Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

Operation BLACKOUT Sign-Ups


British Swan
Staff Member
Server Council
Galunga Prince
Content Creator
Creative Team
Hello there everyone. It has been quite a while since anyone saw me posting in this part of the forums since The Long Haul. But now I am back again to offer new character signup for anyone willing to partake in the event as either OSF, OTA or Rebel. There will be other roles to play as well like event characters. This is my first significant PvP event in quite a long while as the last ones I ran or helped handle was pretty much back in the oldie days of Willard.

Please read this storyline notice before applying.
The year is current day 2018, November the 5th into the early hours of the night... the OSF and OTA have both been called into OCIN Secondary Hub located on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan. For a while... such a facility was in good hands, but as of the last few months without any form of notice or explanation, the Hub began malfunctioning. While the large majority of the Eastern hemisphere did not know this was going on, local Resistance fighters came in contact with a group of unknown origin and size, telling them about the malfunction and the sudden security vulnerabilities of the now isolated Hub. Within just a few weeks of being informed, many began hammering away at the Hub and its garrison.

At long last, however, the OSF and OTA from the Western side have been called in to investigate the situation and bring OCIN back online to prevent the complete loss of intelligence and radio communications. Though as one may guess... they have no clue what they are walking into.

OOC note: To make the above clear, OSF and OTA will be going in without any IC intel or information on what is happening at this Hub. All they know is they have been sent in, and the hub is malfunctioning. Resistance will, of course, know far more than this.

[Slots 32/60 taken]
5 GMs

(@Imperator RAD-X)

13 OTA Members
9 OSF Members
3 Resistance folk
2 Event Characters

23/27 Combine Members
4/27 Resistance Members

5th, November 2022
(Saturday) - Potentially 2-day event going into the 6th (Sunday)
Start Time: 8:00pm BST
Character signups are now going to be in process for Blackout. Here on this thread is the location where you can apply to take part by commenting with the following criteria wanted below. Due to the circumstances of potentially limited slots on the server (up to 60), we ask that you put effort into your entries if you wish to have a reserved slot on the server.

Remember that applying for an event character will be setting you in a preordained position and /may/ slightly limit your autonomy as you are counted as someone required to ensure the success of the event. Only apply for an event character if you truly wish to do.

Here is the following information on event characters that will be taking part in the event. If you are applying for an event character, there is a wide selection of choice.


Story-based Event Character
  • Corrupted OCIN AI [Player]: @Craw
  • The Corrupted OCIN AI of the HUB working against everyone, taunting them, giving away locations and generally being a nuisance to all parties involved. Quite a relaxed and fun role, especially if you like trolling. Your role is basically to be as big of an annoying problem for both sides until you finally get shutdown... if either side chooses to do so.

Lone Civil Protection Unit [Player]: ???

A lonely member of the Civil Protection forced to hide and fight alone within the structure of the Hub. Their suit is beaten up beyond repair, but the person inside still stands strong, using every ounce of willpower to survive and hope for rescue.


Pre-Existing Characters (You cannot apply for these!):

The Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA whitelist required)

The Overwatch Transhuman Arm has been sent in from Sector 10 to deal with the threat and investigate alongside the OSF. They need not apply here

Overwatch Standard Forces (OSF whitelist required)

The Overwatch Standard Forces make up most of the Combine Military on Earth and are now sent in from a few sectors to join the OTA in investigations. Please apply below stating your discord name, OSF name & rank + CID.


Standard Event Characters For Applying:
Resistance Soldiers

The Resistance fighting at the Hub alongside their fellow Vortigaunt friends and those they simply know as the Watchers. They have been fighting for a few days now, breaking past the defences of the Hub piece by piece. Dismantling the garrison slowly and surely. They will fight until the last man knows this one OCIN Hub will be a big win across the world.

They are all armed with a variety of weapons and T1-T2 Armor


The Vorts have decided to join into the battle alongside their kin and members of the Resistance. They call upon the local tribes to help assist in wiping out this one Hub once and for all.

SENTINEL (1/1) [Any]: @Landon

The Sentinel is almost robotic-like in nature and acts as the leader of the Watchers. Developed and created by an unknown organisation, it is known for its tactical planning and quick thinking in any scenario. It seems to be the only one who knows why this OCIN Hub is so important. (Despite the robotic likeness, the person inside is still human, just genetically modified in nature)

WATCHERS (0/4) [Any]: ???

