Of Our Heaven and Earth, Epilogue


Radio Bob Approved



Masachi Bokuso-Chi,
the long-standing Lord of the Bokuso-Chi, an honored and exalted man of peace. Passed with Leprosy in bed, peacefully. @YungJenkins

Katakane Saitou, the Sword-Saint, one of the greatest swordsmen in Japan, or *the* greatest, yet, it was to be seen - he killed himself as the gates of his city, surrounded by the enemy. @Raptorian

Hanjiro Tabata, the Starlight Samurai, he died a warrior's death - surrounded by the enemy, he fought near ten to one to seek vengeance against the Sword Saint, before being felled by an arrow to his skull - statues are built commemorating the moment he tackled the Sword Saint. @The Milkman

Antonio Cabrero Vincente, disappeared before the battle for Midori-no-Umi took place. His corpse was found in a torched house, holding his scorched treasures. @Craw

Hikokore Hirohashi, some ronin, he served a merchant for some time - though, his past echoed in his ears 'till they bled. His body was found behind his former master's estate, barely buried. Slain by looters, as he was trying to protect the home he failed to protect once, he failed again. Though - a warrior's death. @Quest

Selkath Ito, some measly peasant fool who came with the merchants - he ended up becoming something of note in Midori-no-Umi, his name pops up in history books in the modern day. Some peasant turned warrior, dying for the greater good of Midori-no-Umi. For peace. @Donavin Jones

Rodrigo Navarro Alvares, nobody remembers this Portuguese muscle - the man burned alive inside a house. Everything on his person. @Marfarious

Wakizaka Masamoro, a man with ten books written of him - he died, his great name put to shame as a musket ball promised him a closed casket, tearing half his head off as his body fell from the walls, slain by some peasant's gun. His life as a Yakuza was undermined by the many quotes he's remembered by, philosophers of Midori-no-Umi use him for inspiration. @Fabevil

Hiroshi Agasaki, shot and killed on the walls - the first of the Oda's kills. He would die, taking the Agasaki bloodline with him. Never reaching his true potential. @HalfLife2CitizenMale09

Agasaki Muroaka, killed in the defense of the Capital, the man is remembered fondly through his Merchant friends' tales - paintings have been sold depicting the moment he was killed, many have wept to it. @MAXYOURFRIEND

Hirohito Haruto, thrown from a wall after being killed by the Oda Leader - he died, remembered as a noble Samurai, standing up to the Oda until his final breath. A statue has been made in his honor, where he is depicted leaning against the Torii gates, fulfilled in combat. @TheTrapGod


Lord Ryo
, having turned over to the Oda, the Bokuso-Chi are splintered into two factions, one led by their Military in Midori-no-Umi, aiding the rebels against Oda, the other being Ryo' Loyalists, fighting for the Oda against their people. @iksyeoj

Lord Tetsuya, now the Lord over all of Midori-no-Umi, Lord Tetsuya and Takaku-Tobu number up to a five thousand soldiers, alongside the Hoshi five-thousand, holding the defensive against Oda. When their forces pulled out, Lord Tetsuya worked loosely with the Hoshi to secure Midori-no-Umi and most of Hokkaido from Tribals, becoming a state of their own. @Toronto

Abraham Alvares, having lived to see the end of the battle, Abraham would finally be knighted - he'd go on to strength foreign relations between Japanese and Portuguese, though, his life was short-lived, he died in a horrible Oda attack of Midori-no-Umi rebels. He perished saving villagers from a raided village. @NanCi_

Chino Ayako, kidnapped by Oda Clan men during the final battle for Midori-no-Umi - she divulged no information, the bravest among the Samurai, was a *woman*. She'd return home after they couldn't peg her as some soldiery member, she received no hero's welcome, no grand reward for her service. She settled in Midori-no-Umi during the repopulation efforts. Living peacefully. @Jury

Lord Kuroda, barely surviving the battle for Midori-no-Umi, his plot crumbled against Tetsuya after the holdouts pushed Oda out, he and the Kuroda family we're siezed and imprisoned for conspiracy. @Dazor

