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Steam name: ☾Killian☽
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: clockworkkeys

Name: Virginia Wreather
What useful skills do you have?: Medical Knowledge.

A medic. A widow. A mother. A Patriot.
Tragedy. There's tragedy in every single story regardless of what side they stand on. Yet there's often a pair of loving hands which will soothe illness, tend to the injured, and help the fallen back onto their feet. The hands of Doctor Virginia Wreather have taken up this responsibility with a small twist on the tradition. With each wound she tends to, a new line is added to the stories she holds is written. Every soldier who fights for the right side will be remembered through feverish writings crafted in the late hours of the night.
Blood is thicker, but water runs deeper. She and her husband were separated from their child in the midst of chaos and despite numerous leads, there were never any answers to be found. Her late husband, a veteran in his time, had formed strong relations with the Patriots. While her husband was slaughtered in a petty fight aggressed by the Combine, the loss was still devastating. She was ushered in with open arms as her life was fully stripped from her. She was given a place to stay. She was given wounds to mend. She was given a reason to fight. She carries the stories of her family, the stories of people she's helped, the stories shared over brief reprieves over campfires and meals so that they may not be forgotten.
Steam name: Black Flag
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972338530/
Discord: Black Flag

Name: Johnny Swave
What useful skills do you have?
Spittin' Brass and Grabbing Ass.

Last I hear, we was created in God's image. Not these darn tootin' Combines.
Johnny tells his story around the campfire with his fellow rebels, drinking on old Coronas.
"Livin' off the rich rural land of Mississippi me and mines, Princess-my pet Alligator, was out enjoyin' our suds on the bayou when we saw the sky turn purple and shit. Now round this time, I done seen some crazy things. I damn near thought I was loosing it, that or that shine really had me going. I saw some flying contraptions and heard some explosions, thought it was those boy's doing some field exercise down at Fort Polk. I mean it only lasted a couple hours. Bout a weeks pass, I hear some tires comin' down my gravel road. Now, I ain't expectin' no visitors. Tha's when I see the van unload with some mean lookin' bastards. Now y'all know me, I done seen that Red Dawn movie tens o' times. I thought, these damned Cuban bastards came here. That or the ATF. Now y'all know I had to take ole' Sally, my AR, out for a spin on the block as them city folk say. They saw Princess sittin' in her house. A little dog house I made for her, ya see. That's when- Oh God... That's when they shot her. Damn bastards. I jus' went hog wild after that. I let'em have it. I took out those federalies lickity split, I looted their shit. Draggin their bodies down towards the water, let the Gatas' have em'. As for Princess, I sent her off to Jesus in a propa' burial. That's when those boy's came from Fort Polk. They yelled out to me as I was diggin'. They said they was huntin' the collaborators. I said, Collaba-who's? That's when I darn learned of the Alien invasion, the boys let me ride with them. That's how we ended up here."
Steam name: Scam Likely
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_1:0:449980171
Discord: largefella1


Name: Jmla'Laah
Age: Sage
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? No

Chapter 1: The Descent Amidst the chaos and catastrophic failure at the Black Mesa Research Facility, there existed a Vortigaunt named Jmla'Laah. Jmla was unlike many of his kin; he was unusually curious, even by Vortigaunt standards. Born with bright purple eyes that gleamed with intelligence, he had always felt a deeper connection to the mysteries of the universe.

As the resonance cascade event tore through dimensions, Zarnak found himself transported to Black Mesa from his home world of Xen. Disoriented and bewildered, he emerged into a world of chaos and devastation. The facility was in ruins, and humans were fleeing in terror. The Combine's interference had unleashed a nightmare.

Chapter 2: A Fateful Encounter As Jmla wandered through the smoldering corridors of Black Mesa, he stumbled upon a group of resistance scientists who had managed to survive the initial onslaught.

Recognizing Jmla's intelligence and unique abilities, Did not trust him. They believed at any moment he would slaughter the entire team at once.

Chapter 3: Unraveling the Rifts Jmla quickly Made his way through the halls of black mesa moving around and coming in contact with kill teams, fleeing scientists, and lightly armed security guards. As he made contact with each group he charged his vortal powers slaughtering each person he found

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Steam name: sloothman871

Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_1:1:593761584

Discord: Slooth



Name: Richard Giuliani

Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?: Punishment for suspicion of a crime.

What useful skills do you have?: Former Patriot member. This could be good or bad depending on how the Patriots treat the Conscripts. He could form an allegiance with them, or Richard could use his background to destroy them from the inside.

Backstory: Richard Giuliani was born in the Big Apple of New York City in the year of 1958. A firm believer in the Catholic Church since childhood, Richard pursued his love for Christ to become a Priest under the New York Catholic Church, officially becoming a Deacon at age 35 under the Churches requirements in the year 1993.

The time of his Priesthood, Richard spent his time teaching the word of God in the city of Stamford, Connecticut. There he met the love of his life, a man named Gale Long, a baker in a nearby marketplace. Being a Catholic Priest, he could not marry, especially to one of the same sex.

For nearly ten years Richard kept his love life with Gale a secret he thought he would have to take to the grave. The arrival of the Portal Storms changed that. Richard’s Church was decimated under the first round of portals that arrived, the Priest barely escaping with his life. He found his home to be also destroyed, so he went to his ‘friends’ house, Gale Long’s to stay.

It turned out that the stay was to be permanent for the time being. Gale and Richard survived the next few years of the Xenian invasion at the house, their homosexual relationship now public now that no God was there to save them. Some of his former Churchgoers despised him for his love affair with a man, but most did not mind, as humanity had to band together in these few years.

With the arrival of the Combine in 2004, Richard’s life was turned once again as he and Gale were forced out into their homes after 7 hours of battle, into the center of the Stamford City square by the new overlords of Earth, the Combine. They were split into different housing blocks, Gale and Richard stuck in a skyrise apartment. To their luck, a band of armed Military soldiers in their housing block were not surrendering. Gale urged Richard to join the group of Military men in a daring escape to outer Stamford, and it worked.

Years later, Richard and Gale were now a part of the newly formed Patriots. The two men could finally be themselves, and have something to fight for. Richard however took a more passive approach, volunteering to be the Stamford Patriot’s Priest, with Gale wanting to be on the front lines.

Love turned to tragedy, as it commonly did in the post-Seven Hour War world. Gale was killed in a patrol of the Outskirts of New York City, Richard now left with nothing. The old Priest decided the Patriots could not protect him or his loved ones. And if they couldn't, he had no place as a Patriot. Richard left the Patriots in 2017 to sneak inside City 1 and try to become a citizen. His attempt to blend in did not last, his identity blown as labeled as a ‘miscount’.

