Of Our Heaven and Earth

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Radio Bob Approved


The Sengoku Jidai rages in Japan, Clans at war - amidst, religious persecution.

Small wars dot the lands of a Rising Sun.

In the largest of conflicts they'd know.


Set in Hokkaido, in the Midori-no-Umi domain, both a mix of country and urban life in Japan upset by the wake of civil war raging all across Nippon, conquering done by Clans of any and every name, banners mark death.

We set in to cover the specific conflict between two clans, warring over the same domain,

The Sora, a crop-based family, who rose to prominence, supported by the Shinto Temple,
And the Bokuso-Chi, a cattle family, whom bare the support of the Christian foreigners.

Whom will you side with?


special roles

- Lord of the Bokuso-Chi Clan (1/1)
The well-reputed Lord of the time-honored Bokuso-Chi, brought into greatness after establishing trade with the Portugese traders from ports far from their domain for the rest of the domain, this deed raised them kindly to their position of power and they found source and outlets to supply men and money, thus soon being owed large plots of land.
- Lord Masachi Bokuso-Chi, @YungJenkins

- Heir to the Bokuso-Chi Clan (1/1)

The single son of a honored Lord, your brothers perished in conflicts defending the land, and your mother died in your birth, you are only recently a young adult thrust into a leadership position, your father ages greatly and the world may soon be on your shoulders.
- Ryo Bokuso-Chi, @iksyeoj

- Sword-Saint, Kensei - The Flowering Knight (1/1)

You are champion of the Bokuso-Chi, they hardly operate a military, and you are of recent, the de facto leader of their forces, named the Knight of Flowers by Christian men and women of the clan, you are of greatest swordsmen in Hokkaido, yet. Duels are one thing, leading battles? You can't imagine how you'd fair. As of recent, you find pride after having spared the rival clan's Hashimoto whom challenged you to a duel, he fell rather easily, you almost sympathize for his honor, however, you are simply blessed for he had not swarmed you.
- Saitou Katakane, @Raptorian

- Katsou Moriyama (RETAINER), @Vadim
- Takahashi Yorimune (ASHIGARU), @vilhjalmrf

- Sakurai Yamato, Border Guard, @Marco


- Apostle of the Church (1/1)
You are the leader of the honorable clan's local church, great power granted by the clan is vested in you as the local towns and vassals seek you for religious help and sometimes even those of struggle when the greater clan is not available. You must be wise, for enemies descend on you for your faith now, and at time of war, you act almost as a advisor, the Lord's ear is lend to you.
- Apostle Francis Xavier, @FungletheBungle

- Priest/Preacher/Knight (2/2)

Notable characters in the Church with intent to spread both faith and religion, the Priest holds many a procession and blesses the people, Preachers spread the gospel, regardless of the danger, and the Knight is the solemn defender of the Church, of a foreign land, he fights until his last at defense of the Church, loyal to none but his English brothers.
- Sir Gabriel O'Dreary, @Doom Demon

- Squire Abraham Alvares, @NanCi_

- Sir Roronoa Hastings, @Nagi



- Lord of the Takaku-Tobu Clan (1/1)
The honored lord of the Takaku-Tobu Clan, a renowned warrior and leader of men, his campaigns in youth led to the expansion of Midori-no-umi Domains, bringing them fame and power. However, besides this, they've no great wisdom or knowledge to the rule of men. An iron fist is their idea of great leadership, as such, they've faced and put down many a rebellion in their leadership.
- Lord Tetsuya Takaku-Tobu, @Toronto
- Adoptive Heir, Hitokiri Tetsuhana, @Nexu

- Kenji Adachi (LORD'S COURIER), @Shimac's Stew

- Wife of the Great Lord (1/1)
The wife of an honored Lord, he who is angered with you, you have produced no sons nor daughters for him, and he nigh given up on it, you have been placed in charge of the future of the Clan should the Lord, greatly older than you, passes, no one has known a woman to lead, yet, the people look on you kindly unlike their Lord, for you know compassion, bring the people to love their Lord as much as you, we need unity.
- Honami-Ku Kuroda, @AdvancedWizards

