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operation exodus transparent.png


The Nile feeds Egypt. So when there's a shipment missing, or when a figure is not marked down - Overwatch is aware. The Nile-River Agricultural Union runs the plantations along the Nile. Although it wasn't always a union. In fact it was just another detachment of hungry laborers from City 40, Cairo. An abundance of funding and a few bribes have snowballed it into a sizable militia in the one place where the Administrator just isn't comfortable with. This has resulted in a series of ignored demands from City 40, and a chain of missing food shipments from the Nile. A "delegation" accompanied by the esteemed Metropolitan Desert Force has been sent to resolve the dispute.




NRAU Logo.png
The Nile-River Agricultural Union; originally a conscripted labour force from City 40, Cairo - manages the barley fields along the River-Nile. Due to the importance of the food supply in Egypt, many resources have been sent to these plantations from the administration in order to ensure the stream of food is not interrupted. Unfortunately for the Administrator, these workers have secured themselves in the desert as a ruthless power in their own right - and have begun to challenge the demands of City 40.

Ran by the ambitious and deceitful “Moses”, a wealthy Egyptian man and former agricultural monopolist. He is known to possess various connections to resistance cells around North Africa and the Middle East. Although, he is not entirely hostile to the City 40 Administration. Because of this stance, he is determined to “negotiate” with the Administration and strike a deal that will further benefit himself - and the NRAU.


(مدينة 40)

city 40 logo.png
The City 40 Administration, otherwise known as the “Cairo Administration”, are known for their almost monarchist aesthetic and overzealous dedication to ceremony in the name of the Combine. Their material greed has made themselves an attractive power in North Africa, at the cost of the wellbeing of the citizens living in City 40. Their agents are known to be charismatic and decisive, and well-capable of persuasion when need be.




Not to be confused with the urban CP’s of City 40 - the Metropolitan Desert Force is a collection of hand-picked officers best suited to the strenuous environment of the desert. Known for their night-raids on rebel hideouts, the MDF answer resistance with swift justice in the name of their benefactors


This short story will present a tale of political dispute, moral questions, violence, and control of an ever-changing desert landscape. A skirmish seems inevitable between the NRAU and the MDF, but there is always another game being played in the shadows. The MDF has been sent to accompany and protect a pair of statesmen, and also occupy the agricultural plant during work hours, in an effort to uncover the source of the NRAU’s disobedience to the Administration. Meanwhile, both major factions attempt to sabotage each other's resources at night before a deal is made in order to gain leverage over the other.


Moses [1/1] - Self-assigned CEO of the Nile-River Agricultural Union. Keen on hearing what these so-called “delegates” have to say. He sits comfortably, overseeing the desert, and will drag the whole of Egypt down with him if his position is threatened. Has access to various supplies from his “clients”.


NRAU Supervisor [2/2] - Personal assistants to Moses, and managers of human resources and the production of barley.

@General Craw419 (Abasi Abanoub)
@TheMouths (Jackson Wells)

NRAU Worker [6/6] - A worker, although “soldier” may be a better title. Each one is well-equipped, and are tasked with the upkeep and harvest of the barley crop.

@HanSolo1519 (Jaramogi Otiende)
@Appi (Gahiji Fakhri)
@Cloudbucket (Saadah Mostafa)
@Petski (Olanja Ghab)
@Fiery (Bahadur Ali)
@chlorophil (Sarikh Gibran)

Vortigaunt Caravan [3/3] - Former City 40 biotics, now rogue merchants who travel and thrive in the desert. Their allegiances are shrouded in mystery.

@Raptorian (Tah'Xie'Shoa, or "Shu")
@crustytoes640 (Zaargh'cha, or "Monthu")
@Trap (Ta'Archon or "Pete")

City 40 Delegate [2/2] - Representatives and agents of the City 40 Administration, tasked with striking a deal with the NRAU in an effort to resume the supply of food. These two have access to the resources of the Combine, and may use them to assist with their objective.