With the looming threat of the Patriots in the mind of City 1’s administration, they were desperate to blame anyone labeled as a ‘miscount’ as a Patriot. While they did not have proof, they accused Richard of being a Patriot and forced him into Conscription, with hopes he would be sent to the meat-grinder in the West to die. He was ordered to board a dropship with no information, and sent on his way….
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Steam name: Gutsy
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:18485849
Discord: teigutsy


Name: Blake Rowe
What useful skills do you have? Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, specializing in Combine Technology, Military Combat Training.
Born in 1980 and Enlisted as a specialist the US Army 610th Engineer Support Company based in Washington Blake Rowe had a typical American upbringing of the era. During the week he'd help his dad on home projects, from building sheds to working on his dads mustang. He excelled in the science fairs and took part in the new up and coming hackathons in the 90s and begun dabbling into his own little home inventions as he'd try to merge the mechanical and the newfound digital frontier and was well on his way studying at university to enter the workforce as a problem solver to the every changing and expanding physical and digital problems of the workplace.

But the American Dream can only last so long, in 2001 the portal storms erupted over the United States of America, Classes were suspended, quarantines put in place and martial law took effect. Ever the problem solver, Rowe was drawn to enlist in the United States Army and apply his skills to help the men and women in the field combating the new threats facing America and was thusly in the field with a support company when the Combine breached the portals. So many dead, not being a front line fighter and only a lightly equipped support company they did the only thing they could do. They ran, they hid, and over the years they got picked off one by one.

Managing to restore their units Long Range Radio, Rowe was able to pick up a call from existing units. People who could not integrate into the cities or they would be processed into... Something else. In regrouping with the other decimated units of the US Military Blake's support unit was one of the founding units of the Patriots, or, what would become the patriots.

Being a Miscount means he had to get creative to survive, and as the invaders introduced more and more new technology into their Prison Cities Blake could not help but take it apart, and put it back together. Ever the nerd all he could think about is the applications of this technology and how it could increase the Patriots survivability. This has gotten him into more then a few "Hot" moments when, especially in the early days when Trackers had just been implemented on combine technology he had inadvertently called in reinforcements or stabilization teams from the city by triggering alarms.

But the truth is, no one is ever really taught to deal with combine tech. There's only trial and error, risk and reward, live or die. Sure, he might not be a scientist with a doctorate in physics but he's doing the best he can to help retake America, rebuild his home, and return to the American Dream.
Steam name: "Adno" or eddi_pulaski1234
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: adnolug


Mason McGeehan
Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?

I was conscripted after being captured by a squad of Civil Protection in the outlands, after remaining a miscount for years and the UU Superiors being impressed with my long survival skills and the fact I survived out there for so long on my own, alone.

What useful skills do you have?



Long survival skills in the wild

Chapter 1.
The Beginning

Mcgeehan was born in the countryside, and his house was laid next to a river, surrounded by a small forest.

When he was twelve (approximately 6 years before the Black Mesa Incident and the occurrence of portal storms), Mcgeehan's mother went into an unexpected pregnancy, and when she gave birth, the baby turned out to be a boy. His parents named him Benjamin, and most of the time Mason had to be the one taking care of his little brother because his parents worked overtime to feed them. Mason found himself an interesting hobby: bushcraft.

Mason, every day when he came back from school, along with his little brother, would venture outside, honing his survival skills and often tracking skills, may it be for the fun of finding a squirrel. He built small huts and forged makeshift tools; all that while taking care of his little brother would give him a sense of harmony and peace, letting him forget about the loneliness he endured in the absence of his parents and friends.

Chapter 2
Portal Storms.

Mason was spending his day as usual, sitting by the lake in his makeshift hut out of sticks and leaves, teaching his brother how to properly carve arrows out of sticks with a knife.
The day appeared gloomy, with dark clouds circulating above their heads. Mason thought it's going to rain soon, and he felt a bit excited to have a chance to sit under his hut during the rain. He began packing all of the tools under the hut so as to prevent them from getting wet.
All of a sudden, they were both blinded by a flash, followed by a loud explosion-like sound. Benjamin got scared and began crying. Mason picked up his brother even though he was scared himself but had to stay strong for him. He scanned around for the location of the noise.
Then a wave of blueish particles surged throughout the entire forest and lake, causing it to shake, with leaves and branches falling off trees and one falling straight on top of Mason's hut. Without a second thought and adrenaline surging through his veins, Mason began running for his life to his home with his brother in his hands. He felt as if something was chasing him. All around him, he could hear whistling-like noises, something he'd never heard before in the forest.
He then finally made it to his home, putting his brother down on the floor and shutting the door closed behind him. He'd lean on it and pant heavily, trying to process what he had just witnessed.
They barricaded themselves in the bathroom, waiting for their parents to arrive.
A couple of hours had passed when Benjamin fell asleep on Mason's shoulder.
Mason stayed awake, too stressed to fall asleep. He waited until he heard the familiar engines of his father's car coming from outside.
He'd run out of the bathroom and unlock the door to see his father covered in blood. Panting heavily, he'd approach Mason and gently put his hands on his shoulders. He looked Mason straight in the eyes and told him to pack up because they were leaving for the city.
Mason would ask questions about his mother. But his father would not answer; they grabbed what was necessary, and the three of them jumped into the car.
They headed for the main road, only to be stuck in traffic. Mason, afraid of the unknown, looked outside through the car's window. He noticed another storm, just like the one he saw back in the forest, coming from the side of the road. He'd yell out for his father when a couple of hound-like creatures with many eyes spawned into existence right next to their car. They would emit a screeching-like sound before they unleashed a large shock wave at the cars on the road, causing Mason's car to flip over.
Mason would lose consciousness as a dozen minutes passed. He would slowly wake up, regaining his vision and blinking a few times, only to come to the horrifying realization that the front roof of the car didn't handle the Houndeyes shockwave and collapse as the car was flipped over, crushing his father.
He would freeze, staring in shock at his father's mutilated body, only to be snapped back by his baby brother's cries, who was hanging upside down due to being buckled up in the baby seat. He'd unbuckle him and crawl out of the car, only to see destruction and wreckage all around them. He'd run across the street and jump through a broken window into an abandoned hairdresser quarter. He'd curl up with his brother behind a counter, and his brother would burst out into tears due to hunger.
His cries would draw the attention of nearby Headcrab zombies, and Mason had to flee. In a moment of desperation, Mason decided that he wouldn't survive if he carried his brother with him. He put him down in an empty store and said goodbye before running away. The screams and cries of his brother echoed through the town as he ran.

