
Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Original thread (take a look if you haven't seen it already, formats are on that thread)
Summary of Chapter One:

Surviving members of the Patriots arrived in Fort Collins after a long journey from City 21, they established a community in the ruins, a place called "New Hope".

A tribe of Vortigaunts from within the US malignancy have been sent into the lands outside the Malignancy to prevent the Combine from continuing work on a project that threatens to destroy the entire US malignancy, Project Venus.

A team of Conscripts has been deployed in the ruins of Denver in order to search the ruins of the old world for anything that could help the combine construct Project Venus.

In the week since these factions arrived, much has happened.

The Patriots have successfully established themselves in the wasteland, many wastelanders flock to New Hope for protection from the dangers within the wastes. The Patriots are in an uneasy alliance with the Conscripts for the time being, it is unknown if this alliance will last, or if the Combine will eliminate the Patriots once they have finished being useful.

The Vortigaunts have seemingly made enemies of everyone, the Patriots and Conscripts appear to be in an uneasy alliance while the Vortigaunts have gone into hiding after the Conscripts killed *two* grand elders. With the death of the Grand Elder in charge of the US malignancy, a new leader has taken their place, a Kingpin known as "The Despot", a powerful and brutal Xenian that wishes to follow in the Footsteps of the Nihilanth.

The Conscripts have seen great success in the wasteland, they have managed to take down two grand elder Vortigaunts in a single day and have found something of great interest to the Combine within Fort Collins.

There is just one more week until the end.

We are opening applications for Patriots and Vortigaunts, the Conscripts have enough members for the time being. Feel free to apply here using the formats on the threat linked at the top of this page, you can re-submit your old applications if they weren't accepted the first time around.
Steam name: Cavity
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: maceman0091


David "Maddog" Thwart

What useful skills do you have?: 'Maddog' is an explosives expert (USMC F23), has a sharp tongue for diplomacy, and considers himself a cunning and resilient leader who is steadfast in his beliefs and to his men.

'Maddog's first taste of combat came during the Gulf War, where he served as an explosives expert in the USMC. His exceptional skills in handling and disarming explosives, as well as his calm under pressure, made him a valuable asset in the war-torn deserts of Desert Storm as they battled Iraqi forces. After his honorable discharge from the Marines following the Gulf War, Maddog briefly returned to civilian life before he shortly ended up reenlisted in the Marines. This time, his path led him to becoming a drill instructor at Parris Island, South Carolina, during a time of relative peace. Maddog made a successful but brief career as a drill instructor at Parris Island, training the future generations of US Marines before the fateful events of 2001 happened and changed his life and career forever.

Ditching his military equipment, 'Maddog' surrendered under the impression of a refugee and was subsequently transported to City 21 shortly after the end of the 7-hour war. He ended up enlisting with the Patriots after establishing himself in the city. He used his skillset to train and polish up recruits in insurgency operations against Civil Protection and Overwatch forces in the city and crafted IEDs and other devices. During the collapse of C21, 'Maddog' accompanied the rest of the Patriots out of the city and into the wastes, where his journey continues...

(Drill Instructors are considered sergeants or an E-5 within the USMC. If this is too high, I can modify this application; please let me know.)
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Steam name: -「 Light 」-
Steam profile link or ID:
Discord: lightsde


Name: Douglas MacDunn

What useful skills do you have?: Douglas traces his experience back to the Vietnam war as a tunnel rat who worked alongside Australians. He was primarily used at night to infiltrate VC encampments and tunnels, either reporting back intel or doing as much damage as he could. He has experience living out in the wild, despite his age.

Douglas is a 64-year old man who has lost his head a little, sometimes he styles himself the next iteration of his, and his parents' hero, Douglas MacArthur. At 18, two years before the fall of Saigon, he joined the USMC to fight the good fight, so to speak against the communists.
After Saigon fell and he was sent home to the great city of Detroit. He watched as his city began to decline and convinced himself this was a communist plot to destroy the United States from within, as a result, he took to the roads, refusing to pay taxes to a compromised state, living in mobile homes or camping out in the wilderness. When the Soviet Union fell, he had become so isolated from society that he maintained his lifestyle, though from time to time he would venture back into civilization for supplies like ammunition and to maintain his connections.

From the Black Mesa Incident to the 7-Hour War, he traveled with a group of Patriots across the continental United States to Washington State and the Oregon Country, in search of refuge on the West Coast from the relentless combine raids and plentiful food. Douglas and his group consistently ate Xenian lifeforms for food, some of which changed how their minds worked, alongside an aging mind, Douglas became infatuated with the man whom he was named after, MacArthur, and began acting as if he were the ideal of the great American hero.
Douglas was scattered from his group recently, and has found the location of a new Patriot stronghold. He intends to integrate himself with them until he can find his group.
Vortigaunt Application
Steam name: MazuzaM
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:0:520927466


Name: Zur'Roh Karh
Age: 267
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? No

Chapter 1: Zur'Roh Krah's Origins and Black Mesa

Like many others of his Kin, Zur'Roh Krah spent centuries under the cruel slavery of the infamous entity known as the Nihilant, during this period, he did not have any control over the choices that the latter took, Zur'Roh Krah was forced to become a mindless warrior, similar to the Transhuman Arm of the Combine. After the resonance Cascade happened at Black Mesa, Zur'Roh Krah along his Kin were forced to exterminate the human forces, most of them did not have any chances against the powerful Vortigaunts, however their forces were able to contain some of the Para threats sent by the Nihilant.

After the total massacre of both the Earthlings and the Xenian forces, a human known to the Vortigaunts as "The Freeman" was able to conduct his venture into Xenian grounds, and with much haste he managed to kill the Nihilant and the Vortigaunts were free of its control.

Chapter 2: The Great Venture and Cheyenne

After Zur'Roh Krah was freed from the slavery of the evil Nihilant, he decided to not remain in contact with humans for that time, perhaps they still portrayed his Kin as a hostile plague to be killed, he decided to leave the battle grounds and chaos and begin to venture towards the Americas. The Xenian malignancies and the arrival of the Combine affected the planet earth in measures that no scientists or philosophers were able to even imagine.

