Of Our Heaven and Earth

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Sir Roronoa Hastings.



Sir Roronoa Hastings is a renowned English knight who takes pride in his dual heritage, boasting both Japanese and English ancestry. With piercing blue eyes and distinguished gray hair, he possesses a captivating presence that commands respect.

As a defender of the church, Sir Roronoa is deeply committed to upholding the values and traditions of the Christian faith. He sees himself as a staunch protector of the Church, dedicating his life to defending its teachings and safeguarding its followers. Sir Roronoa's strong sense of duty and unwavering faith make him a formidable defender, always ready to face any challenge or threat that may arise.

Sir Roronoa's upbringing in two rich cultures has granted him a unique perspective on life and a profound appreciation for both Western and Eastern philosophies. He embodies the virtues of both worlds, blending the chivalrous ideals of the English knights with the disciplined mindset of a samurai. This fusion of cultural influences has shaped him into a man of honor, integrity, and discipline.

Despite his reputation as a fierce warrior, Sir Roronoa is known for his compassionate nature and empathy towards others. He believes in the inherent worth of every individual, and his actions reflect his commitment to justice and fairness. His dual heritage has also instilled in him a deep respect for diversity and an understanding that unity can be found in embracing differences.

Sir Roronoa's dual heritage and unique character traits make him a fascinating figure in the realm of English knights. He embodies the spirit of a defender of the church, blending his cultural backgrounds into a force for good and righteousness. His story serves as a reminder that strength can be found in embracing one's heritage and using it as a catalyst for positive change.

// I wanna be knight for the church if u didn't understand

Takahashi Yorimune - Retainer of House Saitou

Yorimune was born into the service of the Bokuso-Chi. Trained as an apprentice by the Sword-Saint from a young age, he became a lowly bodyguard, dedicating himself to protecting the his House and their interests. Under the guidance of his mentor, he learned discipline, combat skills, and the importance of humility. Throughout his service, Yorimune proved his unwavering loyalty and willingness to sacrifice himself for his House and faith. His reputation grew, earning him respect even among higher-ranking samurais. Now an experienced bodyguard, he continues to serve his house faithfully, ready to defend them at any cost.

Steam Name: willumhf
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133779472
Discord ID: willumhf#0507
Timezone: CST

View attachment 23039View attachment 23042

Miura Mari - The Abnormal​

Breaking free from the gender norms that had plagued the old world, and that of Japan, Miura is one of the many forgotten names in history, erased for her disobedience of the normal qualities expected of her.

From a young age she was titled as stubborn, due to her reluctance to cook and clean, and adhere to the typical traits that were forced upon her - Instead, she followed her father, a man of few words, who worked the fiery hot embers of his forge with pride, he produced many weapons for various clans of the time, not choosing to "pick a side" so to speak.

And was cut down by a rampant warlord as a result.

But this is the story of Miura. The stubborn. The master of steel, the iron-heart.

Having spent many years away from her traditional mother, on her travels across the vast land she stumbled upon Saito Omezo, who recognised her skill, and choose to take her in, and employ her.

5'8 female, strong and not particularly bright, though incredibly stubborn once she makes her mind up on something, she has a heart for blacksmithing, and choose to take up her father's craft, now working under Saito, she hopes to become a master blacksmith like him some day, and enhance her title and pocket alike.

Boring shit:
Steam Name: Purple Knight
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63227876
Discord ID: Purple Knight #3061
Timezone: GMT
Role: Worker (under Anthrax)​

Sir Roronoa Hastings.


View attachment 23044

Sir Roronoa Hastings is a renowned English knight who takes pride in his dual heritage, boasting both Japanese and English ancestry. With piercing blue eyes and distinguished gray hair, he possesses a captivating presence that commands respect.

As a defender of the church, Sir Roronoa is deeply committed to upholding the values and traditions of the Christian faith. He sees himself as a staunch protector of the Church, dedicating his life to defending its teachings and safeguarding its followers. Sir Roronoa's strong sense of duty and unwavering faith make him a formidable defender, always ready to face any challenge or threat that may arise.

