dudes at our door smiling?"
Citizens will spawn with the bare minimum needed, only one or two of you will start with a gun with very limited ammo. You'll be given clothing, and small melee weapons. Hammers and Knives.

Doctors/Medics (0/4)

"We've been told to wear as much protective gear as possible to handle this disease.. But not to leak it?!.. Orders are orders, I don't need the FEDs on me.."
The Doctors/Medics role are to help people with their injuries, and the fight against the disease. Their reward if they follow through with their orders, is guaranteed early retirement.. But will you live long enough to see it? Medics/Doctors will start with medical supplies that will help with injury and the crossed disease, however you've only been told its a deadly disease.. Not a disease that removes your moral compass.

LAPD (7/10)(good quality application expected, also may increase to 10 or 15 depending on our player count)
"We've been told to prepare for a wave of fugitives.. Thats all we got told, but the whole department does not feel easy about this.. Some religious guy told us to evacuate the city, but how would we do that?"
The LAPD knows only a wave of fugitives coming, and that some are in the city and must be contained immediately. You'll start with pistols, one of you will have a shotgun, that being the captain. Your armor will be limited.

"Martial law? Great, just our fucking luck huh?"
The military veterans know absolutely nothing, they are old men (50-60), they are veterans from the Gulf War, and have combat experience, you'll start with a shotgun and some form of Boltaction OR Semi Rifle, ammo being limited.

C R O S S E D (2/8 starting)
"Kill. Kidnap. Mutilate. Destroy."
Your purpose to kill everyone, and everything. Even your fellow crossed if you feel like it, do what you must to cause chaos
(DISCLAIMER - You may do Gore and Torture RP, even kidnap as this is meant to be a heavy and serious event. But other then that, willard rules still apply.)


- Section One -

  • Steam Name:​
  • Steam ID:​
  • Discord Name & ID:​
  • Timezone:​
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Character Role:
Characters Backstory: (required if your making LAPD or Veteran, it doesn't need to be long)
Last edited:
  • Steam Name:
    [*]Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Iandon/
    [*]Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
    [*]Timezone: CST
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Emmett Marlowe
Character Role: LAPD
Character Summary: A kid-at-heart born on the outskirts of Amador City, California, in the year 1985. His family was predominantly affiliated with the Police business in their small city's Department, and Emmett had eventually pursued the career while also juggling the relationship between him and his High-School girlfriend; who wanted to carve something serious with Emmett once he graduated. When he was nearing the end of the hard work at the Police Academy, his partner announced her desire to move to the big city; and eventually convinced Emmett to be enamored by the idea. After talking it out with his parents, his father-- who had been quite outspoken and friendly with other commanding officers in the nearby cities-- had managed to convince Emmett to be transferred to Los Angeles under the guise of better work ethics there. And from then, Emmett and his girlfriend moved into some cramped apartment in the downtrodden suburbs of the city, with aspirations of paving something truly great and starting their proper lives together as Emmett gets settled into the workforce...


An old, grizzled man sits at the desk of one of the many offices at the Los Angeles Police Department; signing away at myriads of paperwork with graceful pen strokes. This concentration soon broke in two as the door slid open, and a man stepped on over; planting down a file onto the desk and sliding it forward for the old man to see.

"Hmf?" He grumbled, reaching to his neck as he pulled his dangling reading glasses upward to his face. As he opened the file and skimmed through it, an unamused chuckle came from him. "This some kind of joke? Kid's barely out of the Academy."

"He's a good kid, hard-worker the papers said. Plus, his father's got ties with some of the Departments. Came asking for a favor and what-not." The man on the other end of the table responded, having been stopped before leaving.

"I'm sorry, I can't sign off on this. I mean, what? Kid's never even been in the city, he'll get ripped to shreds out here." The old man went, picking up the pen as he brought it to deny the paperwork in the file.

