Operation Blackjack

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Operation Blackjack


Welcome to Operation Blackjack

Operation ‘Blackjack’ is set in an unfamiliar universe to Willard, Halo. In this story, you will be following the tale of a platoon of Orbital Drop Shock troopers, serving under the 5th Shock Troops battalion, first platoon. The current date is January 25th, 2525. This is roughly a week and a half before the UNSC first came into contact with the covenant.

This story is planned to have only three sessions, the events of which will only be disclosed the day of. You will always know several days in advance when the next session is. Applications are due by April 15, 2022. However, I will be accepting applications throughout the submission phase. April 16th and 17th will be reserved for character creation. On these days, you will load onto the server to pre-setup your character, so when we properly start the event we will not be delayed.

Character Applications

Ranks are shown above.
Available MOS: Marksmen, CQC, Demolitions, Corpsmen and Riflemen
Default MOS is RIFLEMEN, not everyone will get a SPECIAL MOS
Steam Name:
Discord Name & ID:
Character Name:
MOS(If applicable):
Backstory (Optional):

Questions / Systems

The server isn’t on the browser? -

This will be taking place on MY server, as I don’t want to struggle with mounting my gamemode to Willards server. The server will only be up during hosting days, or if the staff team is propping, in which case it will be password locked.

Launch date? -

April 23rd, 2022. Time is planned to be around 12:00 PM CST, though I will let you all know in advance if this changes.

How will PK’s work?

There is a system for this coded into your HUD! When you initially load into the server, you may notice the word ‘STABLE’ above your health-bar. When you die, this will change according to how many deaths you have.

One death - Freebie, no change.
Two deaths - Minor injury
Three deaths - Major injury
Four deaths - Critical injury
Five deaths - Dead.

If you have any additional questions, DM Goose. I'll add them as I see fit to the FAQ.
Not everyone will get a unique MOS, MOST OF YOU WILL BE RIFLEMEN

I'll be limiting ranks as well. Unlimited PFC's, 2-3 Corporals / Lances, One SGT and SSGT.

This is intended to by a serious environment, those who cannot keep to the expectation, whether it be by attitude or spelling will be removed by me or my staff. By signing up, you agree to these terms.


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Steam Name: DennyDengo
Discord Name & ID: Denny#1947
Central European Summer Time
Character Name:
Haruko Vladislav Shindo
Private First Class
MOS(If applicable): Marksman
Backstory (Optional):
Steam Name: Niklas
Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas#5967
Timezone: CEST
Character Name: Vladimir Potrenko
Rank: CPL
MOS(If applicable): CQC or Marksman
Backstory (Optional): N/A
Steam Name:

Discord Name & ID:


Character Name:
Quentin Faucher

E-3 (LCPL)

MOS(If applicable):
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Steam Name: Idkanymoregaming
Discord Name & ID: 3gnomesinatrenchcoat#6740
Character Name:
James "Choir" Abbott
MOS(If applicable):
Backstory (Optional):
Steam Name: [CC] gangster police state

Discord Name & ID: Metrotider#8976

Timezone: GMT+1

Character Name: Wyatt Steele

Rank: PFC

MOS(If applicable): CQC

Backstory (Optional):
Wyatt was born in the year 2502 on the planet Luyten, to a family of UNSC veterans. He was a somewhat rebellious youth, despite this, he still had a huge amount of respect for his parents which would lead him to enlist within the UNSC himself once he was of age.

During a deployment against a group of Insurrectionists barricaded within a skyscraper, Wyatt would find himself out of ammo, though offered additional magazines by his fellow marines he decided to commandeer a weapon from a downed rebel, a shotgun. He’d display a remarkable aptitude with the weapon, making great use of it against the few rebels still left within the building.