Sir Roronoa's upbringing in two rich cultures has granted him a unique perspective on life and a profound appreciation for both Western and Eastern philosophies. He embodies the virtues of both worlds, blending the chivalrous ideals of the English knights with the disciplined mindset of a samurai. This fusion of cultural influences has shaped him into a man of honor, integrity, and discipline.

Despite his reputation as a fierce warrior, Sir Roronoa is known for his compassionate nature and empathy towards others. He believes in the inherent worth of every individual, and his actions reflect his commitment to justice and fairness. His dual heritage has also instilled in him a deep respect for diversity and an understanding that unity can be found in embracing differences.

Sir Roronoa's dual heritage and unique character traits make him a fascinating figure in the realm of English knights. He embodies the spirit of a defender of the church, blending his cultural backgrounds into a force for good and righteousness. His story serves as a reminder that strength can be found in embracing one's heritage and using it as a catalyst for positive change.

// I wanna be knight for the church if u didn't understand

accepted as final knight, and a blacksmith.

check your forum convos, @Nagi @Purple Knight (alr did nvm)
Takahashi Yorimune - Retainer of House Saitou

Yorimune was born into the service of the Bokuso-Chi. Trained as an apprentice by the Sword-Saint from a young age, he became a lowly bodyguard, dedicating himself to protecting the his House and their interests. Under the guidance of his mentor, he learned discipline, combat skills, and the importance of humility. Throughout his service, Yorimune proved his unwavering loyalty and willingness to sacrifice himself for his House and faith. His reputation grew, earning him respect even among higher-ranking samurais. Now an experienced bodyguard, he continues to serve his house faithfully, ready to defend them at any cost.

Steam Name: willumhf
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133779472
Discord ID: willumhf#0507
Timezone: CST
accepted as a ashigaru and border guard,

join ss discord pls,

and check your forum convos @vilhjalmrf

Furankii Russo

Furankii Russo, a refugee from the fall of the Hoshi Clan. Furankii was hired by his local Lord, Hayato Hoshi, into the Lord's Ashigaru as a swordsman. Furankii become a high ranking member of Lord Hayato Hoshi's Ashigaru and performed his duty to protect the border of Midori-no-umi. Yet, as the civil war progressed, Imperial Forces capitulated the Hoshi Clan and Furankii was injured in battle. He now travels amongst a band of refuges fleeing from the lands of the Hoshi Clan.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
Timezone: CDT (GMT-5)

Agasaki Muraoka
A burning ambition is harbored in the heart of Agasaki Muraoka, for he has long been drunk on the idea of the clan name he bears. Whether or not he truly is the legitimate heir to the Agasaki clan, he proclaims himself to be so. Despite being a regular peasant himself, he holds his delusions of grandeur and belief that he should rule the region.

Of course, reality is another beast. He has no retinue, his claim is dubious at best even if you take his claim to be the descendant of the old rulers at face value, his wealth is easily measured by his pockets, and his education matches that of any other peasant who lives in the region. The only advantage he holds is his name.

The man himself is quite young being only a few years into true manhood, his physique is fit enough for peasant work yet only just as he remains slim. His mind isn't dull by any means, but his arrogance blinds him to the reality of the life he should lead and the danger of the claims that he so recklessly spouts to any who would ask after his name.

Perhaps one day he might make something of himself, yet it is far more likely that he shall simply be another pawn on the board that is the region's conflict, if even that.
Steam Name: Ricky
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83904000
Discord: Ricky_Ronklo#9365

Time zone: CST

Nicholas Bernard,

The bastard son of a baron, who is long forgotten by the young lad. Nicholas spent most of his youth tilling the fields, and stealing whatever else he could from the market to get by. Sir Gabriel O'Dreary, a kind and noble Knight apprehended the young man one fateful afternoon, after Nicholas got sloppy stealing a loaf of bread, and took pity on him. The Knight took him under his wing, pledging to him to show him the ways of chivalry, and how to serve the Church, the King, and most of all God.

They've spent a few years together, now, and the boy could not be any more loyal.