"Ripped to shreds? Jesus, Terry, it's Los Angeles; not fuckin' Mega-City One-" The man sighed, "Okay, listen. How about this? You sign off on this, let him mingle about a couple of weeks, and keep a good eye on him; if he's not cut for it, you send him back to Amador. Deal?"

The old man paused moments before denying the paper, as he thought for a moment. A small grunt came out from his chapped lips, "Fine. But if he fucks up out there, it'll be your ass that takes the heat." And with that, he reluctantly signed off on the paper as he shoved the file close. "Take it and go."

The man nodded, gently grasping the folder as he turned his heel... and walked out of the office. "I owe you one."
Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

Character Name:
Paul Yong
Character Role: LAPD
Characters Backstory: Paul Yong went through various ups and downs in life, seeking comfort in a rebellious lifestyle and affiliating himself with a small Korean "gang" in high school. However, everything changed for him during the chaotic 1992 riots. Seeing the determination of Korean business owners as they protected their businesses, Paul started pondering the real essence of justice and his potential to bring about positive change. Motivated to build a fairer society, he made a bold decision to join the LAPD right after finishing high school, opting for a less conventional path.

Last edited:

STEAM ID: 76561199149030942


Hershel Graham
CHARACTER ROLE: Military Veteran
BACKSTORY: Look down stupid

Screenshot_20230523-122006_Cut Paste Photos.jpg



Hershel Graham, a veteran of war, a patriot to his country and a senile grandfather to a distant family. Hershel served in the Gulf War as "Sergeant Graham, US Marine Corp" where he gained several medals for his service alongside a form of PTSD from the horrors he faced in the deserts.

Post war, hershel came home to the family ranch a different person than the one who left to serve his country. He became distant from his family and friends, often causing arguments at dinner or being downright aggresive with almost anyone he encountered. After a while however, his family had grown tired of his antics and moved out towards Orleans, leaving hershel to live alone in the old ranch house...

In the current day he still resides there within the Graham family home as a lonely and paranoid man...biding his time just by going out for groceries every once in a while and polishing his weapons he gained from his service to the US military.

That was until recently, when he gained the courage to write a letter to his family and to tell them that he was sorry for how he was and wished to reconnect after all the time that has passed...in response he gained a letter back that informed hershel that his nephew was going to be sent to live with him for a few weeks and for them to tell the family he he had truly changed or not.

Its been a few weeks since his nephew arrived and hershel has bonded with them, remembering what it felt to have someone in his life after years of solitude. Things are starting to look up for hershel and life was good...Until now...

- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
    no idea​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Timezone:
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Bobby Jenkins
Character Role:
Military Veteran
Characters Backstory: (required if your making LAPD or Veteran, it doesn't need to be long)​

Inkedpenis - Copy_LI.jpg
"Man, why do the Arab's always gotta be the attackers?"
"I just don't know."
"Probably a terrorist hub."
"Probably is."

A kid born in the depths of Los Angeles, USA with his family being a U.S.A patriotic fanatical set of cronies. As always with the lack of education options inside of Los Angeles, a realization and quick switch in his head made him begin to pursue a career into the Military. It wasn't long before being sent into battle - As always with the Middle-East, dictators such as Saddam Hussein were making big moves but the U.S.A made bigger ones as a consequence of wanting Oil; now being sent into the Gulf War.

In the one year of being in the Gulf War, he earned Two medals and was sent home after a Purple Heart medal had been achieved from shrapnel. This wasn't all bad to him however, as the money he got from his service shortly arrived after getting back into L.A. Atleast to the standards and pricing back then, he bought his own home with the assistance of his parents from back home after grasping the fact that it wouldn't the same there anymore.

