Of Our Heaven and Earth

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~~ Leopoldo Felipe ~~
( played by @Landon )

A cutthroat businessman whose company seemed to have randomly appeared on the map. He sailed forth from Portugal to Hokkaido with the goal of making a quick buck off the raging civil war, and hire some poor saps along the way. Leopoldo and his quaint group know little of the clans and their cultures and only see dollar signs in their wake. However, a rival caravan in the location seems to profound Leopoldo's distaste, and now it's become a race to the finish line to monopolize the conflict.

~~ Yuto Mori ~~
( played by @crat )

A mercenary originating from a modest family of Japanese homesteaders, Yuto never found himself the combative type in his early years. Wanting to follow in the lead of his brave siblings, he aspired to get the job as a worthy knight or powerful figure once he got along to see the honor in serving. He started off his roots as a mercenary, in hopes of being contracted to jobs that would put him out in the thick of combat. However, he found nothing but glorified babysitting jobs. Despite it all, Yuto had mouths to feed back home, and so he reluctantly took up the miserable bodyguard job offered by a strange Portuguese man new to the area.

~~ Ru Eobu ~~
( played by @Otizem )

A fisherman off the coast of Korea, known famously for his knack for snagging mammoth-sized trout and salmon. One day, on his furthest trip yet far out of the reaches near the Sea of Japan, a vicious storm threw him off charter and sunk his boat. He was left shipwrecked for many days, and hope dwindled with every day on the ruins of his shoddy fishing boat. One day, however, a traveling merchant's ship stumbled across him during one of their runs; and managed to salvage Ru from the wreckage. Ru felt like he owed his life to the merchant, and ended up working for him as an indentured servant; his honors and beliefs came first before all.

A Marginal-land owning Lord credited to his long line of family. Despite having only recently inherited it from his Father, the faithfulness and loyalty of his remains in the Takaku-Tobu clan; witnessing his families wealth grow with them.
The Civil-war may have shined on them all as insignificant and minor participants in the chase of influence over land but with his views of making quick coin with this situation and the peace lingering as it is currently, the security of their land shall atleast be secured and the people remain loyal to him... for now anyways.​

𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: Fallizs
𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙸𝙳: no idea
𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 & 𝙸𝙳: momentodefallizs#3616
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎: BST
Character Name: Takeda Yuu
Character Role:

~~ Leopoldo Felipe ~~
( played by @Landon )

A cutthroat businessman whose company seemed to have randomly appeared on the map. He sailed forth from Portugal to Hokkaido with the goal of making a quick buck off the raging civil war, and hire some poor saps along the way. Leopoldo and his quaint group know little of the clans and their cultures and only see dollar signs in their wake. However, a rival caravan in the location seems to profound Leopoldo's distaste, and now it's become a race to the finish line to monopolize the conflict.

~~ Yuto Mori ~~
( played by @crat )

A mercenary originating from a modest family of Japanese homesteaders, Yuto never found himself the combative type in his early years. Wanting to follow in the lead of his brave siblings, he aspired to get the job as a worthy knight or powerful figure once he got along to see the honor in serving. He started off his roots as a mercenary, in hopes of being contracted to jobs that would put him out in the thick of combat. However, he found nothing but glorified babysitting jobs. Despite it all, Yuto had mouths to feed back home, and so he reluctantly took up the miserable bodyguard job offered by a strange Portuguese man new to the area.

~~ Ru Eobu ~~
( played by @Otizem )

A fisherman off the coast of Korea, known famously for his knack for snagging mammoth-sized trout and salmon. One day, on his furthest trip yet far out of the reaches near the Sea of Japan, a vicious storm threw him off charter and sunk his boat. He was left shipwrecked for many days, and hope dwindled with every day on the ruins of his shoddy fishing boat. One day, however, a traveling merchant's ship stumbled across him during one of their runs; and managed to salvage Ru from the wreckage. Ru felt like he owed his life to the merchant, and ended up working for him as an indentured servant; his honors and beliefs came first before all.

all accepted as trading company,

filling another merchant spot.

check forum convos @Otizem @crat and @Landon

Hirohito Haruto

Samurai of the Takaku-tobo clan.

In the land of ancient Japan, during a time of feudal lords and honorable warriors, there lived a young and aspiring samurai named Hirohito. Born into a family of modest means, Hirohito's dream was to serve a worthy lord and uphold the code of bushido with unwavering loyalty and courage. Little did he know that his path would lead him to the prestigious Takaku-tobo clan.

