New Frontiers - Epilogue


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team

The conflict between the Combine and the Malignancy has come to an end after many long years. Countless lives have been lost and the fate of the US and the world at large has been changed as a result.

The Malignancy

The heart of the malignancy, the genesis pit, has been reduced to a pit of radioactive dust thanks to the success of Project Venus. The rest of the malignancy is still dangerous to all non-xenian life, but due to the destruction of the genesis pit, the malignancy is no longer able to continue to expand. The future of the Xenian kingdom within the malignancy is unknown, the Grand Elder sacrificed themself to destroy the Combine's Ascension facility, leaving the infestation under the Despot's control, though this may not remain the case forever. With the Combine in the US crippled after the destruction of the ascension facility, it may be a long time before they mount an offensive against the Vortigaunt kingdom within the malignancy.

The Combine

The Combine's forces in the US wasteland have been crippled due to the loss of the ascension facility. Although they were successful in stopping the malignancy, the loss of their ascension facility has dealt a major blow to the ascension project. The facility was also used to monitor the nearby ruins of Black Mesa, with the facility gone, the Combine's efforts to understand the technologies in Black Mesa have been thwarted for good, or at least for many years.

The destruction of the ascension facility has caused the Combine to lose their grip on the US wasteland, they will not be able to take full control of the wasteland until they recover from the losses they suffered during the conflict. Combine cities around the US are now focusing on rebuilding and recovering from the Xenian conflict, the citizens of these cities are able to live in *relative* peace knowing they won't be consumed by the malignancy.

The Patriots

Every single member of the Fort Collins Patriots that was part of the assault on the ascension facility has either been captured or killed, the few members that chose not to join in on the assault have scattered to the wind. The Fort Collins Patriots have gone down in history for their success against the Combine, thanks to the sacrifices of these brave few, the US wasteland will be free from both the Combine and Xen for a long time.

The names of the Fort Collins Patriots have gone down in history as some of the greatest heroes of the resistance, the east-coast Patriots have already started work on memorializing the Patriots who sacrificed themselves to ensure the US is free.

The Conscripts

Somehow managing to hold out against rebels, Vortigaunts, the Despot's army of Xenians, and even a Gene Worm, even managing to kill two grand elders. The Conscripts would go on to be recognized as heroes of the Universal Union, they would be viewed as the very best humanity had to offer. Their eventual fate would be unknown, would the conscripts be able to return to the home they fought so hard to protect, or would the Combine "integrate" them into the transhuman arm?

The Vortigaunts

Many Vortigaunts died during the assault on the Ascension facility, including the Master of the West, who sacrificed themselves to destroy the Ascension facility. Although grand elders are usually able to regenerate their physical bodies after death, the Master of the West has permanently died after they blew themselves up to destroy the facility from within. The Vortigaunt kingdom would still be under the rule of the Despot, but it is unknown how long the despot's rule would last after the Genesis pit was destroyed. The Vortigaunt kingdom would continue to be protected by the malignancy while the Combine recovers from their losses, though it is unknown how long this safety will last.

The Scientists

Doctors Hex and Zima managed to survive the destruction of the ascension facility, although project Venus was a success, the loss of the ascension facility was a tremendous loss for the Combine. Doctor Hex would be vital to the Combine's upcoming efforts to recover from the loss of the ascension facility, and the fate of Doctor Zima would be up in the air after Dr. Zima assisted the Patriots in assaulting the facility.

The Wasteland

Thanks to countless sacrifices, the US wasteland is free from both the Combine and the Malignancy, the people living in the wasteland would be able to create actual lives for themselves without having to worry about their efforts being stopped by the Combine or the Malignancy. The Frontier would continue to be a dangerous place that only the brave could hope to inhabit, but thanks to the sacrifices of a brave few, the Frontier would be free.

I made a mistake, I know that, but I wasn't entirely myself when I did what I did. I intend to make up for my error, I have a plan in place to ensure you are able to take full control of sector ten and beyond, I just need time. If you will allow me to prove myself, I can show you I am still of use, I have plans for how Project FLYTRAP can be integrated across the sector, I just ask that you give me time, that is all I need.