A lack of further support from the government led him into a form of Poverty, just about living from benefits; it wasn't ever enough unlike what the cost of living standards required him to pay. Not all of it mattered for long however, as the city slowly descended into chaos around him whilst he just watched TV. It's only when the antenna fell off his roof is when he decided to look outside his house for once...​
Can I apply for multiple people (group app, inter-tied chars)
if people are going to be playing for different chars, go for it.
Let it be known, being a group wont give you benefits. If your planning on being a mob or gang, please dm what it is (even though I can imagine what it is).
The best I'll give you is some form of drugs, and some melee weapons and obviously custom clothing.
Also moved the event on the 26th, as I don't think people will make it on Thursday
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: JURY.73​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:213111613​
  • Discord Name & ID: Tony73#6546​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character Name: Joseph 'Hobo Joe' Gallway
Character Role: C R O S S E D

Characters Backstory: One of the many homeless Veterans in LA, Joseph Gallway (Otherwise known as Hobo Joe) along the local populace was a well known begger among the streets in Skid Row 'tent city'. Hobo Joe was often known for his humorous signs to get people to give him money, including his 2004 famous "My father was killed my ninjas, need money for karate lessons!" that made him a local star for a few short weeks. Sadly, soliciting never got him out of Skid Row. In 2006, the CROSSED virus hit, and Hobo Joe was one of the first to be infected in the LA tent metropolis. One thing is clear now, the beloved Hobo Joe is no longer who he used to be.​
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
Discord Name & ID: MCG#8709
Timezone: GMT+10

Character Name: George Preston
Character Role: Citizen

(Someone's gotta be one, right? Can't all be gun-toting heroes, though it would be handy if he acquired one during the event.)
- Section One -
Steam Name:

Steam ID:

Discord Name & ID:


- Section Two -
Character Name:
Jack Carver

Character Role:
LAPD Detective

Born in the heart of California, Carver has mostly been roaming around and searching for meaning in his life for a majority of his early life. He found purpose in helping others and being a catalyst for hope in what was considered to be the worst state in America in terms of crime and murder. Once he reached his 20s, he joined the police academy and managed to pass in just about a few months of training.

In the summer of 1996, he became another officer in the ranks of the Los Angeles Police Department. Over the next decade of his placement in the central division of LAPD, his curiosity for serving justice to those who deserved it prompted his promotion into the Major Crimes Division where he would become a rookie cadet in late 2005.

Now, Carver is about a few months into his new assignment as a rookie detective. He hasn’t been assigned to any case yet, prompting him to patrol alongside another uniformed officer to simply uphold the law until something inevitably happens. But it won’t be long for him to get his hands on a case of his own, he thought. Come on, it’s Los Angeles.

Senator Matthew Hartman was born and raised in the rougher parts of Los Angeles in 1972. Growing up in a neighborhood plagued by crime and poverty, he witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by his community. Determined to make a difference, Matthew dedicated himself to education and community activism.

After completing his studies in political science, Matthew returned to his neighborhood to serve as a community organizer. He fought tirelessly for improved living conditions, access to education, and job opportunities. His ability to connect with people and understand their needs quickly gained him recognition as a compassionate and effective leader.

In 2006, Matthew's career in politics was gaining momentum as he prepared to run for a city council position. However, fate had something far more challenging in store for him and his city. On what seemed like a regular day, chaos erupted in Los Angeles. News of crime, mass riots, and a mysterious spreading virus broke out, spreading fear and uncertainty throughout the city.

At first, Matthew dismissed the reports, believing that the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies would quickly contain the situation. But as the days went by, the situation escalated beyond anyone's imagination. The United States Military and the UN intervened, issuing a citywide lockdown and strict orders for everyone to remain indoors.

