Accepted [Lore Submission] THE KRAH'AUR'NUR

The Milkman

Radio Bob Approved


The Three Pillars.
The Three Trials.

Made by rad-x
The Krah'Aur'Nur is a heretical sect of Vortigaunts that came into existence during the 'Kin Wars' before the Combine's occupation of Earth. In 2018, the tribe had a resurgence within City 24, Geneva. Since then, the tribe has grown their influence from Spain to central Europe - going far beyond a singular group in a city and continues to do so today. The Krah'aur'nur aids in leading guerilla operations against the Combine in an effort to weaken their grip on the Resistance whilst also clinging onto their old traditions.

Whilst many vortigaunt tribes may value peaceful existence while in waiting of the Freeman's return, the Krah'aur'nur is a militaristic tribe that values warrior ideals more than anything else. Oddly enough, unlike a vast majority of Vortigaunt Tribes, the Krah'aur'nur is one of the few to adopt the stance of allowing humans to become tribesmen - some even gaining the title of Kin. It is through this companionship that they have a much greater understanding of humanity.

The Krah'aur'nur are characterized by their heavy reliance on tradition. Some vortigaunts are often left with less eyes due to their failing of trials, and prisoners taken by the Krah'aur'nur are often left with a branding on their face that marks them as an enemy.


The Krah'Aur'Nur first came into existence after the kin wars, a series of brutal civil wars launched by the Ooz'Merian Elders in order to bring all of the new branching vortigaunt civilizations under the fold of their religion, the One True Vortigaunt. Put briefly, the One True Vortigaunt, or Rok'Shan'Voss, is a belief system that states all of vortal kind descends from one “Great Weaver”, and it is the natural aim of the Vortessence to draw all Vortigaunts towards this Great Weaver, erasing all of their individuality until they are all the same being in a perfect hive mind.

The original members of the Krah'Aur'Nur can be found among the losing civilizations in the kin wars. Those deemed “savages” by the Ooz'Merian Elder Council were gathered up and sent to a mysterious, uncharted continent for an eternal exile. Rather or not the Elder Council's ruling was truly fair is lost to history, yet it is a key event that separates those in the Krah'Aur'Nur from all of mainstream vortalkind.

Those in exile would quickly discover the horrors of the land they were subjected to, and as such banded out of necessity. The group of survivors that emerged from the crucial first days were the most capable warriors among the exiles, and as such came together to form the Krah'Aur'Nur, and with it a series of core tenets and rituals that have been passed down from generation to generation.

It is through their heretical nature, exile, and fundamental ideological differences that the Krah'Aur'Nur have become enemies of those who propagate the traditional power structure in vortal society, such as Shamans and Grand Elders.

The Krah'Aur'Nur has a far more secular approach to affairs than mainstream vortalkind. The exact reason for this can be assumed to be a culmination of the mixture of various cultures, desperate need to survive in their continent of exile, and general disdain for those who follow the One True Vortigaunt. As such, the Krah'Aur'Nur's belief system can be boiled down into a series of tenets:

Veneration - Respect for those who came before, and have fallen in service of the Krah’Aur’Nur. To them, we owe the greatest debt. Ever-lasting perseverance is our duty, to surrender is to forsake them.

No False Warrior - No matter your form, no matter your past, you may find your place within the Krah’Aur’Nur. To undergo and complete the sacred trials is to be recognized as a proven warrior for eternity.

Honor - The word of the Krah’Aur’Nur is not to be taken lightly. All declarations and pledges of loyalty are to be carried out without exception. To betray our honor is a most grievous offense.

Council of Champions - Only with a firm guiding hand can our people survive. Our greatest and most honored warriors are given positions of power, advising our Elder and teaching our people.

Kinship - All of those who fight in the name of the Krah’Aur’Nur are our kin. It is expected of us to have an eternal compassion and fervorous devotion to one another. To fight and die in defense of your kin is the greatest honor, and our highest responsibility.

Rites and Rituals
Newblood Trials - There are multiple ceremonies done throughout the life of a member of the Krah’Aur’Nur. Upon first induction, they undergo the Newblood Trials.

