Of Our Heaven and Earth

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Steam Name: Mr. Calcium

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754

Discord name (With ID): Justanotherguardthatexists #9241

Timezone: EST


A simple farmer trying his best to survive in these trying times, a blank slate, potential manpower, who knows what lies in store for those with no true allegiance...
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Steam name: The Milkman
Timezone: EST
Discord: Milkman#1598
Role: Starlight Samurai

I know jack shit about this time period. but this looks like an interesting event, so I'm simply going to wing it.

View attachment 22932

I have brought shame upon the Takaku-Tobu Clan.

Infront of many witnesses, the so-called Sword-Saint bested me in combat... and worst of all, spared my life.
This was an insult. He thinks me not a great enough warrior to slay?! He believes I will simply walk away with my life?!


I swear upon all of my ancestors, I will destroy this Sword-Saint and all of his foreigner allies who follow the Christian god. Often I ponder unconventional and dishonorable tactics... Assassination, poison, among others. Though I feel not a great enough duelist to defeat this Sword-Saint, I am already in a battle within my own mind in regard to how I might best this foe. What is more important: my honor, or revenge?

Edit: I wrote this at like 1 am, I will make edits to make it better 💀

accepted as the redeeming starlight samurai.

royalty role filled.

check your forum convos, @The Milkman
Steam Name: Mr. Calcium

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754

Discord name (With ID): Justanotherguardthatexists #9241

Timezone: EST


A simple farmer trying his best to survive in this trying times, a blank slate, potential manpower, who knows what lies in store for those with no true allegiance...

accepted as some worker.

filling a workers role.

check your forum convos, @HalfLife2CitizenMale09
Discord/Steam name: Eski
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107993579
Role: Kannushi


Kannushi in the temple of Shinto


A man of wisdom and peace, he cleanses the spiritual pollution of warriors who shed their and the enemy's blood on the battlefield, and blesses those who are in need.
People come forth to him in a time of need, and he purifies them of the stains left by war.

Yet, even a man of peace like Nagisa is driven to the edge during times of war. Can the stains of blood be cleansed, or will the country be abandoned by the deities and spirits that inhibit the land? Will the peaceful monks and priests whom have no shed a drop of blood, be polluted by the sheer amount of death around them? Will the soldiers who raise their swords in the name of a better future, be forever haunted by the lives they've taken?


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Steam Name: Raptorian
Timezone: EST
Discord: Raptorian#3138
Role: The Knight of Flowers


"A world of grief and pain
flowers bloom-
even then."

Saitou Katakane (カタカネサイト) is the chosen warrior of the blessed Bokuso-Chi Clan. A soft-spoken, kind man, bereaved by the loss of his son by the hands of a rival clan. Loyal to his lord, he seeks an end to the conflict that has infested Japan without blood-shed, however he understands that prayer alone is folly. Swearing by blade and honor, he will defend the clan from interloper and invader, empowered by the might of God.

With a newly-sworn enemy, and the fires of conflict rising, it is only a matter of time before Katakane must return to battle again. However, the war outside is not what burdens Katakane's mind. While the field of battle is a suitable distraction, times of silence come with the weight of grief upon his heart. To find victory, he must conquer not only his foes, but his aching soul.
Steam Name: G R U G
Steam ID: 76561198188231318
Discord Name & ID: G R U G#9996
Timezone: GMT+2


A simple peasant trying to make it by amidst an age of uncertainty.​




Scoundrel, Thief,  Businessman...

These are the words best used to describe the criminal that is Antonio Cabrero Vincente. Hailing from the far lands of Portugal, Antonio arrived in Hokkaido a few years ago to seek out new opportunities to make the odd coin when he could, drifting from job to job until it lead him to the cattle trade where Antonio would meet with Lord Masachi Bukoso-Chi of the Bukoso-Chi Clan and charm him with his charisma and gift of gab, leading the two to strike a deal and begin a long standing trade relationship to move cattle across Hokkaido...

In current years, Antonio is a common crook with his personal bodyguard and lapdog to help do his bidding, whether that be warning or taking out possible competition that threatened his business interests, he knew how to get his hands dirty...