Chapter 3

Haunted by what he'd done, he was driven away from civilization, deep into the woods, where he endured and honed his survival skills further, learning about the new Xenian fauna and how to deal with it. He knew about the Combines arrival and surrender of earth but decided to stay away from them, continuing his lifestyle, until one day he was hunted by a group of scanners through the forest. He ran but eventually was led into a trap and detained by Civil Protection officers.
His skills and the amount of time he survived as a miscount away from the cities earned him quite a reputation, causing the Combine to think that with his survival abilities he would fit and was put in the Conscript system.​
Steam name: Kranky
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:110380124
Discord: Kranky_


Age: 2354 (Elder)
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?
Lung'Korr-Lih was weaved upon the homeworld many years ago within the lands of the Es’Penoid Rapids with sapphire-blue eyes and rock-grey skin. Its title resonated within its mind for a few moments- it looked about as it exited the spawn pool- entering the light of the day-star. It frequently hunted with its kin, proving to be a skillful warrior rather quickly; Though as it aged it began to utilize more time into strengthening its connection to the vortessence, meditating far more often and for far longer than most other kin.

After weeks of meditation it learned a unique ability - that being Enhanced Vorti-Bolts. This would prove to be extremely useful to it when an invasion began one day by an unknown alien force.. A valiant foe that it alongside its kin attempted to fight back against utilizing its newfound ability- but alas the effort proved to be fruitless as the seemingly endless army assaulted the homeworld. So, like all kin that it knew - it fled the homeworld- entering the abyss that other kin assisted to bring it to.

… First there was nothing- then the isles of the Border-World appeared.. A beautiful landscape that they had escaped to. Their numbers were lower than ever- but they were not alone. The Antlions followed them into the lands of this new-world, though more hidden away than they once were. As it stared around and treaded the new home they found, they found new wild-life such as headcrabs among other xenian creatures.... Almost just as quickly as they arrived they were spotted by an alien being.. The Nihilanth..

Lung’Korr-Lih attempted to escape the clutches of enslavement- but alas it was inescapable, it was fitted with a collar and served its overlord and their army. It functioned as a warrior- battling against foes of many kinds as it served underneath the Hulkabin, it very quickly learned Xendarian to communicate with its new-found overlords; and utilized such quite frequently.

It commonly fought against bull-squids and other xenian foes as it was tasked to do so, soon however, a portal opened in the Border-World, and Lung’Korr-Lih was among the first of its kin to be chosen to step through to invade the new lands that were titled the ‘Urth’... As it stepped into this new plane of existence, against its will it effortlessly begab blasting down every non-hulkabin or kin creature it saw, and many times feasted upon their flesh afterwards. However, rather soon after it heard a shout from the Nihilanth....


The soul of Lung’Korr-Lih and the kin were awoken once again, they stopped their assault on earth and stared to the Hulkabin it once served. A feeling coursed through its being, one that it didn't fully understand; rage.. It utilized this rage and blasted down its past masters with a blue bolt of vortal energies, it stood atop its defeated foe as it stared around at the twenty-or-so kin that were around it. It shouted to them as they began their march to find a new home, no longer bound by the Nihilanth's chains.

For years the kin would reside within a small cave outside one of the many cities on this new dimension. The kin learned something the Lung'Korr-Lih didn't bother to learn - that being english - and many times it requested the kin to translate such for his own being. They exited commonly to hunt xenian foes for sustenance, and more importantly to commune with nearby human settlements to assist them during times of need.

However soon.. A sound filled the air, something familiar to Lung'Korr-Lih and some of its kin... It was the familiar sound of the Ulathoi and their machinations, as they ran to the cave they were fired upon. They hid away within the cave, blasting the entrance to closure with as much power as they could.. The earth shook and rumbled... And then nothing.... The kin exited their cave as they looked around, seeing the Ulathoi creating their structures on the human land- and more importantly enslaving all of humanity - and vortikind.

Lung'Korr-Lih was devestated by this news, looking to its kin as it hoped to assist humanity in their resistance against their new overlords.. For years they entered the city nearby to assist the humans in their resistance. A xenian malignancy overgrew the cities nearby, and its kin were forced to flee quickly before it reached their cave. As they convened with humans they deemed it necessary to go to the frontiers, the land between the combine and the malignancy... So, they set off..

Steam name: Curbalas
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Curbalas/
Discord: curbalas


Richard Drake
What useful skills do you have?:
Hunting experience with bolt-action rifles - Able to track footsteps of animals or alike in the wilderness - Basic Medical Knowledge

Richard Drake was a simple human that lived in Frederiction, New Brunswick, Canada. Him and his family was mostly hunters who lived in a small village in the outskirts of Frederiction where they occassionally hunted to sell meat, leather and so for their living. Richard's mother was a house-lady, where she was responsible for making food for Richard and Mordecai, their only children in the household, while his dad, Trevor kept hunting in the forest next to them with Remington 700 he has bought in 1970s, the household always liked hunting except the mother, as she always thought that this was extremely dangerous sport to teach the children.

At 1996, during a hunting session with Trevor, Richard and Mordecai, the family was attacked by a bear in the wilderness, where the bear jumped on Trevor and his gun got flung towards Mordecai, the father and the bear kept brawling while he shouted towards Mordecai to shoot the bear, which he swiftly ran towards the Remington-700 laying on the ground after hitting the tree next to the brawling, he aimed it at the bear but the gun just wouldn't shoot, Richard grabbed the gun from Mordecai and attempted to shoot the gun again, but to no avail. A vital component was broken.
The year was 2001. Richard, Mordecai and their beloved mother heard the news about the portal storms all around the world, the brothers already bought multiple bolt-action rifles to honor their father, they continued to hunt until one day, they saw a headcrab on the ground which was roaming around in the forest, Richard aimed his gun at the small creature and shot it dead, went close to it to inspect it as he has never seen such thing in his life ever before.

The year was 2003, the attack on the household happened. Richard and Mordecai were trying to evacuate their mother from the house while shooting down a horde of zombies that has came to their house from a nearby city, where apparently the police was demolished, Richard and Mordecai experienced with hunting, shot down the frontline and had a brief opportunity to leave the house. While getting their mother out of the house, a headcrab jumped on their mother's head, where their mother just fell onto the ground, dead. Mordecai was already out of the house by now, fighting the horde and waiting his brother and mother to arrive, Richard was in a moment of shock but he had to do it... Shoot their mother to end their suffering.

Richard and Mordecai went to the state of Ohio by now, departing Canada and using the road from Detroit to arrive there, where they have heard that there was a small settlement in Cleveland where the survivors went to, they didn't use any kinds of electronic devices on their journey or at least minimized their usage, they were once again in a civilization where there were no zombies or headcrabs roaming around.

Then the Combine arrived, where they immediately got attacked by unknown creatures, Richard and Mordecai was once again on the run, searching for a place to be apart of. They have found the Patriots, and they immediately wanted to be in it against the Combine, as their father would've wanted so.
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Vortigaunt Application

Steam Name: Neon
Steam Profile: [ Link ]
Discord: neonsharpshot

Name: Sul'Nethyn Vaan
Age: 1464
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? Yes
Spawned in the Ralsheck'Va Plains, where they cultivated many different crops and plants. Sul'Nethyn Vaan tended to their tribe's farms, harvesting the fields day-to-day. Collecting sustenance to provide for their kin. It was a rather quiet life. Until the Age of Armageddon...