Many characters met their end in the Frontier, some of the characters were even old returning characters from past events. Even though they met their end, their sacrifices have changed the fate of the world, their deaths have impacted the world more than most other characters could ever hope to. I ask that if you lost your character in the event, you reply to this thread with the name, faction, and death of the character so it may be put here.

Name - Faction - Death

Vladimer Patarava - Patriot - Assassinated by Vortigaunts in Fort Collins

Rct. Vivian Mallet - Conscript - Died fighting Vortigaunts and Rebels in the mines of Denver

Lillith Black - Refugee - Killed by zombies in Cheyenne

Gaka'Llen-Glun - Vortigaunt - Killed during the assault on the Ascension facility

Pvt. Mason McGeehan - Ex-Conscript - Killed during the assault on the Ascension facility

Section Commander Mason G. Snake - Conscript and returning character from Codename VENUS - Died defending the Ascension facility

Pvt. Isobelle Hocken - Ex-Conscript - Killed during the assault on the Ascension facility

Isiah Poltoff - Patriot - Killed by Conscripts in Denver

Viktoria Bjorklund - Refugee - Killed during the assault on the Ascension facility

Douglas MacDunn - Patriot - Killed by Conscripts

Commander Lance Shaw - Ex-Conscript and returning character from Codename VENUS - Killed by Vortigaunts in Fort Collins


A few characters survived the Frontier, though more than likely at a great cost. Some chose to not join in on the assault on the facility, remaining behind while others sacrificed their lives for the greater good, and a few "lucky" managed to make it out of the facility alive. If you have a character that is currently alive, please reply to the thread with their name, faction, and fate (how they survived).

Name - Faction - Fate

Pvt. Dai Jiang - Conscript - Escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Jeremiah Bordeaux - Patriot - Fled the wasteland after the first battle of Denver

Terrance Weathers - Refugee - Left Fort Collins via car

Clark Mitchell - Refugee - Left Fort Collins via car

Ura'Ormdarr'Rut - Vortigaunt - Fled alongside the Wanderer

General Peter McClintock - Patriot - Retreated mid-way through the assault on the ascension facility and fled into the wasteland

Outrider-42 - Civil Protection - Escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Joshua Holland - Conscript - Escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Arthur Vasquez - Conscript - Escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

The Wanderer - Vortigaunt - Wandered elsewhere

Pvt. Dex Sharpe - Conscript - Escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Vorlan'Ksan - Vortigaunt - Captured by the Combine, escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Kilo-04 - Civil Protection - Escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Specialist Noah "Dutch" Friedrich - Conscript - Rejoined the Combine after being abandoned, rescued via helicopter

Johnathan Jacob Wilde - Patriot - Captured by the Combine, escaped the Ascension facility via razor train

Commander Lance Shaw - Ex-Conscript and returning Codename VENUS character - Upon his death, his essence was captured by the Despot, a projection of his essence wanders the wasteland


Oh. My. God.

This event has been incredible, seriously, I can't thank everyone enough for everything they have done.

I'd like to thank @gb_ for the AMAZING dev work he put in for the event, all of the new systems in the event were put in by him, we couldn't have done it without him.

I'd also like to thank @Imperator RAD-X , @Hayden , and the rest of the team for all of the work they put into this event, all of us put countless hours into this event, and even though the ride was bumpy at parts, we did it.

I know this is cliche, but I'd like to thank you as well, the players in this event have all been incredible, I've loved watching all of your stories grow over the course of the event, all of the drama unfolding between groups was amazing, and it was awesome seeing things come to a head during the assault on the facility. I'd like you to know that even if you died during the assault on the facility, your character has had more of an impact on the server than most other characters ever will, so even if you weren't able to make it to the end, you should still be proud.

Right now, the fates of everyone's characters are up in the air, sadly none of the characters will be able to be brought over to City 24, but I do intend on continuing the story in the US, and when I do, I intend on bringing the characters from this event into it.

Things were chaotic at times, I won't deny that, this event has been entirely player-driven, so things got out of hand at times, but I hope the freedom was enjoyable, it was fun as hell to watch.