He owes this man everything, after all.
Steam Name: Ricky
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83904000
Discord: Ricky_Ronklo#9365

Time zone: CST

View attachment 23055
Nicholas Bernard,

The bastard son of a baron, who is long forgotten by the young lad. Nicholas spent most of his youth tilling the fields, and stealing whatever else he could from the market to get by. Sir Gabriel O'Dreary, a kind and noble Knight apprehended the young man one fateful afternoon, after Nicholas got sloppy stealing a loaf of bread, and took pity on him. The Knight took him under his wing, pledging to him to show him the ways of chivalry, and how to serve the Church, the King, and most of all God.

They've spent a few years together, now, and the boy could not be any more loyal.

He owes this man everything, after all.

Already one too many English people in the event, as well as the fact a English commoner living among Japanese peasants makes no historical sense (but some things in this event already don't.)

Feel free to reapply!
Mura Yoshiaki
'An Eternal Footsoldier'

Yoshiaki is yet another backwater peasant who departed from his village to enlist as a footsoldier under the local lord in order to support his family.

As a peasant who had been living a pretty relaxed life, he was a rather simplistic fellow. They trained him, then sent him somewhere- he did not even know the name of the place, yet off he went. He did not question whether it was a place of importance; he did not care.

He arrived there. It was a small, idyllic little town, surrounded by great stone walls. He conversed with the townsfolk, then the local garrison, before finally taking his place upon the wall.

That town became his second home. He settled in, and the days began to pass.

One day, the bell was rung. The garrison was called together.

"We've got bandits to wipe out. Mount up."

Some stayed behind to guard, obviously. Yoshiaki was not one of those people.

They rode out to the forest. There were bandits. The higher-ranks try to talk the bandits into surrendering, but they aren't keen on it. They want to go free, obviously. The bandits hurl insult after insult at the garrison, and it becomes clear that this would not be resolved peacefully.

A fight ensued.

Yoshiaki did not know it, but the experience would change him forever. Bones were broken. That crackling, crunching sound that could be heard as his comrades brought their axes down on the enemy. The blood that flowed from their open wounds and gnarled limbs.

He did not remember what he did during that fight. If he did anything at all. Regardless, it seemed as if the garrison had gotten away with minimal injury, and thus they returned home to celebrate.

He has a few drinks before calling it a night and heading back to the garrison, but on the way there he hears a commotion coming from down an alleyway. A person, confronting another person. All he can hear are threats of desecration and blasphemy. Almost as if a bandit is down there.

And in the back of his mind, he remembers:
Their fragile bones.
Their gnarled flesh.
Their imminent deaths.
He has to kill them. He must protect the town. It is his duty.

He approaches, brushing against the rough and wrinkled wood of the trees. The bandit turns to face him, and he runs the bastard through with his blade before departing from the area.

He awoke the next morning, and passed by the tavern once more.

Ah. There it is. That thing. He retrieved his blade from the corpse, and flicked the blood off it.

He looked down upon it, and in this moment, where he might once have questioned this decision, his thoughts all came to one conclusion.

"That's not a person. That is a bandit. That thing got what was coming."

He sheathed his blade and took his leave, continuing to carry out his duty for the rest of the day.

Time passed. He helped with the occasional bandit wipeout from time to time, but other than that, they were normal days.

Then, something happened.

"You're... Mura Yoshiaki, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"You are being transferred to another garrison a few towns over."

"What for, sir?"

The man skims over a few papers. He brings a hand to his forehead, sighing as he looks up. He narrows his eyes on Yoshiaki. They weigh heavily on him, as if he were being judged for some sort of sin.

"Look. I already know what you've done. I could overlook this once or twice, because as nice as this town is, there will always be some bastards that come through and decide to settle down. But things are starting to get complicated with how you're doing things."

Yoshiaki wanted to refute the man. They were just drunkards and lowlifes. But, considering what he'd done to them, it was a surprise he wasn't getting fired right now.

Instead, he was exiled. He would surely not be able to go back to that place ever again.

"Take a horse, and go. It's already been taken out of your pay."

And so, off he went. He went to that garrison, and performed his duties. Again, he eventually reached the point of being exiled from that town and being sent to another garrison.

He was simply going in a loop: ridding towns of their scum, before being removed himself.