Zur'Roh Krah was able to venture in many places where he still kept contact with others of his Kin throughout the Vortessence, he felt that great dangers were in the place where he was venturing, this Kin had found the Combine human forces hunting others of his Kin, he had no choice but to end his great venture in the currently malignant area, Cheyenne. He spent much time over there, mostly cooking and hunting, while in contact with the Vortessence he felt that others of his Kin needed help as the Combine was still not satisfied of what they had taken.

Chapter 3: Fort Collins and the Mighty Conflict (TO BE DONE IN CASE IT'S ACCEPTED)

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Vortigaunt Application :)

Steam name: 0xNiklas
Steam profile link or ID:
Discord: 0xNiklas™#5967


Name: Alt'lmr

Age: 215

Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?:
No, I never had them on Willard before.



Alt'lmr, appeared in this world shortly after the Vortigaunts were enslaved by Nihilanths. He was, of course, one of the many Vortigaunts who had the misfortune of spawning through the Vortessence at such a period of their time. Alt'lmr lived cluelessly with his tribe further away on Xen and knew nothing about enslavement, or even the term itself. He saw what he was in as normal, he grew up with it. Until it came to Black Mesa, the scientists wasted one of their crystals and tore open a portal with it and he and his kin were forced to attack the earth and they did so, therein lies the characteristic of slavery and he himself saw the atrocities of humans and enslavement. Humans kills humans, Xenian kills humans,
Vortigaunt kills humans, and worst of all, humans killed Vortigaunts. Instinctively, he fought for his people and fled with his tribe, even from the place and slavery, after the death of the
Nihilanths, which death was extremely beneficial to the Vortigaunt species.


But this luck didn't last long until the
Combine discovered the border world and conquered the earth within 7 hours and there was a new administration of the Combine, including the Vortigaunts being enslaved again and the entire human race for the first time. The Vortigaunts knew their stuff, they were in this situation and that's how Alt'lmr saw it too. He decided to help people, at least those who didn't follow the Combine. He fled with his tribe to Alaska, their journey was long, hard and cold. The cold of the Alaskan winters makes it harder for them, but maintains their optimism. Alt'lmr sat with his tribe and some of the Patriots in a local cave, where in the pure silence the alarm of a gunship sounded. Alt'lmr looked up, curious and worried, and took another Kin with him to investigate the sounds they heard. He and others from his tribe went out and checked the origin of the sound. Her fear became reality. A small Overwatch team was called out to look for rebel cells locally. But cautiously, they disappeared back into the forests of densely populated and cold Alaska. He came back into the cave and spoke to the leader and said:
"Greetings, The Patriot. We and my Kin spotted a ship of the Combine soldiers, they are probably looking for us. Therefore, the next step is to relocate us .. To prevent discovery!"


The leader nodded quickly and extinguished the campfire in the dark cave and continued on into the deep parts of the forest. Days later, the
Patriots discovered another Patriot cell and spoke of the "New Frontier", a new front between the Humans, Xenians and the Combine. Of course, it piqued the interest of his Kin, including an older
Vortigaunt who was the leader of their group .. He asked the rebels
"Humans, explain to us the exact and precise location of the. New Frontier?" The
patriot looked at him, looked at his colleague and said "In the huge infestation zone, from Washington down to Mexico, so everything on the west coast." The Elder Vortigaunt nodded and told his tribe that this was the most ideal place for them, since other Vortigaunts were there.


Alt'lmr, nodded and, pleased with the information, he set off with the tribe and the rebels to this place where Vortigaunts could live in peace. However, appearances are not true when they were in Washigton. An Overwatch patrol came by and killed his entire tribe in an attempt to escape. Well, Alt'lmr now completely devastated by this tragic loss. However, he realized that they have come back to the Vortessence and are now more at peace than ever before. Nevertheless, he set off with the usual rebel to the New Frontier, whether he survives it or gets there... leaves the future open.
Steam name:


Steam profile link or ID:





Naz'ain Aqun
The Shepherd



Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?


In the Duvan'Merda region of the homeworld, vortal energies surround a secluded clearing. The tapestry of the universe coalescing into a circle, maintained by ritualistic materials and patterns, itself imbued with the essence of the Shaman and kin. A low chant echoes from the Shaman. The surrounding kin echoing the commandment, guiding the flow of vortessence throughout the patterns laid out upon the purified ground. The chanting increases in intensity. The fabric of reality shudders, as bone, flesh and soul merges as life is spurred into a dozen vessels. The exodus of souls from the void is channelled into these few vessels, flowing with life.
1698931771832.pngNaz'ain Aqun's destiny was determined at creation. The threads of fate and destiny having already been decided by the powers before him. His appearance, a brownish tint, a trait shared by all others around him. The knowledge of past vortigaunt's fragmented memories present within his young mind. With a shaky poise, he took his first breath, indulging in the oxygen-rich atmosphere his home world holds. Slowly yet steadily adapting to the environment. He notices the chant surrounding him and his kin. Observing the mystical movements of those managing the ritual and that of the vortessence coalescing again, seeing the vessels of those like him awaken in confusion and curiosity. He could feel the connection between himself and those surrounding him. He turned to face the Shaman, now looking frailer than before and pale. The shaman began to speak to his kin.
He did not yet understand these words, he received the emotion and intent from the shaman, following his kin to safety.


Upon arrival to the settlement, the sky darkened. A bright light penetrated a hole in the sky as the once restful atmosphere turned into one of fury. The surrounding kin noted disturbances in the vortessence as the Shaman emitted a negative aura, caution and fear tainted his energies. Naz'ain did not understand the danger, nor did any kin, baring the Shaman, feel such negative emotions. The hole widened and the sky darkened, large machinations of metal and contorted creatures, emitting auras of hatred and sadness dropped from it. A few hours after his birth and his home world was invaded.

The Shaman, still recovering from the summoning ritual, sacrificed his vortal coil to create a portal of which to traverse to another realm. Upon arrival of which we were offered a choice, servitude or death.

Naz'Ain learned how to manipulate the vortessence, and during this time of which, he partook in connecting and training the various wildlife present within the Border world, his kin commonly called him the Connector for his ability in taming violent Xenian lifeforms, such as the Bullsquid and other new forms of life, that of which he wouldn't have encountered before entering. Naz'Ain is able to positively affect the auras of unambitious lifeforms, non-sentient creatures joined his wing, and he enjoyed their presence. It was his view that the purest hearts are found in those less fortunate.