Peace quickly shriveled away, forcing
Sul'Nethyn Vaan and their fellow tribesmen to flee their home, even their own dimension. Anything to get away from the wretched Ulathoi. However, the newly discovered Borderworld held no solace for their kind either. There are some who manage to elude the Nihilanth's influence, for a time. Yet enslavement was inevitable, sooner or later.

When the portal storms began,
Sul'Nethyn Vaan and various other members of their tribe were shunted through to Earth. Forced to wreck havoc upon its Human populace through the Supreme One's will. Then suddenly, the great voice disappeared. After centuries, they were finally free of it's grasp! Sul'Nethyn Vaan gathered as many kin they could find and fled to the newly ruined American Wasteland.

Sul'Nethyn Vaan and their remaining tribe venture west after receiving word that more of their kind were collecting together in what is now known as the Xenian Malignance Zone. Finally regrouped with more of their kin, Sul'Nethyn Vaan continued to practice their heritage's tradition after what felt like an eternity. Cultivating strange alien plants from inside their new sanctuary.


"Who the fuck allowed these damned alien bastards to plant their sorry asses
on the soil of THE United States of fucking America!?"

Steam name:


Rupert Waltzak

What useful skills do you have?

"Basic Training of the American Armed Forces teaches a man a lot, big surprise! What exactly you might ask? Well, for starters, if you're gonna be a soldier you will have to get yourself in shape, you lazy bastards! See? I am a fucking athlete compared to the rest of you! I can run a hundred fucking miles without breaking a sweat, you stinking slobs - get up and mooooove!"

"Y'all think just being fit is goin' to mean anything when you're alone in the wild left with nothing but a fucking stick? No! You will have to learn, adapt and overcome the fucking situation you're in! Be self-sufficient and cunning, you ain't damn neanderthals, so use your damn frontal cortex!"

"Last but not least - gun knowledge, you morons! You wanna survive out here, in the fucking wastes!? Learn how to use a damn gun, you are Americans, for fucks sake! Here, now I am goin' to show you how this piece works... Y'all are goin' to be damn alien exterminators at the end of this, mark my fucking words!"

5th of January, 1991
Operation Desert Storm was only a few days away, and the Gulf War started a few months ago. Rupert Waltzak was fresh out of boot camp, a shiny and inexperienced soldier of the United States Army! He was assigned as a replacement for the wounded men of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, mechanized infantry. Anticipation, anxiousness and wish to fulfill his duties to his beloved country above all, filled his head.

"You're the replacement, yes?", a sergeant asked - his look was that of a grizzled and experienced man, someone who knew exactly what they were doing, "I hope you didn't come here lookin' for vacation, son. These damned Iraqi bastards aren't goin' to give you an easy time."

Rupert saluted the man briefly, standing at attention and immediately answering his question, "Yes, sir! I have been assigned as a replacement for one of the wounded, sir!", he looked a bit anxious but was doing his best to hide the emotion swelling up inside him. This was the moment he had been waiting for his entire life - a chance to prove himself, and a chance to fulfill his obligation to the United States of America, just like his family tradition entailed - a tradition of true Patriots!

The Sergeant scoffed, "Right, I wouldn't be surprised if you got your head blown off by some Iraqi sniper right off the bat when we get into combat... Try not to make this any harder for us, kid."

Waltzak watched the man walk away, thinking to himself, "I am gonna prove myself yet, you'll see sarge!" - Famous last words...

...once the Operaton started, Waltzak was one of the first men to be seriously wounded and sent back home. All the training, all the tears, blood and sweat were for nothing. Bitterness and self-pity filled the young private, his chance of doing his part taken away from him by the enemy. He wouldn't be re-deployed for the remainder of the Conflict.

May, 2004
Twelve years had passed since Waltzak quit the Army, he never made it past Private anyway. He was working as a contractor now; a prepper and survivalist in his spare time - he never quite got rid of his soldier mindset, it was always there in the back of his head; a silent whisper which told him to always be ready to fight for his beloved country, to make amends for his failure on that faithful day. He was a bitter man, someone who had lost a chance to truly live. However, he was doing his best to support his country and community which suffered from the portal storms, like a true american Patriot should! Although, soon he would learn all his efforts were for naught once again...

The Alien Invaders came; swarmed through the portals, noone ever expected anything like this. Waltzak saw with his own eyes the extent of the destruction these invaders brought upon the unprepared - buildings leveled, bodies lying in the streets by the dozens... everything was happening so fast. He grabbed his rifle without hesitation and stayed low, that is until fate would decide otherwise - an hour later whilst looking for survivors, he ran into the remnants of a broken US infantry division, only a dozen or so members remaining, most of them battered and wounded, with them a bunch of civilians. This band of brothers which came to be - Patriots, roamed the streets of neighboring towns, looking for other unfortunate souls.

A couple hours later came the news... the States have surrendered, just like the rest of the world. Now, there was New Order in place and the beings which came to conquer this planet sought to destroy the American dream forever - this would not stand!

Waltzak could feel a newfound sense of purpose and determination, despite the tragedy of the entire situation he could feel... a hint of happiness. He hated himself for it, but that was the truth; an ex-soldier, even though he was a private, got to do what he was trained to do - to fight for his beloved country, again.

He was willing to put in every fiber of his being to this very goal - to see these alien bastards off the blessed soil of the U, S and A!


Steam name:

Dr. sandu

Steam profile link or ID:






Holl'Dan Vahh



Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?



Vortistaff cropped.png

Spawned just before the early days of the vortal kind's service in the Borderworld, Holl'Dan Vahh was the same as the rest of their unfortunate kinsmen. Shackles of both mind and body adorning their malnourished and weakened form, Holl'Dan Vahh knew nothing else of life than the monotone and dubious tasks laid before them. The work in the factories under the watchful eyes of the controllers filled their time awake, and the unchanging skies watched over them as they rested. And so Holl'Dan Vahh lost their sense of self after centuries of labor for purposes unknown to them. Only a distant memory in their mind accompanied them, their moniker in the ancient tongue.

The times shifting eventually, the Nihilanth's plan came into fruition and fortune came to Holl'Dan Vahh. They were placed just enough behind the frontlines to not perish in the initial waves at Black Mesa, but not too far behind to be trapped on Xen as the portal closed. As the bindings of their corporeal and mental form came undone they were greeted with a sea of knowledge, crashing into their mind like boundless waves. The vortessence had connected them, and the connection was strong indeed. The sensation was too much for Holl'Dan Vahh's weak form to bear and they pushed the connection away, hidden and at the backmost recesses of their conciousness.