Among all this, there was still one thing that came as a surprise to him, and it was that he had not been dismissed from the army yet. Perhaps he would remain like this forever. Unable to move even one step up in the hierarchy, yet never removed entirely.

An eternal footsoldier.

But soon, things would change- being swept up in a war would surely do that to him.

After being exiled from one town too many, he reached the border, where the Hoshi clan were. He told them from where he came, and they showed him the spot where he would guard the border until the clan's eventual destruction.
Steam Name: human
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10470765
Discord: dudeperson#1185
Timezone: BST
Last edited:
'An Eternal Footsoldier'

Aeric is yet another no-name peasant who departed from his village to enlist in the English army in order to support his family.

As a peasant who had been living a pretty relaxed life, he was a rather simplistic fellow. They trained him, then sent him somewhere- he did not even know the name of the place, yet off he went. He did not question whether it was a place of importance; he did not care.

He arrived there. It was a small, idyllic little town, surrounded by great stone walls. He conversed with the townsfolk, then the local garrison, before finally taking his place upon the wall.

That town became his second home. He settled in, and the days began to pass.

One day, the bell was rung. The garrison was called together.

"We've got bandits to wipe out. Mount up."

Some stayed behind to guard, obviously. Aeric was not one of those people.

They rode out to the forest. There were bandits. The higher-ranks try to talk the bandits into surrendering, but they aren't keen on it. They want to go free, obviously. The bandits hurl insult after insult at the garrison, and it becomes clear that this would not be resolved peacefully.

A fight ensued.

Aeric did not know it, but the experience would change him forever. Bones were broken. That crackling, crunching sound that could be heard as his comrades brought their axes down on the enemy. The blood that flowed from their open wounds and gnarled limbs.

He did not remember what he did during that fight. If he did anything at all. Regardless, it seemed as if the garrison had gotten away with minimal injury, and thus they returned home to celebrate.

He has a few drinks before calling it a night and heading back to the garrison, but on the way there he hears a commotion coming from down an alleyway. A person, confronting another person. All he can hear are threats of desecration and blasphemy. Almost as if a bandit is down there.

And in the back of his mind, he remembers:
Their fragile bones.
Their gnarled flesh.
Their imminent deaths.
He has to kill them. He must protect the town. It is his duty.

He approaches, brushing against the rough and wrinkled wood of the trees. The bandit turns to face him, and he runs the bastard through with his blade before departing from the area.

He awoke the next morning, and passed by the tavern once more.

Ah. There it is. That thing. He retrieved his blade from the corpse, and flicked the blood off it.

He looked down upon it, and in this moment, where he might once have questioned this decision, his thoughts all came to one conclusion.

"That's not a person. That is a bandit. That thing got what was coming."

He sheathed his blade and took his leave, continuing to carry out his duty for the rest of the day.

Time passed. He helped with the occasional bandit wipeout from time to time, but other than that, they were normal days.

Then, something happened.

"Aeric, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"You are being transferred to another garrison a few towns over."

"What for, sir?"

The man skims over a few papers. He brings a hand to his forehead, sighing as he looks up. He narrows his eyes on Aeric. They weigh heavily on him, as if he were being judged for some sort of sin.

"Look. I already know what you've done. I could overlook this once or twice, because as nice as this town is, there will always be some bastards that come through and decide to settle down. But things are starting to get complicated with how you're doing things."

Aeric wanted to refute the man. They were just drunkards and lowlifes. But, considering what he'd done to them, it was a surprise he wasn't getting fired right now.

Instead, he was exiled. He would surely not be able to go back to that place ever again.

"Take a horse, and go. It's already been taken out of your pay."

And so, off he went. He went to that garrison, and performed his duties. Again, he eventually reached the point of being exiled from that town and being sent to another garrison.

He was simply going in a loop: ridding towns of their scum, before being removed himself.

Among all this, there was still one thing that came as a surprise to him, and it was that he had not been dismissed from the army yet. Perhaps he would remain like this forever. Unable to move even one step up in the hierarchy, yet never removed entirely.

An eternal footsoldier.

But soon, things would change- being swept up in a war would surely do that to him.