Wyatt’s previous deployment caught the eye of the ODST, he was offered a position within their ranks and would accept, beginning his training. Not long after his recruitment he would again display his aptitude with shotguns and gain the MOS of CQC.
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Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
Timezone: CDT (GMT-5)
Character Name: Wawrzyniec Smolak
Rank: Private First Class
MOS(If applicable): Demolitions

Wawrzyniec Smolak was born in the year 2500 on the planet Tribute, located in the famed Epsilon Eridani System. He was born to a family of workers, soon to be the middle child of a family of 5 children. His parents had not hoped for all of their children to join the ranks of industrial workers that Tribute was so well-known for. While Wawrzyniec's siblings were not so fortunate, being caught as dockworkers and such; Wawrzyniec himself caught a shuttle to Tribute's more famous sister planet, and the hub of Humanity's military power, Reach. This shuttle ride would be paid for when he was only 16, and he would finish his education on the planet as well as learn parts of the Hungarian culture that was so prevalent on Reach.

Following the end of his education and him turning 18, Wawrzyniec joined the UNSC Marines after being swayed by the heavy military presence on Reach as well as growing animosity as Operation TREBUCHET's news broke out across Human space. During his training, Wawrzyniec came to appreciate nature after having had little experience outside of cities from Tribute and Reach. Wawrzyniec would finish training in 2519 but would ultimately end up as a reservist, kept on Reach in the case of an expansion of the conflict. During this time, a bored Wawrzyniec would seek out additional training to keep himself occupied. Through this he would be trained in the use of ordinance, however, this was not always accepted by his command due to it being partially informal.

Wawrzyniec's life would be changed in 2524 when Operation TREBUCHET expanded to his home. Wawrzyniec would be one of the unlucky marines sent to deal with a new battle beginning on Tribute, bombs would be placed throughout the cities of his home planet. As TREBUCHET failed to counter Insurrectionist forces, Wawrzyniec's home suffered. He lost a few friends and even a brother during the months that came. His unit would be one of the more successful, saving a handful of lives here and there though, in the grand scheme, it was largely unnoticed. One of the few to notice this did happen to be an ODST recruiter however, and as the battles over Tribute died down Wawrzyniec would be given the opportunity to chase the Insurgents back into the outer colonies as an ODST. As most would guess Wawrzyniec did not turn down the opportunity.

Despite all that has happened, Wawrzyniec is still not as experienced as some others within the unit may be as he has spent most of his time in the reserves. As well, he has somehow kept a jovial attitude despite his experiences on Tribute and is more likely to crack a joke and brush off attempts to speak about it. His interest in nature remains as well, with Wawrzyniec spending what off-time he can spare gazing off at vistas. His service record thus far is interesting enough, he is physically capable enough, but his discipline log has a split between good and bad. Largely dependant on how lenient an officer is, as Wawrzyniec is not afraid to ask questions and has ignored an order once or twice, though those records are older now.
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Steam Name: TheNewz

Discord Name & ID: TheNewz#7806


Character Name:
Gavin Nelson


MOS(If applicable):
Steam Name: sleepjie
Discord Name & ID: sleepjie#0695
Character Name:
Irving Thirlaway
MOS(If applicable):
Backstory (Optional):

Irving was born on the 2nd of September 2490, in New Alexandria. Both of his parents were serving ONI Officers, and so the expectation was put upon him at a young age to join with the UNSC's Army, and later Marine corps. In 2513, at the age of just 23, Irving was deployed to an abandoned naval shipyard, where a small group of insurrectionists were harvesting scrapped titanium.

After two days of reconnaissance, Irving and his platoon were ordered to engage the rebels with lethal force; but it was a trap. The rebels knew of the UNSC's presence, and had set up traps and ambush spots, and for sixteen straight hours, Irving fought for his life against the cunning Innies, who countered their manoeuvres and technology with guerrilla strategies of their own. It wasn't until half of his platoon were picked off that Irving thought he was going to die, in a rusty boneyard of metal and decay. On the third night of the operation, deeply entrenched and under constant barrages of makeshift artillery rounds and M3063 fire, Irving saw falling stars, and made a wish for his life. His prayers were answered; those falling stars were the ODST.