From a young age, Hirohito displayed exceptional skill and discipline in the ways of the samurai. His father, a former warrior himself, recognized his son's potential and trained him rigorously in swordsmanship and the art of combat. The young Hirohito soaked up his father's teachings, learning the importance of honor, duty, and unwavering loyalty.

One fateful day, news arrived in Hiroshi's village of a conflict brewing between the Takaku-tobo clan and a neighboring rival clan. The Takaku-tobo clan, known for its strong leadership and adherence to the samurai code, was renowned throughout the region. Their lord, Lord Tetsuya Takaku-tobo, was revered as a wise and just ruler.

Driven by his desire to serve a worthy lord and make a difference in the world, Hiroshi set out on a journey to the Takaku-tobo clan's stronghold. Along the way, he faced numerous challenges and encountered bandits seeking to disrupt the peace of the land. But Hirohito's determination and skill allowed him to overcome each obstacle, proving his worth as a samurai.

Finally, Hirohito arrived at the Takaku-tobo clan's stronghold and Seeking an audience with Lord Tetsuya, Hirohito approached the clan's chamberlain and humbly requested an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities. Impressed by the young samurai's confidence and demeanor, the chamberlain agreed to present Hirohito to the lord. Lord Tetsuya, a stoic and wise figure, welcomed Hiroshi into his presence. Observing the young samurai's unwavering gaze and composed posture, Lord Tetsuya recognized the potential of this aspiring warrior. He tested Hirohito's mettle by having one of his samurai engage him in a duel of swords.

Hirohito's skills shone brightly, impressing Lord Tetsuya with each strike, parry, and precise footwork. At the end of the intense duel, Hirohito, exhausted but resolute, dropped to one knee before Lord Tetsuya, his sword held out in front of him as a sign of submission and respect. With sweat dripping down his brow, Hirohito spoke with unwavering determination, "My lord, I am but a humble servant seeking the path of bushido. I offer my unwavering loyalty to you and the noble Takaku-tobo clan. I pledge to defend your honor, uphold the code of the samurai, and lay down my life if necessary."

Lord Tetsuya, a man of few words, nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with respect. From that moment forward, Hirohito became a trusted member of the Takaku-tobo clan, serving Lord Tetsuya with unwavering devotion. He stood alongside his fellow samurai, fighting valiantly in battles, upholding justice, and defending the honor of the clan. Through his acts of bravery and loyalty, Hiroshi's name became synonymous with the ideals of the Takaku-tobo clan.
Shirohane Masashi-no-kami
(Lord Masashi of the White Feathers)​
Masashi was born in a small, peaceful village nestled within the lush valleys of feudal Japan. From a young age, he exhibited an indomitable spirit and an unwavering sense of justice. The villagers admired him for his kind heart and deep connection to the ancient traditions of the samurai. Masashi's father, Hiroshi, was a renowned swordsman and a trusted advisor to the village lord. He recognized his son's potential and decided , to Mto pass down the ancestral katana, a symbol of their family's honorasashi when he turned fifteen. Under Hiroshi's guidance, Masashi embarked on a rigorous training regimen, honing his physical strength, reflexes, and swordsmanship skills. As Masashi delved deeper into the art of the samurai, he learned about the Bushido code, the principles that governed a warrior's life. He embraced the virtues of loyalty, honor, and self-discipline, striving to become the epitome of a true samurai.

Lord Tetsuya addressed Masashi, his voice carrying a sense of authority and warmth. He spoke of his ambition to bring prosperity and harmony to his domain, to create a haven where justice and compassion reigned supreme. The daimyo sought warriors who not only possessed exceptional skill with the blade but also embodied the noble virtues of humility, loyalty, and selflessness. Mesmerized by Lord Tetsuya's vision, Masashi knelt before him, pledging his unwavering loyalty and dedication. He recounted tales of his past battles, his victories against tyrants, and his unyielding commitment to the code of the samurai. Impressed by Masashi's valor and dedication, Lord Tetsuya welcomed him into his service as a trusted retainer. Masashi was given a place of honor within Lord Tetsuya's inner circle, entrusted with vital missions that required both a sharp mind and a masterful sword. Under Lord Tetsuya's guidance, Masashi flourished. The daimyo recognized Masashi's strategic acumen, entrusting him with the responsibility of training and leading his forces in battle. Masashi's leadership skills and martial prowess proved invaluable in defending Lord Tetsuya's lands from marauding bandits and rival warlords who sought to undermine his rule.