Despite the recent rising tensions between The Bukoso-Chi Clan and The Tanaka-Tobu Clan, Antonio has been pulling strings on either side, attempting to extort as much coin as he could from either of the families before the whole valley erupted into total war...


CHAR NAME: Antonio Cabrero Vincente
CHAR ROLE: Travelling Merchant
Discord/Steam name: Eski
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107993579
Role: Kannushi


Kannushi in the temple of Shinto


A man of wisdom and peace, he cleanses the spiritual pollution of warriors who shed their and the enemy's blood on the battlefield, and blesses those who are in need.
People come forth to him in a time of need, and he purifies them of the stains left by war.

Yet, even a man of peace like Nagisa is driven to the edge during times of war. Can the stains of blood be cleansed, or will the country be abandoned by the deities and spirits that inhibit the land? Will the peaceful monks and priests whom have no shed a drop of blood, be polluted by the sheer amount of death around them? Will the soldiers who raise their swords in the name of a better future, be forever haunted by the lives they've taken?

View attachment 22951

accepted as the kannushi of the temple,

filling the final religious role for shintoists.

@Eski check forum convos.
Steam Name: Raptorian
Timezone: EST
Discord: Raptorian#3138
Role: The Knight of Flowers

View attachment 22952

"A world of grief and pain
flowers bloom-
even then."

Saitou Katakane (カタカネサイト) is the chosen warrior of the blessed Bokuso-Chi Clan. A soft-spoken, kind man, bereaved by the loss of his son by the hands of a rival clan. Loyal to his lord, he seeks an end to the conflict that has infested Japan without blood-shed, however he understands that prayer alone is folly. Swearing by blade and honor, he will defend the clan from interloper and invader, empowered by the might of God.

With a newly-sworn enemy, and the fires of conflict rising, it is only a matter of time before Katakane must return to battle again. However, the war outside is not what burdens Katakane's mind. While the field of battle is a suitable distraction, times of silence come with the weight of grief upon his heart. To find victory, he must conquer not only his foes, but his aching soul.

accepted as the kensei.

filling the royalty role.

check your forum convos, @Raptorian
Steam Name: G R U G
Steam ID: 76561198188231318
Discord Name & ID: G R U G#9996
Timezone: GMT+2


A simple peasant trying to make it by amidst an age of uncertainty.​
accepted as some random working man.

filling a workers role.

@G R U G check your forum convos.
View attachment 22950




Scoundrel, Thief,  Businessman...

These are the words best used to describe the criminal that is Antonio Cabrero Vincente. Hailing from the far lands of Portugal, Antonio arrived in Hokkaido a few years ago to seek out new opportunities to make the odd coin when he could, drifting from job to job until it lead him to the cattle trade where Antonio would meet with Lord Masachi Bukoso-Chi of the Bukoso-Chi Clan and charm him with his charisma and gift of gab, leading the two to strike a deal and begin a long standing trade relationship to move cattle across Hokkaido...

In current years, Antonio is a common crook with his personal bodyguard and lapdog to help do his bidding, whether that be warning or taking out possible competition that threatened his business interests, he knew how to get his hands dirty...

Despite the recent rising tensions between The Bukoso-Chi Clan and The Tanaka-Tobu Clan, Antonio has been pulling strings on either side, attempting to extort as much coin as he could from either of the families before the whole valley erupted into total war...


CHAR NAME: Antonio Cabrero Vincente
CHAR ROLE: Travelling Merchant

accepted as some portugese merchant.

filling the role.

@Craw check your forum convos.
Itagaki Fusahisa
An older, prosperous wanderer birthed on the outskirts of the populated land and with an unknown bargain to achieve a reclusive objective, nobody but himself will ever know - always open to occupy himself with aiding others, his views on the world are that of a pacifist with no effort to succumb to war; only if required in the journey ahead. There is not much to mention of a cryptic old man with a spontaneous, golden heart.
Steam Name NanCi- なんしい
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:148411743
Date : 30/05/2023


Abraham Alvares

Knight of the Catholic Church

"The knight of God"

An old but sturdy knight walks the new ſlands of Japan with the banner of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem with his English Communion in a redemption for of his many killings he had done all for god. "Dos god need more spilt blood upon my hands to be one with the lord?"
His very ancestry origins come back to the rampaging tribes of the paganistic vikings nearly 1000 years ago possibly explaining how he could have killed
so many mercillessly for an idol.