With the insurrectionists unprepared for the shock troopers, and with Irving's platoon finally finding a moment of respite to gather themselves, the tide of the battle had finally turned in their favour, and before the first rays of daylight, the boneyard was secured, and the insurrectionist's plot was revealed; they were harvesting not only titanium, but nuclear materials.

For Irving's performance in the battle, and for his resolve prior to the ODST's arrival, he was personally recommended for a try-out to join the ODST, which he eventually passed with flying colours. The source of his determination during those gruelling months can be put down to one image; that of a falling star.
Steam Name: Dej

Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978

Timezone: SGT(GMT+8)

Character Name: James Decker

Rank: Sergeant (E-5)

MOS(If applicable): Default Rifleman

Backstory (Optional):


Born on Mars in New Harmony on the year 2495 to a Military employed Mother and Father who served in both the Navy and Marines respectively. James grew up in a Military Boarding School due to the absence of his parents in line of the nature of their jobs, frequently getting into both trouble and praise due to his occasional disregard for regulations but somehow managing to complete his objectives.

His relationship with his parents itself was largely strained due to their absence, but James became accustomed regardless to the lifestyle of the military, forwarding himself straight to voluntary enlistment when he reached the minimal recruitment age, finding himself assigned to the Marine Corps.


His initial goal in reality was to join the famed Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, though he didn't make the initial cut and had to resolve himself to the "Grunt" Marines, serving with relative easiness due to the lack of particularly anything happening outside of a few times that his Platoon was deployed to investigate "Koslovic Holdouts", which often turned up nothing. Persisting for a couple years before he was transferred to participate in Operation TREBUCHET in the Eridanus System, which would be the last time he would ever see peace.

Eridanus II, a festering Insurrection locked in a war with the UNSC Forces involved with Operation TREBUCHET. James was practically broken here, as part of the 9th Marine Expeditionary Force, forced to become a grizzled veteran as his old comrades died around him. His luck kept him alive somehow, and he was promoted time and time again as his squad mates perished around him, his Academy-Buddy Lance Corporal to a sniper, the Corporal blown up by a rocket, his Sergeant eviscerated by a stolen Warthog, and then, only he remained.


By this point he was the last man standing from his old class in the academy that was in his squad. People cycled in all the time as casualties mounted, and when his Squad was moved out of service, James was offered a spot in an ODST unit for his service. Accepting with reluctance rather than the previous enthusiasm he used to hold, James officially donned the black armour of the ODSTs. He was then transferred out to an area yet to be named.


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Lockin' and Loadin' Music

ODST Helmet.png
Steam Name: A Jewish Monkey

Discord Name & ID: A Jewish Monkey#1406

Timezone: CST

Character Name: Jerome Pérez Carter

Rank: Cpl

MOS(If applicable): Rifleman

Backstory (Optional):
PFC. Carter after finishing SOI.
Loading system file, 1406012304, Jerome P. Carter Jr
  • Name.
    - Jerome Pérez Carter Junior

  • Relationship(s).
    - Father: Jerome Carter Senior (Living)
    - Mother: Isabella Pérez Carter (Living)
    - Brother: Alejandro Pérez Carter (Living)

  • Sex.
    - Male

  • Age.
    - 21 Years Old

  • Date of birth.
    - January 23rd, 2504

  • Hispanic origin.
    - Yes

  • Race.
    - White

    General Report.
    Born to the parents by the name of Jerome and Isabella onto the planet
    Madrigal. His father had served in the UNSC, United Nations Space Command, Marine Corps becoming an ODST and reaching E-7 Gunnery Sergeant before being forced to retire due to medical injuries. On the day of turning eighteen along with two of his friends, He'd sign up for the UNSC Marine Corps being shipped off to basic four months later." Once he finished Basic Training he was awarded a meritorious promotion to Private First Class serving as his Platoon's guide for two-thirds of his Training cycle.