Satori Kiyoshi

Hitokiri Tetsuhana, Samurai of the Takaku-Tobu clan.
(The Manslaying Iron Flower)

Satori Shirohana is a reserved individual seeking the way of the sword. He is skilled in swordsmanship and has been trained by Lord Tetsuya himself to be what Tetsuya refer's to as a Hitokiri Manslayer. He is loyal to Lord Tetsuya but is unaware of his true nature. Satori is conflicted between his loyalty to Lord Tetsuya and his desire to seek the truth about his past. He is unaware of Lord Tetsuya’s true nature and the fact that he was responsible for the death of his family. He believes that Lord Tetsuya is a noble and honorable man who saved him from his burning clan home.

However, there is a constant internal struggle within Satori. He can sense a disconnect between his loyalty to Lord Tetsuya and the lingering doubts about his own past. Deep down, a part of him yearns for the truth, even though he is unsure of what it may reveal. The desire to uncover the mysteries surrounding his family's tragic demise gnaws at him, despite his commitment to his master.

Satori holds a steadfast belief in Lord Tetsuya's nobility and honor. He cherishes the memory of being saved by him from the burning ruins of his clan home, an event that has shaped his entire life. Unbeknownst to Satori, Lord Tetsuya orchestrated the tragedy that befell his family, ruthlessly decapitating his father as an act of dominance and sparing Satori's life out of a twisted sense of fate.

Perhaps fate will intervene, leading Satori down a path where the truth about Lord Tetsuya's true nature will be revealed. Satori may soon uncover the dark secrets that lie hidden, and may face an unimaginable decision: whether to confront his once-beloved mentor and seek justice for his family or to continue following the path of the sword, torn between duty and personal vendetta.

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View attachment 22974
A Marginal-land owning Lord credited to his long line of family. Despite having only recently inherited it from his Father, the faithfulness and loyalty of his remains in the Takaku-Tobu clan; witnessing his families wealth grow with them.
The Civil-war may have shined on them all as insignificant and minor participants in the chase of influence over land but with his views of making quick coin with this situation and the peace lingering as it is currently, the security of their land shall atleast be secured and the people remain loyal to him... for now anyways.​

𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: Fallizs
𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙸𝙳: no idea
𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 & 𝙸𝙳: momentodefallizs#3616
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎: BST
Character Name: Takeda Yuu
Character Role:

Satori Kiyoshi

Hitokiri Tetsuhana, Samurai of the Takaku-Tobu clan.
(The Manslaying Iron Flower)

Satori Shirohana is a reserved individual seeking the way of the sword. He is skilled in swordsmanship and has been trained by Lord Tetsuya himself to be what Tetsuya refer's to as a Hitokiri Manslayer. He is loyal to Lord Tetsuya but is unaware of his true nature. Satori is conflicted between his loyalty to Lord Tetsuya and his desire to seek the truth about his past. He is unaware of Lord Tetsuya’s true nature and the fact that he was responsible for the death of his family. He believes that Lord Tetsuya is a noble and honorable man who saved him from his burning clan home.

However, there is a constant internal struggle within Satori. He can sense a disconnect between his loyalty to Lord Tetsuya and the lingering doubts about his own past. Deep down, a part of him yearns for the truth, even though he is unsure of what it may reveal. The desire to uncover the mysteries surrounding his family's tragic demise gnaws at him, despite his commitment to his master.

Satori holds a steadfast belief in Lord Tetsuya's nobility and honor. He cherishes the memory of being saved by him from the burning ruins of his clan home, an event that has shaped his entire life. Unbeknownst to Satori, Lord Tetsuya orchestrated the tragedy that befell his family, ruthlessly decapitating his father as an act of dominance and sparing Satori's life out of a twisted sense of fate.

Perhaps fate will intervene, leading Satori down a path where the truth about Lord Tetsuya's true nature will be revealed. Satori may soon uncover the dark secrets that lie hidden, and may face an unimaginable decision: whether to confront his once-beloved mentor and seek justice for his family or to continue following the path of the sword, torn between duty and personal vendetta.

