Operation Blackjack

  • Thread starter Thread starter Goose
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Steam Name: Sheepyk
Discord Name & ID: Sheepyk#6088
Character Name:
Kenny Lewis
MOS(If applicable):
Backstory (Optional):
Kenny was a young adventurous individual when he layed eyes on the “advertisements” for the UNSC Marine Corps more specifically the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers better named the ODSTs. Kenny wanted any chance he could get to escape the planet he grew up on, Harvest, he wanted to explore different planets and see what there is to see, he saw the ODSTs as a great way to do this, the posters around the streets and the broadcasts spoke of how these kick ass marines dealt heavy blows to the growing insurgence.

Kenny said goodbye to his family before running off to the closest recruitment centre before being shipped away to one of the UNSC training camps were he went through the gruelling training that is expected for ODSTs, he would then serve in the ODSTs for a few years even gaining the rank of LCPL after proving himself worthy via saving his team with intellectually placed explosives, Kenny is now an experienced ODST but no we’re near as experienced as those above him.
Steam Name: FireStreamGun
Discord Name & ID: SpringZ#9027
Timezone: GMT+3
Character Name: Alex Fillin
Rank: Private First Class
MOS(If applicable): Riflemen
Steam Name: landon
Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
Timezone: CST
Character Name: Franklin Derricks
Rank: E-3
MOS(If applicable): Corpsmen
Backstory (Optional): An African-American male born in the year of 2486 with early dreams of becoming a doctor. He exceeded in the medical field in terms of education, but ended up straying slightly away from this doctor dream and instead opted for the UNSC's Marine Corps. He started off slow, as all new soldiers do, but slowly climbed the rank until he was ultimately transferred to the special operations component known as the ODSTs. After working with them for a couple of years, he's gained a steady rank as E-3 and the MOS of Corpsman. His personality can be summed up typically as bright and light-hearted, always ready for whatever lays ahead of him! Or is he?1649609434253.png
@Denny Accepted
@Niklas Accepted
@Kaffee Accepted as PFC / Riflemen
@Metrotider Accepted
@MAXYOURFRIEND Accepted as Riflemen
@TheMouths Accepted as PFC / Riflemen
@sleepjie Accepted
@A_Jewish_Monkey Accepted
@alessiodoomboy Accepted
@Wraygun Accepted
@cor Accepted
@Astro Accepted as PFC / Riflemen
@Official_KP Accepted
@ClapTrap Accepted
@Black Flag Accepted
@Chimeric Accepted as PFC / Riflemen
@Donavin Jones Accepted
@General Craw419 Accepted as PFC / Riflemen
@Silver Accepted
@SpringZ Accepted
@Landon Accepted as PFC
@Dej Accepted
@MikeyMoe Accepted

- Marksmen
Niklas - Marksmen

Landon - Corpsmen
Boomer- Corpsmen

Claptrap - CQC
Metroider - CQC

General Craw - Demolitions
Maxyourfriend - Demolitions
Staff - Mikey
Seargeant - Sleepjie
Corporal - Jewish Monkey
Corporal - ClapTrap
Lance - Sheepyk / Silver
Lance - General Craw

If you have questions DM Goose. I mentioned I'd be accepting throughout the application phase. However, these positions are not 100% secure yet. If someone else comes along with a better application, the players in special positions can be replaced. I will notify both parties if this occurs.

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Steam Name: Boomer

Discord Name & ID: Boomer#1453

Timezone: EST

Character Name: Eric Joshua Jones

Rank: (E-2) Hospitalman Apprentice

MOS(If applicable): Corpsman

Backstory (Optional):

Loading system file, 1453031204, Eric J. Jones


- Eric Joshua Jones​
  • Relationship(s).
    - Father: Joshua Jones (Alive)
    - Mother: Amelia Jones (Alive)
    - Sister: Jamie Jones (Alive)

    - Male
  • Age.
    - 20 Years Old
  • Date of birth.
    - March 12, 2504
  • Race.
    - Caucasian