    Carter's time in an Infantry Battalion would be under the 26th MEF, 2nd battalion, 21st Marines. While in his Battalion he'd be promoted to Lance Corporal for his willingness to take command after his fireteam leader was eliminated in a training exercise. Around a year after Carter's promotion, he'd attend the Corps's Corporal Course passing and earning himself a promotion to E-4 Corporal and a Fireteam to call his own. Though with his promotion he felt it necessary to continue in his Father's footsteps by joining the ODSTs. After passing the ODST Training he'd join the 5th MEU, 5th Shock Troops Battalion, First Platoon.​
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Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy (76561198355274960)
Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
Character Name:
Felix Whitman
MOS(If applicable):
Backstory (Optional):

Felix was eight when his brother, Alex, enlisted. He wasn't interested in it - his parents disapproval being enough to dissuade him from joining himself. The day he graduated school, Alex was killed by an insurrectionist attack. Felix enlisted himself the week after.

After he left Reach, Felix quickly became popular among the marines. In one mission, he was on the first floor of a building when he saw outside an insurrectionist attacking an ally marine. Out of ammo, he got onto the balcony, jumping off with his knife poised to stab the attacker in the back on landing. After this, his friends began referring to him as "Drop Trooper", "DT", or "Droppie", which opened his mind to applying for an ODST position. After a few months, he confessed these thoughts to his friends, who all encouraged him to join the ODSTs. Felix passed training with flying colours and is awaiting his first assignment.
Steam Name: Wraygun

Discord Name & ID: Wraygun#4650

Timezone: GMT 1+

Character Name: Nathan Hennessy

Rank: PFC.

MOS(If applicable): Default Rifleman.
Steam Name: clearskies

Discord Name & ID: cor#0075

Timezone: GMT +1 / CET

Character Name: Senya Brainiac

Rank: PFC

MOS(If applicable): Rifleman
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Steam Name: Astro
Discord Name & ID: Astro#2165
Timezone: CST
Character Name: Axel Jørgensen
Rank: LCPL
MOS(If applicable): Marksmen
Steam Name:

Discord Name & ID:

Pacific Standard Time (PST)


Character Name:
Wesley 'Pike' Armstrong

E-4 (Corporal)

MOS(If applicable):
Preferably CQC/Demolitions, but I don't mind rifleman.
Backstory (Optional):

Born in the year 2490, and among a vast familial lineage of UNSC authority, Wesley was swift to follow both his veteran mother and other seven newly conscripted brothers into service. Whether through utter pride and patriotism for the United Nations Space Command and its beliefs, or merely following in the footsteps of those before him, Wesley joined the cause at the age of sixteen through his mother's consent.

Demonstrating a keen sense of quickfire wit and self-awareness, even when in the most bleak of situations, Wesley quickly accumulated comradery among his peers and fellow recruits, much to the dismay and annoyance of his commanding drill sergeants. Despite this, however, Wesley was, and still is, a valued and dedicated asset to the powers that be, proving so along his many tours of combatting Insurrectionist colonies scattered around the globe. With undying levels of determination and prowess when presented a task, no matter how questionable they may be, Wesley was a star to any authority figure in the ranks, and thus, quickly climbed the chain.
August 25th, 2513 - Operation: TREBUCHET
(Pike's key contribution to numerous, successful assignments under Operation: TREBUCHET provided an impressive service record.)
Despite his clear contribution to any mission, Wesley also possesses a violent tendency of rage when plans do not pan out as expected, or, more specifically, when particular members of a squad are not adequately pulling their weight. Faithful and entrusted to the men he fights beside, Wesley believes that one bad apple within the squad will endanger everyone else, and is prone to outbursts when the feeling arises.