View attachment 22988
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Shirohane Masashi-no-kami
(Lord Masashi of the White Feathers)​
Masashi was born in a small, peaceful village nestled within the lush valleys of feudal Japan. From a young age, he exhibited an indomitable spirit and an unwavering sense of justice. The villagers admired him for his kind heart and deep connection to the ancient traditions of the samurai. Masashi's father, Hiroshi, was a renowned swordsman and a trusted advisor to the village lord. He recognized his son's potential and decided , to Mto pass down the ancestral katana, a symbol of their family's honorasashi when he turned fifteen. Under Hiroshi's guidance, Masashi embarked on a rigorous training regimen, honing his physical strength, reflexes, and swordsmanship skills. As Masashi delved deeper into the art of the samurai, he learned about the Bushido code, the principles that governed a warrior's life. He embraced the virtues of loyalty, honor, and self-discipline, striving to become the epitome of a true samurai.

Lord Tetsuya addressed Masashi, his voice carrying a sense of authority and warmth. He spoke of his ambition to bring prosperity and harmony to his domain, to create a haven where justice and compassion reigned supreme. The daimyo sought warriors who not only possessed exceptional skill with the blade but also embodied the noble virtues of humility, loyalty, and selflessness. Mesmerized by Lord Tetsuya's vision, Masashi knelt before him, pledging his unwavering loyalty and dedication. He recounted tales of his past battles, his victories against tyrants, and his unyielding commitment to the code of the samurai. Impressed by Masashi's valor and dedication, Lord Tetsuya welcomed him into his service as a trusted retainer. Masashi was given a place of honor within Lord Tetsuya's inner circle, entrusted with vital missions that required both a sharp mind and a masterful sword. Under Lord Tetsuya's guidance, Masashi flourished. The daimyo recognized Masashi's strategic acumen, entrusting him with the responsibility of training and leading his forces in battle. Masashi's leadership skills and martial prowess proved invaluable in defending Lord Tetsuya's lands from marauding bandits and rival warlords who sought to undermine his rule.

View attachment 22982

Hirohito Haruto

Samurai of the Takaku-tobo clan.

In the land of ancient Japan, during a time of feudal lords and honorable warriors, there lived a young and aspiring samurai named Hirohito. Born into a family of modest means, Hirohito's dream was to serve a worthy lord and uphold the code of bushido with unwavering loyalty and courage. Little did he know that his path would lead him to the prestigious Takaku-tobo clan.

From a young age, Hirohito displayed exceptional skill and discipline in the ways of the samurai. His father, a former warrior himself, recognized his son's potential and trained him rigorously in swordsmanship and the art of combat. The young Hirohito soaked up his father's teachings, learning the importance of honor, duty, and unwavering loyalty.

One fateful day, news arrived in Hiroshi's village of a conflict brewing between the Takaku-tobo clan and a neighboring rival clan. The Takaku-tobo clan, known for its strong leadership and adherence to the samurai code, was renowned throughout the region. Their lord, Lord Tetsuya Takaku-tobo, was revered as a wise and just ruler.
Driven by his desire to serve a worthy lord and make a difference in the world, Hiroshi set out on a journey to the Takaku-tobo clan's stronghold. Along the way, he faced numerous challenges and encountered bandits seeking to disrupt the peace of the land. But Hirohito's determination and skill allowed him to overcome each obstacle, proving his worth as a samurai.

Finally, Hirohito arrived at the Takaku-tobo clan's stronghold and Seeking an audience with Lord Tetsuya, Hirohito approached the clan's chamberlain and humbly requested an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities. Impressed by the young samurai's confidence and demeanor, the chamberlain agreed to present Hirohito to the lord. Lord Tetsuya, a stoic and wise figure, welcomed Hiroshi into his presence. Observing the young samurai's unwavering gaze and composed posture, Lord Tetsuya recognized the potential of this aspiring warrior. He tested Hirohito's mettle by having one of his samurai engage him in a duel of swords.

Hirohito's skills shone brightly, impressing Lord Tetsuya with each strike, parry, and precise footwork. At the end of the intense duel, Hirohito, exhausted but resolute, dropped to one knee before Lord Tetsuya, his sword held out in front of him as a sign of submission and respect. With sweat dripping down his brow, Hirohito spoke with unwavering determination, "My lord, I am but a humble servant seeking the path of bushido. I offer my unwavering loyalty to you and the noble Takaku-tobo clan. I pledge to defend your honor, uphold the code of the samurai, and lay down my life if necessary."