In the Tribe's history, they believed that each of the elevated eyes on the head of a Vortigaunt represented a pillar of their being. Wrath, Spirit, and Reason, respectively. To survive the journey ahead, the Ancients of the Tribe laid out three trials. Should a new-blood fail one of these trials, one of their "Pillars" would be slashed, debilitating them in combat and causing the trials ahead to be even more difficult in penance. Later in life, this wound was often healed when they could prove they had evoked their potential.

Firstly, the trial of Wrath. For this pillar to be marked, the Newblood must prove they are strong, showing they are both worthy of fighting alongside the Krah’Aur’Nur, and protecting their kin.

Secondly, the trial of Reason. Historically, the use of this pillar was to prove that a Vortigaunt was capable of advanced hunting, even against the most intelligent and dangerous prey. However, it still applies in the new age. To be marked, the Newblood must show they have a strong sense of reasoning and logic.

Lastly, the trial of Spirit. The Newblood’s trials are all watched over by a Precept, or in certain cases the Elder themselves, which will design a trial to specifically test the resolve and potential of the Newblood. For this pillar to be marked, the Newblood must prove themselves to be able to conquer their weaknesses, or utilize their strength. This marks an exceptional warrior.

Returnal - Upon finding a deceased vortigaunt or tribesman, be they of any creed or standing, they are to be given an utterance of respect, and their bodies returned to the vortessence via the vortal energies unraveling them. It is considered an ultimate, basic respect owed to any of those who are vortal in nature or spirit.

The Blood Pit - The Blood Pit is an arena where the Krah'aur'nur will occasionally host fights for various reasons including recreation, search of potential recruits, trials of wrath, and even the resolution of conflicts between two parties. Often, there are 2 combatants that fight with bare hands or melee weapons. Fights are until death, forfeit, or knockout.

Branding - Enemies of the Krah'aur'nur will be given a brand - often a vortigaunt's entire hand being placed on their cheek and using their vortal energies to burn an imprint of it into their victim's flesh. This mark is to signify those who have fought against the Krah'aur'nur and lost, or are criminals.

The Elder of the Krah'aur'nur is the greater leader of the entire tribe. The title, despite its name, doesn't exactly signify the age of the Vortigaunt. The elder is counselled by his Guardians.

A guardian is a warrior who was chosen to help lead the Krah'aur'nur. They are given the authority to accept newbloods into the tribe and are in charge of handling the trials of their apprentices.

A warrior is one who has gone through all three of their trials, pass or fail. They are regarded as proven warriors and hold some authority over Newbloods

A newblood is a new member of the tribe whose mettle is yet to be proven. They must go through all three trials and are assigned a guardian to supervise their training.

An Arbiter is a title that only one person can hold in the tribe. Usually, the Arbiter role consists of a captured enemy that has been forced to serve the Krah'aur'nur on a road to redemption and repentance. Nowadays, this consists mainly of Civil Protection units.
In late January of 2020, the Krah'Aur'Nur would find themselves contacted by a local resistance group known as the Indígena de Madrid. After some time talking, the two groups would come into talks about potential strikes against the Combine. It was this that led to the main forces of the Krah'Aur'Nur to decide on their ultimate plan; the total annihilation of City 59 and the advisor that nested within its capital. The tribe called upon the malevolent kingpin Tyrant and all of the Spanish resistances' various contacts to aid in this foolhardy plan.

It was then that over the course of several weeks, the combined strength of the Krah'Aur'Nur and Indigena de Madrid managed to dwindle the local Combine forces enough to launch an assault onto the capital nexus of City 59. The Combine forces proved to be a worthy challenge - but ultimately fell, though not without inflicting heavy losses amongst not only the resistance forces, but also the civillian population of City 59.

The alliance of vortal and humankind painstakingly pushed their way to the capital Overwatch nexus, managing to break through its defenses. Utilizing a former civil protection officer, they managed to navigate through the unfathomable bowels of underground passages and dangerous corridors. Cutting through swathes of Civil Protection and Overwatch, the ones who braved the inevitable doom that laid within the complex fought through dozens upon dozens of Combine until the final push. The bunker that contained the Nexus' dark matter core laid within.