Eric J. Jones, coming from a long lineage of United Nation Space Command Sailors had to fulfill his role in the family to become a Corpsman. Meeting up with two kids around his age, after becoming good friends they all agreed on joining the UNSC. Wanting to follow his family tradition of becoming Corpsmen rather than being a regular Infantryman, he'd aid his brothers in the field of combat and fight for peace and prosperity for humanity. At their excellent performance in regular infantry and being recommended by their Commanding Officer, they'd all agreed to attempt to join the prestigious ranks of the ODSTs. Passing ODST training by the skin of their teeth him, along with his newfound brothers would join the ranks of the Fifth MEU, Fifth Shock Battalion.​
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Steam Name: Soap
Discord Name & ID: Soap#1660
Timezone: PCT
Character Name: Christopher White
Rank: PVT
MOS(If applicable): Riflemen
Backstory (Optional):
Christopher White, Born on 2504, April 12. He grew up in impoverished community, from a young age

Chris worked with his mother in her convenient store stocking shelfs and moving crates. Chris unsatisfied
with his life, he'd searched for his fathers old ODST gearbox. He found many pictures of his fathers days in the UNSC Marine Corp.
After a 8 more years of miserable working at the store, Chris one day decided to drop everything and join the Marine Corp.

After going through his enlistment process, Chris returned home to see his mother before shipping out.
Steam Name: Darth Vader
Discord Name & ID: Darth Vader#0680
Character Name:
John Hawthorne
MOS(If applicable):
Reapplying since CPL was taken.

Steam Name: Idkanymoregaming
Discord Name & ID: 3gnomesinatrenchcoat#6740
Timezone: EST
Character Name: James "Choir" Abbott
Rank: PFC
MOS(If applicable): Corpsman
Backstory (Optional):

Steam Name:

Discord Name & ID: Mikey#3230

Timezone: PST.

Character Name: Asger Magnusson

Rank: E-6 (Staff Sergeant)

MOS(If applicable): MOS 68W. (Corpsman / Combat Medic)

Backstory (Optional):

Beginnings in Sedra.
Asger wasn't born on earth, he was born on Sedra also known as Orrichon III an outer world colony with a pretty poor economy. His 'earth' nationality is barely known by this point after so many different generations but his most apparent nationality it be some strange form of some Nordic place like Sweden, Denmark or Norway. The Colonists on Sedra believe in the Norse Religion and Asger believes in it as well. His parents are third generation Sedra colonizers and Asger is the fourth generation. His family had colonized the planet and ran a Sedran Red Fruit farm, a natural growing fruit on the planet of Sedra, Asger didn't want to live his whole lift being a farmer on Sedra, even though his parents wished for him to stay, he didn't listen and joined the Sedran Colonial Guard also known as the Sedran Marine Corps, he trained there and was stationed there as a militia man. Years later when a separatist movement became violent in Sedra, Benjamin was deployed to aid the efforts to stop this rebellion. The Rebel Movement sought to gain independence from the UEG.

Sedra Rebellion.
Real combat for the first time, no more shooting range and trainings this was the real deal. Private First Class Asger Magnusson was deployed into the thick of battle in the City of Mosli, this is where Asger gained the most valuable lessons for combat as it was very unorthodox and the training the Militia was given was fairly ineffective against the rebellion's guerilla tactics, Asger learned to adapt to situations and formulate plans around it the intel he was given, due to his combat prowess and leadership ability during the Sedran Rebellion he was promoted to Sergeant during a field promotion after losing his previous sergeant in a fire fight. Asger was also awarded the Colonial Cross award.

Sedran Rebellion 'Operation Murky Water'.

Sedran City, City Market.

Belligerents: Sedran Marine Corps against Sedran Separatists.

Commanders: Sergeant Asger against Sedran Separatists Commander Arne.

Strength: 10 Sedran Marines vs 45-50 Sedran Separatists.

Casualties and Deaths, Captures: Sedran Marines: 3 Deaths, 3 Wounded, 0 Captured.
Sedran Separatists: 29 Deaths, 5 Wounded, 10 Captured and 6 Unknown.

Outcome: Sedran Marines Victory.