At the age of thirty, year 2520, Wesley's exemplary record of superb service and leadership in the face of combat was too valuable to be ignored any longer, allowing the man to be handpicked by a particular elite branch of the UNSC military amid select scouting and recruiting efforts in his region.
This branch, of course, was the UNSC's very own Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. With it, Wesley had managed to accomplish a personal goal by being the first of his family to ever achieve such a position of honor and responsibility.
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Steam Name: Black Flag
Discord Name & ID: Black Flag 2823
Timezone: EST
Character Name: Robert Rogers
Rank: e-2
MOS(If applicable): rifleman
Backstory (Optional):
Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan

Discord Name & ID: Dog#2268

Timezone: EST

Character Name: Andrew Edic

Rank: E-2

MOS(If applicable): Riflemen
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Steam Name: Mr_Bruh36

Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525

Timezone: GMT

Character Name:



Rank: E-3 (LCPL)
(Default Rifleman is good as well)

MOS(If applicable): Demolition


*Born in the year 1500 Robert O'Connor was born to an Irish-Descent Family of UNSC Veterans and due to this, they were a strict and orderly household...Strange enough...they made having Breakfast seem like a Military Induction...and so The O'Connor family was a well respected and Headstrong family among their neighbours. Most of Roberts family was very serious and well trained...all except for...well...'Robert'...but don't think of him as weak and dumb...Robert had inherited skills from his father's genes such as his Tenacity, Bravery etc...The problem was...Robert saw all the Professional Training as...well a Joke...however when the time came, Robert joined up with UNSC Marine Corp in the year 1516 when Robert was 16 years old...*

*When Roberts had finished his Bootcamp, he was sent on his first mission with a squad of other Marines...he was to be reconnaissance on a mission to search an abandoned Vehicle Compound where there had been some spotted Insurrection activity. When Robert arrived with the other four Marines he went out ahead to scout the location...he spotted two Insurrectionists refuelling some sort of Junk Car...Robert called in the squad and they took out the two Insurrectionists with no problems...*


*As the Five Marines were leaving to be Exfiltrated, Gunfire ringed out across the compound as Insurrectionists surrounded came from the buildings...Robert volunteered to hold them off and buy the Marines some time to Contact command for some reinforcements...and so Robert ran for cover as he began to return fire to the group of Insurrectionists with Two other Marines...*


*It seemed like they had been fighting for hours when in actual time it had been about twenty minutes...Robert was the only one returning fire...the other two marines had been gunned down and the remaining two were still radioing in...Eventually, however...when Robert's ammo was running out...he heard the sound of Helicopter Blades close by...Robert felt a rush of Hope...but also Cockiness...and so he ran from cover and went to loot a nearby Insurrectionist corpse for ammo...he found some and also a grenade...he began to return fire as the exfiltration helicopter arrived...the two marines ran on-board, leaving Robert to continue to fight...They watched in amazement as Robert continued to gun down these Insurrectionists...however, Robert then ran out of ammo and resorted to the last thing he had...The Grenade...he held it high and raised it to throw as he laughed, however...*


*Roberts's hand was gone...he watched in horror as his right hand held a stump for an arm...the adrenaline kicked in as he rushed for the helicopter...using his left hand to shoot...he gunned down three men and made it to the front of the helicopter as...he fell unconscious...the blood loss had eventually got to him...in the darkness of his mind he heard faint shouts..."GET HIM A DOCTOR"..." STABILISE HIM NOW!"...and eventually "This Motherfucker killed three guys with just one hand"...*


*He awoke a few hours later inside a medical bay...the doctor told him he was "One lucky Bastard"... If Robert had been out there for a few more minutes he would have died. Robert was Hospitalised for a few days afterwards as he was offered a new prosthetic for his Right Hand...he took a few further days to train with it and was sent back on duty...His fellow Squad members now called him "Boomer" after the incident...he liked it and the nickname stuck...*

*Weeks passed and Robert went on a few more missions...eventually leading him to receive an...interesting letter...due to his accomplishments in the line of duty and his family history with the UNSC...Robert O'Connor was given to opportunity to join the ODST...he felt pride...and agreed to join...stating "How hard could this be...I've already lost a hand"*

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