Watchers fight alongside the Sentinel with extremely heavy weaponry consisting of 3 VOLK'd LMGs and 1 Gauss Rifle. They speak in a rather... artificial human tone with their masks acting similar to vocoders of the Combine. Most of what they say is unintelligible, and only the Sentinel acts as their translator and leader.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?:
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Oh and before anyone asks... yes, I have checked the balance and do not worry. It is well balanced for both sides. No favouritism between parties in this event Jimbo. HP, Armor, Damage output, etc are all in safe hands.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Eski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107993579
  • *Discord Name & ID: Eski#6152
  • *Timezone: BST+2
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Story-based event character (Sorry if I understood this wrong.)
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Corrupt OCIN AI
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: AI Node
  • *Brief summary of the character: A bugged, corrupted AI Node within the Hub. It's functions are severely mixed and it sees anything that moves as a hostile.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I haven't been in a PVP event before, and not only do I want to see how they are, I want to play a role. I can't exactly be a GM that sets up random encounters, but this character (or role?) would allow me freedom and just to see what people do n' mess with them! All in good faith, just here to do "a little bit of trolling"
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
  • After the (un)fortunate fate of the Hub, the AI Node inside did not get shut down. Instead it's core functions and the coding itself got scrambled around to create a mess of a central Node. The system now responsible for many functions within the Hub had become more of a problem than a help for the Combine units staying there, as for the rebel group deciding to raid the Hub... well, they would soon to come find out that it didn't mean they'd be safe from it either.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a very laid back type of guy that just enjoys creating things and distracting myself with fun activities. I like to play characters that are less on serious side. This doesn't mean that I'm a minge, I just enjoy a bit of goof every once in a while.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Can't say I am.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I have plenty of good friends here, I love you all!
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: Still has to be Xen and it's grotesque creatures and lifeforms. Alot of horror and spooky stuff can emerge if an event has a Xen theme and is executed right!
---Out Of Character Information----
Steam Name: Anilife
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:468510009
  • Discord Name & ID: I don't use discord
  • Timezone: EST
  • Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Overwatch Standard Forces
  • The character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Overwatch Standard Forces
----Character Information----
  • *Character Name: Niccolo Casamara
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • - 1984 - Brainwashed cannon fodder who fell victim to the youth camps of the combine. Not aware of the good past of humanity, and only the brutal fight of mindless terrorist rebels.
Currently, assuming he's not on his way to this operation, he is a pseudo Futurist in the party who infiltrated and moved through the political party-faction to inquire and investigate possible crimes, or any things thought to harm the likeness of the, Universal Union.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I- Been interested in characters, during events like these, who show remorse in ways that are abnormal. In this case, a person who is actively betraying their kind and completely unaware of why they're doing it. Willing to see, if the character would switch sides if properly educated/or exposed to the combine's true wrongdoing.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
- Your char name: Artyom Kotov
- Your CID: 89746
- Your Rank: Recruit
- Your Discord name & ID: DoodleDude#0903
Changed to Operation Blackout due to confusion that many believed this was restricted to OSF and OTA only. This is for everyone as per the available event roles.
I will consider you for the role. Just going to wait til closer to the date to see if we get anyone applying for the same roles.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: M3ntal​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871​
  • *Discord Name & ID: shroom#4176​
  • *Timezone: EEST​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y​
  • Which part are you applying for? : Standard event application​
  • Character that you are applying for: Vortigaunt​
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Drae'stuu​
  • *Brief summary of the character: A silent, stoic and tribeless warrior aligning themselves with the resistance with the goal of avenging the death of their tribe at the hands of an Overwatch death squad. He seeks to reconvene with what remains of his kin in the current lands, and form a tribe anew, to be stronger than the last.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: With the present opportunities, I've decided I want to gather as much experience for playing vortigaunt as I can, and I see these events as simple ways to gain a lot of different perspectives on how to play these characters.​
  • Full Backstory :


    AGE : 900

    The one of steel will. The one of titanium resolve. The one who fights for the kin, and the human allies. To be born anew, to find unity once more.



    The tale of Drae'stuu begins with the dunes of the Duvan'Merda region. The dry and rocky soils, the more strained conditions of survival began the forging of Drae'stuu as a warrior soul long, long ago. To learn how to tread the dry lands, to learn how to survive on little and how to preserve it began the process of fine-tuning his resolve. The first stepping stone of a warrior. His ventures in hunting parties are rarely spoken of, because the warrior himself speaks very, very little. He holds little interest in expressing himself in words, even in the vortal tongue, though when he does speak, he only speaks when he feels it is truly needed, where his actions may not prove to be enough. Nevertheless, the story continues.

