Of Our Heaven and Earth - feedback

Gabriel O'Dreary
Kills: 1 or 2
I survived! Luckily.|

The initial castle fight was a massive fucking mess, ngl, BUT it was fun. It also got better after 2 or 3 people died and the chat was easier to read.

knight ended up joining takaku-tobu, just as wazikaza wanted

RIP fabevil
He was slain by the assaulting Oda samurai in a matter of seconds before the eyes of his only friend. A European Trader known as Leopoldo Felipe, he left the world with only a single enemy slain. A madman who had assaulted him the day previous inside the Tetsuhana Estate which he beheaded. His ambitions and beliefs of being blessed by a woodland Kami matter not, as they drain away with his blood in a tower controlled by the clan he hated, the Tataku-Tobu.

The Good: I liked the event overall, it is undoubtedly a departure from standard events and I think it was executed in a decent way. The atmosphere was enjoyable and the diverse roles made it feel like a living region. The fact that players were given papers to help them understand their motivations in the event was an interesting idea, one that at least I tried to capitalize on. I also liked the fact that /its would occasionally be done to give ideas on what a character could do in certain situations. The combat was probably as good as it could be, but leads into...

The Bad: First of all, the combat. While I believe it is the best we can probably get system-wise for the server, there are a few critiques I have over it. First of all is HP, it's too low. I understand not wanting combat to drag on and wanting important characters to last longer and have a larger impact, but at the same time. I played a character who had 4HP throughout the entire event, 3 if I didn't wear armor (which I never took off). It was fairly frustrating when a character that I have spent three days playing is suddenly killed when an event character instantly climbs a ladder and rolls a natural twenty, killing me instantly since I had previously taken damage from the volley. The fact that they were allowed to climb the ladder instantly was frustrating as well. Again, the combat system is good but it could be better, I think having a clear action economy would help immensely by clarifying how many actions one can take a turn and making certain actions require multiple turns like the bows and muskets (such as climbing a ladder). I also think that while the diversity of roles was a boon, it was also an immense curse. I know the first day was plagued with inaction due to the absence of important characters, so I think in the future it would be a good idea to make sure that important roles are filled with players who are guaranteed to get on, and that if they can't that their roles can be filled by either event runners or other players so that progress can continue in the event.

Overall, I really liked this event! It was ambitious and it showed that some really cool stuff is possible, but I still think many of the concepts introduced need some more fine-tuning to make them really great!
Kuwabatake Watanabe - The Ronin
One kill: The Starlight Samurai.

On Day 1, Kuwabatake spent the day with his employer, Saito. He guarded him at the mines, and later guarded his stall. Finally, when Saito requested he sabotage the Portugese business by pillaging their home, Kuwabatake instead suggested burning the house down to get rid of their stock. Saito agreed to this plan, and once the night came, Kuwabatake took a torch and threw it through the window! He fled to his own home, and the attack was blamed on the enemy clan.

Day 2 Kuwabatake joined the military. He took a bow - which became his go to weapon due to the safety inherit to it's range, as well as the high attacking capacity it had. He watched the duel between the two clan's champions before interjecting by shooting an arrow at the Starlight Samurai. This missed, but at a sudden odds disadvantage, the Starlight Samurai fled the scene. Kuwabatake found him once more engaged in combat with at least 5 Bukuso men. Kuwabatake finished the fight by delivering an arrow to the Starlight Samurai's heart - getting the final shot off on him before the other men started pillaging his corpse and claiming the honour of slaughtering him.

On Day 3, the ronin was drafted into the military once more. But his life debt was not to the Takaku Tobu. Kuwabatake vowed to protect the man who had saved his life, oh so long ago - Itagaki. He devised a plan for the two to escape together. Aided by a priest, who had similar intentions, they climb a rope of tied bedsheets down the castle wall and took to the life of nomads.

In the end, the ronin mused with the old man on the ridiculousness of honour. He reflected on his attempted suicide - all because he felt dishonoured - which the old man had rescued him from. It seemed so foolish now. Kuwabatake knew now that honour is nothing in the face of death.
Character: Lord Tetsuya Takaku-Tobu
Kills: Two kills, Three assists (?)
Status: Alive

Survived the final battle, leading the forces of the Takaku-Tobu, Hoshi, and Bosuko-Chi to victory against the Oda.
Character: Mura Yoshiaki (One of the Hoshi Clan remnants)
Kills: Two guys who both got shot in the face point-blank with a musket (by him) :)
Status: Alive
The Drunkard

"Pass the sake."

A simple digsite worker who joined up with the army when a voice in his head dictated him to, leading him down a path of drunkenness and destruction.

KILLS: 3 and a Half
First shot the legendary Mizoguchi straight through the head as a peace discussion was being held, nearly dooming both sides of the conflict.
Managed to help beat an Oda scout to death with the butt of his rifle.

Shot a messenger of the Oda as he walked away from the castle walls.
Helped kill an Oda soldier as he stood atop the wall, shooting him point blank before the soldier was slaughtered by three other warriors.

Despite all of this he somehow managed to live through these few days, but not without losing his brotha', Mizo.

"Rest in Peace, Mizo. I'll bring the legend of the BIG SAMURAI to the west, once this is all over."

My Thoughts

This was my first ever short-story event which I participated in that didn't have anything to do with Half Life, and man was it glorious.
Despite the fact that I missed the first day of it the rest of days after were absolutely amazing, what with the story that was unfolding, the characters, the action, everything.

Only complaint is that the final battle did get a little bit unclear and chaotic, but other than that? Fuck'n mint.​
Only complaint is that the final battle did get a little bit unclear and chaotic, but other than that? Fuck'n mint.​
I went afk in the middle of the camp as the SS screen came up only to come back and find myself with 20 hp and everyone s2king, that shit was crazy man