In the capital city of Sedra, Sedra City. Inside of the Sedran Market district, Sedran Separatists ambushed a group of citizens and took several hostages including C. Abbas a commander apart of the Sedran Environmental Security Organization. Sedran Marines were dispatched to rescue all civilians and the V.I.P, the main objective was to rescue the hostages but a bonus was to kill the Separatist Commander Arne, a bandit and a rebel Arne was known for hijacking vehicles, killing civilians, terrorist attacks and extortion.

Asger's squad geared up and made quick and decisive plans that would ultimately win them the battle in the end. Rebels had taken defensive positions in the market place, taking cover behind buildings and market stalls, two fireteams would move in from opposite ends taking out any forward scouts, after they took out the contacts on the outskirts they would move in and clear the inside of the compound before moving towards the main building where they are storing the V.I.P, one fireteam would breach the main building while the other one extracts more civilians. After clearing the main building, they need to extract the V.I.P and get the hell out of there.

As per the plan the fireteams moved to the outskirts of the Market Place and eliminated the hostiles, they attempted to keep a low profile but a botched shot from one of the marksman's alerted the Sentries and they alerted the inner rebels. After eliminating all of the sentries the fireteams moved into the inner city. During the firefight with the Inner Market contacts, 2 Marines were wounded and one was killed, some separatists surrendered after seeing their comrades die. They diverged from the plan and assembled both Fireteams back into one main squad, the squad escorted the wounded and civilians out of the market and then moved back in towards the main building. A demolition man walked up to the door and placed charges on it, when the charges detonated it blasted the door back and then the Marines swarmed inside of the first floor, some rebels had surrendered due to the blast disorienting them, the other rebels who still tried to fight back were swiftly gunned down. The marines moved in on the second floor clearing room by room, until they finally made it to the the top floor where the V.I.P was being held. When they breached the room, instantly a grenade a thrown at the Marines, most made it out without any injuries after taking cover, but two were critically injured, one soon bled out from his injuries and the other lost the bottom half of his left leg. After stabilizing the wounded, they threw a flashbang into the room and cleared it very quickly, they bursted into the room, gunning down those who didn't surrender and shot the Separatist Commander critically in the chest. The Commander later bled out during extraction, the Marines escorted the V.I.P out of the room and signaled on their radio for a pelican pickup. The Pelican extracted the wounded and civilians and another one was called for the remaining soldiers.
For Asger's tactics, bravery and combat experience he was promoted to Staff Sergeant. He was also awarded the Soldier's medal.

UNSC Marine Corps.
After the Sedra Rebellion, Benjamin Johnstone sought for more adventure and wanted to explore life further, he enlisted in the UNSC Marine Corps after his service in the Sedra Marine Corps from his experience he was able to enlist as a Sergeant in the UNSC Marine corps still a demotion from Staff Sergeant during his time in the Sedran Marine Corps, he didn't mind though and he continued to serve. Originally he was just a rifleman and trained and honed his firearms skills during his training period but then went into a Combat Medic academy. The UNSC Marine Corps was in need of Corpsmen and Combat Medics and Benjamin went onto join the Combat Medic and Medical training academy, the UNSC Marine Corps required more medics and the course was much shorter than usual only 6 months instead of the usual 11 months after he graduated from his Medical training he was sent out to the frontlines to fight against the rebels and the Insurrection.

Oh so ironic going from fighting rebels in one place to another, Asger had attended a tryout shortly after his Corpsmen training for the UNSC Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance, during his deployment on the planet of Reach during the insurrection period Asger was aiding the MFR perform reconnaissance missions to gain intel on locations of Separatist supply locations and hideouts, during one mission the MFR Squad of Asger we're ambushed in a small open plains location by a small group of insurgents, the squad was unprepared for the attack and was relatively small with only about 8 members, several went M.I.A during this ambush but 5 others managed to escape including Asger, later on while returning to base while awaiting a Pelican to pick them up they were ambushed again but by the local wildlife of a Gúta, the Gúta injured Asger after pouncing on him, fortunately Asger's remaining squad members were able to kill the Gúta and save him. The Pelican arrived shortly after and medically evac'ed him and his squad. More MFR we're sent back to the location of the ambush and the M.I.A MFR squad members we're missing, the location of their bodies are unknown. Asger was admitted to a field hospital for a small amount of time. For his injury during combat he was awarded the Purple Hearth medal.