The final battle was harsh. Multiple friends of the tribe were slain before they could see the end. Though when all was seemingly lost, a light broke through the darkness. The strike force broke through the Combine's defenses and recovered their wounded companions that managed to cling to life behind Combine lines.

It was then that looking past the blood-soaked walls, the remaining freedom-fighters noticed an advisor's pod in the center of the room. However, it was not the Krah'Aur'Nur that would strike first as they were frozen in place by the advisor's psychic abilities. The air grew cold as they were left helpless as their elder, Kraas'Etan, was lifted in the air. Only by the bravery of Jorden Mcnutty, whom turned the creature's attention to him, was the elder able to activate a Xen crystal, of which summoned the enigmatic Tyrant. A clash of the occult began.

The Tyrant's appearance put an end to the advisor's grip on the group, and through a barrage of combined vortal energies and bullets, the advisor was quickly felled. Their final enemy defeated, the tribe and what remained of their resistance allies cheered. The Tyrant, in typical fashion, ultimately transported himself away to leave the Krah'Aur'Nur to sacrifice themselves. Little did the kingpin know, the tribe had never truly cared for it, nor its obvious schemes; they had always known the trip was one-way. Ultimately, it wouldn't be the tale of the cowardly Tyrant appearing to secure the final blow. Instead, the tale of the Krah'Aur'Nur would be sung in its stead.

Finally, the tribe gave their goodbyes to one another and joined hands as the nexus core was overloaded. Despite the Combine's pervasive grip on the world and the human and vortal mind, these individuals lived and died as family. Their final moments had always been intended to inspire the millions that still live under the iron fist of the empire to realize what they had lost - to live free again. It was only a matter of if the many would hear this message.

Regardless, this was not a story of how the Krah'Aur'Nur finally died.
This is how the Krah'Aur'Nur lived.


Kraas'Etan, @Raptorian
The Leader of the Krah'Aur'Nur. Mortally wounded in his final fight. Carried the crystal that allowed the tyrant to slaughter the advisor, and detonated the dark energy core of the nexus. Before his death, he was surrounded by the vortigaunts of his tribe, and his Pillar of Spirit was restored, rectifying the mistake he had made in his homeworld, so long ago. He will become the subject of songs and stories for the rest of human and vortigaunt history.

Viktor Sokolov, @Maine
The first human to ever join the Krah'Aur'Nur. A ferocious warrior, and Guardian to the tribe. He died alongside his kin without any regrets, after aiding in the push through the nexus and flanking an Elite Overwatch soldier. He accepted death in his final moments, at peace with his place in the universe. His name will be remembered for generations to come.

Esteban Torres, @ultima
A Guardian of the tribe, remarkably skilled with his thermal scope and unlocked Experimental AR2. He died in the explosion, having proved vital to the tribe's efforts throughout the uprising and many other pivotal battles. One of the few humans to successfully pass all of his trials, he was considered kin. The Krah'Aur'Nur's success would have hung in the balance without this fierce warrior.

Tlu'Urn-Etas, @Vadim
A valued Guardian for the Krah'Aur'Nur. At first wary of the Krah'Aur'Nur, his life was saved by Kraas'Etan, leading him to join the group despite warnings from other vortigaunts. He was one of the vortigaunts conducting the ritual that led to the detonation of the dark energy core. Died alongside kin.

Gaka'Bee Uul'Eeya-Etanii, @Kaffee
A Guardian of the tribe. He was brought in by the krah aur nur and treated like a brother, he stuck by them valiantly and showed true loyalty till the very end. The fourth and final vortigaunt to survive the raid on the nexus and help detonate the dark energy core. Died alongside kin.

Jorden 'Wendy' McNulty, @alessiodoomboy
A Warrior of the Krah'Aur'Nur. One of the only rebels to participate in two separate attacks on two separate nexuses, leading to the downfall of both. When he saw the Elder, Kraas'Etan, about to be slaughtered by the advisor, he fired his weapon into the floor, drawing the creature's attention to him. Spat on the advisor before death, dying defiantly, and without fear.