After serving for long enough at a particular garrison, he noticed some merchants. They requested a guard. They were just short of one man. Aeric opted to go. Why not? He was already the equivalent of a nomad, going wherever he pleased. And so off they went, on a long journey all the way to Japan.

With the upcoming war, would he remain as a guard for the merchants; would he join up with the Church as an Englishman; or would he go down some other path? Time will tell.

View attachment 23060
Steam Name: human
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10470765
Discord: dudeperson#1185
Timezone: BST

you put so much effort in this app and I love it, pls don't make me have to deny it, just revamp is so he's Asian...

We can't do more English ppl or English ppl at all...
Mura Yoshiaki
'An Eternal Footsoldier'

Yoshiaki is yet another backwater peasant who departed from his village to enlist as a footsoldier under the local lord in order to support his family.

As a peasant who had been living a pretty relaxed life, he was a rather simplistic fellow. They trained him, then sent him somewhere- he did not even know the name of the place, yet off he went. He did not question whether it was a place of importance; he did not care.

He arrived there. It was a small, idyllic little town, surrounded by great stone walls. He conversed with the townsfolk, then the local garrison, before finally taking his place upon the wall.

That town became his second home. He settled in, and the days began to pass.

One day, the bell was rung. The garrison was called together.

"We've got bandits to wipe out. Mount up."

Some stayed behind to guard, obviously. Yoshiaki was not one of those people.

They rode out to the forest. There were bandits. The higher-ranks try to talk the bandits into surrendering, but they aren't keen on it. They want to go free, obviously. The bandits hurl insult after insult at the garrison, and it becomes clear that this would not be resolved peacefully.

A fight ensued.

Yoshiaki did not know it, but the experience would change him forever. Bones were broken. That crackling, crunching sound that could be heard as his comrades brought their axes down on the enemy. The blood that flowed from their open wounds and gnarled limbs.

He did not remember what he did during that fight. If he did anything at all. Regardless, it seemed as if the garrison had gotten away with minimal injury, and thus they returned home to celebrate.

He has a few drinks before calling it a night and heading back to the garrison, but on the way there he hears a commotion coming from down an alleyway. A person, confronting another person. All he can hear are threats of desecration and blasphemy. Almost as if a bandit is down there.

And in the back of his mind, he remembers:
Their fragile bones.
Their gnarled flesh.
Their imminent deaths.
He has to kill them. He must protect the town. It is his duty.

He approaches, brushing against the rough and wrinkled wood of the trees. The bandit turns to face him, and he runs the bastard through with his blade before departing from the area.

He awoke the next morning, and passed by the tavern once more.

Ah. There it is. That thing. He retrieved his blade from the corpse, and flicked the blood off it.

He looked down upon it, and in this moment, where he might once have questioned this decision, his thoughts all came to one conclusion.

"That's not a person. That is a bandit. That thing got what was coming."

He sheathed his blade and took his leave, continuing to carry out his duty for the rest of the day.

Time passed. He helped with the occasional bandit wipeout from time to time, but other than that, they were normal days.

Then, something happened.

"You're... Mura Yoshiaki, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"You are being transferred to another garrison a few towns over."

"What for, sir?"

The man skims over a few papers. He brings a hand to his forehead, sighing as he looks up. He narrows his eyes on Aeric. They weigh heavily on him, as if he were being judged for some sort of sin.

"Look. I already know what you've done. I could overlook this once or twice, because as nice as this town is, there will always be some bastards that come through and decide to settle down. But things are starting to get complicated with how you're doing things."

Aeric wanted to refute the man. They were just drunkards and lowlifes. But, considering what he'd done to them, it was a surprise he wasn't getting fired right now.

Instead, he was exiled. He would surely not be able to go back to that place ever again.

"Take a horse, and go. It's already been taken out of your pay."

And so, off he went. He went to that garrison, and performed his duties. Again, he eventually reached the point of being exiled from that town and being sent to another garrison.

He was simply going in a loop: ridding towns of their scum, before being removed himself.

Among all this, there was still one thing that came as a surprise to him, and it was that he had not been dismissed from the army yet. Perhaps he would remain like this forever. Unable to move even one step up in the hierarchy, yet never removed entirely.

An eternal footsoldier.

But soon, things would change- being swept up in a war would surely do that to him.