    From the dry dunes to the open plains, Drae'stuu's journey continues towards the greener pastures. The Ralschek'Va plains, and the Ooz'Merian realm. This is where he honed his skill as a hunter. With the plentiful populations of fauna, though with moderation, Drae'stuu joined in many hunting party to both forge his skill with his spear, and to deepen his submersion into the vortessence for the next required step, however it shall be expanded upon later. Countless hunts, delves into antlion hives in search of extract, hunting parties to hunt down the mightiest beasts that would walk the soils, this not only further improved upon Drae'stuu's resolve, but forged his body, and his will. He was evolving faster than he himself could comprehend, but what he knew was that merely bettering one's body was not sufficient. So to truly finalize his evolution, he sought out the artisans of all lands. The Rapids, the dunes, the great woods. All whom he could speak to, he spoke to.

    Such was his final step. The Es'Penoid rapids. From his kin he had heard that many artisans had resided there. So to truly become the perfect warrior in his own image, he sought to study under their guidance. To say he was a perfect student was to be deceptive, but he was the most motivated of them all, if not for the wrong reasons. But an enlightened warrior is a dangerous warrior, and through their tutelage, he achieved deep submersion in the vortessence. Though not comparable to the elder and sagely ones of his kind, he mastered what was necessary, and had finalized his own creation. Drae'stuu was truly born.


    However, even with all his work to better himself, one factor was unavoidable. The subjugation of vortikind. Though the Grand Elders had foreseen a great threat fast approaching, they were taken by surprise regardless. Something had happened. An enemy of old had arrived, and had sought to assert themselves where they did not belong. This was HIS and his kind's sanctuary. How dare they besmirch it? So he fought. He fought, and he fought. But it was for naught, for this enemy was more than they could take on. And despite it hurting his pride as a warrior greatly, he joined his kind in retreat, after the grand slaughter that had occurred of their kind. They all made the great, and blind leap forwards to greener pastures. Though, as it seems, the pastures turned out to be not so green, after all...

    Xen. The world between. As they set foot upon this alien world, they felt something within. A presence. One of great power, even in comparison to vortikind. The Nihilanth. What he would know as the Subjugator. Before long, all of vortikind found themselves shackled. Locked in chains and collars, they were nothing more than workforce. He felt great anger, he wanted to strike, to lash out, but tragedy had brought wisdom and patience to Drae'stuu. And so he would wait. Even as his body endured centuries of labor, he waited. Patient, as he was, he sought reward for his waiting. For the Subjugator was temporary, felled by a being unknown to him initially. But he cared little for it. The unity and wellbeing of his kin is all that concerns him. Through a blinding flash, all were taken. Willingly, or unwillingly. And as the dust settled, both him and his kind found themselves amongst foreign soils.

    Reminiscent of their world, yet...not quite, the vortigaunts now find themselves free.


    The portal storms. Or what he would come to know as the Al'viir Rhuum (Deathly Winds), would plague the lands they walked. Though thanks to them, the foreign ground became not so foreign. Remnants of the borderworld were brought over to this land, and melded itself into it's flesh. It became a beautiful abomination, one which provided comfort to both him and some of his kin, because it brought reminders of what their world once was, even if it felt more like an invasive disease than a blessing to those whom he would soon meet. The humans. The untethered. Frail as they were, prone to violence as they were, they helped him. And he helped them. It is the warrior's code. Honor is not to be underestimated.

    Through the cooperation of two doomed species, something was forged. Drae'stuu, in return for the aid of the humans, began to educate his vortal kin in the ways of the warrior. Those whom were already of the warrior blood, found themselves even more skillful then before. Those leaning to artisanry found themselves taught to be field healers, weavers of armor and forgers of weapons for the warriors. Yet, one thing had unfortunately escaped Drae'stuu's wisdom. The enslavers. If vortikind found an opening to escape through, surely, the Ulathoi would, as well. And such, like prophecy, occurred.