Despite these short moments of learning and enjoyment without the Nihilianth's gaze upon him and his kin. Centuries of enslavement, being sent to fight in other worlds, forced to do so by the collar of which binds the Vortigaunt to serve, making his body controlled by the will of the Nihilianth. He despised this conflict that was forced upon him. All beings returned to the vortessence to join the tapestry of fate, this he knew, yet the feeling of despair and the weight of guilt persisted within him.

Earth gave his species the chance to escape. The ever-tight grip of the Nihilianth's rule, fuelled by it's own cowardice, sent out the legions to a fledgling civilization. The remaining Shaman's and Elders echoed a clairvoyant message from the vortessence; The shackles will fall.

During the invasion of earth, the shackles dug into his skin, moving his body mechanically and channelling the vortessence using his body as a medium, having been teleported into a small settlement. The Nihilianth showed no mercy.

When the shackles broke, he wandered with what Kin remained, heading out into the forests, only acting in self-defence when threatened by a sentient life-form. Naz'Ain tamed Xenian and Terran entities alike, and as such, his first herd was made.

Now, he is present within Colorado with other of his Kin, will his morals last?

(I took all these pictures off the internet)



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Vortigaunt Application

Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
Steam Profile Link or ID:
Discord: @hl2rp

Age: 1068

It does not speak, and barely understands, English, due to a refusal to learn any human languages, from its deep hatred.
It speaks only with Flux-Shifting, and very rarely, Xendarian.

It is a standard brown hide, red-eyed Vortigaunt. It is indistinguishable from the masses.
It also refuses to wear any coverings, embracing the nature of total freedom from any form of clothing or jacket.
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: No, but I have previously held it.

Indistinguishable. Vengeful. Unforgiving.
Three words to Gal'Bah-Turr…

A Vortigaunt sent forth from the Malignancy due to the severance of two Grand Elders. Its very being shakes and shudders with a deep-set hatred for humanity. It remembers the serving the Nihilanth. It remembers the anguish of those severed in Black Mesa and of those severed in the following war. It remembers who, or rather what, did it. Humanity. Not one “savior” of humankind. Not one individual, but the whole collective.

Living in what little remains of what it knew, the Malignancy was its home. The Grand Elder, its leader. But, no more.
The Malignancy may remain its home, but The Despot is now in charge. A far cry from the collective fist and might of the Nihilanth, but a fraction of its image nonetheless.

It now serves the common goal of all Vortigaunts in the Malignancy, and thereby, a not-so-common goal to serve the Despot.
It bends and follows, tooth and nail. Serving for vengeance for those severed.
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Steam name: Scam Likely
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_1:0:449980171
Discord: largefella1


Name: Jmla'Laah
Age: Mature Youngling
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? No

Chapter 1: The Descent Amidst the chaos and catastrophic failure at the Black Mesa Research Facility, there existed a Vortigaunt named Jmla'Laah. Jmla was unlike many of his kin; he was unusually curious, even by Vortigaunt standards. Born with bright purple eyes that gleamed with intelligence, he had always felt a deeper connection to the mysteries of the universe.

As the resonance cascade event tore through dimensions, Zarnak found himself transported to Black Mesa from his home world of Xen. Disoriented and bewildered, he emerged into a world of chaos and devastation. The facility was in ruins, and humans were fleeing in terror. The Combine's interference had unleashed a nightmare.

Chapter 2: A Fateful Encounter As Jmla wandered through the smoldering corridors of Black Mesa, he stumbled upon a group of resistance scientists who had managed to survive the initial onslaught.

Recognizing Jmla's intelligence and unique abilities, Did not trust him. They believed at any moment he would slaughter the entire team at once.

Chapter 3: Unraveling the Rifts Jmla quickly Made his way through the halls of black mesa moving around and coming in contact with kill teams, fleeing scientists, and lightly armed security guards. As he made contact with each group he charged his vortal powers slaughtering each person he found
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Steam name: nath
Steam profile link or ID:

Discord: nath#5742

// Name: Alex Thompson
image-removebg-preview (8).png

What useful skills do you have?: Discipline and team oriented planning instilled through military training, weapons handling, and orienteering.

Alex Thompson was born in Orlando Florida in 1981. He enlisted in the US Army in the year 2000 and joined the infantry, 11b. One year later, the Black Mesa incident occured, throwing the military into a state of disarray as they battled the subsequent portal storms and Xenian malignancy. Given his role as infantry, Thompson was thrown to the frontlines of this conflict. He attained the rank of Corporal before the Seven Hour War came in 2004.

Ambushed by Synthetic forces during a military deployment to the region surrounding the destroyed Black Mesa facility, Cpl. Thompson and his fellow infantrymen were overwhelmed and largely defeated by the Combine, with him being left wounded, though having managed to escape capture. Corporal Thompson would continue in his service against the alien invaders of his planet. As the US Military's Command structure and operational efficiency began to crumble, he would find himself working alongside those known as the Patriots.

Alex sat quietly within the steel cell that his captors had afforded to him, his head hung low and his face bloodied from the torture of his re-education. He leaned back into his seat and breathed out a long sigh, rolling his neck from side to side. Suddenly, an earth shattering quake vibrated through the floor, lasting for a good few moments before ceasing. The movement felt irregular, as if some gargantuan mass had shifted toward the city.

Thompson was jolted to full awareness by the quakes, his head lifting as he moved to rise from his seat and approach the bars of his cell. The man leaned forth and peered from left to right across the hall that joined his cell, spotting nobody and nothing of interest. Thompson took hold of the bars and leaned against them, breathing another sigh before directing his attention downward. "Cole, did you hear that?" He whispered, speaking to his cellmate aside him.

"How could I not? Sounded like a bomb goin' off. Maybe someone is attacking this place." Cole whispered back. Before Thompson could muster a reply, the loud crackling of a disabled biolock could be heard down the hall. A lone metropolice unit made his approach, the distinct grounding of his boots echoing across the chamber before he stopped before Thompson's cell, staring within through the expressionless gaze of his mask.

<:: You, you're coming with me. Face the wall of your cell and place your hands behind your back. ::> A heavily modulated voice commanded, the metrocop pointing into the cell with his stun baton as he spoke. Thompson rolled his eyes before turning and placing his hands behind his back, leaning against the wall of his cell. "Ready.." He quietly replied. The metropolice moved to unlock and open the door of his cell, parting the metal barrier with a harsh screech, though his advance was halted by another massive wave of seismic activity, which rattled the walls of the room.