- Chino Ayako, Maid, @Jury

- Hashimoto, The Starlight Samurai (1/1)
The renowned leader of the Clan's men, you've been in this position a few years, passed down from your father's accomplishments and work with the Clan, you bare great respect from your soldiers for your grand strategy and leadership, though, recently, you lost face after being stricken down and spared in a duel with the Flowering Knight, he brings slander to your name, you are on a war path, he is in the way.
- Hanjiro Tabata, @The Milkman


- Kannushi/Abbot (1/1)
The clan strictly worships what's deemed as acceptable widely in Japan, you represent their church, be you Buddhist or Shinto, you carry the weight of the people's problems whilst the Clan defers it to you as per the war effort, you fear many blessings may be needed to survive.
- Nagisa Agasaki, @Eski

- Warrior Monks (2/2)

You are the religious employees of your Gods or God in this temple, you have been made to take up arms to protect the church as per Clan ruling any able-bodied man must fight, you are often far from your halls of prayer, fighting a war for naught faith, but greed.
- Sanju Adachi, @ramen
- Kento Ko-nashi, @Chains




- Lords (3/2)
You represent a wealthier family with loyalty to one of the two clans based upon your family line, to boot, you have a small entourage of your own men of whom you may rally to your banner and the other clans, obviously smaller than the greats. You own a plot of land.
- Lord Takeshi Kuroda, @Dazor

- Ashigaru, Pettosuki Honda, @Petski

- Lord Shirohane Masashi, @Reaper19
- Retainer, Hirohito Haruto, @TheTrapGod

- Lord Takeda Yuu, @Fallizs
- Hiroshi Suzuki, Rikishi-Ashigaru, @Derek


- Foremen (1/2)
You own and operate a company based in whatever you may so choose, obviously with workers with some idea of loyalty though not devout, however, some rather faithful guards. You are to be vassalized by one of the clans, depending on your interests. You own a work site.

- Foreman Saito Omezo, @Anthrax_PL

- Hiroshi Agasaki (WORKER), @HalfLife2CitizenMale09
- Tsuyoshi Honda (WORKER), @G R U G
- Itagaki Fusahisa (WORKER), @pill
- Kuwabatake Watanabe (GUARD), @alessiodoomboy
- Miura Mari (SMITH), @Purple Knight

- Merchant (2/1)
A travelling merchant, you have a very small entourage, perhaps a worker or two, as well as perhaps two serving men acting as guards, you have the privilege of deciding your loyalties yourself. You can even be Portuguese man.
- Antonio Cabrero Vincente, @Craw
- Hikokore Hirohashi (BODYGUARD), @Quest
- Selkath Ito (SERVANT), @Donavin Jones
- Rodrigo Navarro Alvares, @Marfarious

- Leopoldo Felipe, @Landon
- Ru Eobu (SERVANT), @Otizem
- Yuto Mori (BODYGUARD), @crat

- Common Folk (Infinite)

Be you a worker, soldier, peasant, mercenary, or wanderer, each common man hath his purpose and must fall in among others to aid in the fate of the land, each man makes all the difference. With this role, perhaps you may have brother or sister, maybe your father is another man, or you have history with another man or even own a home, perhaps you're a famed ronin or drunk one, mayhaps a Biwa Master - we will attempt to create stories off your own, for a roleplay that is fluid and creates itself within the bonds made OOC to become IC, from Apps. Shoot for uniqueness.



- Graceful Fall Yakuza/Bandits (2/3)
A criminal faction of Midori-no-Umi. Wanted by the Bokuso-Chi.

- Wakizaka Masamoro, Leader, @Fabevil
- Amano Kanetame, @FelixPius

- Agasaki Loyalists (2/3)
Members of, or idolizers of the long gone Agasaki Clan, the family that ruled before the Takaku-Tobu.

- Agasaki Muroaka, @MAXYOURFRIEND
- "The Bound Man", @Silanus

- Hoshi Clan Refugees (3/4)
Those who survived their end.

- Mura Yoshiaki, Ashigaru, @dude
- Furankii Russo, Ashigaru, @DatOnePerson
- 'Kudo', @Maine





trapped in civil war still.
brothers, kill brothers.