    Their tide was fierce and unrelenting, like a storm of wraiths, reaving all souls found beneath their sight. Drae'stuu felt as though he owed the humans for their aid, and so him and his kin came to the battle. Though they repelled the tide of death that followed, at least to ensure a brief respite, many, if not most of his kin fell in the attack. The humans did not survive. Sorrow filled his heart, for he had felt that he failed in his duty...but he soldiered on. With the remaining of the kin, they had secured themselves within nearby mining tunnels, and there, they began life anew. Hunting passing by small game, like headcrabs, to sustain themselves.

    Through his resolve to locate hope, he had found it. Some humans, who labeled themselves with a strange symbol, offered him and his kind refuge. His memories of his failure drove him to seek to protect these humans, fight with them, to likewise protect his kin. An emissary of the Ulathoi slain is a kin saved. And such, is his new purpose.

    (SOME NOTES : For this event, I would like my vortessence skill to be boosted, and I would like to take the following skills : Major Vortibolt, Enhanced vortikinesis.)

--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Story-based Event Character
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Corrupted OCIN AI
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: OCIN AI (may be changed or something, idk)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A simple OCIN AI that's on the border of former China. It's responsible for most communications around the globe and provides multiple data for the combine in the regions it is in. The AI was pretty self-sufficient until someone or something deliberately sabotaged it..

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Legal minging is funny, and I'm not necessarily good at PVP combat, so I figured legally trolling without being banned totally fits me as I am specialised in trolling. Also, I like playing as a malfunctioning villain since the idea of messing around with combine and the rebels is a pretty cool idea and I think it directly changes the course of the event.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Ever since the unexpected malfunction and anti-citizens attacking the hub.. the AI wasn't really permanently shut down, but instead is still active with it's remaining systems and generators. The AI doesn't know itself why it is malfunctioning as it spews out garbled stuff and intends on messing everyone's plans as it spews out random locations of enemies. As for global communications, it seems that it spews out nonsensical stuff all around the globe and random locations of empty locations, wasting the Combine's time. The anti-citizens must have surely damaged it hard enough.
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Standard Event Character
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Sentinel
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: SENTINEL-384
  • *Brief summary of the character: A man stripped of a large portion of his humanity, turned into a hyper-intelligent genetically modified freak.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I like the premise of the operation, and the idea of this character.


    Yijung Huang was a delinquent born in the city of Shanghai, China. He always got into trouble and was constantly compared to his much more successful brother, Yahui. As he grew up, this contrast began to plant the seeds for deep-rooted hatred for his family, and more specifically his brother. This hatred had begun to make Yijung change his ways, as he attempted to one-up his brother in even the most menial of tasks and accomplishments. On the bright side, this began to make him into a much better person, getting his grades up and skipping school much less often.​
  • However, though, his parents saw none of that. They continued to only point out the bad within the boy and continued to praise Yahui for his job well done's. Not long after, the Resonance Cascade divided their family even more, and then later the Combine came. Yijung was sent away to City 51, as his brother had been transported to the much-farther City-3. While many people would be happy that their greatest adversary was sent away from them, Yijung had felt the entire opposite.​
  • He needed to be with his brother, so he could show him once and for all that he was always the better one. He spent most of his life obsessing over this, scrambling to find any little information from anyone about his current living conditions. Eventually, though, after years of detective work-- he had found out through strings of citizens recently relocated from there, small tidbits of information about Yahui. One, which caught Yijung's eye, was the mentioning of his aspirations to become a part of the Transhuman Arm. Finally, something Yijung could cling to.​
  • However... how could he best him upon this? Yijung was sent back into his hopeless self, as he wallowed for years-- constantly pondering this question. In the meantime, he had decided to turn to a life of crime due to rising tensions within City 51, a stark contrast to Yahui's allegiance to the Combine. He had no need to continue acting nice, as his parents were surely deceased-- or whisked away to a far-off city. He grew in the level of criminal activities and eventually drifted around and around from different Resistance groups.​
  • Until, one day, he encountered a mysterious organization-- their history shrouded, and their goals unclear. He decided to tag along with them, as he slowly formed a much closer bond. He had stayed with them longer than he had any other group, and eventually was asked about a specific... 'program', one could say... one which could give Yijung exactly what he needed. In his last moments of normality, as they prepped for the process to mangle and convert his body into their own, genetically-modified image... he gave a glimpse of thought, that maybe... just maybe, he had focused on his brother too much. It was too late, however, and the deeds were done.​
  • Now, SENTINEL-384 skulks about, a shell of what was his former self. All in the aspirations of conquering his brother.​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Steam ID: (I can never find it 💀 )
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Standard Event Character
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Vortigaunt
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Slun'Ti Akun
    *Character Age: 518
  • *Brief summary of the character: A large 7'8 Brown Vortigaunt with red eyes, it holds the Antlion Guard armor and stands proudly.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I love the concept of being a Vortigaunt, and I think rping as a Free vort here would be a generally fun experience, considering I played one near the end of the first OSF opp.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
    Slun'Ti Akun, a Vortigaunt from the region of Xen, a slave among the thousands that served the Nihilanth. Working hours on end, not doing much in its time on Xen, talking with some of its Kin, but rarely doing so due to its Hulkabin Counterparts keeping them in line.