A vent suddenly broke apart within the hallway, and a lone Fast Headcrab dropped to the floor behind the Civil Protection Officer. The unit spun around to the noise and let out a loud yell when he noticed the small alien before his feet. The Headcrab skittered forth and kicked itself up onto its' back legs, bellowing a menacing and high pitched shriek before leaping through the air toward the metropolice, who were far too slow to the draw of his sidearm to react. The Headcrab slammed into his chest, piercing through the material with its' clawed legs and causing the officer to collapse to the floor from the painful impact.

Thompson stumbled to the back of the cell as the scene unfolded before him. The Headcrab quickly crawled along the officers body and nested itself over his masked face, tightly wrapping its' legs around the back of his skull before lowering its' beak to pierce through the gasmask protecting the unit. The metrocop cried out loudly in agony and fear before the aliens beak managed to fully break through his skull, rendering him mostly immobile.

The downed mans' body began to wildly convulse as the process of zombification began. Thompson's eyes widened, "Holy shit!" He yelled out, then rushing forth and lowering himself to the side of the bleeding metrocop. Thompson extended a bandaged hand to the holstered sidearm on his duty belt, pulling free the USP Match and disabling the safety. The former soldier rose back to his feet and took aim at the headcrab that were possessing the man at his feet, firing off two quick shots to end the lives of both the cop and the headcrab.

"This is our chance, Cole!" Thompson called out once the pair had been killed. He lowered himself back to the ground to take hold of the neck of the Civil Protection Officers ballistic vest, and began to drag him from the cell and into the hallway. Thompson moved down the hall to a master control panel for the row of cells, pressing at a button to unlock and open all of them. Cole stepped out of the chamber with a worried expression, "Guess so.." He replied, looking nervously down each side of the hall. Thompson again approached the fallen metropolice, and began to raid equipment from his belt.

"Take this, Cole." Thompson said, extending an MP7 and a bag of magazines, which contained ammo for both the MP7 and USP Match. Cole accepted the items, stowing away the bag of ammo into his pockets and lowering the SMG to his side. "What now?" He asked, looking back to Thompson. "We need to get back to the Patriots, and fast. Hopefully those vibrations are distracting the Combine from what just happened to this guy." The Soldier replied, gesturing to the corpses before him as he spoke. "Let's get going."

Thompson fastened the utility belt of the metrocop around his waist before approaching the door, advancing through alongside Cole to an empty elevator that would bring them to the surface. They were met with little in the way of resistance in their escape from the Combine facility, navigating through the narrow corridors until they found release within the city, where they would be graced with panicked chaos unfolding upon the streets around them. The Citizens of C21 scrambled to their places as alarms began to blare through the city, warning of an impending Xenian invasion. "We can't get caught up in this.." Cole said, and the pair again began to move. They opted to avoid the mainstreets, sticking to alleyways as they navigated themselves back to the Patriots and their hidden outpost.

Thompson and Cole came upon a false wall, knocking desperately against it. "Let us in. It's Thompson!" The former soldier called. After a few moments, the wall slid open, and the pair would be greeted by a group of armed Patriots, who were getting ready to mobilize in evacuation efforts. "Thompson! The city is going under, the infestation is climbing in! We've got to go, get as many folks as we can out." Spoke one of the soldiers. With his orders, Thompson and Cole joined forces with the rest of the Patriots as they began their evacuation, assisting in establishing a convoy of refugees as they left the chaotic ruins of the City behind.
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Steam name: nath
Steam profile link or ID:

Discord: nath#5742

// Name: Alex Thompson
View attachment 27995

What useful skills do you have?: Discipline and team oriented planning instilled through military training, weapons handling, and orienteering.

Alex Thompson was born in Orlando Florida in 1981. He enlisted in the US Army in the year 2000 and joined the infantry, 11b. One year later, the Black Mesa incident occured, throwing the military into a state of disarray as they battled the subsequent portal storms and Xenian malignancy. Given his role as infantry, Thompson was thrown to the frontlines of this conflict. He attained the rank of Corporal before the Seven Hour War came in 2004.

Ambushed by Synthetic forces, Cpl. Thompson and his fellow infantrymen were overwhelmed and apprehended by the Combine. Separated and filed into their respective punishments, Thompson was transferred to C21 to be a worker for the Universal Union, though the Xenian threat loomed closer and closer with each day. Eventually, Thompson would be imprisoned further by the Combine on charges of malcompliance, left within a cell on the day of City 21's fall..

Alex sat quietly within the steel cell that his captors had afforded to him, his head hung low and his face bloodied from the torture of his re-education. He leaned back into his seat and breathed out a long sigh, rolling his neck from side to side. Suddenly, an earth shattering quake vibrated through the floor, lasting for a good few moments before ceasing. The movement felt irregular, as if some gargantuan mass had shifted toward the city.

Thompson was jolted to full awareness by the quakes, his head lifting as he moved to rise from his seat and approach the bars of his cell. The man leaned forth and peered from left to right across the hall that joined his cell, spotting nobody and nothing of interest. Thompson took hold of the bars and leaned against them, breathing another sigh before directing his attention downward. "Cole, did you hear that?" He whispered, speaking to his cellmate aside him.

"How could I not? Sounded like a bomb goin' off. Maybe someone is attacking this place." Cole whispered back. Before Thompson could muster a reply, the loud crackling of a disabled biolock could be heard down the hall. A lone metropolice unit made his approach, the distinct grounding of his boots echoing across the chamber before he stopped before Thompson's cell, staring within through the expressionless gaze of his mask.

<:: You, you're coming with me. Face the wall of your cell and place your hands behind your back. ::> A heavily modulated voice commanded, the metrocop pointing into the cell with his stun baton as he spoke. Thompson rolled his eyes before turning and placing his hands behind his back, leaning against the wall of his cell. "Ready.." He quietly replied. The metropolice moved to unlock and open the door of his cell, parting the metal barrier with a harsh screech, though his advance was halted by another massive wave of seismic activity, which rattled the walls of the room.