Lord Tetsuya, a man of few words, nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with respect. From that moment forward, Hirohito became a trusted member of the Takaku-tobo clan, serving Lord Tetsuya with unwavering devotion. He stood alongside his fellow samurai, fighting valiantly in battles, upholding justice, and defending the honor of the clan. Through his acts of bravery and loyalty, Hiroshi's name became synonymous with the ideals of the Takaku-tobo clan.

accepted as takaku-tobu samurai,

pls post ur discords as well to be added to updates channel, and check forum convos @Nexu @Reaper19 @TheTrapGod @Fallizs

everyone else should apply as ashigaru or peasants fr
you are free to apply to roles that have already been filled (see lords with 3/2 and merchants with 2/1),

but i do suggest applying as foremen or commoner!
View attachment 22982

Hirohito Haruto

Samurai of the Takaku-tobo clan.

In the land of ancient Japan, during a time of feudal lords and honorable warriors, there lived a young and aspiring samurai named Hirohito. Born into a family of modest means, Hirohito's dream was to serve a worthy lord and uphold the code of bushido with unwavering loyalty and courage. Little did he know that his path would lead him to the prestigious Takaku-tobo clan.

From a young age, Hirohito displayed exceptional skill and discipline in the ways of the samurai. His father, a former warrior himself, recognized his son's potential and trained him rigorously in swordsmanship and the art of combat. The young Hirohito soaked up his father's teachings, learning the importance of honor, duty, and unwavering loyalty.

One fateful day, news arrived in Hiroshi's village of a conflict brewing between the Takaku-tobo clan and a neighboring rival clan. The Takaku-tobo clan, known for its strong leadership and adherence to the samurai code, was renowned throughout the region. Their lord, Lord Tetsuya Takaku-tobo, was revered as a wise and just ruler.
Driven by his desire to serve a worthy lord and make a difference in the world, Hiroshi set out on a journey to the Takaku-tobo clan's stronghold. Along the way, he faced numerous challenges and encountered bandits seeking to disrupt the peace of the land. But Hirohito's determination and skill allowed him to overcome each obstacle, proving his worth as a samurai.

Finally, Hirohito arrived at the Takaku-tobo clan's stronghold and Seeking an audience with Lord Tetsuya, Hirohito approached the clan's chamberlain and humbly requested an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities. Impressed by the young samurai's confidence and demeanor, the chamberlain agreed to present Hirohito to the lord. Lord Tetsuya, a stoic and wise figure, welcomed Hiroshi into his presence. Observing the young samurai's unwavering gaze and composed posture, Lord Tetsuya recognized the potential of this aspiring warrior. He tested Hirohito's mettle by having one of his samurai engage him in a duel of swords.

Hirohito's skills shone brightly, impressing Lord Tetsuya with each strike, parry, and precise footwork. At the end of the intense duel, Hirohito, exhausted but resolute, dropped to one knee before Lord Tetsuya, his sword held out in front of him as a sign of submission and respect. With sweat dripping down his brow, Hirohito spoke with unwavering determination, "My lord, I am but a humble servant seeking the path of bushido. I offer my unwavering loyalty to you and the noble Takaku-tobo clan. I pledge to defend your honor, uphold the code of the samurai, and lay down my life if necessary."

Lord Tetsuya, a man of few words, nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with respect. From that moment forward, Hirohito became a trusted member of the Takaku-tobo clan, serving Lord Tetsuya with unwavering devotion. He stood alongside his fellow samurai, fighting valiantly in battles, upholding justice, and defending the honor of the clan. Through his acts of bravery and loyalty, Hiroshi's name became synonymous with the ideals of the Takaku-tobo clan.

The Trap God#6629
Discord: vadim#6070
Steam name:
Applied for: Soldier ("unaffiliated")


Katsuo Moriyama
A low-ranking samurai trained by the Sword-Saint, Saitou Katakane during his time in the Bokuso-Chi. He pledged his allegiance to his mentor's house, the House of Saituou, being granted the position of Retainer. Thus, also being loyal to the Bokuso-Chi.
Discord: vadim#6070
Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
Steam name: Vadim
Applied for: Soldier ("unaffiliated")

View attachment 23011

Katsuo Moriyama
A low-ranking samurai trained by the Sword-Saint, Saitou Katakane during his time in the Bokuso-Chi. He pledged his allegiance to his mentor's house, the House of Saituou, being granted the position of Retainer. Thus, also being loyal to the Bokuso-Chi.
accepted as a member of the sword-saints clan

Everyone knows of the name Saito Omezo. Lord of the Kagayaki Ōkami Kajiya company.