The luck that the lord have given him allowed his education to rise up during King Henry VII' rein with all his gentry policies allowing him to be closely aquitted to the militaristic operations of invading france and the several orders from the Holy Roman Church allowing him the status of "Sir Abraham Alvares" at the Tomb of Christ where he ended up leaving the king and joining the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

Now hes in Japan spreading the word of the lord and saviour and cutting down on the common folk who speak down of the Holy Bible.


This is an attempt for the Knight role for the followers of the apostle of the church​
  • Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197504616
    Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859

Kuwabatake Watanabe
A dishonoured ronin. Watanabe's old master grew sick and died of fever, and left the samurai without a purpose in life. He wandered the land, searching for coin, shelter and meaning. Watanabe's ability with a katana made sure he never grew hungry, but the work he found was unfulfilling, even boring at times. Watanabe was a mere passenger in life.

After taking some minor injuries Watanabe was pressured by peers and bosses into a medical check up. There he found he had a disease which would take his life in a year - maybe two if he got lucky. Now he travels the land, taking advantage of his last remaining months of physical ability, lost in a depression, and loyal only to coin and drink.
𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: Galungah
𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙸𝙳: 76561199185905306
𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 & 𝙸𝙳: Odessa#2395
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎: UTC 2+

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: Honami-Ku
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚎: Wife of the great lord

穂波区, Honami-Ku




Suffering from lung cancer and the loss of One-eye. Sketchy but a Powerful woman, the wife of the Takaku-Tobu Clan Leader.
A stealthy murderer hiding in the bushes with her stealth abilities, quickly rising through the ranks of the clan
With her eye-catching skills in getting rid of her enemies who dared to face her, *Getting rid of her "Obstacles" in the clan itself If needed, even..* In a short time, she was married to the leader of the clan. Going in battles alongside the soldiers and warriors of the clan, surviving most of the time with her unique sword abilities and most importantly... Luck. she only hops that some day, she will be able to taste the power she witnessed - the power of being a clan leader.. well... if she survived in the first place.
(Standing around is hard work)
Name: ペットスキー (Pettosuki)
Role: Commoner (Komono village guard)
Bio: Employed as a Komono in X village by the local magistrate, Pettosuki did not care for much but earn his measly paycheck and spend it on Sake with his colleagues once his shift was over. He enjoyed his job as the land was peaceful, yet unbeknownst to him, that peace wouldn't last.

Steam Name: Petski
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
Discord Name: Petski#8585
Timezone: CET (Central European Time)
(Commoners who assist the Samurai to protect the land amongst other duties. Normally the more mundane & filthy work)

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Lord Takeshi Kuroda, a lesser-known yet influential minor lord in the Midori-no-Umi domain of Hokkaido, carries himself with quiet strength and dignity. Despite his lower standing, his shrewdness and resourcefulness have allowed him to navigate the civil war, securing the prosperity of his domain and earning the loyalty of his people. While major clans dominate the spotlight, Lord Takeshi quietly tends to the affairs of his corner, embodying the resilience and determination of minor lords in the face of larger conflicts, leaving an indelible mark on the intricate tapestry of the Midori-no-Umi domain with his allegiance to the Sora clan.
Itagaki Fusahisa
An older, prosperous wanderer birthed on the outskirts of the populated land and with an unknown bargain to achieve a reclusive objective, nobody but himself will ever know - always open to occupy himself with aiding others, his views on the world are that of a pacifist with no effort to succumb to war; only if required in the journey ahead. There is not much to mention of a cryptic old man with a spontaneous, golden heart.
  • Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197504616
    Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859

Kuwabatake Watanabe
A dishonoured ronin. Watanabe's old master grew sick and died of fever, and left the samurai without a purpose in life. He wandered the land, searching for coin, shelter and meaning. Watanabe's ability with a katana made sure he never grew hungry, but the work he found was unfulfilling, even boring at times. Watanabe was a mere passenger in life.