A vent suddenly broke apart within the hallway, and a lone Fast Headcrab dropped to the floor behind the Civil Protection Officer. The unit spun around to the noise and let out a loud yell when he noticed the small alien before his feet. The Headcrab skittered forth and kicked itself up onto its' back legs, bellowing a menacing and high pitched shriek before leaping through the air toward the metropolice, who were far too slow to the draw of his sidearm to react. The Headcrab slammed into his chest, piercing through the material with its' clawed legs and causing the officer to collapse to the floor from the painful impact.

Thompson stumbled to the back of the cell as the scene unfolded before him. The Headcrab quickly crawled along the officers body and nested itself over his masked face, tightly wrapping its' legs around the back of his skull before lowering its' beak to pierce through the gasmask protecting the unit. The metrocop cried out loudly in agony and fear before the aliens beak managed to fully break through his skull, rendering him mostly immobile.

The downed mans' body began to wildly convulse as the process of zombification began. Thompson's eyes widened, "Holy shit!" He yelled out, then rushing forth and lowering himself to the side of the bleeding metrocop. Thompson extended a bandaged hand to the holstered sidearm on his duty belt, pulling free the USP Match and disabling the safety. The former soldier rose back to his feet and took aim at the headcrab that were possessing the man at his feet, firing off two quick shots to end the lives of both the cop and the headcrab.

"This is our chance, Cole!" Thompson called out once the pair had been killed. He lowered himself back to the ground to take hold of the neck of the Civil Protection Officers ballistic vest, and began to drag him from the cell and into the hallway. Thompson moved down the hall to a master control panel for the row of cells, pressing at a button to unlock and open all of them. Cole stepped out of the chamber with a worried expression, "Guess so.." He replied, looking nervously down each side of the hall. Thompson again approached the fallen metropolice, and began to raid equipment from his belt.

"Take this, Cole." Thompson said, extending an MP7 and a bag of magazines, which contained ammo for both the MP7 and USP Match. Cole accepted the items, stowing away the bag of ammo into his pockets and lowering the SMG to his side. "What now?" He asked, looking back to Thompson. "We need to get back to the Patriots, and fast. Hopefully those vibrations are distracting the Combine from what just happened to this guy." The Soldier replied, gesturing to the corpses before him as he spoke. "Let's get going."

Thompson fastened the utility belt of the metrocop around his waist before approaching the door, advancing through alongside Cole to an empty elevator that would bring them to the surface. They were met with little in the way of resistance in their escape from the Combine facility, navigating through the narrow corridors until they found release within the city, where they would be graced with panicked chaos unfolding upon the streets around them. The Citizens of C21 scrambled to their places as alarms began to blare through the city, warning of an impending Xenian invasion. "We can't get caught up in this.." Cole said, and the pair again began to move. They opted to avoid the mainstreets, sticking to alleyways as they navigated themselves back to the Patriots and their hidden outpost.

Thompson and Cole came upon a false wall, knocking desperately against it. "Let us in. It's Thompson!" The former soldier called. After a few moments, the wall slid open, and the pair would be greeted by a group of armed Patriots, who were getting ready to mobilize in evacuation efforts. "Thompson! The city is going under, the infestation is climbing in! We've got to go, get as many folks as we can out." Spoke one of the soldiers. With his orders, Thompson and Cole joined forces with the rest of the Patriots as they began their evacuation, assisting in establishing a convoy of refugees as they left the chaotic ruins of the City behind.
Parts of this backstory need a re-write, any and all members of the US military were captured and turned into OTA, if your character was captured, he would be turned into an OTA as well.
Steam name: Cavity
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: maceman0091


David "Maddog" Thwart

What useful skills do you have?: 'Maddog' is an explosives expert (USMC F23), has a sharp tongue for diplomacy, and considers himself a cunning and resilient leader who is steadfast in his beliefs and to his men.

'Maddog's first taste of combat came during the Gulf War, where he served as an explosives expert in the USMC. His exceptional skills in handling and disarming explosives, as well as his calm under pressure, made him a valuable asset in the war-torn deserts of Desert Storm as they battled Iraqi forces. After his honorable discharge from the Marines following the Gulf War, Maddog briefly returned to civilian life before he shortly ended up reenlisted in the Marines. This time, his path led him to becoming a drill instructor at Parris Island, South Carolina, during a time of relative peace. Maddog made a successful but brief career as a drill instructor at Parris Island, training the future generations of US Marines before the fateful events of 2001 happened and changed his life and career forever.

Ditching his military equipment, 'Maddog' surrendered under the impression of a refugee and was subsequently transported to City 21 shortly after the end of the 7-hour war. He ended up enlisting with the Patriots after establishing himself in the city. He used his skillset to train and polish up recruits in insurgency operations against Civil Protection and Overwatch forces in the city and crafted IEDs and other devices. During the collapse of C21, 'Maddog' accompanied the rest of the Patriots out of the city and into the wastes, where his journey continues...

(Drill Instructors are considered sergeants or an E-5 within the USMC. If this is too high, I can modify this application; please let me know.)
Steam name: -「 Light 」-
Steam profile link or ID:
Discord: lightsde


Name: Douglas MacDunn

What useful skills do you have?: Douglas traces his experience back to the Vietnam war as a tunnel rat who worked alongside Australians. He was primarily used at night to infiltrate VC encampments and tunnels, either reporting back intel or doing as much damage as he could. He has experience living out in the wild, despite his age.

Douglas is a 64-year old man who has lost his head a little, sometimes he styles himself the next iteration of his, and his parents' hero, Douglas MacArthur. At 18, two years before the fall of Saigon, he joined the USMC to fight the good fight, so to speak against the communists.
After Saigon fell and he was sent home to the great city of Detroit. He watched as his city began to decline and convinced himself this was a communist plot to destroy the United States from within, as a result, he took to the roads, refusing to pay taxes to a compromised state, living in mobile homes or camping out in the wilderness. When the Soviet Union fell, he had become so isolated from society that he maintained his lifestyle, though from time to time he would venture back into civilization for supplies like ammunition and to maintain his connections.