//no set date yet, just apply, either on the thread, or in private forum convo, we will review apps after a bit, shoot to be unique, also, less is more, leave some room for us as story tellers to participate in writing your story, perhaps leave out a last name, end up with a brother, or dont pick a side, and have one picked for you, so on, so forth.
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no template, make your own,

baseless for the sake of allowing creativity of the applicant.

can be as short, or as long as you like it.
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広橋 ひここれ


Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

Character Name: Hikokore Hirohashi Character Role: Wandering Ronin Mercenary Characters Backstory: Hikokore Hirohashi, a 45-year-old Nipponese national, was once a loyal samurai soldier to the Takaku-Tobu Clan, but his life shattered when his family was tragically slaughtered by his own clanmen during a village raid. Consumed by grief and plagued by guilt, he turned to the drink, contemplating seppuku but unable to find the courage. Branded a coward, he became a ronin, wandering as a mercenary, carrying the weight of his past and seeking redemption for his perceived failures, forever haunted by the memories of his family's demise and the shattered remnants of his once honourable life.
Steam name: Russell
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/the-entire-internet/
Discord: adidas shephard#7335
Timezone: CST

A proud knight and zealot, fighting in the name of God and and his appointed King.
Descending from a long line of yeomen, knights, and other proud servants of England, he would gladly choose to serve in a strange foreign land, with strange foreign people.

Whatever is to happen, it is Christ's Will

And hey, if a few heathens were to die while bringing God to this land, what's the issue?​
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Kenji, Son of Raizen
A lowly rice farmer of suspicious origins

Most who asked about Kenji would say that he was a mere drifter, strolling into town one day with a Yari spear in hand. For food and shelter, he works as a rice farmer for the local lord who owns said plot of land.

Rumors say that his skill with the Yari spear came from his time working as a mere Ashigaru for one of the great clans nearby - Some even suspecting him a survivor of one of the recent battles, few even accusing that he is a dishonorable deserter that abandoned his lord with no evidence to support it.

Regardless, Kenji's quiet farming days may be interrupted - As he might be drafted into being an Ashigaru; As tensions start to rise between the two great clans in the region. Vying for power, this mere peasant will get caught up in the middle whether he likes it or not.

Steam Name: Shimac's Stew
Discord: Shimac's Stew#0330
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97461406
Timezone: GMT+8

SANJU, devout to the end.

A simple Buddhist monk, seeking nothing but tranquility.
A pacifist.. Drafted to war.

Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Discord: ramen#2015
Timezone: CST (UTC-6)
Lord of the Bokuso-Chi Clan

The current lord of the well-established Bokuso-Chi Clan. Not much is known about Masachi other than what he has managed to achieve in the name of his clan and his ancestors. He helped in the establishment of several trade routes to Portuguese traders and placed him into a level of power he had never seen before. He has been knowledgeable of the civil war and currently doesn’t know what to make of it, assuming that in some form him and his men are going to have to fight one way or another. However, he believes himself to be more of a diplomatic man rather than a warrior in contrast of the Takaku-Tobu Clan.

He wants the civil war to end… without bloodshed, at least. But things may not go as planned.
afaik, we will be receiving more apps tonight and by the end of tomorrow for me,

i will review first wave of apps,

watch your forum conversations to see if you were accepted, you will all get personalized pieces establishing your characters in the map.
View attachment 22920

Kenji, Son of Raizen
A lowly rice farmer of suspicious origins

Most who asked about Kenji would say that he was a mere drifter, strolling into town one day with a Yari spear in hand. For food and shelter, he works as a rice farmer for the local lord who owns said plot of land.

Rumors say that his skill with the Yari spear came from his time working as a mere Ashigaru for one of the great clans nearby - Some even suspecting him a survivor of one of the recent battles, few even accusing that he is a dishonorable deserter that abandoned his lord with no evidence to support it.

Regardless, Kenji's quiet farming days may be interrupted - As he might be drafted into being an Ashigaru; As tensions start to rise between the two great clans in the region. Vying for power, this mere peasant will get caught up in the middle whether he likes it or not.