Scook, @Petski
The Krah'Aur'Nur's loyal pet. It was raised as a grub in El Valle, serving dutifully as a protector for the group. It eventually evolved, becoming an Antlion Warrior, and then evolved again, becoming an Antlion Guardian, just as the creature would have risen in the ranks were it a human or vortigaunt. It died saving its kin, knocking a strider off of its legs and taking the full brunt of its warp cannon and killing them both.

Grunk, @Petski
The arguably loveable bullsquid companion of the early days of the C24 chapter of the Krah'Aur'Nur. Grunk made a meal out of friends and enemies alike, acting as a symbol for the group as a whole. Grunk perished in the underground of C24 protecting its tribe members from a Civil Protection attack. His death was paid for in full by the Combine soon after.

Zor'Thakar-Ival'Thor, @The Milkman
Another Guardian for the Krah'Aur'Nur. His mind was able to outwit any squad of transhuman soldiers, creating stratagems that led to the downfall of squad after squad of Combine soldiers. He participated in the ritual that led to the detonation of the dark energy core, dying alongside his kin.

Lauh-Turr'Etas, @The Milkman
The second ever member of the Genevan chapter of the Krah'Aur'Nur, Lauh was a youngling created in the depths of a Combine facility, whom sought to leave his individuality behind and become more in tuned with the vortessence. Kraas'Etan recruited the young vortigaunt and forged him into a capable warrior, shaping him into something utterly different. The youngling perished in the slums of Industrial 17 after vowing to aid his fellow vortigaunts in an assault on the local Overwatch forces.

'Catoentis', @Fedora

Catoentis was an elder vortigaunt whom joined the Krah'Aur'Nur in their early days of the Genevan chapter. He brought along his bullsquid companion, Grunk. Catoentis would aid the Krah'Aur'Nur invaluably for some time before eventually succumbing to old age in the presence of his tribesmen.

Xie Gro, (Ghost Recon Captain Rex)
Known to some as the master of checkers, Xie Gro was a well-known artist amongst his peers, painting many murals along the walls of city 24. Xie Gro joined the Krah'Aur'Nur in the early days of the Genevan chapter, armed with his oddly-deadly staff. He proved to be a beloved figure and a gentle soul. Unfortunately, Xie Gro's value of life turned into a tragedy as he did not lay a finger against the Civil Protection officers that would discover his shackles were false. Some vortigaunts honor Xie Gro's works to this day - spreading them along the walls of various locations.

Kalh'Khan, (Flextern)

Kalh'Khan was another early member of the Genevan chapter, gaining infamy for his deadly prowress in combat and bloodlust for all those who served the Combine. This vortigaunt struck fear into the hearts of Civil Protection whilst enjoying a good cigarette. Kalh'Khan would mysteriously disappear one day, however, his motives and location unknown. Some speculate he sought more difficult enemies to slay in the wilds of the Outlands. Regardless, he played a vital role in the initial emergence of the tribe.

Barrett ‘Arbiter’ Holland, @Deadnoise
Barrett Holland, also known as the Arbiter of the Krah’Aur’Nur, was originally a civil protection officer in industrial 24. After an ill-fated step into the local slums, Barrett made a call to fire warning shots at an onlooking group of enslaved Vortigaunts. Soon after, he was being dragged off into the sewers by the Krah’Aur’Nur. They allowed him to live as long as he walked a path of redemption as their Arbiter. Barrett perished to a Combine gunship in service to the rebellion.

ooc information

The Krah is a tribe that was formed late 2021 and has persisted to this day. We have performed countless attacks on the Combine and have done plenty of expeditions, and are the first ever group to possess a settlement before it was even a proper system.

On January 28th, 2024, the more than 3 year long story of the Krah'Aur'Nur as we know it would end in Alessio's UNTIL THE NEXT short story.





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This is a great post. There is but one problem. You are taking credit for Neighborhood Watch operations. Please remove them from the "miscellaneous screenshots and videos" section or the Staff team WILL be involved.
This is a great post. There is but one problem. You are taking credit for Neighborhood Watch operations. Please remove them from the "miscellaneous screenshots and videos" section or the Staff team WILL be involved.
It was a group effort