From the Black Mesa Incident to the 7-Hour War, he traveled with a group of Patriots across the continental United States to Washington State and the Oregon Country, in search of refuge on the West Coast from the relentless combine raids and plentiful food. Douglas and his group consistently ate Xenian lifeforms for food, some of which changed how their minds worked, alongside an aging mind, Douglas became infatuated with the man whom he was named after, MacArthur, and began acting as if he were the ideal of the great American hero.
Douglas was scattered from his group recently, and has found the location of a new Patriot stronghold. He intends to integrate himself with them until he can find his group.
Vortigaunt Application
Steam name: MazuzaM
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:0:520927466


Name: Zur'Roh Karh
Age: 267
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? No

Chapter 1: Zur'Roh Krah's Origins and Black Mesa

Like many others of his Kin, Zur'Roh Krah spent centuries under the cruel slavery of the infamous entity known as the Nihilant, during this period, he did not have any control over the choices that the latter took, Zur'Roh Krah was forced to become a mindless warrior, similar to the Transhuman Arm of the Combine. After the resonance Cascade happened at Black Mesa, Zur'Roh Krah along his Kin were forced to exterminate the human forces, most of them did not have any chances against the powerful Vortigaunts, however their forces were able to contain some of the Para threats sent by the Nihilant.

After the total massacre of both the Earthlings and the Xenian forces, a human known to the Vortigaunts as "The Freeman" was able to conduct his venture into Xenian grounds, and with much haste he managed to kill the Nihilant and the Vortigaunts were free of its control.

Chapter 2: The Great Venture and Cheyenne

After Zur'Roh Krah was freed from the slavery of the evil Nihilant, he decided to not remain in contact with humans for that time, perhaps they still portrayed his Kin as a hostile plague to be killed, he decided to leave the battle grounds and chaos and begin to venture towards the Americas. The Xenian malignancies and the arrival of the Combine affected the planet earth in measures that no scientists or philosophers were able to even imagine.

Zur'Roh Krah was able to venture in many places where he still kept contact with others of his Kin throughout the Vortessence, he felt that great dangers were in the place where he was venturing, this Kin had found the Combine human forces hunting others of his Kin, he had no choice but to end his great venture in the currently malignant area, Cheyenne. He spent much time over there, mostly cooking and hunting, while in contact with the Vortessence he felt that others of his Kin needed help as the Combine was still not satisfied of what they had taken.

Chapter 3: Fort Collins and the Mighty Conflict (TO BE DONE IN CASE IT'S ACCEPTED)

Vortigaunt Application :)

Steam name: 0xNiklas
Steam profile link or ID:
Discord: 0xNiklas™#5967


Name: Alt'lmr

Age: 215

Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?:
No, I never had them on Willard before.



Alt'lmr, appeared in this world shortly after the Vortigaunts were enslaved by Nihilanths. He was, of course, one of the many Vortigaunts who had the misfortune of spawning through the Vortessence at such a period of their time. Alt'lmr lived cluelessly with his tribe further away on Xen and knew nothing about enslavement, or even the term itself. He saw what he was in as normal, he grew up with it. Until it came to Black Mesa, the scientists wasted one of their crystals and tore open a portal with it and he and his kin were forced to attack the earth and they did so, therein lies the characteristic of slavery and he himself saw the atrocities of humans and enslavement. Humans kills humans, Xenian kills humans,
Vortigaunt kills humans, and worst of all, humans killed Vortigaunts. Instinctively, he fought for his people and fled with his tribe, even from the place and slavery, after the death of the
Nihilanths, which death was extremely beneficial to the Vortigaunt species.


But this luck didn't last long until the
Combine discovered the border world and conquered the earth within 7 hours and there was a new administration of the Combine, including the Vortigaunts being enslaved again and the entire human race for the first time. The Vortigaunts knew their stuff, they were in this situation and that's how Alt'lmr saw it too. He decided to help people, at least those who didn't follow the Combine. He fled with his tribe to Alaska, their journey was long, hard and cold. The cold of the Alaskan winters makes it harder for them, but maintains their optimism. Alt'lmr sat with his tribe and some of the Patriots in a local cave, where in the pure silence the alarm of a gunship sounded. Alt'lmr looked up, curious and worried, and took another Kin with him to investigate the sounds they heard. He and others from his tribe went out and checked the origin of the sound. Her fear became reality. A small Overwatch team was called out to look for rebel cells locally. But cautiously, they disappeared back into the forests of densely populated and cold Alaska. He came back into the cave and spoke to the leader and said:
"Greetings, The Patriot. We and my Kin spotted a ship of the Combine soldiers, they are probably looking for us. Therefore, the next step is to relocate us .. To prevent discovery!"


The leader nodded quickly and extinguished the campfire in the dark cave and continued on into the deep parts of the forest. Days later, the
Patriots discovered another Patriot cell and spoke of the "New Frontier", a new front between the Humans, Xenians and the Combine. Of course, it piqued the interest of his Kin, including an older
Vortigaunt who was the leader of their group .. He asked the rebels
"Humans, explain to us the exact and precise location of the. New Frontier?" The
patriot looked at him, looked at his colleague and said "In the huge infestation zone, from Washington down to Mexico, so everything on the west coast." The Elder Vortigaunt nodded and told his tribe that this was the most ideal place for them, since other Vortigaunts were there.


Alt'lmr, nodded and, pleased with the information, he set off with the tribe and the rebels to this place where Vortigaunts could live in peace. However, appearances are not true when they were in Washigton. An Overwatch patrol came by and killed his entire tribe in an attempt to escape. Well, Alt'lmr now completely devastated by this tragic loss. However, he realized that they have come back to the Vortessence and are now more at peace than ever before. Nevertheless, he set off with the usual rebel to the New Frontier, whether he survives it or gets there... leaves the future open.

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Steam name:


Steam profile link or ID:





Naz'ain Aqun
The Shepherd



Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?


View attachment 27984
In the Duvan'Merda region of the homeworld, vortal energies surround a secluded clearing. The tapestry of the universe coalescing into a circle, maintained by ritualistic materials and patterns, itself imbued with the essence of the Shaman and kin. A low chant echoes from the Shaman. The surrounding kin echoing the commandment, guiding the flow of vortessence throughout the patterns laid out upon the purified ground. The chanting increases in intensity. The fabric of reality shudders, as bone, flesh and soul merges as life is spurred into a dozen vessels. The exodus of souls from the void is channelled into these few vessels, flowing with life.