The man seems to be sort of a local legend as a master bladesmith. His family has had a tight grip on the sword making industry for god knows how long, due to the fact that he does not swear fielty to any Lord, or any clan. He swears fielty to money.

Only selling his weaponry to the highest bidder in the land, the man is still keen on doing business with all the clans. After all, where there is war, there is money to be made.

His products, ranging from the famous katana, to Tachi's, Ōdachi's etc are known for their ability to cut through any armour, no matter the thickness. These types of weapons come with a massive price tag though, as they are mostly fit for lords due to their cost. There is still a range available for the lesser soldiers of clans.

The most sought after weapon, or tool, sold by the company is surprisingly the Tanto's. A very short dagger which is suitable for close quarters combat, Tanto's made by this company are primarily sought after in use for Seppuku, and is therefore only bought by Lords and Samurai alike.

Okay, now for the boring shit

Steam: Anthrax
Steam ID: later
Discord ID: Anthrax_PL#0599
Timezone: GMT
Role: Foreman.​
Sakurai Yamato,'The Kyūdō Prodigy'
"The 'Yumi' is not only a weapon, it is the reaper souls." - Sakurai Yamato
Hailing from the Japanese Village of 'Takeda', Sakurai Yamato took up Archery from a young age, taught by his father; Murunai Yamato who served as a Bowman for the local lords in the province of Shinano. Upon his father's retirement, Sakurai inherited the famed bow of Japan; the Yumi. The Yumi bares many similarities to the English Longbow with minor variations.

As the Land of the Rising Sun enters a new age and the bow slowly phased out of Shogunate service, Sakurai Yamato stands steadfast against the seemingly unwinnable odds, facing the wave of matchlock's as he draws his Bow and Arrow.


Steam name: Marco
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39958603
Discord Name/ID: marco.#7184
Time zone: UTC+01:00

(Applying as a refugee or survivor of Hoshi Clan nows yields a special group start.)




(Applying as a Yakuza/Bandit now yields a special group start.)






(Applying as a Agasaki Loyalist can yield a special group start.)


View attachment 23022
Everyone knows of the name Saito Omezo. Lord of the Kagayaki Ōkami Kajiya company.

The man seems to be sort of a local legend as a master bladesmith. His family has had a tight grip on the sword making industry for god knows how long, due to the fact that he does not swear fielty to any Lord, or any clan. He swears fielty to money.

Only selling his weaponry to the highest bidder in the land, the man is still keen on doing business with all the clans. After all, where there is war, there is money to be made.

His products, ranging from the famous katana, to Tachi's, Ōdachi's etc are known for their ability to cut through any armour, no matter the thickness. These types of weapons come with a massive price tag though, as they are mostly fit for lords due to their cost. There is still a range available for the lesser soldiers of clans.

The most sought after weapon, or tool, sold by the company is surprisingly the Tanto's. A very short dagger which is suitable for close quarters combat, Tanto's made by this company are primarily sought after in use for Seppuku, and is therefore only bought by Lords and Samurai alike.

Okay, now for the boring shit

Steam: Anthrax
Steam ID: later
Discord ID: Anthrax_PL#0599
Timezone: GMT
Role: Foreman.​

accepted as one of the foremen,

@Anthrax_PL check your forum convos,

we need 1 more knight/priest, and 1 more foreman and all special roles are filled i believe,

plus the new minor faction drops
View attachment 23033
Sakurai Yamato,'The Kyūdō Prodigy'

Hailing from the Japanese Village of 'Takeda', Sakurai Yamato took up Archery from a young age, taught by his father; Murunai Yamato who served as a Bowman for the local lords in the province of Shinano. Upon his father's retirement, Sakurai inherited the famed bow of Japan; the Yumi. The Yumi bares many similarities to the English Longbow with minor variations.

As the Land of the Rising Sun enters a new age and the bow slowly phased out of Shogunate service, Sakurai Yamato stands steadfast against the seemingly unwinnable odds, facing the wave of matchlock's as he draws his Bow and Arrow.

Steam name: Marco
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39958603
Discord Name/ID: marco.#7184
Time zone: UTC+01:00

accepted as a border guard,

@Marco check your forum convo.


The Sengoku Jidai rages in Japan, Clans at war - amidst, religious persecution.

Small wars dot the lands of a Rising Sun.

In the largest of conflicts they'd know.