Kuwabatake Watanabe and Itagaki Fusahisa, escaped Midori-no-Umi, never to be seen again, they would go on to become a household name, a duo, a Ronin and his Healer - last anyone's heard, they've been dominating the tournamenet scene. @alessiodoomboy and @pill

Hiroshi Suzuki, he'd participate in attempting to fight the defenders of Midori-no-Umi, for this, before Oda's death, he awarded with land and mon. Suzuki is now a Clan, and Hiroshi has gotten even fatter, living a life of luxury. @Derek

Tetsuhana-Satori, having betrayed his father, or adopted one, he has since taken to replacing the dead Kuba Daichi, in what remains of Oda's forces that clambered to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, he is now a commander in their armies. Waging war primarily against Midori-no-Umi insurgents. @Nexu

Leopoldo Felipe, the Merchant turned warrior, his actions in fighting to defend Midori-no-Umi strengthened foreign trade and forced the hand of the traditionalist clan to open Midori-no-Umi to trade with more Portuguese men, beginning Midori-no-Umi's own Meiji Restoration. @Landon

Gabriel O'Dreary and Kento Ko-Nashi, the fair Sir Knight of the Samurai armies - he was blinded in battle against the Oda as he fought to defend the land, a monk took him as a companion, becoming his eyes, named Kento Ko-nashi. They now wander Japan, as pair of warriors, disrupting Oda forces. @Chains s and @Doom Demon

Tsuyoshi Honda, some vagrant no one really liked - he caused much chaos, and in the end, he was awarded much for his service. He drank himself to death the following year of the successful defensive. God knows it's how he wanted things to be. @G R U G

Honami-Ku Kuroda, when the Kuroda we're siezed as their treasonous plans came to light, Honami disappeared - rumor has it she's among the Ikko-Ikki or Shinobi Clans in the woodlines, training. @AdvancedWizards

Nagisa Agasaki, little did he know he was truly now the last surviving member of the Agasaki Clan - though, he swore oaths of poverty. He'd never claim that title. The Kannushi went on to found a medical branch of warriors dedicated to tending to the Hoshi rebels defending Midori-no-Umi, he is still in the pass today, saving lives. @Eski

Sanju Adachi and Kenji Adachi, they disappeared into the ranks of the soldiery when the battling began against the Oda - it is said the Adachi family we're raised to nobility and made a Clan for their service. Though, Sanju would go on to disappear on some pilgrimage throughout Japan, he was never made to be noble. @ramen @Shimac's Stew

Saito Omezo, the Foreman of a great company - he was behind much of the criminal chaos in the Capital. His company would go bankrupt due to the war, people taking his crops through violent means instead of pay. Due to this, he began hiring muscle, so much infact he'd end up merely becoming a Yakuza. He runs the criminal syndicate dominating Midori-no-Umi's underworld. @Anthrax_PL

Yuto Mori, he'd end up as a sword on the Oda side - they paid better than any job he'd ever had. Some say he died after the events of Midori-no-umi, fighting people he used to know. @crat

Pettosuki Honda, one of the Kuroda treasonous trio - he was hung. It was a brutal sight, being he wasn't royalty, his part in the possibly conspiracy saw him lynched, his skeleton is still there. @Petski

Sakurai Yamamoto, he'd go on to train the Hoshi Rebels in ranged combat using longbows - he's now an exceeding military commander and rebel. Some say he's the reason Oda Samurai never even touch Hoshi archers. @Marco

Mura Yoshiaki and Quartermaster Russo, two of the original Oda - they now serve as Lord Hayato's direct bodyguards. The most faithful in the Clan, they as retainers have seen some of the greatest names in Japan during meetings. Russo and Mura follow Lord Hayato wherever he goes, titled as some of the finest in Japan's North. @DatOnePerson n @dude


Katsuo Moriyama, @Vadim
Sir Roronoa Hastings, @Nagi
Miura Mari, @Purple Knight
Ru Eobu, @Otizem
'Kudo', @Maine

Please don't apply for an event, just to not attend.