Thank you all, I sincerely hope you are all able to continue telling your stories with us, it has been a hell of a ride, and it isn't over yet.​
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Vladimer Patarava
S2K'd by vortigaunts. (Had his spinal column blown through his chest with a sheepishly done vort beam by a master-level warrior. Collapsed and died seconds later before being dragged off to parts unknown)
Rct. Vivian Maillet, Conscript
-KIA - Early in the deployment, fighting Biotics and Anti-Citizens in the Mines of Denver, Vivian took a Vortigaunt's energy blast to the neck and perished after falling down the mine entrance shaft.

Pvt. Dai Jiang, Conscript
-MIA - Jiang was injured in the Ascension Facility of Colorado Springs and treated for her injuries, but unable to be pulled back with the rest of her unit. She was struck down shortly after regaining consciousness by a Vortigaunt, but witnesses say they saw her staunch ally, former City 21 CP KILO-04, carry her body onto a razor train after the launch of the missile. . .

Lillith Black, Refugee
-Dead, Zombified - This dumbass thought it'd be a good idea to go to Cheyenne alone, and got killed and infested by a headcrab.
Jeremiah Bordeaux. Refugee, Doctor, Patriot.
Fled the Colorado wastes after the first battle of Denver, when all hope seemed lost. He now wanders the wastes with his trusty SKS at his side, once again trying to find a home.
Rowe, Maria, Hawthorn, etc are Patriots that died.

Henrik Conrad was the first Refugee casualty and he died because of the Patriot/Insurgent conflict. Happened to be a good friend and leader of a mini-refugee group.

Tiny the Vort got massacred by an APC in Denver. The Conscripts shot a kid.

Anton Alvarez, the Cuban, died in Denver thanks to conscripts. One of many.
NAME: Terrance Weathers

FACTION: Refugee

FATE: Survived through a relatively hasty escape with Audrey Smith, Artyom Smirnov, Nikolai (whatever the fuck's Travis' character's last name is), and Clark Mitchell, driving a car with all their supplies away from Fort Collins to start a new life somewhere.
Ura'Ormdarr'Rut - THE ENVOY LIVES
The Wanderer decided to take the retreating step, not risking a battle for the Malignancy. The Wanderer and Ura'Ormdarr'Rut live to see the day of vengeance, the coming of The One Free Man
General Peter McClintock of the Colorado Patriots.

Saved by his companions - weak, wounded, and without a weapon, the General was left to wander the wastes. Alive, yes. Indeed, free... but the suffering that lurches in his heart is disastrous.

...and yet, he still sings the song that roused his men to join the call, of his brothers gone before; to inspire them to shout the battle cry of freedom.
Name : Outrider-42

Faction - Civil Protection

Fate - Survived the base assault, Cohesion re-established. Future unknown. With his family terminated due to loss of cohesion after city 21. The overall fate of Outrider-42 remains unknown due to the lack of decent leverage.

Name : Blake Rowe

Faction : Patriot

Fate : Died twice. First, watching an RPG detonate in his chest cavity in slow motion, then after waking up with no idea how he was alive, suffering a PTSD attack and being shot by his own people being used as a Fire Blanket in the Patriot workshop, after Patriots came to kill him. His numerous projects left unfinished, but free from the nightmare incompetency that was the patriots.
Joshua Holland, Conscript Medic

Survived the final assault in the facility. No doubt thanks to the Goodfella cigars.
And so, the tale of FIRST LIEUTENANT ARTHUR VASQUEZ OF STATION 33 CONSCRIPT FORCE has ended, for the time being. Being able to stay ALIVE and SURVIVE THE ASSAULT ON THE ASCENSION FACILITY, after the Master has decided to sacrifice itself for the completion of their objective, he rushingly boarded the razor train, to leave the falling apart ascension facility.
Arthur Vasquez
Survived the assault and left on the razor train
A follower of the Wanderer the Gaka'Llen-Glun was, always wanted to keep the relations between the Patriots and the Vortigaunts in a good state, he did his good yet saw his kinsmen slain before his eyes due to the Patriots' aggression, yet it was a forgiving vortigaunt. It assaulted the citadel with pride, did his best to attack the citadel and killed some, died after yelling. "We are returning to the all-in-one, resume the assault, farewel-" as it was shot in the head with a shotgun.