Trapped within the confines of his neighborhood, Matthew found himself in the heart of the crisis. The virus had unleashed an unimaginable horror upon the city, transforming ordinary people into bloodthirsty psychopaths. The streets, once filled with life, now became a battleground of survival
  • Steam Name:
    [*]Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Iandon/
    [*]Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
    [*]Timezone: CST
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Emmett Marlowe
Character Role: LAPD
Character Summary: A kid-at-heart born on the outskirts of Amador City, California, in the year 1985. His family was predominantly affiliated with the Police business in their small city's Department, and Emmett had eventually pursued the career while also juggling the relationship between him and his High-School girlfriend; who wanted to carve something serious with Emmett once he graduated. When he was nearing the end of the hard work at the Police Academy, his partner announced her desire to move to the big city; and eventually convinced Emmett to be enamored by the idea. After talking it out with his parents, his father-- who had been quite outspoken and friendly with other commanding officers in the nearby cities-- had managed to convince Emmett to be transferred to Los Angeles under the guise of better work ethics there. And from then, Emmett and his girlfriend moved into some cramped apartment in the downtrodden suburbs of the city, with aspirations of paving something truly great and starting their proper lives together as Emmett gets settled into the workforce...

View attachment 22782

An old, grizzled man sits at the desk of one of the many offices at the Los Angeles Police Department; signing away at myriads of paperwork with graceful pen strokes. This concentration soon broke in two as the door slid open, and a man stepped on over; planting down a file onto the desk and sliding it forward for the old man to see.

"Hmf?" He grumbled, reaching to his neck as he pulled his dangling reading glasses upward to his face. As he opened the file and skimmed through it, an unamused chuckle came from him. "This some kind of joke? Kid's barely out of the Academy."

"He's a good kid, hard-worker the papers said. Plus, his father's got ties with some of the Departments. Came asking for a favor and what-not." The man on the other end of the table responded, having been stopped before leaving.

"I'm sorry, I can't sign off on this. I mean, what? Kid's never even been in the city, he'll get ripped to shreds out here." The old man went, picking up the pen as he brought it to deny the paperwork in the file.

"Ripped to shreds? Jesus, Terry, it's Los Angeles; not fuckin' Mega-City One-" The man sighed, "Okay, listen. How about this? You sign off on this, let him mingle about a couple of weeks, and keep a good eye on him; if he's not cut for it, you send him back to Amador. Deal?"

The old man paused moments before denying the paper, as he thought for a moment. A small grunt came out from his chapped lips, "Fine. But if he fucks up out there, it'll be your ass that takes the heat." And with that, he reluctantly signed off on the paper as he shoved the file close. "Take it and go."

The man nodded, gently grasping the folder as he turned his heel... and walked out of the office. "I owe you one."
ACCEPTED However, since your char is new to the city. Please RP accordingly when you see the crossed attack, and their vile and violent nature.

STEAM ID: 76561199149030942


Hershel Graham
CHARACTER ROLE: Military Veteran
BACKSTORY: Look down stupid

View attachment 22804



Hershel Graham, a veteran of war, a patriot to his country and a senile grandfather to a distant family. Hershel served in the Gulf War as "Sergeant Graham, US Marine Corp" where he gained several medals for his service alongside a form of PTSD from the horrors he faced in the deserts.

Post war, hershel came home to the family ranch a different person than the one who left to serve his country. He became distant from his family and friends, often causing arguments at dinner or being downright aggresive with almost anyone he encountered. After a while however, his family had grown tired of his antics and moved out towards Orleans, leaving hershel to live alone in the old ranch house...

In the current day he still resides there within the Graham family home as a lonely and paranoid man...biding his time just by going out for groceries every once in a while and polishing his weapons he gained from his service to the US military.

That was until recently, when he gained the courage to write a letter to his family and to tell them that he was sorry for how he was and wished to reconnect after all the time that has passed...in response he gained a letter back that informed hershel that his nephew was going to be sent to live with him for a few weeks and for them to tell the family he he had truly changed or not.

Its been a few weeks since his nephew arrived and hershel has bonded with them, remembering what it felt to have someone in his life after years of solitude. Things are starting to look up for hershel and life was good...Until now...

