Accepted Lost Coast Chanties - Event Concept #1 - Old Habits

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Lost Coast Chanties

Radio Bob Approved

Steam Name & ID:
Bluetter Call Shift 76561198155988671​
Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873​


Subdue the American Wasteland, or die trying...

Event Name: Old Habits

Event Length: 3 Days

Event Focus: Survival/Exploration

Set in the Half-Life universe: Yes.

Follows Willard's Timeline: Yes.

Affects the main server: No.

Do I wish to spearhead the project: Maybe.


. . .

Alright... It's workin'. Spill the beans.
[The person clears their throat]
Right, right... Speak into the...

[A sigh is heard]
No. Just- Ignore it. It's not even there. Just start speakin'.

Of course, sorry...
[The person clears their throat again]
We went to Detroit, just as asked. From what we could gather, stuff hasn't been... good.

How so?
There have been crackdowns on the railroad. One of the major routes got shelled to oblivion...
Go on.
Combine have been securing the perimeter around the city, it's much harder to get in and out, especially for the refugees...
Not good.
Yeah, no shit... At this point I'm starting to think someone tipped them off.
Leave the theories to yourself, focus on the details.
Right, right... We've managed to link up with the others, there were a lot of refugees...
[The person clears their throat once more]
They told us to go back and warn you they'll be coming.

The refugee wave-
You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me...
[The person clears their throat]
They're probably on their way already. We'll need to help them get to Ph-

I fuckin' told them. The Combine are on our asses, ain't no way in hell we're getting them to Philly. Not now.
W-well... That's...
Fuck's sake...
[A deep, frustrated sigh is heard]

. . .

Go get the others, go back and tell them the plan's changed. We can't receive 'em.
W-what? I'm sorry, you aren't telling them to go back-
No... West. Tell them to go West.
...West? What's West?
I'll radio it in, just tell them to get to Grand Rapids. We'll figure something out...
Alright... If you say so...
I do. Now move your ass, we don't have much time.
[After a few seconds, a hurried few steps are heard. Then, a door opening and closing]
[A deep sigh is heard]

. . .


. . .

The American Wastelands don't need an introduction, especially to us. Eating up the middle portion of the entire continent, they have been a continuous pain in the ass for The Combine, as evident by a multitude of outposts they have set up to keep it at bay, or at the very least, the creatures that resign within. It's hard to say how populated the Wastes are, not without going in - something that, thanks to the southern Combine Outposts, has been an extremely rare opportunity.

In all honesty, we've had little to no reason to bother scouting the regions past Lake Michigan's shores, and as such, the true face of the "New Frontier" is unknown to us, although rumors and myths don't exactly paint a good picture. Most who went through the region say it's a desolate, lawless hellhole without any redeemable qualities, filled to the brim with all types of xenian filth. Unfortunately, with the recent situation, we have no other alternative places to send the refugees in - not without them getting caught by Combine patrols, which have seemingly increased ever since Detroit's perimeter got fully secured.

The refugees in question are most likely the last wave we'll see for a while, especially with the situation in the city. A few of our members are assisting in getting them to Grand Rapids, although it's doubtful that all of them will follow into the Wastelands - we're probably looking at only a few volunteers. From what we know, this wave is mostly unarmed, so armed assistance is a definite must to make sure this doesn't end in needless death.

The mission itself is simple. The refugees will sail through Lake Michigan and over to the Wastelands. There, they will travel to one of the abandoned outposts, and, hopefully, sit this whole ordeal out, possibly even helping us scout the surrounding areas. In an ideal scenario, a new refugee settlement can be formed as a backup plan for when The Combine tries to lock down routes to Philadelphia, which they have been adamant on doing so far. Our hope is that, with the lack of any activity, they will switch their attention somewhere else - in the meantime, we will have to continue looking into re-opening Detroit's underground railroad.

. . .

The Refugees

The last wave that managed to escape out of City 70. With The Combine closing in on the routes to Philadelphia, the North West Outpost directed them towards the American Wastelands. Greatly underequiped, their ability to survive the struggles of the Wastes is questionable.

Some of the refugees may have held higher authority back in the railroad networks of Detroit. They can serve as leaders of their respective groups, if the latter still exist.


The Patriots
(Very limited spots)

An extremely limited amount of armed Patriot volunteers that went to the Wasteland with the refugees. Possibly hold the only method of contacting the North West Outpost for assistance.

Whether or not the latter will respond is unknown.


The Locals

The people of the American Wastelands, truly free from bounds, or so it may seem. Greatly diverse and hard to characterize, both in morals and equipment.

Some may be more organized than others. Warlord-led militias are not out of the realm of possibility.

Negotiation may prove difficult for all parties involved.


The Vortigaunts - ?

(Very limited spots, grunts can possibly be included)

Being much more adaptable to hostile environments than humans, the vortal kin can no doubt co-exist with the Wastelands and their xenian inhabitants.

This would, however, imply they would prefer such an existence to begin with.


The Combine - ?
(Players cannot apply for this faction)

Whether or not The Combine stalk the wastes is a question with an obvious answer. Whether or not they occasionally send their machines to do the stalking for them is a whole different affair.

Nonetheless, the chance of a transhuman patrol is minimal, unless there's something in this particular part of the Wasteland that may interest their overlords.

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havent seen an event set in the american wastelands so this will be very interesting
cant wait to have Spec Ops: The Line roleplay!!!
Cool event and Idea.

Might want to change the name though. We already had an event called Exodus
This event sounds intense and engaging for all parties involved!

Definitely an event I would love to play in!
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