After taking some minor injuries Watanabe was pressured by peers and bosses into a medical check up. There he found he had a disease which would take his life in a year - maybe two if he got lucky. Now he travels the land, taking advantage of his last remaining months of physical ability, lost in a depression, and loyal only to coin and drink.

accepted as some ronin, and some kindly man.

filling a worker/guard role.

check ur forum convos, @alessiodoomboy and @pill
Lord Takeshi Kuroda, a lesser-known yet influential minor lord in the Midori-no-Umi domain of Hokkaido, carries himself with quiet strength and dignity. Despite his lower standing, his shrewdness and resourcefulness have allowed him to navigate the civil war, securing the prosperity of his domain and earning the loyalty of his people. While major clans dominate the spotlight, Lord Takeshi quietly tends to the affairs of his corner, embodying the resilience and determination of minor lords in the face of larger conflicts, leaving an indelible mark on the intricate tapestry of the Midori-no-Umi domain with his allegiance to the Sora clan.
(Standing around is hard work)
View attachment 22964
Name: ペットスキー (Pettosuki)
Role: Commoner (Komono village guard)
Bio: Employed as a Komono in X village by the local magistrate, Pettosuki did not care for much but earn his measly paycheck and spend it on Sake with his colleagues once his shift was over. He enjoyed his job as the land was peaceful, yet unbeknownst to him, that peace wouldn't last.

Steam Name: Petski
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
Discord Name: Petski#8585
Timezone: CET (Central European Time)
View attachment 22965
(Commoners who assist the Samurai to protect the land amongst other duties. Normally the more mundane & filthy work)

𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: Galungah
𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙸𝙳: 76561199185905306
𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 & 𝙸𝙳: Odessa#2395
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎: UTC 2+

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: Honami-Ku
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚎: Wife of the great lord

View attachment 22963
穂波区, Honami-Ku




Suffering from lung cancer and the loss of One-eye. Sketchy but a Powerful woman, the wife of the Takaku-Tobu Clan Leader.
A stealthy murderer hiding in the bushes with her stealth abilities, quickly rising through the ranks of the clan
With her eye-catching skills in getting rid of her enemies who dared to face her, *Getting rid of her "Obstacles" in the clan itself If needed, even..* In a short time, she was married to the leader of the clan. Going in battles alongside the soldiers and warriors of the clan, surviving most of the time with her unique sword abilities and most importantly... Luck. she only hops that some day, she will be able to taste the power she witnessed - the power of being a clan leader.. well... if she survived in the first place.

accepted as the lesser kuroda family,

filling some royalty roles.

@AdvancedWizards @Dazor @Petski check your forum convos.
Steam Name NanCi- なんしい
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:148411743
Date : 30/05/2023


Abraham Alvares

Knight of the Catholic Church

"The knight of God"

An old but sturdy knight walks the new ſlands of Japan with the banner of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem with his English Communion in a redemption for of his many killings he had done all for god. "Dos god need more spilt blood upon my hands to be one with the lord?"
His very ancestry origins come back to the rampaging tribes of the paganistic vikings nearly 1000 years ago possibly explaining how he could have killed
so many mercillessly for an idol.

The luck that the lord have given him allowed his education to rise up during King Henry VII' rein with all his gentry policies allowing him to be closely aquitted to the militaristic operations of invading france and the several orders from the Holy Roman Church allowing him the status of "Sir Abraham Alvares" at the Tomb of Christ where he ended up leaving the king and joining the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

Now hes in Japan spreading the word of the lord and saviour and cutting down on the common folk who speak down of the Holy Bible.


This is an attempt for the Knight role for the followers of the apostle of the church​

accepted NOT as a knight, but, a squire.

filling a squire role.

check your forum convos @NanCi_
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