Set in Hokkaido, in the Midori-no-Umi domain, both a mix of country and urban life in Japan upset by the wake of civil war raging all across Nippon, conquering done by Clans of any and every name, banners mark death.

We set in to cover the specific conflict between two clans, warring over the same domain,

The Sora, a crop-based family, who rose to prominence, supported by the Shinto Temple,
And the Bokuso-Chi, a cattle family, whom bare the support of the Christian foreigners.

Whom will you side with?


special roles

- Lord of the Bokuso-Chi Clan (1/1)
The well-reputed Lord of the time-honored Bokuso-Chi, brought into greatness after establishing trade with the Portugese traders from ports far from their domain for the rest of the domain, this deed raised them kindly to their position of power and they found source and outlets to supply men and money, thus soon being owed large plots of land.
- Lord Masachi Bokuso-Chi, @YungJenkins

- Heir to the Bokuso-Chi Clan (1/1)

The single son of a honored Lord, your brothers perished in conflicts defending the land, and your mother died in your birth, you are only recently a young adult thrust into a leadership position, your father ages greatly and the world may soon be on your shoulders.
- Ryo Bokuso-Chi, @iksyeoj

- Sword-Saint, Kensei - The Flowering Knight (1/1)

You are champion of the Bokuso-Chi, they hardly operate a military, and you are of recent, the de facto leader of their forces, named the Knight of Flowers by Christian men and women of the clan, you are of greatest swordsmen in Hokkaido, yet. Duels are one thing, leading battles? You can't imagine how you'd fair. As of recent, you find pride after having spared the rival clan's Hashimoto whom challenged you to a duel, he fell rather easily, you almost sympathize for his honor, however, you are simply blessed for he had not swarmed you.
- Saitou Katakane, @Raptorian

- Katsou Moriyama (RETAINER), @Vadim

- Sakurai Yamato, Border Guard, @Marco


- Apostle of the Church (1/1)
You are the leader of the honorable clan's local church, great power granted by the clan is vested in you as the local towns and vassals seek you for religious help and sometimes even those of struggle when the greater clan is not available. You must be wise, for enemies descend on you for your faith now, and at time of war, you act almost as a advisor, the Lord's ear is lend to you.
- Apostle Francis Xavier, @FungletheBungle

- Priest/Preacher/Knight (1/2)

Notable characters in the Church with intent to spread both faith and religion, the Priest holds many a procession and blesses the people, Preachers spread the gospel, regardless of the danger, and the Knight is the solemn defender of the Church, of a foreign land, he fights until his last at defense of the Church, loyal to none but his English brothers.
- Gabriel O'Dreary, @Doom Demon

- Squire Abraham Alvares, @NanCi_




- Lord of the Takaku-Tobu Clan (1/1)
The honored lord of the Takaku-Tobu Clan, a renowned warrior and leader of men, his campaigns in youth led to the expansion of Midori-no-umi Domains, bringing them fame and power. However, besides this, they've no great wisdom or knowledge to the rule of men. An iron fist is their idea of great leadership, as such, they've faced and put down many a rebellion in their leadership.
- Lord Tetsuya Takaku-Tobu, @Toronto
- Adoptive Heir, Hitokiri Tetsuhana, @Nexu

- Kenji Adachi (LORD'S COURIER), @Shimac's Stew

- Wife of the Great Lord (1/1)
The wife of an honored Lord, he who is angered with you, you have produced no sons nor daughters for him, and he nigh given up on it, you have been placed in charge of the future of the Clan should the Lord, greatly older than you, passes, no one has known a woman to lead, yet, the people look on you kindly unlike their Lord, for you know compassion, bring the people to love their Lord as much as you, we need unity.
- Honami-Ku Kuroda, @AdvancedWizards

- Hashimoto, The Starlight Samurai (1/1)

The renowned leader of the Clan's men, you've been in this position a few years, passed down from your father's accomplishments and work with the Clan, you bare great respect from your soldiers for your grand strategy and leadership, though, recently, you lost face after being stricken down and spared in a duel with the Flowering Knight, he brings slander to your name, you are on a war path, he is in the way.
- Hanjiro Tabata, @The Milkman


- Kannushi/Abbot (1/1)
The clan strictly worships what's deemed as acceptable widely in Japan, you represent their church, be you Buddhist or Shinto, you carry the weight of the people's problems whilst the Clan defers it to you as per the war effort, you fear many blessings may be needed to survive.
- Nagisa Agasaki, @Eski

