New Frontiers - Epilogue

Isiah Poltoff - The Patriots - Executed by a Conscript

Despite his best efforts to mend relations between the various factions, suspicion and distrust prevailed for a time, and, convinced that there was no hope, he downed some wine and went to Denver, with no goal but to find someone. Eventually those he had found in Denver chose to attack, with Isiah mostly caught in the crossfire, he died unaware of the future successes of the patriots but satisfied that he went down defiantly.
Viktoria Bjorklund - Refugee - Killed in finale by Conscripts.

Viktoria initially planned to leave the Wasteland with Marina Trepani and another refugee, but instead came to join the Patriots in their attack. Outside of the castle gate she was shot and captured whilst attempting to bandage the wounds of the Patriots General. Held captive for a short while, she was eventually freed by a Vortigaunt and quickly armed herself with the weapons taken from her earlier. She killed one unaware conscript in the dark corners of the garage, before starting an ill-fated duel with another on the far side of the compound, losing and succumbing to her wounds in the pitch black of the APC garage.
Name : Kilo-04

Faction - Civil Protection

Fate - Wandered into the wasteland with his trusty partner Outrider-42. they set up a place and called it a temporary home. Kilo and Outrider attempted to make amends to all of the factions but ended up siding with the combine. Kilo's family cohesion was confirmed it enticed him to continue to work for the combine and ensure they get a complete and utter victory. Kilo made it into almost every battle, almost losing his life on two occasions. He managed to survive against all odds in the facility, walking towards the razor train seeing the person he loved lay lifelessly conscription-asset D. Jiang. He'd drag her body with him. He'd move to a razor train, sitting there questioning if this was all worth it...

Protection team “Alpha“ (1) (1).png

Name : Specialist Noah "Dutch" Friedrich

Faction - Conscripts

Fate - Noah entered the conscripts a black sheep, he wasn't meant to be there, he was the complete opposite of what military life was. Nobody knew his name or really, anything about him. Thus, he earned the nickname "Dutch." Despite being the black sheep of the group he was loyal, and he has shown promise in combat.. managing to take out multiple vortigaunts, one being a grand elder and multiple anti-citizens. Alas, Dutch got into a near-death situation involving his trusty sniper rifle and his chin after the conscripts surrendered to the vortigaunts and patriots. He ran, as far as he could to contact the combine that the conscripts surrendered but he remained ready for anything they gave him. They sent a hunter chopper for him, picking him up and taking him all the way to the ascension facility. He met with Hex and multiple combine advisors. He was awarded commendations for his actions and was offered a couple of choices. Who knows what happened to Dutch? All we know is that he's the most decorated enlisted man and he is in fact alive.
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Name: Lance Shaw

- Refugee
- Despot Contractor
- Conscripts

Unexpectedly, unjustly, and mistakenly murdered by four Vortigaunts in the midst of contacting the Despot for reinforcements.

Unwillingly acquired immortality as a result of his murder whilst maintaining a connection to the Despot. His consciousness survives, bound to a Xenian Crystal, in which its aforementioned location or whereabouts are unknown. Ultimately, despite his physical removal from the picture, his plans ultimately succeeded resulting in a partial victory for the Combine. Whilst also ensuring the continued safety of the wasteland for the time being. Having completed his final mission prior to his demise... Shaw is now doomed to walk the newly changed wasteland, unhindered and undeterred, for all of time.
Douglas MacDunn - Deceased


Shot in the rear by a conscript, assisting the men who had welcomed a lost patriot into their camp. Died during the assault on the Ascension Facility
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Johnathan Jacob Wilde

Younger brother of Samantha Wilde and the youngest of the Wilde family.
Separated from his family in 2005, due to the Combine's relocation program and the mass-draft of citizens to fight in the Eastern Rebellion.
Sole member of the family to have remained in the former United States of America, the rest of his surviving family scattered across the world.

The Patriots
the Free Army of United States of America

Long-time standing member of The Patriots, following the death of his mother in one of the thousands mass-refugee concentration zones erected by the Earth's occupant. Recruited young; his fight against the Combine has been on-going for nearly ten years.


Participating in the assault on the Facility. Captured briefly along with his comrades during the initial assault on the facility's walls. Broken free by the aid of Alejandro the Desperado, Wilde and other captured Patriots quickly armed themselves and began to fight back before being relieved of Agent Smith, a mysterious woman and the Vortigaunt allies.

After the successful escape, the Patriots and their allies the Vortigaunts breached the outer-defences of the facility and a fierce combat began between the ragged troops and the garrison. Consisting out of Transhuman soldiers and Conscripts, the Patriots fought fiercly with heavy losses before almost reaching the command center to stop the missile.