    Slun'Ti wanted nothing more, but freedom.. Freedom.. He would get, but at a price.

  • The Arrival of earth was the same for most of its kin, for the first year it was controlled by the Nihilanth, but after a while they began to realize they were free. Slun'Ti lived in a small cave, making its own hunting headcrabs.. Living in solitude for a long time.. Meeting humans along the way, helping them on their adventures through the land.. The combine invasion was terrifying for everyone, however.. Slun'Ti Akun hid in his cave.. And avoided the combine presence.. One of few Vortigaunts to have never been touched by the Combine.. But Slun'Ti knew that many of his Kin have been taken.. And plans to undo that.

    Slun'Ti Akun began to slay any hint of anything owned by the Combine, or the 'Ulathoi'. Gaining a large amount of respect by a group of humans, in the Kyrgyzstan region, offering Slun'Ti Akun protection, and safety. Slun'Ti Akun took the offer..

    This is Slun'Ti Akun's story

    (Extra Note : Like M3ntal said, I'd like a boost of my vortessence skill and a Major vortibolt and Vortishield, if applicable)
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Astro
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86837969
*Discord Name & ID: Astro | Astro#2165
*Timezone: GMT-5 (CST/CDT)

--- Section Two ---

*Are you applying for an event character?: Yes!
Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
I’m applying for a Story-based Event Character!
Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
I wouldn’t classify the AI to be a specific character persay. But, if it is, the malfunctioning OCIN AI.

--- Section Three ---

*Character Name:

*Brief summary of the character:
The OCIN AI is a simple detachment of the Combine. It and the hub are used for communications all across the globe, and destroying or deactivating it often throws wrenches into the plans of the Combine. This one is located on the border of China just upstream of the Hotan River, involved in regular data transfers and as a secondary priority, controlling the water running through the Panama canal.

However, as of recently, a particular AI housed in this hub seems to be malfunctioning. It proves itself detrimental to both Combine Forces and Resistance fighters. Its defenses are lowered, vulnerable, and scrambled.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I personally want to play this character so I can provide an overarching threatening atmosphere for both parties. Give the sense that really, neither side is safe in this conflict and that it could go either way. I’ve personally always enjoyed playing antagonists and seeing the reaction people have to these characters or events. Really give them that “Oh shit, something isn’t right” feeling.

On top of this, I just want to give a break from the mundane City RP that only occasionally is broken up by small events or other players in whichever way I can, this being a perfect opportunity to do so. Perhaps for my own selfish reasons, I like poking fun at people, it’s in the very fiber of my being and this role seems like a good way to have a bit of my own fun in a sense.

Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
This OCIN Hub is just on the border of China, just upstream of the Hotan River. Since its inception, it has done anything and everything it has been tasked to do without question. Everything worked like clockwork, and everything was fine. The AI worked as intended, creating directives that benefited the Combine and passing data through without issue.

That was until suddenly something went awry. It began displaying many various malfunctions that created many holes in its security. These malfunctions also had corrupted or scrambled data being passed through this hub, creating an amalgamation of obvious communication issues. Directives and assignments created by the AI became nonsensical. Any pre-existing frequencies of those nearby or in the region may have also had their transmissions garbled because of the scrambled operations of the Hub and the newfound malicious nature of the AI stored within the data center.
With the obvious opportunity, many of those who seek to harm the Combine have taken drastic measures to slice layer after layer of the Hub’s security and garrison, damaging its defenses ever so slightly.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself: I’ve been passionate about writing and the arts for just about my entire life! I just enjoy making something out of nothing.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not new, actually joined around late November. Only recently have I been fully dedicated to the community.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am! I'm close with Nesh, Madpro, and Xtra, as we've both come from the same server. I know Willum from another server as well.
What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: I like the dark and gritty nature of it, the dystopian features of it being the final things to rope me in. Just clicks in my mind.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Bisnatch
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78147122
  • *Discord Name & ID: Landsknecht#0155
  • *Timezone: GMT +2
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Gur'Jal