Steam Name: Shimac's Stew
Discord: Shimac's Stew#0330
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97461406
Timezone: GMT+8

View attachment 22921
SANJU, devout to the end.

A simple Buddhist monk, seeking nothing but tranquility.
A pacifist.. Drafted to war.

Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Discord: ramen#2015
Timezone: CST (UTC-6)

Accepted as the Adachi Brothers, check forum conversation.

One Buddhist Monk role filled,
One Ashigaru role filled.
View attachment 22919
Steam name: Russell
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/the-entire-internet/
Discord: adidas shephard#7335
Timezone: CST

A proud knight and zealot, fighting in the name of God and and his appointed King.
Descending from a long line of yeomen, knights, and other proud servants of England, he would gladly choose to serve in a strange foreign land, with strange foreign people.

Whatever is to happen, it is Christ's Will

And hey, if a few heathens were to die while bringing God to this land, what's the issue?​

accepted as the sword of the morning, protector of the church, check forum convos.

one knight role filled.

広橋 ひここれ

View attachment 22918

Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

Character Name: Hikokore Hirohashi Character Role: Wandering Ronin Mercenary Characters Backstory: Hikokore Hirohashi, a 45-year-old Nipponese national, was once a loyal samurai soldier to the Takaku-Tobu Clan, but his life shattered when his family was tragically slaughtered by his own clanmen during a village raid. Consumed by grief and plagued by guilt, he turned to the drink, contemplating seppuku but unable to find the courage. Branded a coward, he became a ronin, wandering as a mercenary, carrying the weight of his past and seeking redemption for his perceived failures, forever haunted by the memories of his family's demise and the shattered remnants of his once honourable life.

accepted as some merchants' backup,

one guard role filled.
A warrior devoted to his faith forced to fight another man's war.

Steam Name: Chains
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: chains was here#0815
Timezone: EST

Kento was raised a proud and devout Shintoist. Worshiping the Emperor as a living God, and following the Shintoist beliefs enforced by the Empire and his clan to a T, Kento believed that there was no greater purpose in life than to take up arms in service of his faith, as there is no greater good and nothing more honorable than devoting yourself to the Gods. When the local lord conscripted Kento into his army, he was elated- as he believed sincerely that his local lord was truly worthy of becoming emperor. Kento fights rabidly for his Lord, but fights with strong morals that make him perhaps one of the more humane combatants within the Sengoku Jidai. Kento doesn't know what the future brings, but he knows he will face it with his blade in his hands and fire in his heart.
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A warrior devoted to his faith forced to fight another man's war.

Steam Name: Chains
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: chains was here#0815
Timezone: EST

Kento was raised a proud and devout Shintoist. Worshiping the Emperor as a living God, and fAttach filesollowing the shintoist beliefs enforced by the Empire and his clan to a T, Kento believed that there was no greater purpose in life than to take up arms in service of his faith, as there is no greater good and nothing more honorable than devoting yourself to the Gods. When the local lord conscripted Kento into his army, he was elated- as he believed sincerely that his local lord truly was worthy of becoming emperor. Kento fights rabidly for his Lord, but fights with strong moral that make him perhaps one of the more humane combatants within the Sengoku Jidai. Kento doesn't know what the future brings, but he knows he will face it with his blade in his hands, and fire in his heart.

accepted as the other warrior monk.

a kannushi is needed.
Apostolic Nuncio1685326617579.png
Francis Xavier

(Francis Xavier was indeed a real person, although do not expect me to roleplay him 1-1)

A Portuguese missionary stationed in Goa, he has been given the role of Apostolic Nuncio to Japan, bringing gift with him for the "King of Japan" he finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of characters, and God only knows how he's going to get out....

Discord: FungletheBungle#8190
- Hashimoto, The Starlight Samurai (0/1)
Steam name: The Milkman
Timezone: EST
Discord: Milkman#1598
Role: Starlight Samurai

I know jack shit about this time period. but this looks like an interesting event, so I'm simply going to wing it.


I have brought shame upon the Takaku-Tobu Clan.