ACCEPTED You will start with a revolver. Remember, PTSD still comes in effect and you will be some what immune to violence. The gore and chaos the Crossed will do will have an effect.
Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

Character Name:
Paul Yong
Character Role: LAPD
Characters Backstory: Paul Yong went through various ups and downs in life, seeking comfort in a rebellious lifestyle and affiliating himself with a small Korean "gang" in high school. However, everything changed for him during the chaotic 1992 riots. Seeing the determination of Korean business owners as they protected their businesses, Paul started pondering the real essence of justice and his potential to bring about positive change. Motivated to build a fairer society, he made a bold decision to join the LAPD right after finishing high school, opting for a less conventional path.

View attachment 22789
- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
    no idea​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Timezone:
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Bobby Jenkins
Character Role:
Military Veteran
Characters Backstory: (required if your making LAPD or Veteran, it doesn't need to be long)​

View attachment 22788
"Man, why do the Arab's always gotta be the attackers?"
"I just don't know."
"Probably a terrorist hub."
"Probably is."

A kid born in the depths of Los Angeles, USA with his family being a U.S.A patriotic fanatical set of cronies. As always with the lack of education options inside of Los Angeles, a realization and quick switch in his head made him begin to pursue a career into the Military. It wasn't long before being sent into battle - As always with the Middle-East, dictators such as Saddam Hussein were making big moves but the U.S.A made bigger ones as a consequence of wanting Oil; now being sent into the Gulf War.

In the one year of being in the Gulf War, he earned Two medals and was sent home after a Purple Heart medal had been achieved from shrapnel. This wasn't all bad to him however, as the money he got from his service shortly arrived after getting back into L.A. Atleast to the standards and pricing back then, he bought his own home with the assistance of his parents from back home after grasping the fact that it wouldn't the same there anymore.

A lack of further support from the government led him into a form of Poverty, just about living from benefits; it wasn't ever enough unlike what the cost of living standards required him to pay. Not all of it mattered for long however, as the city slowly descended into chaos around him whilst he just watched TV. It's only when the antenna fell off his roof is when he decided to look outside his house for once...​

ACCEPTED You'll start with a Shotgun. Remember, PTSD still comes in effect and you will be some what immune to violence. The gore and chaos the Crossed will do will have an effect.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: JURY.73​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:213111613​
  • Discord Name & ID: Tony73#6546​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character Name: Joseph 'Hobo Joe' Gallway
Character Role: C R O S S E D
View attachment 22821

Characters Backstory: One of the many homeless Veterans in LA, Joseph Gallway (Otherwise known as Hobo Joe) along the local populace was a well known begger among the streets in Skid Row 'tent city'. Hobo Joe was often known for his humorous signs to get people to give him money, including his 2004 famous "My father was killed my ninjas, need money for karate lessons!" that made him a local star for a few short weeks. Sadly, soliciting never got him out of Skid Row. In 2006, the CROSSED virus hit, and Hobo Joe was one of the first to be infected in the LA tent metropolis. One thing is clear now, the beloved Hobo Joe is no longer who he used to be.​
ACCEPTED Refer to what you are allowed to do under the crossed Section. Accepted for Trial.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
Discord Name & ID: MCG#8709
Timezone: GMT+10

Character Name: George Preston
Character Role: Citizen

(Someone's gotta be one, right? Can't all be gun-toting heroes, though it would be handy if he acquired one during the event.)
Accepted (you don't need to make an app for citizen)
- Section One -
Steam Name:

Steam ID:

Discord Name & ID:


- Section Two -
Character Name:
Jack Carver

Character Role:
LAPD Detective

View attachment 22835
Born in the heart of California, Carver has mostly been roaming around and searching for meaning in his life for a majority of his early life. He found purpose in helping others and being a catalyst for hope in what was considered to be the worst state in America in terms of crime and murder. Once he reached his 20s, he joined the police academy and managed to pass in just about a few months of training.

In the summer of 1996, he became another officer in the ranks of the Los Angeles Police Department. Over the next decade of his placement in the central division of LAPD, his curiosity for serving justice to those who deserved it prompted his promotion into the Major Crimes Division where he would become a rookie cadet in late 2005.