@Stationrush (Kaeden Hosseini)
@Fedora (Ayah Harb)

MDF Commanding Officer [1/1] - Tasked with the defense of the delegates, and the wellbeing of his men in the desert.

@Hiros (Konstantin Chayka)

MDF Rank Leader [2/2] - Take orders from your CO and lead the MDF into the desert.

@Mist (Jonathan Carter)
@Хеликс (Khalil Moreau)

MDF Unit [6/6] - A hand-picked CP from City 40. You are more than suited to the climate of the desert, and are trained in efficient hit and run attacks of rebel hideouts at night.

@Steffan (Dakari Sadik)
@coffee (Sadiki Goburn)
@Craft (Kevin Wheeler)
@HOKI (Mike Davidson)
@Light (Robins Lôcs)
@Nati061 (Asim Mahmoud)

Total Slots: 24
Slots Left: 0


  • - Egyptian characters and names preferred but not required.
  • - It is assumed that characters are speaking Arabic unless you specify otherwise.
  • - A CP whitelist is preferred for MDF characters.
  • - A Vortigaunt whitelist is preferred for Vortigaunt characters.
  • - Slots may be increased depending on the amount of accepted applications.
  • - Event characters (such as Moses, Delegates, MDF CO) will receive more information about their roles upon acceptance, and are also expected to be good roleplayers and have common sense.

The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Character Name:
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
*Why do you want to play this character?:
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
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--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: Mist
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30019129
  • Discord Name & ID: Mist#7037
  • Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---
PLEASE NOTE!! - I am well aware that I do not have the CP whitelist anymore as I requested to be taken off from it. However, I hope that through trust and previous experience with me, that you guys know that I know very well how to act as a CP.
Role you're applying for: MDF Rank Leader (If not possible, then just MDF unit)
Character Name: Jonathan Carter
Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Jonathan is a greedy and miserly individual. He will arrange goals in terms of the highest profit he could gain from them and was often unwilling to involve himself in something if there was nothing to gain from it, as well as claiming that he tended to forget infamous rebels who were not worth any money after he is done with them. He even remarks that money is the only dependable thing in the world. Due to this end, he refers to himself as the "Treasurer of the Combine". Given his friendly relationship with those who are at the same rank as him, it would seem he collect bounties rather frequently to earn cash and even does so (or at least tries) during his missions on several occasions. He also seems to respect opponents who think well, as shown with his interactions with some of the rebels that try to thrive in the desert, even though they are low on supplies compared to how easy it can be when everything is handed over to you in urban city districts. Infamous rebellion in these parts is worth much more.

Why do you want to play this character?: Because I have always loved the Combine and playing as the antagonist of a story. I have done CP roleplay as my 'main' kind of thing for about 4-5 years on LP, Neb & Willard. Experience is far from something that I lack.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
When under the servitude of the military, before the Combine took over, as a highly ranked Corporal, Jonathan took on a mission to assassinate Matthew Callahan, a dictator from the Middle East. This mission, however, ended in failure since he instead got focused on someone that had a large bounty on their head. Despite the insurmountable danger faced on the mission, what awaited his return to the military was the stigma and harsh punishment associated with the failure of his objective, along with the consequences that came from not prioritizing the mission. In response to this treatment, a wrong levied against a Corporal who had put life and limb on the line for his country, Jonathan came to hold a violent hatred for his country as a whole as he escaped from imprisonment. In his flight from the country, Jonathan was met with the harsh Seven Hour War, as the entire world came under attack.