Holl'Dan Vahh ventured westward from the facility, their head brimming with more and more information as they desperately tried to hold onto their sense of self. some days were easier than others, and eventually Holl'Dan Vahh conquered the voices in their head. Now armed with the knowledge of countless others, they were able to hunt the various flora and fauna that had joined them on this new realm. Holl'Dan Vahh spent many years in the western regions of the United States, thriving with the xenian infestation. As they sensed other survivors of their kin Holl'Dan Vahh often steered clear of their path, unsure how to act. However as the infestation zone grew exponentially and countless other vortigaunts had joined the ranks of those that dwelled within, Holl'Dan Vahh finally mustered the courage and will to become part of something greater than just theirself.

The vortigaunts greeted Holl'Dan Vahh as one of their own, quickly inducting them into their ranks. It would soon be realized that their aptitude for the vortal arts was strong, a valued trait among the vortal kin. Holl'Dan Vahh was placed under the mentorship of the elders and learned a great many things about the manipulation of both the seen and unseen. They were also told about how the natives of their newfound planet were losing ground to the infestation, and how some in the enclave wished to conquer the planet as their own.

Holl'Dan Vahh's memories of mankind were not pleasant, even if rare. They had only had a brief glimpse of them during their brief stay in Black Mesa. Under the tutelage of the elders Holl'Dan Vahh now partaked in a new mission, to ensure less resistance was met as the vortal kingdom spread eastwards. A mission they would not yet question, they began their journey out of the safety of the collective.

Vorts channeling cropped.png
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Steam name: Stanford
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: stanford5039


Name: Kyle Gibbens
What useful skills do you have?
Learned gunsmithing from a young age due to their family business.
Basic Combat Training from his time as infantry within the armed forces.
Used to bartering.

Kyle Gibbens grew up in Canton, Ohio. He learned the family trade from a young age while also maintaining his school career. He was your classic young patriotic American. They joined the military at 18 and left when they were 24. The day his grandpa passed away, his father inherited the gunstore owned by their family. Kyle helped around where he could before eventually becoming a full time employee at the shop. He was in charge of maintaining the weapons and occasionally making a sale.

When the multitude of alien lifeforms came into his world he gathered his family and went into hiding inside the forest he used to go into as a kid. One day they heard of a safehaven within the city, so they gathered their gear and went for it. Sneaking through the underbrush up to the perimeter of the city before being spotted by a roaming patrol and ordered to surrender their weapons "for the security of the safehaven".

Eventually it happened, another alien force invaded, however this time the humans didn't last long and were forced to surrender.
Some time passed and Kyle got separated from his family. He got into contact with an underground group called the Patriots who informed him of the multitude of atrocities committed by earth's occupiers. And with conscription at Kyle's doorstep he decided to get out before it was too late.
Steam name: Lord Cutler Beckett
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091356047/
Discord: lordbeckett.


Name: Kurr Lilli’Vahh Ni-Turr “The Venerable”
Age: 2255
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: I had a free vortigaunt before, but not at the moment.
Over two millennia ago, a Vortigaunt was spawned from an elaborate ritual, the chants and incantations of which rang out across the surfaces of the rainforest. The youngling, manifested from the weaving of vortal forces, rose from the massive spawning pool and exuded a calm, tranquil aura. The gray, youthful skin contrasted sharply with the bright, blue eyes. The Vortigaunt, still without a name and only just incorporating the eons of knowledge stored within the Vortessence into its brain, gazed up at the Grand Elder standing on the branch of a huge, towering tree. The elder called down to the young Vortigaunt.

“From this day forward, you shall dedicate your life to the collection and preservation of knowledge. If the old ways are to die, then they shall do so with you! Now go to your meditation, and research the wisdom of the Vortessence. Go!

Kurr gazed up at the High Elder and simply nodded. He then broke into a sprint, galloping over the pools of liquid and past the giant trees. After a short while, he found himself at the base of several, massive trees. Stretching across and supported by hundreds of branches was the Great Library, which contained a trove of thousands of the so-called “Slabs of Knowing.” Such slabs possessed all knowledge ever collected and written down by the Alva’Sari Collective. Kurr wasted no time and began to scale the main tree trunk, eventually reaching the interior of the grand library.

Rows and rows of shelves lined every conceivable space within the library, with the only space being that allowed librarians to traverse between the rows. The shelves themselves were hewn from the hardwood to be found throughout the Es’Penoid Rapids as only the densest and strongest wood was able to support the weight of the innumerable slabs stacked on top of each other., rising all the way to the roof over a hundred feet above. The librarians accessed the slabs through their perfection of Vortikinesis, being able to lift hundreds of stone slabs at once to access a slab on the bottom of the shelf. Kurr, being a youngling and still a novice in the arts of Vortal Manipulation, was assigned by one of the Library Elders to a set of shelves much smaller than the rest. Numerous times, Kurr almost allowed the stacks of slabs to fall over as he struggled to maintain the stacks mid-air. However, he never allowed any to fall.


As the Age of Reason of Vortikind had only just been enacted a few centuries ago, Kurr was privy to millennia of recorded information. A timeline of Vortal history could be found within the uncountable slabs, starting near the very beginning of Vortikind, through the first expansions, the First Kin War, the First Age of Reconciliation, the discovery of the Alva’Sari themselves, the Second Kin War, the Age of Prosper, and finally to the present. While the librarians who inhabited the Great Library were, at least in name, true believers of the ways of the Rok’Shan’Vass, they merely paid lip service to the Grand Elders of the Kay’Basar. Above all else, they were keepers of knowledge, and they generally remained neutral on debates over religious philosophy or tribal politics.

Kurr spent the majority of his life within the Great Library, only leaving a few dozen times over a thousand years to attend important, mandatory rituals. Over the hundreds of years, he poured over the Slabs of Knowing, attempting to put them all to memory in respect to the Grand Elder’s command he was given at his spawning. As the centuries passed other librarians eventually returned to the Vortessence, and Kurr became one of the leading figures within the library hierarchy, helping to train each batch of new librarians sent by the Alva’Sari. He often held classes within the teaching wing of the library, something akin to a university, where he gave lectures to Vortigaunts that traveled from all over the homeworld to learn more about the history and traditions of their species. On the homeworld, Kurr was a renowned and respected teacher, only surpassed in wisdom and knowledge by the Grand Elders themselves. While some of his students even speculated that he may become a Grand Elder himself, Kurr understood he was far too engrossed in his studies to ever dedicate enough time to perfecting the required practices to ascend to Grand Elderhood. Of course, he never would have had time to do so, given what was to happen.


The Age of Apocalypse and the intervening servitude to the Nihilanth is mostly a blur to Kurr, with his memories of that period clouded by the trauma and subservience forced upon him. Of the few memories he retains, the most vivid is the destruction of the Great Library. A Combine vessel, damaged in the battle against the Vortigaunts, careened off course and plowed straight into the library’s structure, generating a monumental implosion that erased eons of collective knowledge. Kurr, having escaped the compound just a few moments before, remembers looking at the destruction. While he was distraught at the carnage, he was content by the fact that most, if not all, of the knowledge of the slabs was stored safely in his mind. The Grand Elder’s words ring true to him even now, for he knows what will be lost to Vortikind, and returned to the Vortessence, when he inevitably passes to the next plane of existence.