Now, Carver is about a few months into his new assignment as a rookie detective. He hasn’t been assigned to any case yet, prompting him to patrol alongside another uniformed officer to simply uphold the law until something inevitably happens. But it won’t be long for him to get his hands on a case of his own, he thought. Come on, it’s Los Angeles.

Senator Matthew Hartman was born and raised in the rougher parts of Los Angeles in 1972. Growing up in a neighborhood plagued by crime and poverty, he witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by his community. Determined to make a difference, Matthew dedicated himself to education and community activism.

After completing his studies in political science, Matthew returned to his neighborhood to serve as a community organizer. He fought tirelessly for improved living conditions, access to education, and job opportunities. His ability to connect with people and understand their needs quickly gained him recognition as a compassionate and effective leader.

In 2006, Matthew's career in politics was gaining momentum as he prepared to run for a city council position. However, fate had something far more challenging in store for him and his city. On what seemed like a regular day, chaos erupted in Los Angeles. News of crime, mass riots, and a mysterious spreading virus broke out, spreading fear and uncertainty throughout the city.

At first, Matthew dismissed the reports, believing that the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies would quickly contain the situation. But as the days went by, the situation escalated beyond anyone's imagination. The United States Military and the UN intervened, issuing a citywide lockdown and strict orders for everyone to remain indoors.

Trapped within the confines of his neighborhood, Matthew found himself in the heart of the crisis. The virus had unleashed an unimaginable horror upon the city, transforming ordinary people into bloodthirsty psychopaths. The streets, once filled with life, now became a battleground of survival
Accepted. DISCLAIMER - Your char doesn't know much of the virus, I will allow you to know that the virus exists but overall its meant to be hidden, you'll know it exists you just won't know its the sole reason for the riots.

I will note, your chars should react realistically to the violence the Crossed will cause in the event. And the horrors you will see. DM or @ Me or any SS member for the Judgement role.


Two of LA's less fine residents, and more among the disillusioned with proper man's work, good man's ethic,

The brothers, Jesus and Roberto Ruiz, (portrayed by @JuKob and @E.C.), are two rabble-rousing ruffians, members of the LA Latin Kings, or, ratherest, the set present in the neighborhood we cover so soon in News Stories widespread as one of the first centers of widespread infection, the Dukes Ave. L-Kings.

Abandoned by their father, and raised by a single mother until adulthood in the same family home held down so long, when she passed, it passed onto them - these boys, strict in upbringing, with no real skills, having been catered their whole lives, attempted easy living in what would hire - when things came up lacking,

They resorted to desperate measures,

Such has landed them as the goons of the local Latin Kings.

+2 players, no forums.

One of your average LA families, household, broken home, set in usual hostility - things aren't ever too kind and easy for those of our future generation,

The Johnsons are a small house, three men, the Father, Robert, and the two songs, Rodney and Darren, (portrayed by @Chains , @Doom Demon , and @Darkie), a split up household, the father? A Veteran from recent wars, lived long enough to return home to a dead wife, run-down home and two mouths to feed, he's violent, aggravated, his boys? One's a good'un, Rodney's a Cadet with the LAPD. But, that other boy? Darren's a lost cause, some gun-toting fool doing deeds for the Dukes, or the Latin Kings.

Misguided youth mistemper the path of our good world's future.

Raise them right.

+3 players, @Chains , @Doom Demon no @Darkie forum.


Crime Central.

A family of three, a Father, by day, doing odd jobs and labour with his wife, and by night, is a stick-up kid, or a mother, honest cover work in the morn', slanging weed by night. With a son, so sheltered, attempted to be hidden away from what they must endure for his sake - they must so unknowingly raise as a ganger himself.

(Portrayed by @eight, @crat and Me.)

The Rivera's, a long generation of cheats, liars and cutthroats, raising one of the most prominent youths in the city, the leader of the
Dukes Ave. Latin Kings, and his parents, damn near doing work by it without a clue, merely trying to provide for their son.

What a cruel world.

Where boy cries naught for all mother and father hath given him.