Infront of many witnesses, the so-called Sword-Saint bested me in combat... and worst of all, spared my life.
This was an insult. He thinks me not a great enough warrior to slay?! He believes I will simply walk away with my life?!


I swear upon all of my ancestors, I will destroy this Sword-Saint and all of his foreigner allies who follow the Christian god. Often I ponder unconventional and dishonorable tactics... Assassination, poison, among others. Though I feel not a great enough duelist to defeat this Sword-Saint, I am already in a battle within my own mind in regard to how I might best this foe. What is more important: my honor, or revenge?

Edit: I wrote this at like 1 am, I will make edits to make it better 💀
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An honored leader of men known for his insatiable hunger for power and conquest, Tetsuya led his clan from relatively modest beginnings to dominance. However, his ambition blinded him to the suffering of his people and the devastation of war. In his old age, Tetsuya’s once-loyal followers began to question his leadership. To silence his critics, Tetsuya turned his warmongering gaze to the rivaling clan in the Midori-no-Umi domain.

Steam Name: TorontoTheInjun
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26003186
Discord: yarn#9961
Timezone: EST​


Lone heir to the Bokuso-Chi Clan

As the current heir of the respected Bokuso-Chi Clan, expectations of the descendant couldn’t be higher. Being in the position of leadership as a young adult has highlighted many of his diplomatic weaknesses, even more so during a time of enmity and feuding. A lack of patience and a fondness for bending the rules may be some of the points used to cast doubt on his future stint as lord.

Unlike his father, he believes a civil war may root chaos and disorder throughout the clan. His planned lordship might be short-lived or squashed during times of conflict in their region, and he seeks an end to the war, whether it spills blood or not.
View attachment 22925
Lord of the Bokuso-Chi Clan

The current lord of the well-established Bokuso-Chi Clan. Not much is known about Masachi other than what he has managed to achieve in the name of his clan and his ancestors. He helped in the establishment of several trade routes to Portuguese traders and placed him into a level of power he had never seen before. He has been knowledgeable of the civil war and currently doesn’t know what to make of it, assuming that in some form him and his men are going to have to fight one way or another. However, he believes himself to be more of a diplomatic man rather than a warrior in contrast of the Takaku-Tobu Clan.

He wants the civil war to end… without bloodshed, at least. But things may not go as planned.
View attachment 22933
An honored leader of men known for his insatiable hunger for power and conquest, Tetsuya led his clan from relatively modest beginnings to dominance. However, his ambition blinded him to the suffering of his people and the devastation of war. In his old age, Tetsuya’s once-loyal followers began to question his leadership. To silence his critics, Tetsuya turned his warmongering gaze to the rivaling clan in the Midori-no-Umi domain.

Steam Name: TorontoTheInjun
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26003186
Discord: yarn#9961
Timezone: EST​

accepted as the fair and wicked lords of the bokuso-chi and takaku-tobu clans,

filling both roles of royalty.

check your forum convos, @Toronto + @YungJenkins
View attachment 22937


Lone heir to the Bokuso-Chi Clan

As the current heir of the respected Bokuso-Chi Clan, expectations of the descendant couldn’t be higher. Being in the position of leadership as a young adult has highlighted many of his diplomatic weaknesses, even more so during a time of enmity and feuding. A lack of patience and a fondness for bending the rules may be some of the points used to cast doubt on his future stint as lord.

Unlike his father, he believes a civil war may root chaos and disorder throughout the clan. His planned lordship might be short-lived or squashed during times of conflict in their region, and he seeks an end to the war, whether it spills blood or not.

accepted as the son of the bokuso-chi.

filling another royalty role,

check your forum convos, @iksyeoj
Apostolic NuncioView attachment 22931
Francis Xavier
View attachment 22930

(Francis Xavier was indeed a real person, although do not expect me to roleplay him 1-1)

A Portuguese missionary stationed in Goa, he has been given the role of Apostolic Nuncio to Japan, bringing gift with him for the "King of Japan" he finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of characters, and God only knows how he's going to get out....

Discord: FungletheBungle#8190

accepted as the preacher for the church.

filling the role.

check your forum convos, @FungletheBungle
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