A last and desperate attack by the remnants of the Patriots and the Vortigaunts, Wilde included; resulted in the capture of himself and most of his surviving comrades in arms. Captured once more, along with Maddog and many others; the prisoners were loaded onto a razor train transport. His fate and that of many others remaining unknown.​

A petty slummer conscripted to act as a medic. With no previous experience whatsoever, she did the best she could - keeping her fellow soldiers alive and well in times of need. Her prowess in the field grew with each life saved, with each patient treated.

Despite the difficulties she and the other Conscripts faced, Hocken always reserved her loyalty to the Commander. He had gotten the soldiers out of certain death several times, so she had little reason to outright rebel against him.

However, her loyalties to the Combine were little to none. The straw that broke the camel's was the fight at the missile silo. They had left her and the rest of her battalion to dry at the missile silo, when they needed support the most. One of the few soldiers that outright deserted, she had gone so far to even attack Denver with a Patriot and several Vortigaunts.

With chaos unleashed upon the valley, she was part of a group that went after the antlion hive. This trip, however, was fatal. Gunned down by one of her former comrades and left for dead by her newfound allies, Hocken laid bleeding in the wasteland's burning sand. A glimmer of hope remained - that she was going to make it - but she didn't...

And the final thing she thought of?

The man she hated the most, Hex Sanchez.

NAME: Gal'Bah-Turr
Faction: Vortigaunt
Fate: Died after taking out the helicopter in Denver.

NAME: Jebediah Morgan
Faction: Refugee
Fate: Unknown; but survived. Likely out there somewhere, making a name for himself in what little remains of the Frontier.
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Name: Alejandro Basilio - Unaffiliated but attached to Patriot Rebel Cell - Fate: Escaped the ascension facility on the razor train, seemingly restrained...
NAME: Xura'Nix (Odin)

FACTION:  Vortigaunt

FATE: After the usurping of its conclave, Xura'Nix roamed the Wastes of the malignance by itself, burdened by its kindred betrayal. During the attack on the facility, Xura'Nix could be seen from afar, observing the carnage and destruction. Once the facility was destroyed and malignance changed forever, the wise Elders fate was up in the air...

Many believed they had accepted their fate to perish alongside many of their conclave, while other believe they somehow escaped via unknown means...
Refugee- Yuein Zenma
Yuein Zenma: An experienced waste lander and refugee, he survived for many days and weeks being able to handle on his own in the toughest situations, having almost extreme luck.
He had escaped with a group of patriots and refugees eventually escaping the wasteland into a mine filled to the brim with antlions nesting in it. He was able to escape the mines and live on, eventually being attacked by the antlion groups who we're already inside of the mines, surviving them with a group of patriots and refugees by his side. And finally reaching the exit he released a sigh of relieve as he has escaped a doomed portrait of Hell. Once. And. For. All. He doesn't know where destiny will take him now, but he only has God to pray for him. Fighting with others alongside him he was well known and was the most caring.
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NAME: Terrance Weathers

FACTION: Refugee

FATE: Survived through a relatively hasty escape with Audrey Smith, Artyom Smirnov, Nikolai (whatever the fuck's Travis' character's last name is), and Clark Mitchell, driving a car with all their supplies away from Fort Collins to start a new life somewhere.
Adding onto this, he and his group were stuck with the conscripts after their car and the chopper they were going to use to escape were both destroyed by red-masks and vortigaunts respectively. Now he's stuck on a train with a mismatched group of Combine-affiliated scientists, conscripts, Civil Protection and his entire group. His fate is now UNKNOWN.
Commander Ember Reed - Conscript - Survived the destruction of the Ascension facility and all the hazards of the valley, making it to the final razor train out of the area alongside the rest of her surviving men, and the scientists they were escorting.
Ex Patriot Sergeant Kyle Gibbens - Patriot turned Conscript - Survived all hazards in his way by either dumb luck or great skill. Betrayed by his Patriot "comrades" he signed on with the Conscripts and got on the razor train which crashed into a nearby valley. He escaped along with the remaining conscripts.
General 'Maddog'


Successfully led the remaining patriots out of the outlands through Antlion-infested mines and into their next adventure.
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Refugee / Insurgent

Killed while defending his home against a massive assault from conscript and patriot forces in the suburbs at Fort Collins.
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Zur'Roh Krah


Assaulted the Facility, Enslaved then freed in the epilogue and made it out the Portal Storm