+3 myself, @crat as the druggie mom and @eight (no forum?) as the gun-toting pops.

as for ooc info,
idk any of my steam shit or theirs, but im not sure it matters in this instance, but, discords i can provide in dm.


Two of LA's less fine residents, and more among the disillusioned with proper man's work, good man's ethic,

The brothers, Jesus and Roberto Ruiz, (portrayed by @JuKob and @E.C.), are two rabble-rousing ruffians, members of the LA Latin Kings, or, ratherest, the set present in the neighborhood we cover so soon in News Stories widespread as one of the first centers of widespread infection, the Dukes Ave. L-Kings.

Abandoned by their father, and raised by a single mother until adulthood in the same family home held down so long, when she passed, it passed onto them - these boys, strict in upbringing, with no real skills, having been catered their whole lives, attempted easy living in what would hire - when things came up lacking,

They resorted to desperate measures,

Such has landed them as the goons of the local Latin Kings.

+2 players, no forums.

One of your average LA families, household, broken home, set in usual hostility - things aren't ever too kind and easy for those of our future generation,

The Johnsons are a small house, three men, the Father, Robert, and the two songs, Rodney and Darren, (portrayed by @Chains , @Doom Demon , and @Darkie), a split up household, the father? A Veteran from recent wars, lived long enough to return home to a dead wife, run-down home and two mouths to feed, he's violent, aggravated, his boys? One's a good'un, Rodney's a Cadet with the LAPD. But, that other boy? Darren's a lost cause, some gun-toting fool doing deeds for the Dukes, or the Latin Kings.

Misguided youth mistemper the path of our good world's future.

Raise them right.

+3 players, @Chains , @Doom Demon no @Darkie forum.


Crime Central.

A family of three, a Father, by day, doing odd jobs and labour with his wife, and by night, is a stick-up kid, or a mother, honest cover work in the morn', slanging weed by night. With a son, so sheltered, attempted to be hidden away from what they must endure for his sake - they must so unknowingly raise as a ganger himself.

(Portrayed by @eight, @crat and Me.)

The Rivera's, a long generation of cheats, liars and cutthroats, raising one of the most prominent youths in the city, the leader of the
Dukes Ave. Latin Kings, and his parents, damn near doing work by it without a clue, merely trying to provide for their son.

What a cruel world.

Where boy cries naught for all mother and father hath given him.

+3 myself, @crat as the druggie mom and @eight (no forum?) as the gun-toting pops.

as for ooc info,
idk any of my steam shit or theirs, but im not sure it matters in this instance, but, discords i can provide in dm.

Accepted - Veteran changed to LAPD Sheriff Veteran due to Veteran slot being full
Cadet accepted.
Latin Kings accepted
Family Accepted

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Bi-Em
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116393258
  • Discord Name & ID: Bi-em5838#2736
  • Timezone: GMT+2
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Lewis Holland

Photo of himself found on his phone:


Character Role: CROSSED
Characters Backstory:

What is there to say about Lewis Holland?

He was just another young drug dealing scumbag in the city, often scamming his customers and selling in other dealers territories.

He often got trouble with cops and he had a record of staying overnight in police station cells, only thing that kept him from getting send to jail, was that some of police officers were bribed by one of the main drug dealers in the city to keep quiet about drug problem and just slap a light punishment on the dealers, as actually doing their job would bring more eyes on their city and surely more cops with "honor" and "justice" in their heads.

Maybe one day a new batch of oil would end up in his head, and finally make him realize that his actions, were just inching him closer to actually being send to jail or with bullet between his eyes.

That tho would't never happend, as his last customer attacked him last night, goddamn bastard tried to rob him out of his money and products he aimed to sell that night.

Now he is just
... feeling weird..liKe...he..ai..Ha..Ha..HA....HAHA..HAHAHHAHA
Quick question about CROSSED Characters:
- If we die, are we are out of event or we change to another CROSSED Character to upkeep the madness and chaos?
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