View attachment 27985Naz'ain Aqun's destiny was determined at creation. The threads of fate and destiny having already been decided by the powers before him. His appearance, a brownish tint, a trait shared by all others around him. The knowledge of past vortigaunt's fragmented memories present within his young mind. With a shaky poise, he took his first breath, indulging in the oxygen-rich atmosphere his home world holds. Slowly yet steadily adapting to the environment. He notices the chant surrounding him and his kin. Observing the mystical movements of those managing the ritual and that of the vortessence coalescing again, seeing the vessels of those like him awaken in confusion and curiosity. He could feel the connection between himself and those surrounding him. He turned to face the Shaman, now looking frailer than before and pale. The shaman began to speak to his kin.
He did not yet understand these words, he received the emotion and intent from the shaman, following his kin to safety.

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Upon arrival to the settlement, the sky darkened. A bright light penetrated a hole in the sky as the once restful atmosphere turned into one of fury. The surrounding kin noted disturbances in the vortessence as the Shaman emitted a negative aura, caution and fear tainted his energies. Naz'ain did not understand the danger, nor did any kin, baring the Shaman, feel such negative emotions. The hole widened and the sky darkened, large machinations of metal and contorted creatures, emitting auras of hatred and sadness dropped from it. A few hours after his birth and his home world was invaded.

The Shaman, still recovering from the summoning ritual, sacrificed his vortal coil to create a portal of which to traverse to another realm. Upon arrival of which we were offered a choice, servitude or death.

Naz'Ain learned how to manipulate the vortessence, and during this time of which, he partook in connecting and training the various wildlife present within the Border world, his kin commonly called him the Connector for his ability in taming violent Xenian lifeforms, such as the Bullsquid and other new forms of life, that of which he wouldn't have encountered before entering. Naz'Ain is able to positively affect the auras of unambitious lifeforms, non-sentient creatures joined his wing, and he enjoyed their presence. It was his view that the purest hearts are found in those less fortunate.

Despite these short moments of learning and enjoyment without the Nihilianth's gaze upon him and his kin. Centuries of enslavement, being sent to fight in other worlds, forced to do so by the collar of which binds the Vortigaunt to serve, making his body controlled by the will of the Nihilianth. He despised this conflict that was forced upon him. All beings returned to the vortessence to join the tapestry of fate, this he knew, yet the feeling of despair and the weight of guilt persisted within him.

Earth gave his species the chance to escape. The ever-tight grip of the Nihilianth's rule, fuelled by it's own cowardice, sent out the legions to a fledgling civilization. The remaining Shaman's and Elders echoed a clairvoyant message from the vortessence; The shackles will fall.

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During the invasion of earth, the shackles dug into his skin, moving his body mechanically and channelling the vortessence using his body as a medium, having been teleported into a small settlement. The Nihilianth showed no mercy.

When the shackles broke, he wandered with what Kin remained, heading out into the forests, only acting in self-defence when threatened by a sentient life-form. Naz'Ain tamed Xenian and Terran entities alike, and as such, his first herd was made.

Now, he is present within Colorado with other of his Kin, will his morals last?

(I took all these pictures off the internet)

Steam name: Scam Likely
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_1:0:449980171
Discord: largefella1


Name: Jmla'Laah
Age: Mature Youngling
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? No

Chapter 1: The Descent Amidst the chaos and catastrophic failure at the Black Mesa Research Facility, there existed a Vortigaunt named Jmla'Laah. Jmla was unlike many of his kin; he was unusually curious, even by Vortigaunt standards. Born with bright purple eyes that gleamed with intelligence, he had always felt a deeper connection to the mysteries of the universe.

As the resonance cascade event tore through dimensions, Zarnak found himself transported to Black Mesa from his home world of Xen. Disoriented and bewildered, he emerged into a world of chaos and devastation. The facility was in ruins, and humans were fleeing in terror. The Combine's interference had unleashed a nightmare.

Chapter 2: A Fateful Encounter As Jmla wandered through the smoldering corridors of Black Mesa, he stumbled upon a group of resistance scientists who had managed to survive the initial onslaught.

Recognizing Jmla's intelligence and unique abilities, Did not trust him. They believed at any moment he would slaughter the entire team at once.

Chapter 3: Unraveling the Rifts Jmla quickly Made his way through the halls of black mesa moving around and coming in contact with kill teams, fleeing scientists, and lightly armed security guards. As he made contact with each group he charged his vortal powers slaughtering each person he found
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Accepted, join the server and make a ticket to get set up, ask for roles on the discord
Vortigaunt Application

Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
Steam Profile Link or ID:
Discord: @hl2rp

Age: 1068

It does not speak, and barely understands, English, due to a refusal to learn any human languages, from its deep hatred.
It speaks only with Flux-Shifting, and very rarely, Xendarian.

It is a standard brown hide, red-eyed Vortigaunt. It is indistinguishable from the masses.
It also refuses to wear any coverings, embracing the nature of total freedom from any form of clothing or jacket.
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: No, but I have previously held it.

Indistinguishable. Vengeful. Unforgiving.
Three words to Gal'Bah-Turr…

A Vortigaunt sent forth from the Malignancy due to the severance of two Grand Elders. Its very being shakes and shudders with a deep-set hatred for humanity. It remembers the serving the Nihilanth. It remembers the anguish of those severed in Black Mesa and of those severed in the following war. It remembers who, or rather what, did it. Humanity. Not one “savior” of humankind. Not one individual, but the whole collective.

Living in what little remains of what it knew, the Malignancy was its home. The Grand Elder, its leader. But, no more.
The Malignancy may remain its home, but The Despot is now in charge. A far cry from the collective fist and might of the Nihilanth, but a fraction of its image nonetheless.

It now serves the common goal of all Vortigaunts in the Malignancy, and thereby, a not-so-common goal to serve the Despot.
It bends and follows, tooth and nail. Serving for vengeance for those severed.
Parts of this backstory need a re-write, any and all members of the US military were captured and turned into OTA, if your character was captured, he would be turned into an OTA as well.
Backstory rewritten in main post. Thank you!
Steam name: nath
Steam profile link or ID:

Discord: nath#5742

// Name: Alex Thompson
View attachment 27995

What useful skills do you have?: Discipline and team oriented planning instilled through military training, weapons handling, and orienteering.