- Warrior Monks (2/2)

You are the religious employees of your Gods or God in this temple, you have been made to take up arms to protect the church as per Clan ruling any able-bodied man must fight, you are often far from your halls of prayer, fighting a war for naught faith, but greed.
- Sanju Adachi, @ramen
- Kento Ko-nashi, @Chains




- Lords (3/2)
You represent a wealthier family with loyalty to one of the two clans based upon your family line, to boot, you have a small entourage of your own men of whom you may rally to your banner and the other clans, obviously smaller than the greats. You own a plot of land.
- Lord Takeshi Kuroda, @Dazor

- Ashigaru, Pettosuki Honda, @Petski

- Lord Shirohane Masashi, @Reaper19
- Retainer, Hirohito Haruto, @TheTrapGod

- Lord Takeda Yuu, @Fallizs


- Foremen (0/2)
You own and operate a company based in whatever you may so choose, obviously with workers with some idea of loyalty though not devout, however, some rather faithful guards. You are to be vassalized by one of the clans, depending on your interests. You own a work site.

- Foreman Saito Omezo, @Anthrax_PL

- Hiroshi Agasaki (WORKER), @HalfLife2CitizenMale09
- Tsuyoshi Honda (WORKER), @G R U G
- Itagaki Fusahisa (WORKER), @pill
- Kuwabatake Watanabe (GUARD), @alessiodoomboy

- Merchant (2/1)
A travelling merchant, you have a very small entourage, perhaps a worker or two, as well as perhaps two serving men acting as guards, you have the privilege of deciding your loyalties yourself. You can even be Portuguese man.
- Antonio Cabrero Vincente, @Craw
- Hikokore Hirohashi (BODYGUARD), @Quest

- Leopoldo Felipe, @Landon
- Ru Eobu (SERVANT), @Otizem
- Yuto Mori (BODYGUARD), @crat

- Common Folk (Infinite)

Be you a worker, soldier, peasant, mercenary, or wanderer, each common man hath his purpose and must fall in among others to aid in the fate of the land, each man makes all the difference. With this role, perhaps you may have brother or sister, maybe your father is another man, or you have history with another man or even own a home, perhaps you're a famed ronin or drunk one, mayhaps a Biwa Master - we will attempt to create stories off your own, for a roleplay that is fluid and creates itself within the bonds made OOC to become IC, from Apps. Shoot for uniqueness.



- Graceful Fall Yakuza/Bandits (0/3)
A criminal faction of Midori-no-Umi. Wanted by the Bokuso-Chi.

- Agasaki Loyalists (0/3)
Members of, or idolizers of the long gone Agasaki Clan, the family that ruled before the Takaku-Tobu.

- Hoshi Clan Refugees (0/4)
Those who survived their end.





trapped in civil war still.
brothers, kill brothers.

//no set date yet, just apply, either on the thread, or in private forum convo, we will review apps after a bit, shoot to be unique, also, less is more, leave some room for us as story tellers to participate in writing your story, perhaps leave out a last name, end up with a brother, or dont pick a side, and have one picked for you, so on, so forth.

added new optional roles.


Miura Mari - The Abnormal​

Breaking free from the gender norms that had plagued the old world, and that of Japan, Miura is one of the many forgotten names in history, erased for her disobedience of the normal qualities expected of her.

From a young age she was titled as stubborn, due to her reluctance to cook and clean, and adhere to the typical traits that were forced upon her - Instead, she followed her father, a man of few words, who worked the fiery hot embers of his forge with pride, he produced many weapons for various clans of the time, not choosing to "pick a side" so to speak.

And was cut down by a rampant warlord as a result.

But this is the story of Miura. The stubborn. The master of steel, the iron-heart.

Having spent many years away from her traditional mother, on her travels across the vast land she stumbled upon Saito Omezo, who recognised her skill, and choose to take her in, and employ her.

5'8 female, strong and not particularly bright, though incredibly stubborn once she makes her mind up on something, she has a heart for blacksmithing, and choose to take up her father's craft, now working under Saito, she hopes to become a master blacksmith like him some day, and enhance her title and pocket alike.

Boring shit:
Steam Name: Purple Knight
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63227876
Discord ID: Purple Knight #3061
Timezone: GMT
Role: Worker (under Anthrax)​
No more samurai apps will be accepted,

There are two special roles left, and a lot of optional roles, or alternatively apply as an ashigaru or peasant
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