After his liberation from the Nihilanth and subsequent stranding on Earth, Kurr joined the collective of Vortigaunts who took residence in the growing Xenian Malignancy, holding a niche as one of the few remaining purveyors of knowledge and teachings. However, such a hostile environment has little use for a historian, with the largest efforts being exerted in hunting and defending their newfound homeland. The Elders who now lead these Vortigaunts included Kurr in the expeditionary force to be sent out to the Wasteland. Old and decrepit by Vortigaunt standards, Kurr was seen by many in the tribe as a drain on resources, simply waiting for his physical death. Such beliefs were of course known to Kurr as no Vortigaunt is able to effectively lie to another. They had no desire to anyway, of course. Being over two-thousand years old, Kurr is due for his crossover to the next plane regardless.


To them, sending Kurr out to the Wasteland could provide the adventuring Vortigaunts a useful tool in forging cultural connections with the foreign humans. And, if he were to meet his end out there, it is all for the better. As he prepares to venture out of the Malignancy and toward the New Frontier, Kurr recounts the life he has led, and resolves that if he were to die somewhere, the Wasteland would be the place to do so. After all, Kurr is a collector of knowledge, and the Wasteland gives him the opportunity to make new discoveries about a foreign, sentient species, as well as a totally novel planet.

Whatever the case, Kurr was to die as he lived: a teacher, a scholar, and a pioneer.

Steam name: Lord Cutler Beckett
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091356047/
Discord: lordbeckett.


Name: Kurr Lilli’Vahh Ni-Turr “The Venerable”
Age: 2255
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: I had a free vortigaunt before, but not at the moment.
Over two millennia ago, a Vortigaunt was spawned from an elaborate ritual, the chants and incantations of which rang out across the surfaces of the rainforest. The youngling, manifested from the weaving of vortal forces, rose from the massive spawning pool and exuded a calm, tranquil aura. The gray, youthful skin contrasted sharply with the bright, blue eyes. The Vortigaunt, still without a name and only just incorporating the eons of knowledge stored within the Vortessence into its brain, gazed up at the Grand Elder standing on the branch of a huge, towering tree. The elder called down to the young Vortigaunt.

“From this day forward, you shall dedicate your life to the collection and preservation of knowledge. If the old ways are to die, then they shall do so with you! Now go to your meditation, and research the wisdom of the Vortessence. Go!

Kurr gazed up at the High Elder and simply nodded. He then broke into a sprint, galloping over the pools of liquid and past the giant trees. After a short while, he found himself at the base of several, massive trees. Stretching across and supported by hundreds of branches was the Great Library, which contained a trove of thousands of the so-called “Slabs of Knowing.” Such slabs possessed all knowledge ever collected and written down by the Alva’Sari Collective. Kurr wasted no time and began to scale the main tree trunk, eventually reaching the interior of the grand library.

Rows and rows of shelves lined every conceivable space within the library, with the only space being that allowed librarians to traverse between the rows. The shelves themselves were hewn from the hardwood to be found throughout the Es’Penoid Rapids as only the densest and strongest wood was able to support the weight of the innumerable slabs stacked on top of each other., rising all the way to the roof over a hundred feet above. The librarians accessed the slabs through their perfection of Vortikinesis, being able to lift hundreds of stone slabs at once to access a slab on the bottom of the shelf. Kurr, being a youngling and still a novice in the arts of Vortal Manipulation, was assigned by one of the Library Elders to a set of shelves much smaller than the rest. Numerous times, Kurr almost allowed the stacks of slabs to fall over as he struggled to maintain the stacks mid-air. However, he never allowed any to fall.

As the Age of Reason of Vortikind had only just been enacted a few centuries ago, Kurr was privy to millennia of recorded information. A timeline of Vortal history could be found within the uncountable slabs, starting near the very beginning of Vortikind, through the first expansions, the First Kin War, the First Age of Reconciliation, the discovery of the Alva’Sari themselves, the Second Kin War, the Age of Prosper, and finally to the present. While the librarians who inhabited the Great Library were, at least in name, true believers of the ways of the Rok’Shan’Vass, they merely paid lip service to the Grand Elders of the Kay’Basar. Above all else, they were keepers of knowledge, and they generally remained neutral on debates over religious philosophy or tribal politics.

Kurr spent the majority of his life within the Great Library, only leaving a few dozen times over a thousand years to attend important, mandatory rituals. Over the hundreds of years, he poured over the Slabs of Knowing, attempting to put them all to memory in respect to the Grand Elder’s command he was given at his spawning. As the centuries passed other librarians eventually returned to the Vortessence, and Kurr became one of the leading figures within the library hierarchy, helping to train each batch of new librarians sent by the Alva’Sari. He often held classes within the teaching wing of the library, something akin to a university, where he gave lectures to Vortigaunts that traveled from all over the homeworld to learn more about the history and traditions of their species. On the homeworld, Kurr was a renowned and respected teacher, only surpassed in wisdom and knowledge by the Grand Elders themselves. While some of his students even speculated that he may become a Grand Elder himself, Kurr understood he was far too engrossed in his studies to ever dedicate enough time to perfecting the required practices to ascend to Grand Elderhood. Of course, he never would have had time to do so, given what was to happen.

The Age of Apocalypse and the intervening servitude to the Nihilanth is mostly a blur to Kurr, with his memories of that period clouded by the trauma and subservience forced upon him. Of the few memories he retains, the most vivid is the destruction of the Great Library. A Combine vessel, damaged in the battle against the Vortigaunts, careened off course and plowed straight into the library’s structure, generating a monumental implosion that erased eons of collective knowledge. Kurr, having escaped the compound just a few moments before, remembers looking at the destruction. While he was distraught at the carnage, he was content by the fact that most, if not all, of the knowledge of the slabs was stored safely in his mind. The Grand Elder’s words ring true to him even now, for he knows what will be lost to Vortikind, and returned to the Vortessence, when he inevitably passes to the next plane of existence.

After his liberation from the Nihilanth and subsequent stranding on Earth, Kurr joined the collective of Vortigaunts who took residence in the growing Xenian Malignancy, holding a niche as one of the few remaining purveyors of knowledge and teachings. However, such a hostile environment has little use for a historian, with the largest efforts being exerted in hunting and defending their newfound homeland. The Elders who now lead these Vortigaunts included Kurr in the expeditionary force to be sent out to the Wasteland. Old and decrepit by Vortigaunt standards, Kurr was seen by many in the tribe as a drain on resources, simply waiting for his physical death. Such beliefs were of course known to Kurr as no Vortigaunt is able to effectively lie to another. They had no desire to anyway, of course. Being over two-thousand years old, Kurr is due for his crossover to the next plane regardless.