Lord Takeshi Kuroda,

The most noble, and too, exalted,
Head of Household for the Kuroda,
Brother, to her majesty.

Serving as the foundation of your plot.
For when Kuroda's come to rule,
His banners and his men, shall reign.

Lady Honami-Ku Kuroda

The honored and appraised,
Onna-Bushi of the Takaku-Tobu, and Wife of the Lord,
Married away from her family.

The closest link to his Lordship.
The fate of the Kuroda's ascension falls on her action,
Stay loyal, to family.
Ashigaru, Pettosuki Honda

A former yakuza, loyal to the Kuroda Family,
Made a commoner guard, handling the Lord's Courier work,
Another plot piece.

The Lord's courier.
A fall-back plan should things fail.
Your loyalty, passed down, long have you served.

You are the Kuroda Family,

A former criminal clan and family of Yakuza, raised to power through your felling of the former Agasaki Clan, and taking of their wealth, you've married one of your own to the Takaku-Tobu and secured dominance,

While you've fought for your positions and thus, own land, the sister, through poor means, the brother, through more honorable methods with a once-was Sora Clan, felled and absorbed by the Takaku-Tobu and the Ashigaru, through hard work.

Most of you reside in the palace, with a plot.

Secure. The. Throne.

Lord Takeshi Kuroda,

The most noble, and too, exalted,
Head of Household for the Kuroda,
Brother, to her majesty.

Serving as the foundation of your plot.
For when Kuroda's come to rule,
His banners and his men, shall reign.

Lady Honami-Ku Kuroda

The honored and appraised,
Onna-Bushi of the Takaku-Tobu, and Wife of the Lord,
Married away from her family.

The closest link to his Lordship.
The fate of the Kuroda's ascension falls on her action,
Stay loyal, to family.
Ashigaru, Pettosuki Honda

A former yakuza, loyal to the Kuroda Family,
Made a commoner guard, handling the Lord's Courier work,
Another plot piece.

The Lord's courier.
A fall-back plan should things fail.
Your loyalty, passed down, long have you served.

You are the Kuroda Family,

A former criminal clan and family of Yakuza, raised to power through your felling of the former Agasaki Clan, and taking of their wealth, you've married one of your own to the Takaku-Tobu and secured dominance,

While you've fought for your positions and thus, own land, the sister, through poor means, the brother, through more honorable methods with a once-was Sora Clan, felled and absorbed by the Takaku-Tobu and the Ashigaru, through hard work.

Most of you reside in the palace, with a plot.

Secure. The. Throne.


I wanted this plot to succeed so bad


There's a moon out tonight.

Danger comes with the dark.

You can never rest.

Enemies dot the land.

Enemies dot our halls.

We cannot rest.

Until victory is won.

Until minds, and sword-arms, are eased.

There can't be rest.

You are among the fairest, and greatest of the Takaku-Tobu Samurai.

Your lord, is under threat, inside and outside the clan.

You have come together.








- Lord Takeda Yuu.

and his retainer,

- Hirohito Haruto.

Hailing from the honorable Yuu Family, long-time advisors and loyal warriors of Lord Tetsuya,

Lord Takeda Yuu serves as one of three of the Lord's advisors, for his career,

Hirohito serves in the Castle Guard, as per his steel and skill.


- Lord Shirohane Masashi, of the White Feathers!

and his retainer,

- Hitokiri Tetsuhana, The Manslaying Iron Flower

Hailing from the Masashi Family, titled warriors of Midori-no-Umi Domain!

Lord Shirohane, known for his many stories and title, serving alongside the Starlight Samurai in training men!

Hitokiri serves as the Gatekeeper, as per his lower place in nobility since the fall of his clan, though no less low, loyalty!



his lordship must survive,

or this valley will fall to a foreign menace,

our way of life is disturbed.

the code and ethics of samurai, being dismantled.


application accepted