Beginnings in ODST.
After being discharged from the hospital, Asger had gained quite a bit of experience from his Service in the UNSC Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance and then went on to volunteered and joined the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and attended his training ODST Headquarters located in the Martian City of Kenosha in Tanais. Before he could fully become a member of the ODST force, he had to complete his training, he underwent the full course, no skipping or fast tracking here and passed all training and did his first Shock Drop. Now a Helljumper he was ready for his first assignment as an ODST.

Insurrection Part 2.
The first thing you do when you get out that pod is stick your gun up and get your ass into the field, there is no time to waste when your dropped behind or straight into enemy lines and everyone of those bastards want to kill you. Asger's first deployment as an ODST soldier was an ambush on rebels in an outer world colony. Asger led a squad of 12 men during this battle, they dropped behind enemy lines along with the rest of the platoon and caught a group of insurrectionists off guard. They flanked the rebels as UNSC marines assaulted the rebels from the front, the ODST's were able to flank successfully and capture the Rebel cell leader in this region. For his efforts and leading capabilities in this battle Asger was promoted to Staff Sergeant.

Asger Magnusson

Asger stands around 5'11 with dark brown hair and blue eyes, his cheek has a deep scar across it and he has a quite muscular build. Asger knows the local Sedran language and English. He keeps his duty in the ODST professional and tries to work towards a common goal of winning. He cares for his squad members but knows that this field of duty is dangerous and he attempts to keep personal relations to a minimum. At the end of the day, he is fighting in a war not working at a farm.
Steam Name: Mr_Cookie13
Discord Name & ID: Mr_Cookie13#9722
Timezone: GMT+1
Character Name: William. Richard Konig
Rank: PFC
MOS(If applicable): Rifleman
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6’4’’
Backstory (Optional): Inner Colony soldier born on Harvest.

Ignore the Spnkr
Steam Name: Fiery
Discord Name & ID:
Character Name:
Edmond Willis
Preferably PVT, but I am also fine with PFC.
MOS(If applicable):
Preferably CQC, but I am fine with just being a basic rifleman.
Steam Name: [Varangian]Blitz [U.M.P]
Discord Name & ID: Blitz#6813
Timezone: CEST / UTC+2
Character Name: Hyun-Soo Cho
Rank: Private or Private First Class
MOS(If applicable): Close Quarters Combat, Marksman or Rifleman

hopefully not too late 😅
Steam Name: Billy.Amman

Discord Name & ID: Parker.??#7119

Timezone: CDT//UTC-5

Character Name: Jones 'Jerry' Mullins

Rank: PFC (E-2)

MOS(If applicable): Riflemen

Backstory: Jones is a younger man, even for the ODSTs. He was only born in 2504 and currently is as close to green-as-grass as you can get in his field, but that is not to say Jerry just a meat shield. His career started off of course when he joined the UNSC Marines as soon as he become of enlisting age, both to have the government provide possible financial assistance to his family and to keep on a family tradition. Hey, what is funny is that by 'Marines' I meant as a cook, Jerry was given the role of a field cook. Lucky him. This position wouldn't stick long though, within half a year of being stationed on some backwater planet watching for a supposed pocket of insurgents the encampment he was at was raided. I'll go into more detail when I revise this app, but what is important is that Jones beat some unsuspecting Innie to death with a ladle after he fired into his occupied soup kitchen. From there he spiraled into not so food relating roles, he demands blood over beets now.

Oh yeah, somewhere along the way his cautious-yet-bold tactics (maybe that is the wrong word) in combat got the attention of one of his superiors. How? Don't ask me, but that with a bit of luck ended him up in the Fifth Shock Trooper battalion's first platoon.

Heyy so this definitely isn't late right? Right