After being exiled from one town too many, he reached the border, where the Hoshi clan were. He told them from where he came, and they showed him the spot where he would guard the border until the clan's eventual destruction.
Steam Name: human
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10470765
Discord: dudeperson#1185
Timezone: BST
View attachment 23049

Furankii Russo

Furankii Russo, a refugee from the fall of the Hoshi Clan. Furankii was hired by his local Lord, Hayato Hoshi, into the Lord's Ashigaru as a swordsman. Furankii become a high ranking member of Lord Hayato Hoshi's Ashigaru and performed his duty to protect the border of Midori-no-umi. Yet, as the civil war progressed, Imperial Forces capitulated the Hoshi Clan and Furankii was injured in battle. He now travels amongst a band of refuges fleeing from the lands of the Hoshi Clan.

View attachment 23050

accepted for hoshi clan,

check forum convos @DatOnePerson and @dude
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
Timezone: CDT (GMT-5)

Agasaki Muraoka
A burning ambition is harbored in the heart of Agasaki Muraoka, for he has long been drunk on the idea of the clan name he bears. Whether or not he truly is the legitimate heir to the Agasaki clan, he proclaims himself to be so. Despite being a regular peasant himself, he holds his delusions of grandeur and belief that he should rule the region.

Of course, reality is another beast. He has no retinue, his claim is dubious at best even if you take his claim to be the descendant of the old rulers at face value, his wealth is easily measured by his pockets, and his education matches that of any other peasant who lives in the region. The only advantage he holds is his name.

The man himself is quite young being only a few years into true manhood, his physique is fit enough for peasant work yet only just as he remains slim. His mind isn't dull by any means, but his arrogance blinds him to the reality of the life he should lead and the danger of the claims that he so recklessly spouts to any who would ask after his name.

Perhaps one day he might make something of himself, yet it is far more likely that he shall simply be another pawn on the board that is the region's conflict, if even that.

accepted as agasaki man,

check ur forum convos @MAXYOURFRIEND

(music isn't where he is from, just goes hard af)
Saoi Una Lee

Common Folk, wanderer.

A Japanese man, one of an extreme height of 7'6. A revolutionary who believes in unity in all, for the perfect empire for its people on the Sunrise Land, the land of the Rising Sun. His quote that echoed through many.
"We will either stand, and prevail! Or fall and crumble.. But never.. NEVER SHALL WE KNEEL!"
He traveled far and wide to the north, believing this to be the land where his idea of Freedom can occur, a Nation formed via a Multi Leading Republic..
THE REPUBLIC OF HAMARISIA!, he comes to the land alone and with nothing more but his bag and food to keep him alive. It is unknown whether or not if his revolution of the Hamarisian Republic will come to be.. But only one way to find out.

(music isn't where he is from, just goes hard af)
Saoi Una Lee

Common Folk, wanderer.

A Japanese man, one of an extreme height of 7'6. A revolutionary who believes in unity in all, for the perfect empire for its people on the Sunrise Land, the land of the Rising Sun. His quote that echoed through many.
"We will either stand, and prevail! Or fall and crumble.. But never.. NEVER SHALL WE KNEEL!"
He traveled far and wide to the north, believing this to be the land where his idea of Freedom can occur, a Nation formed via a Multi Leading Republic..
THE REPUBLIC OF HAMARISIA!, he comes to the land alone and with nothing more but his bag and food to keep him alive. It is unknown whether or not if his revolution of the Hamarisian Republic will come to be.. But only one way to find out.


A gigantic republican in Japan is a bit too comical.
Steam Name : FelixPius
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:551452307
Discord : FelixPius#1603
Timezone: GMT+2

Amano Kanetame

In the rugged and lawless era of ancient Japan,a bandit named Amano Kanetame emerged from the shadows. Born into poverty and hardship,he was driven by a thirst of freedom and a desire to challenge the social hierachy. With black hair and piercing eyes,Amano became a formidabke figure known for his agility and his cunning ideas.
Final Apps reviewed tomorrow.

The event will take place this coming Friday through to Sunday, June 9th-11th.

June 8th will be a setup day for all players.
Not open for further replies.