Alex Thompson was born in Orlando Florida in 1981. He enlisted in the US Army in the year 2000 and joined the infantry, 11b. One year later, the Black Mesa incident occured, throwing the military into a state of disarray as they battled the subsequent portal storms and Xenian malignancy. Given his role as infantry, Thompson was thrown to the frontlines of this conflict. He attained the rank of Corporal before the Seven Hour War came in 2004.

Ambushed by Synthetic forces during a military deployment to the region surrounding the destroyed Black Mesa facility, Cpl. Thompson and his fellow infantrymen were overwhelmed and largely defeated by the Combine, with him being left wounded, though having managed to escape capture. Corporal Thompson would continue in his service against the alien invaders of his planet. As the US Military's Command structure and operational efficiency began to crumble, he would find himself working alongside those known as the Patriots.

Alex sat quietly within the steel cell that his captors had afforded to him, his head hung low and his face bloodied from the torture of his re-education. He leaned back into his seat and breathed out a long sigh, rolling his neck from side to side. Suddenly, an earth shattering quake vibrated through the floor, lasting for a good few moments before ceasing. The movement felt irregular, as if some gargantuan mass had shifted toward the city.

Thompson was jolted to full awareness by the quakes, his head lifting as he moved to rise from his seat and approach the bars of his cell. The man leaned forth and peered from left to right across the hall that joined his cell, spotting nobody and nothing of interest. Thompson took hold of the bars and leaned against them, breathing another sigh before directing his attention downward. "Cole, did you hear that?" He whispered, speaking to his cellmate aside him.

"How could I not? Sounded like a bomb goin' off. Maybe someone is attacking this place." Cole whispered back. Before Thompson could muster a reply, the loud crackling of a disabled biolock could be heard down the hall. A lone metropolice unit made his approach, the distinct grounding of his boots echoing across the chamber before he stopped before Thompson's cell, staring within through the expressionless gaze of his mask.

<:: You, you're coming with me. Face the wall of your cell and place your hands behind your back. ::> A heavily modulated voice commanded, the metrocop pointing into the cell with his stun baton as he spoke. Thompson rolled his eyes before turning and placing his hands behind his back, leaning against the wall of his cell. "Ready.." He quietly replied. The metropolice moved to unlock and open the door of his cell, parting the metal barrier with a harsh screech, though his advance was halted by another massive wave of seismic activity, which rattled the walls of the room.

A vent suddenly broke apart within the hallway, and a lone Fast Headcrab dropped to the floor behind the Civil Protection Officer. The unit spun around to the noise and let out a loud yell when he noticed the small alien before his feet. The Headcrab skittered forth and kicked itself up onto its' back legs, bellowing a menacing and high pitched shriek before leaping through the air toward the metropolice, who were far too slow to the draw of his sidearm to react. The Headcrab slammed into his chest, piercing through the material with its' clawed legs and causing the officer to collapse to the floor from the painful impact.

Thompson stumbled to the back of the cell as the scene unfolded before him. The Headcrab quickly crawled along the officers body and nested itself over his masked face, tightly wrapping its' legs around the back of his skull before lowering its' beak to pierce through the gasmask protecting the unit. The metrocop cried out loudly in agony and fear before the aliens beak managed to fully break through his skull, rendering him mostly immobile.

The downed mans' body began to wildly convulse as the process of zombification began. Thompson's eyes widened, "Holy shit!" He yelled out, then rushing forth and lowering himself to the side of the bleeding metrocop. Thompson extended a bandaged hand to the holstered sidearm on his duty belt, pulling free the USP Match and disabling the safety. The former soldier rose back to his feet and took aim at the headcrab that were possessing the man at his feet, firing off two quick shots to end the lives of both the cop and the headcrab.

"This is our chance, Cole!" Thompson called out once the pair had been killed. He lowered himself back to the ground to take hold of the neck of the Civil Protection Officers ballistic vest, and began to drag him from the cell and into the hallway. Thompson moved down the hall to a master control panel for the row of cells, pressing at a button to unlock and open all of them. Cole stepped out of the chamber with a worried expression, "Guess so.." He replied, looking nervously down each side of the hall. Thompson again approached the fallen metropolice, and began to raid equipment from his belt.

"Take this, Cole." Thompson said, extending an MP7 and a bag of magazines, which contained ammo for both the MP7 and USP Match. Cole accepted the items, stowing away the bag of ammo into his pockets and lowering the SMG to his side. "What now?" He asked, looking back to Thompson. "We need to get back to the Patriots, and fast. Hopefully those vibrations are distracting the Combine from what just happened to this guy." The Soldier replied, gesturing to the corpses before him as he spoke. "Let's get going."

Thompson fastened the utility belt of the metrocop around his waist before approaching the door, advancing through alongside Cole to an empty elevator that would bring them to the surface. They were met with little in the way of resistance in their escape from the Combine facility, navigating through the narrow corridors until they found release within the city, where they would be graced with panicked chaos unfolding upon the streets around them. The Citizens of C21 scrambled to their places as alarms began to blare through the city, warning of an impending Xenian invasion. "We can't get caught up in this.." Cole said, and the pair again began to move. They opted to avoid the mainstreets, sticking to alleyways as they navigated themselves back to the Patriots and their hidden outpost.

Thompson and Cole came upon a false wall, knocking desperately against it. "Let us in. It's Thompson!" The former soldier called. After a few moments, the wall slid open, and the pair would be greeted by a group of armed Patriots, who were getting ready to mobilize in evacuation efforts. "Thompson! The city is going under, the infestation is climbing in! We've got to go, get as many folks as we can out." Spoke one of the soldiers. With his orders, Thompson and Cole joined forces with the rest of the Patriots as they began their evacuation, assisting in establishing a convoy of refugees as they left the chaotic ruins of the City behind.
Accepted, ask for roles on discord and in game


Tyrese Jacobs
A young hopeful raised in the aftermath of the Seven-Hour War
What useful skills do you have?: Basic combat training with a focus on technical skills.

Orphaned by the Seven-Hour War, Tyrese's upbringing served as a poignant reflection of the world that had been lost. The Patriots, those who had known the Earth before the invasion, would regale him with vivid stories of bygone days. Guided by these fighters, his days were immersed in demanding survival training, precision weapons drills, and profound ideological education.

A freedom fighter, through and through.

Steam name: TorontoTheInjun
Steam profile link or ID:
Discord: boriken.