  • *Brief summary of the character: Gur'Jal is a youngling that has never suffered under the combine, unlike some of his kin. He's skittish and unpredictable for the most part, choosing to avoid engagements with bigger prey or larger groups. When it comes to vortal manipulation he's inexperienced, the energies sometimes proving to be very hard to wield for him.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It'd be very interesting for Gur'Jal to make contact with other members of his kin, as on the server it can be very difficult to meet free vortigaunts. Simply put, I want to develop the character alongside other members of the faction and at the same time work on the quality of my roleplay as a free vortigaunt.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):

  • Chapter 1 - Xen.png

    The spawning of a youngling, a moment to rejoice. Perhaps a millennia ago, before the vortigaunts were driven away from the Alverda'Ridien System by the combine. Now, unwilling residents of Xen, the vortigaunts were dominated by the likes of the Hulkabin, beaten and starved for they were nothing but a tool to further the lesser master's plans.

    A youngling came to be three centuries before the defeat of the Nihilanth by the hand of a mysterious human. Its name was Gur'Jal, one of many to be born into servitude. His earliest memories were those of torture and pain, toiling away in cramped factories that served to manufacture and equip the dreaded Hulkabin, titans of creation, unnatural beasts that knew only to harm those beneath them. Though Gur'Jal was a victim of those monstrosities, he never resented them, for he knew they were victims, twisted constructs of war and domination.

    Regrettably, he never had the privilege to see his clan in its prime, never experiencing the thrill of the hunt, unlike others. He had become accustomed to the taste of those four-legged parasites, omnivorous crab-like beings which were plentiful. During brief moments of respite, where he'd have time to collect food for his kin, he felt a sense of freedom. Walking the wasteland that is Xen, Gur'Jal felt mesmerized by the beauty of the void, for he knew somewhere in the distance was a distant realm his kin could once more call home, however difficult that may be.

    On a day like any other, a fissure in spacetime opened. The lesser master's plan changed, he had decided to keep it open indefinitely, perhaps to save his skin by putting distance between himself and those who had brought Gur'Jal's tribe to Xen. Indiscriminately many of his kin were then sent away to meet their demise, portals pulling them one by one to a distant land unlike any other. Feelings of despair washed over Gur'Jal as a disturbance was felt deep within. His kin were being slaughtered somewhere far away, though not for long, as the Nihilanth's time was running out.

    Though the master didn't go down quietly, his pained screams echoed through the cosmos, opening rifts to other realms. With a magnificent flash of pure energy, his island turned to rubble. Gur'Jal felt true freedom for the first time in centuries, his senses sharpened, and the brain fog finally cleared. At last, he felt at peace. Ridding himself of the shackles that were now simply weighing him down, he sought to reunite with his tribe.


    Gur'Jal managed to escape the clutches of the border world, a portal sucking him and transporting him to a land of green, with endless plains and trees that reached up to the skies. He sat on the grass, feasting his eyes on the landscape’s colors. This moment of tranquility was brief, for a blue wave suddenly passed through him, making several trees fall in proximity as the ground beneath him rumbled. It was a portal storm, raging on far into the distance. Taking one last look around him, the youngling stood up and walked into the forest, alone.

    As the months passed, the vortigaunt's diet changed drastically. In the beginning, there were still remnants of the local flora and fauna - edible berries, squirrels, small birds, and even some mushrooms. Though as the portal storms became severe, many of the native species had already gone extinct. Which by itself wasn't a problem, since the storms brought other creatures for him to feast on, be it parasites or leeches. Unfortunately, stronger beasts were also transported, for a single youngling against a bull squid or a pack of antlions would've meant certain death. He was still weak, having no one to guide him, all he had known up to that point was the master and his relentless cruelty.

    The youngling was lost in a realm he wasn't familiar with, hiding out in caves and sleeping on top of trees. As winter crept closer and the December fog poisoned the air with its cold fangs, Gur'Jal felt as if he had overstayed his welcome. He had seen visions of distant lands; warm, tropical, easy on the eye. One morning he woke up, determined to travel South, knowing that if he were to keep walking in that direction he'd meet up with his kin. He traveled for several days and nights, sleeping wherever felt safe. The nights became cold, the strong winds cutting through him like a blade. The rivers froze up, so fishing was out of the question. His food was running out very fast.