Returned to the all-in-one.
Died assaulting the citadel, after multiple deaths caused by his claws, and multiple life-saving actions.
NAME: The Wanderer

FACTION: ??????

FATE: Observed the events that had taken place here and had left towards Nunavut with his Envoy. On to further adventures...
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Clark Mitchell
Just a few days before the attack on the Asceansion Facility, he, and three others escaped in a repaired pre-war car, escaping Fort Collins to wherever the road leads them.

One of the many Stukabats that had arrived in a flock right before the attack on the Ascension Facilty, They watched from 'afar' as the Rebels were slowly defeated, and captured by the Combine. During the destruction of the Facility, He managed to just barely escape the facility with some other Stukabats, to whatever great Stukabat adventure infront of them.
Private Mason McGeehan

A deserted conscriptee who fought on the patriots side. He got pinned down with a couple other patriots in an opening in the catwalk by the wall in a corridor. While trying to escape, he was blocked by one of the patriots and got shot down. He laid hidden under the catwalk, slowly bleeding out along with a vortigaunt, only to be dragged out by what he presumed was an OTA soldier.

He then recognized the voice of his former lieutenant, giving an order to the OTA.
"Execute him; he's a traitor."
In his final moments, he could hear a few bullets whistling over his head as other patriots tried desperately to save the wounded, but it was already too late for McGeehan, who's been absolutely massacred by the Lieutenants gun.
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Section Commander Mason G. Snake
Former survivor of the Project Venus attempt in City-21 and Lieutenant of Station Thirty-Three, survived the assault on the Ascension Facility and escaped with Hex, Ilya and the rest of the conscription and Overwatch assets after slaughtering mercylessly plenty of patriots, refugees, vortigaunts and even executing some of his former comrades.
(Private) Dex Sharpe
Nameless wasteland goon made into a conscript through peculiar circumstances, he has been fully converted into the force and even after all of the battles, still stands.
With his newfound friends and allies, he goes on to experience whatever's in store for the connies. Will they be disposed or get to retire as veterans?
Vorlan'Ksan - The Sage in the Maze.

With all efforts aimed at preserving his vortal coil. His story revolves around his numerous trials between factions to reach an ultimatum of diplomacy. There was no victory in prudence. These men surrounding the Malignancy were sheep condemned of fear. Forever, the Master of the West commanded his army of Dogs. Biting at the ankles of the sheep for him to cultivate his pasture in the Xenian Malignancy Zone.

Vorlan'Ksan's only true advice was to remain alive, the only possibility to encounter redeeming opportunities, regardless of the guidance and promise. Vorlan'Ksan marched into battle with the other fearless warriors, his Kinsmen, with all efforts aimed at preserving their coils likewise. He claimed the lives of numerous foes. He was pivotal in rescuing the Patriots so they could attack the ascension facility in tandem. He battled through the numerous obstacles inside the structure. Without the assistance of a Grand Elder during the battle, the atrophy of supplies was the only blocking path of total victory.

Ultimately, Vorlan'Ksan returns to the life of enslavement, shackled and collared from his only true guiding light and faith. Departing among the razor train with their kin captivated alike.

A petty slummer conscripted to act as a medic. With no previous experience whatsoever, she did the best she could - keeping her fellow soldiers alive and well in times of need. Her prowess in the field grew with each life saved, with each patient treated.

Despite the difficulties she and the other Conscripts faced, Hocken always reserved her loyalty to the Commander. He had gotten the soldiers out of certain death several times, so she had little reason to outright rebel against him.

However, her loyalties to the Combine were little to none. The straw that broke the camel's was the fight at the missile silo. They had left her and the rest of her battalion to dry at the missile silo, when they needed support the most. One of the few soldiers that outright deserted, she had gone so far to even attack Denver with a Patriot and several Vortigaunts.

With chaos unleashed upon the valley, she was part of a group that went after the antlion hive. This trip, however, was fatal. Gunned down by one of her former comrades and left for dead by her newfound allies, Hocken laid bleeding in the wasteland's burning sand. A glimmer of hope remained - that she was going to make it - but she didn't...

And the final thing she thought of?

The man she hated the most, Hex Sanchez.