Discord Name:
Steam Name:
Role you are applying for:
Squad Leader of the Combine Conscripted Reserve | City █ Special Task Force
Do you have the applicable whitelists?:
I used too
Character name:
Captain Lukas Volkov
Backstory is recommended for CCR characters.


Lukas Volkov was born in the outskirts of what was once Kiev, Ukraine, before the Combine invasion. Growing up in a small, tight-knit community, he learned the values of resilience and camaraderie from an early age. His father, a former soldier, gave him a sense of duty and discipline, while his mother, a nurse, taught him the importance of protecting and caring for the vulnerable.

When the Combine invaded Earth during the Seven Hour War, Lukas was only 19. His father, like many others, took up arms against the invaders but was swiftly killed in the overwhelming onslaught. The rapid fall of humanity left a lasting impression on Lukas, who witnessed firsthand the destruction of his homeland and the subjugation of his people.

With his family displaced and their future uncertain, Lukas was forced to adapt quickly. He joined a local resistance group, driven by a mixture of anger and naivety. For years, he fought alongside his comrades in various skirmishes in Eastern Europe, earning a reputation for being a dedicated and strategic fighter.

Despite his efforts, the resistance was ultimately crushed by the Combine's superior technology and numbers. Lukas was captured during a failed assault on a Combine outpost. Recognising his potential, the Combine offered him a choice: face execution or join the Combine Conscripted Reserve. Seeing no other option and driven by a desire to protect his remaining family, Lukas reluctantly agreed to serve the Combine undergoing a degree of indoctrination.

As a conscript, Lukas underwent rigorous training designed to break his spirit and molded him into a loyal soldier that the Combine required. Despite the harsh conditions and constant surveillance, he managed to retain a semblance of his former self, using his position to subtly undermine the Combine whenever possible and feeding what information he could to the opposition. His tactical prowess and ability to lead did not go unnoticed, and he quickly rose through the ranks.

Lukas's abilities eventually earned him a place in the Special Task Force of City █, a unit tasked with handling high-risk missions and maintaining order in one of the most volatile sectors under Combine control. As the squad leader, he commands a team of similarly conscripted soldiers, all bound by their shared fate and determination to survive.

While Lukas outwardly fulfills his duties as a squad leader, he remains internally conflicted. He detests having to serve the Combine and yearns for the day he can strike back against them. Secretly, he maintains contact with remnants of the resistance, providing them with intelligence and support whenever he can despite the risk that it poses. His position as a squad leader offers him a unique opportunity to subtly influence the Combine from the inside. For now, he remains a beacon of loyalism, hiding his core beliefs from those around him; no matter the cost.

Discord Name: schizo_engineer
Steam Name: John Halo
Role you are applying for: CCR Squad Member
Do you have the applicable whitelists?: Y

Character name: Mac Heystek

A part of the original few transfers straight out of I24 into City Eight. The man has had a strung history within the CCR. Originally being an insurgent in what was South Africa against the administration in Pretoria; was later captured as a POW by delegates in the transhuman arm. Immediately put under as a political conscript, made to fight in the combine's suicide campaigns in regaining dominance over earth's territories. He was a survivor whom kept to his wits and climbed up through the system. Lasting long enough until the fall of Industrial Twenty Four due to rampant rebel activities.

Once transferred, he's made quite the name for himself.
Being quite notorious within his own garrison as a trouble maker or unorthodox figure.
Discord Name: Tuki
Steam Name: Tuki
Role you are applying for: Biotic Containment Team (Soldier)
Do you have the applicable whitelists?: Yis
Character name: Tracker-17
Last edited:
Discord Name: MazuzaM#0000
Steam Name: MazuzaM
Role you are applying for:
Overwatch Soldier
Do you have the applicable whitelists?:

Character name:
Discord Name: Dej
Steam Name:
Role you are applying for:
Overwatch Soldier
Do you have the applicable whitelists?:
Character Name: Whatever the game auto-assigns
Discord Name: schizo_engineer
Steam Name: John Halo
Role you are applying for: CCR Squad Member
Do you have the applicable whitelists?: Y

Character name: Mac Heystek

A part of the original few transfers straight out of I24 into City Eight. The man has had a strung history within the CCR. Originally being an insurgent in what was South Africa against the administration in Pretoria; was later captured as a POW by delegates in the transhuman arm. Immediately put under as a political conscript, made to fight in the combine's suicide campaigns in regaining dominance over earth's territories. He was a survivor whom kept to his wits and climbed up through the system. Lasting long enough until the fall of Industrial Twenty Four due to rampant rebel activities.

Once transferred, he's made quite the name for himself.
Being quite notorious within his own garrison as a trouble maker or unorthodox figure.
Discord Name: 0xniklastm
Steam Name: 0xNiklas
Role you are applying for: CCR Soldier
Do you have the applicable whitelists?: Yes

Character name: CG-2 Kaito Ikari
Backstory is recommended for CCR characters.:
Kaito Ikari, a local of City 8 born in Tokyo. Kaito is an extrovert person, who speaks much about "honor". He often speaks about the samurais, since his grandpa was a samurai in the imperial japan army as commissoned officer and he was taught in the way of conservativsm. Now, he still holds onto this long lost culture and keeps it alive for himself. Once, the Combine invaded earth. He joined the CCR in C8. Fortunate enough to be one of many, who are surviving combat. Now, he made a name for himself for being a fierce warrior and survivor within his Unit.
Discord Name: Jfish#3800
Steam Name: Peter Griffin
Role you are applying for:
Do you have the applicable whitelists?:
OTA, yeah.

Character name:
Discord Name: 0xniklastm
Steam Name: 0xNiklas
Role you are applying for: CCR Soldier
Do you have the applicable whitelists?: Yes

Character name: CG-2 Kaito Ikari
Backstory is recommended for CCR characters.:
Kaito Ikari, a local of City 8 born in Tokyo. Kaito is an extrovert person, who speaks much about "honor". He often speaks about the samurais, since his grandpa was a samurai in the imperial japan army as commissoned officer and he was taught in the way of conservativsm. Now, he still holds onto this long lost culture and keeps it alive for himself. Once, the Combine invaded earth. He joined the CCR in C8. Fortunate enough to be one of many, who are surviving combat. Now, he made a name for himself for being a fierce warrior and survivor within his Unit.
Final app. Accepted.