Not a long time after his defection, he became affiliated with and joined, the universally feared species, The Combine. During his early years as a unit in different cities, he had at least four partners that he eventually ended up abandoning as he saw them as weak and immature. They ended up being left for themselves, while he always focused on himself. Years later he was promoted through the many ranks where he and two other highly ranked units were tasked with killing an apparent very dangerous individual, who turned out to be one who had smuggled a bunch of Combine tech to him and his men. The task force that was sent out to eliminate this group was successful, where only Jonathan managed to survive. Looking at his record from before the Combine took over Earth in seven days, along with the many years he's been in the force, he was dispatched out to City 40, where he'd operate as a Rank Leader for the many units who would hopefully live up to the expectations he had for them.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a chill and down to earth guy that has been doing roleplay for about 8-9 years now. Mostly HL2RP and Discord roleplay. I am currently studying at University, but there's time to time where I have time to come back to my old 'home', that being Willard. I would love to try these Short Stories again, this time, as a player, and not an all-seeing staff that will try to manage things.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Definitely not. Been here since almost the start of TeslaCloud (the old Willard name).
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes. A lot in fact.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Everything. Come on now! ;-)
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sheepyk
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197565079
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sheepyk#6088
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Osiris Gamal
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): Osiris joined the NRAU to work in hand of the union. However, once the NRAU began to grow more popular and gain more power he saw an opportunity to assist in helping make his and his coworkers live a little better. What ever it takes.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I always go for UU roles, I thought I’d spice it up a bit and go for the opposition, give me a feel on how it feels to play as a rebel.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I spend my days watching Netflix and YouTube or playing arma and Gmod, I recently binge watched BNA (I ain’t that much for anime but Damn was it good)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: wouldn’t say so
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: yeah quite a few
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The story telling and map design. I love how they show off the combine as well as the combine soldier’s AI it is very well done and I love it very much
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Raptorian
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
  • *Discord Name & ID: Raptorian#9627
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Vortigaunt Caravan
*Character Name: Tah'Xie'Shoa, or "Shu"

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A born trader, Shu's mercantile ways trace back to City 40, where he would trade illegal items to corrupt CWU officials in order to live a decadent life in the shadows. After years in practice, he would finally have enough influence to arrange an escape for himself, where he would have his shackles broken. As one last token of reprimand, after being set free, he would steal various sets of jewelry from the local Loyalist Party, covering his body in the illustrious gold and gems.

Fashioning himself a cloak to protect from the vicious sand-storms, and to act as shade for his hide against the beating sun, he travelled across the deserts. Trading his expensive jewelry and whatever other items he could find to collect a variety of merchandise. Eventually finding and joining a caravan of Vortigaunts, he would be known as Shu, named after the god of wind. Protected by his faithful companion, Monthu, the pair face the dangers of the desert, trading as they please and reveling in their wealth.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Because a caravan of Vortigaunts and playing as a decadent trader Vortigaunt sounds like fun.
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--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: Mist
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30019129
  • Discord Name & ID: Mist#7037
  • Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---
PLEASE NOTE!! - I am well aware that I do not have the CP whitelist anymore as I requested to be taken off from it. However, I hope that through trust and previous experience with me, that you guys know that I know very well how to act as a CP.
Role you're applying for: MDF Rank Leader (If not possible, then just MDF unit)
Character Name: Jonathan Carter
Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Jonathan is a greedy and miserly individual. He will arrange goals in terms of the highest profit he could gain from them and was often unwilling to involve himself in something if there was nothing to gain from it, as well as claiming that he tended to forget infamous rebels who were not worth any money after he is done with them. He even remarks that money is the only dependable thing in the world. Due to this end, he refers to himself as the "Treasurer of the Combine". Given his friendly relationship with those who are at the same rank as him, it would seem he collect bounties rather frequently to earn cash and even does so (or at least tries) during his missions on several occasions. He also seems to respect opponents who think well, as shown with his interactions with some of the rebels that try to thrive in the desert, even though they are low on supplies compared to how easy it can be when everything is handed over to you in urban city districts. Infamous rebellion in these parts is worth much more.

Why do you want to play this character?: Because I have always loved the Combine and playing as the antagonist of a story. I have done CP roleplay as my 'main' kind of thing for about 4-5 years on LP, Neb & Willard. Experience is far from something that I lack.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
When under the servitude of the military, before the Combine took over, as a highly ranked Corporal, Jonathan took on a mission to assassinate Matthew Callahan, a dictator from the Middle East. This mission, however, ended in failure since he instead got focused on someone that had a large bounty on their head. Despite the insurmountable danger faced on the mission, what awaited his return to the military was the stigma and harsh punishment associated with the failure of his objective, along with the consequences that came from not prioritizing the mission. In response to this treatment, a wrong levied against a Corporal who had put life and limb on the line for his country, Jonathan came to hold a violent hatred for his country as a whole as he escaped from imprisonment. In his flight from the country, Jonathan was met with the harsh Seven Hour War, as the entire world came under attack.