    On one particularly cold day, Gur'Jal spotted something in the distance. It was a small village, abandoned and forgotten. Walking through it, he felt uneasy, with charred corpses of elderly men and women littering the paved roads. And even though he didn't know those people, he felt saddened by the senseless slaughter that had taken place days before his arrival. Humanity feared him for invading their lands, they were in their right to fight back, he thought. Following a path through the small settlement, it led to an old highway, a layer of undisturbed snow covered the asphalt, indicating that no one had passed by recently. He went down the road, following a convoy of vehicles he hadn't seen before. Most were missing parts, others damaged beyond repair. It wasn't recent, so he simply ignored it.

    After several days of walking, he was almost apprehended near the outskirts of a large city. Severely malnourished and weak, those responsible for the slaughter of the villagers would go unpunished. Previously he had felt a new threat emerging through the portal storms, though his worsening condition and inexperience made him ignore the warnings of his kin. Several beings clad in armor marched along the highway in search of strays, be they human or alien. Resistance was futile, they were clearly on the hunt, their weapons held at the ready. Fearing that he may be seen by the warriors, he crawled into the carriage of a large truck. Perhaps if he had reached his kin earlier this situation wouldn’t have happened, he thought. He was too slow, and indecisive.


    As the time painfully ticked away, the jackboots completely faded into the distance. What a relief, Gur’Jal thought. Realizing he was laying on top of a worn-out tarp, he got the bright idea to take it with him. The shape of a vortigaunt’s body was easy to spot, their skin and eyes, while providing them with decent camouflage, would still stand out. Perchance if he were to wrap his body with the gray tarp he’d blend in better on the highway, and he wasn’t about to retreat into the woods, it’d be certain death. He felt the presence of his kin within the large city, for if he were to slip inside this stronghold, he'd be destined to meet his brothers once more. That thought alone was more powerful than the hunger he felt, it gave him purpose.

    With the tarp wrapped around him, he set off toward the city, keeping a low profile as he crawled along the endless line of cars. He didn’t want to be captured, for to be a husk was a punishment worse than death. Many of his kin had already been subjected to this barbaric practice, sickening. An hour of crawling managed to damage his knees and palms, the low drag across the asphalt proving to be far more difficult than expected. The large gate of this complex was now in full view, made of interlinked black sheets of an unknown alloy. Contemplating how he could safely enter; he began to scan the surrounding area for any holes or openings. Of course, the wall was clearly foolproof. If he were to approach it, he’d be captured in seconds. As he sat there, rubbing at the top of his head, he suddenly sensed something screech nearby. Turning his head in response to the shriek, he had found his way in. Ten steps away from him was an open manhole, a single parasite attempting to crawl out of it.

    Starved and determined to get inside, Gur’Jal leaped on top of the crab and savagely ripped it apart with his sharp claws, tearing its hind legs apart and eating the raw flesh, fat, and sinew. It was all over in a few moments, only skin, claws, and bones left behind. Satisfied with the small meal, the youngling dropped down the pipe and landed hooves first into a puddle of urine and fecal matter. It was a long underground system of pipes, both small and large. On the cement walls, he could see an infestation taking over, light stalks, and fungus growing out of the cracks in the floor. He felt at home, for Xen was where he spent his entire life. He didn’t know exactly where he was, though the wall had something spray-painted on it, it read: “Dear Dr. Breen, City 24 is a shithole. Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.”

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a recent member of the vortigaunt faction, but so far It's been a blast playing as one. I enjoy a good event, and this one seems to be reminiscent of the Alsaka event, and some of the Short Stories events from the past year.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been in this community since the first short story events were still being worked on. Last year I was a GM for the server but stepped down due to health complications and university. Recently I decided to return and the server has changed drastically from what I can see.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Rad-X, I've known him since I joined Willard Networks. He's probably one of the only people from the old staff team that's still here and remembers me. As I said above, a lot of the old staff team has been swapped out for new faces. Other than him, there's a handful of staff members and players I know from both Lemon Punch and Nebulous.

  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: Vortigaunts and Civil Protection. The struggle of the rebellion is fun and all, but I think I've spent enough time playing a lolweebul over the last few years.