To them, sending Kurr out to the Wasteland could provide the adventuring Vortigaunts a useful tool in forging cultural connections with the foreign humans. And, if he were to meet his end out there, it is all for the better. As he prepares to venture out of the Malignancy and toward the New Frontier, Kurr recounts the life he has led, and resolves that if he were to die somewhere, the Wasteland would be the place to do so. After all, Kurr is a collector of knowledge, and the Wasteland gives him the opportunity to make new discoveries about a foreign, sentient species, as well as a totally novel planet.

Whatever the case, Kurr was to die as he lived: a teacher, a scholar, and a pioneer.

i see you met my vorts mentor in the first picture too.
Steam name: Brennen
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/678900987/
Discord: brennenw05


Johnny "Jon" Hawthorn

What useful skills do you have?
Trained as a Cav Scout in the US Army.
Skilled at hunting, and scavenging



Jon was born and raised in the great state of Texas. From an early age his father, a game warden, taught him how to hunt, fish, and shoot. After graduating high school in 1997, Jon enrolled at the University of Texas, to become a Enviromental Science Teacher. However, he never got to graduate.

The War
With the Black Mesa Incident, in 2001, unleashing a horde of aliens on the
world. Jon decided, against the wishes of his fiancée, and mother, to join the United States Army in fighting the Xenian threat. After going through a fast-paced basic training, he was shipped off to become a Cavalry Scout. He officialy deployed to the frontline in mid-2002. In 2003 after a year of fighting. He was promoted to the rank of Corporal. And on his very next mission things would not end well. His squad, and 2 others were sent on a scouting mission in what was left of Nashville. Intelligence knew of a warband of Alien Grunts in the ruins. Their job was to pinpoint where this warband was. As they entered the city from the east, they were ambushed by said warband. It was a massacre, with only 3 people surviving. With Jon managing to hide inside of the basement of a nearby building. He came out the next day, a survivor. Seeing his squad being ripped apart, his friends screaming in pain, he deserted, fleeing to the woods in Tennessee.

He spent the next year out in the woods. Hunting what game was left. Scavenging supplies from the abandoned rural towns of Tennessee, and Alabama. He helped those who happened to cross his path. Hearing stories of the US being pushed further back, and mass amounts of people leaving for Europe. Then one day in 2004, a traveler that had come from Richmond, told him about the 7 Hour War, the devastation, something the Xenians could have never done. He then packed his things and headed north. He traveled to a town in Indiana called Fort Wayne. He then met a small group of armed men and women. Still wearing his uniform, they asked him to join them. When he asked what they were, they answered "Patriots."

For the next several years, Jon worked with the "Patriots". Mainly in the area around Detroit, or now "City 70". He eventually was given his own men to lead. Using his past as a Cav Scout, to do the same job. Scout the outlands, find the enemy and report back to the cell's leaders. In 2015, he and a few others were ordered to go support the Seattle cell. After a 7-month trek to the west coast he arrived, and began to do the same job as before, just with less equipment.

A City Surrounded
(The events of Codename: Venus)

In 2019, a massive Xenian infestation, known as the XMZ. Had grown to completely take over the west coast and had now surrounded Seattle. Jon aided the rest of his cell in evacuating civilians from the city. While he was escorting the last of the civilians out. He became separated from his cell. Soon realizing that he was now trapped in Seattle. With little hope of escaping. He found a group of civilians hiding out in a house. He led them to an old camp, where he met with the main group of survivors. He joined with the group. Setting up a somewhat safe place. However, that night, what was left of Overwatch in the city attacked. Killing several of the Civilians he had been leading. The next day was spent fighting and looking for a way out. They soon met a scientist, with a strange gun. Jon helped this scientist find the samples he was looking for. And while the main group headed to the docks of the city, to meet with a man called Hex. Jon, the scientist, and 2 other rebels, managed to find a plane. They quickly found the parts to repair the plane. And used it to escape from the city.

The Wastes
While the scientist offered Jon and the 2 others to be taken across the sea to Russia, Jon declined. Being dropped off just outside the XMZ, Jon found his way back to the cell, and is now helping to lead them through the wastes. Hopefully to a safe place.

Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
Steam Profile Link or ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Discord: @hl2rp


Jebediah Morgan - The Yeoman Farmer
"Fuck the New Frontier.."

Bushcraft, Farming, Foraging, Fishing, Trapping

A native of the
New Frontier, a man who's lived there his whole life. The invasion hit him hard, disrupting the very flow of life on his family's simple farm.
The xenian infestation left no survivors, save for Jebediah. Tasked with keeping up what little remained of his family's farm, Jebediah learned to cultivate and grow by trial and error. He learned to sow the land, and reap its benefits through sheer force of will.
Alien creatures stalked the grounds night after night, and with the ever growing infestation to the west, it was only a matter of time before his humble abode was no longer fit for human life. He had to pack up and move. Leave behind everything he knew.
Now, Jebediah is but a wandering nomad. A simple farmer who sets up for a few months, and then leaves like he were never there.
Life isn't easy, and it isn't fair, but he has to live it.
But how much more can he take?
Steam name: John Rico
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:0:10716370
Discord: johnrico

"Better out here than under the Combines' booth"

Eduardo 'Eddie' Dominguez
What useful skills do you have?

Car mechanic pre-war / Learned to fight and survive after surviving the 7 Hour War and the Alaskan expedition​

Pre 7 Hour War
Eddie was born to an immigrant family in the US that resided in New Mexico during the Black Mesa incident. His close proximity to the chaos allowed him to become well acquainted with the dangers associated with Xenian wildlife and how to survive alien predators. He joined local militias in order to fight hostile Xenians and defend his family during the turbulent times of the portal storms, always moving further east as the country disintegrated around him.

Post 7 Hour War
Fast forward to the Combine rule, Eddie lived an uneventful life in the cities until he was conscripted as labor for the oil fields in the Alaskan wastelands. In the refinery camp, he was assigned as a security guard by the short-lived Supervisor Hoxworth. Escaping the chaos that ensued the death of his camp boss, Eddie joined other survivors and managed to survive against all odds.
Not fancying his chances back in the Combine cities, Eddie simply decided to walk away with a like-minded group of survivors when the Overwatch soldiers eventually arrived to take the workers back to civilization.

His newfound group did not fare well during their crossing of the infested wastelands on their journey to depart from the cold reaches of Alaska. Eddie, experienced in surviving aliens in the hinterlands, managed to survive alone and eventually linked up with Patriots escaping from City 21 and reluctantly agreed to join them for the time being on their journey east. The fate of his fellow survivors from Alaska is a mystery to him, but Eddie sees no better option than joining the Patriots in their quest into the so-called "New Frontier".

Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
Steam Profile Link or ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Discord: @hl2rp

View attachment 27494

Jebediah Morgan - The Yeoman Farmer
"Fuck the New Frontier.."

Bushcraft, Farming, Foraging, Fishing, Trapping

A native of the
New Frontier, a man who's lived there his whole life. The invasion hit him hard, disrupting the very flow of life on his family's simple farm.
The xenian infestation left no survivors, save for Jebediah. Tasked with keeping up what little remained of his family's farm, Jebediah learned to cultivate and grow by trial and error. He learned to sow the land, and reap its benefits through sheer force of will.
Alien creatures stalked the grounds night after night, and with the ever growing infestation to the west, it was only a matter of time before his humble abode was no longer fit for human life. He had to pack up and move. Leave behind everything he knew.
Now, Jebediah is but a wandering nomad. A simple farmer who sets up for a few months, and then leaves like he were never there.
Life isn't easy, and it isn't fair, but he has to live it.
But how much more can he take?
silly refugees dont need application they are default
silly refugees dont need application they are default
ackshully i have plans that i can not reveal right now because the haters will sabotage me (dont worry about why i applied for refugee)

In the years following the Black Mesa incident, the United States has been changed beyond recognition by a number of factors. Currently, the US is split into three main sections, the West, East, a Center.​

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To the West sits the Xenian Malignance Zone, a massive Xenian infestation that has been growing ever since the Black Mesa incident. This infestation currently covers the west half of the United States as well as all of Mexico and only continues to spread, terraforming all it touches into something completely alien. The malignancy is completely inhospitable to anything not native to Xen, its constant spread has resulted in the loss of countless lives as well as the destruction of City 21.

While this isn't publicly known, a massive kingdom of Vortigaunts has been established within the infestation, these Vortigaunts live a life free from the Combine. As the Malignancy around them continues to spread, they gain more and more territory while pushing the Combine further away. The Vortigaunts living within the Malignancy are ruled over by a Grand Elder, an old and highly powerful Vortigaunt, though little information is known about the Grand Elder.

View attachment 27062

To the East sits the Combine, whose presence is almost entirely concentrated on the East coast of the United States. The Cities in the US only continue to destabilize as the malignancy continues to spread, destroying all in its wake and striking fear in the hearts of citizens and the administration alike. Recently, the administrations of various cities in the US have begun conscripting portions of their populations to serve in the wastelands in hopes of establishing a line of defense against the malignancy.

In reality, the Conscripts would be annihilated once the malignancy reaches them, the administrations were merely hoping to buy themselves some more time by throwing away the lives of their citizens. Conscription is seen as a death sentence by most citizens, some cities have used this to their advantage by using conscription as a punishment, even citizens who commit minor infractions are at risk of being sent to the wasteland to die.

Hidden within the Combine's cities and the land surrounding them are the Patriots, the largest Resistance group within the US. The group itself was formed by remnants of the US military shortly after the Seven-Hour War and has been fighting ever since, hoping to one day free the country from the Combine's tyranny. Although the group has a presence in every city in the US, its forces are mostly concentrated on the East side of the US.

View attachment 27063

In the center lies the wasteland, a vast and dangerous place unclaimed by both the Combine and Xen. The wasteland is essentially a no man's land between the forces of Xen and the Combine, both groups wish to push into the wasteland to claim it for themselves. The Combine has been attempting to expand into the wasteland to claim its resources and uncover its secrets, but the expansion of the Xenian Malignancy would render any long-term operation in the wasteland pointless, as the Malignancy would eventually expand into the wastes to destroy anything built within it.

Despite all of the dangers within the wasteland, a few brave souls choose to live there for one reason or another, some people wish to live freely without having to worry about being oppressed by the Combine, and others have no choice but to flee to the wastes, and a select few choose to go to the wasteland to explore the ruins that have been untouched since the cascade.

To the survivors, it isn't a wasteland, it is the New Frontier.

You are destined to end up on the New Frontier, and your actions there will change the fate of the US forever, for better or worse.


- You were once a citizen in City 21, you were lucky enough to have escaped the city with the help of a local resistance group before the city was destroyed. As you left the city, you watched as your home was destroyed by massive Xenian tentacles the size of skyscrapers. You are now with a large group of other refugees guided by members of the Patriots, you have been following the Patriots for months now in search of an old military facility. From what you have been told, the facility you are traveling to will have all of the resources you need to survive.

You do not need to apply to play as a refugee, it is the base faction for the event.

- You are a member of the Patriots, a resistance group formed by members of the US military not long after the war. You were in a cell in City 21, you and your fellow patriots helped evacuate as many refugees as you could before the city was overrun. You are currently guiding the refugees from City 21 towards a place in the wasteland you were told the patriots on the east coast found in old military documents, you have been told the facility will have everything you and the refugees need to survive.

(Note: We ask that if you wish to make your character ex-military you only give them a low-level military background, like having been a soldier. Most high-ranking military members were hunted down by the combine.)

Steam name:
Steam profile link or ID:


What useful skills do you have?

Conscript - You were a citizen living in one of the US cities when you were suddenly detained and informed that you had been conscripted to serve on the Frontier, you were told that desertion would result in the death of your family. You were simply one of the many citizens the administration had chosen to send to their deaths on the Frontier, but before you boarded the transport with the rest of the conscripts, you were ordered to board a dropship with a few other conscripts. You do not know where you are headed, but you know you are going to the same place as the other conscripts.

Steam name:
Steam profile link or ID:


Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?
What useful skills do you have?

Vortigaunt - You are a Vortigaunt from the Xenian kingdom within the Malignancy, you and a few of your kin have been tasked with scouting the US wasteland to determine if the Combine are continuing to push further into the wasteland. The lives of the countless Vortigaunts in the Malignancy are on your shoulders.

Steam name:
Steam profile link or ID:


Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?

Questions and answers:

What exactly *is* this event?

This is a sort of "outlands" event, instead of City RP, players will be put in a dangerous wasteland where they will be forced to survive against difficult odds. Our brilliant developer, @gb_ has made some cool systems for players to use in the event, like a farming system so players can grow their own crops. We highly encourage you to explore the map, form groups with other players, and set up bases in the ruins of the old world.

Do I need to apply to participate in the event?

No, the server will be open for anyone to join, the only things you need to apply for are the Patriots, Conscript, and Vortigaunt factions. If you don't want to apply, you can make a refugee character.

How long will this event last?

This event will last two weeks, perhaps a little bit more or less depending on the actions taken by the players in the event.

When does this event start?

We haven't decided on an exact day we will be starting this event as of yet, but it will be sometime in the near future. I will update this and announce the event starting date when we decide on it.

Can I bring my main server character over to this event?

No, you cannot. But you are able to use your characters from the Project VENUS or Black Gold events, provided they lived and didn't end up going to City 24.

Are you able to let us know who is accepted, or is that still waiting, and when exactly can we expect this event to run? I know it’s two weeks, but at what times?
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