Not a long time after his defection, he became affiliated with and joined, the universally feared species, The Combine. During his early years as a unit in different cities, he had at least four partners that he eventually ended up abandoning as he saw them as weak and immature. They ended up being left for themselves, while he always focused on himself. Years later he was promoted through the many ranks where he and two other highly ranked units were tasked with killing an apparent very dangerous individual, who turned out to be one who had smuggled a bunch of Combine tech to him and his men. The task force that was sent out to eliminate this group was successful, where only Jonathan managed to survive. Looking at his record from before the Combine took over Earth in seven days, along with the many years he's been in the force, he was dispatched out to City 40, where he'd operate as a Rank Leader for the many units who would hopefully live up to the expectations he had for them.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a chill and down to earth guy that has been doing roleplay for about 8-9 years now. Mostly HL2RP and Discord roleplay. I am currently studying at University, but there's time to time where I have time to come back to my old 'home', that being Willard. I would love to try these Short Stories again, this time, as a player, and not an all-seeing staff that will try to manage things.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Definitely not. Been here since almost the start of TeslaCloud (the old Willard name).
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes. A lot in fact.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Everything. Come on now! ;-)
The reason we ask for a whitelist is because of how they are linked to the forums directly, which makes things confusing on our end. So just a heads up if there are some technical difficulties.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sheepyk
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197565079
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sheepyk#6088
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Osiris Gamal
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): Osiris joined the NRAU to work in hand of the union. However, once the NRAU began to grow more popular and gain more power he saw an opportunity to assist in helping make his and his coworkers live a little better. What ever it takes.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I always go for UU roles, I thought I’d spice it up a bit and go for the opposition, give me a feel on how it feels to play as a rebel.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I spend my days watching Netflix and YouTube or playing arma and Gmod, I recently binge watched BNA (I ain’t that much for anime but Damn was it good)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: wouldn’t say so
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: yeah quite a few
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The story telling and map design. I love how they show off the combine as well as the combine soldier’s AI it is very well done and I love it very much
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
    Steffan Gaming™
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
    Steffan Wilhelm#4013
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
MDF (I have the CP WL on main)

*Character Name:
Dakari Sadiki

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Loyalist CP who respects and loves his fellow MDF like family, he's always nervous and a little twitchy, he kills without remorse and does so frighteningly efficiently.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play this character because I want to experience the CP side of an event, since all the other events I had been a part of, I played the role of the rebel, But I want to try something different this time and be a CP in an event.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Dakari loves the union due to his parents being murdered by anti-citizens and he vowed to enact his revenge, by joining the CP's his effectiveness and brutality earned him his specialed position within the MDF, of which he holds the group close to his heart as he considers them to be his real family.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    I consider myself to be a good thinker when I need to come up with a new idea on the spot, I would say that I am comfortably able to adapt to different situations.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    I am not new to Willard and I have been in the community for a few months now.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    I am familiar with some of the staff members such as Candy and neonity and players such as Raptorian, Umbra, Coffee, and booile.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?:
    My favourite part about half-life is the raw atmosphere given by the game, and you can resonate with the real and gritty struggle that every citizen has to face in their daily lives, and how their lives are affected by the Union.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Noh
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35366028
  • *Discord Name & ID: Noh#8950
  • *Timezone: US EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: MDF Rank Leader (MDF RL)

*Character Name: Khalil Moreau
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Khalil Moreau was born in the summer of 1980 in the once French Colony of Algeria. Life was rough for the young man and his family, food, medicine, clothing, all that were scarce for the most part- so he had to learn quickly how to be independent and self-sufficient. In addition to that, he was one of the only males within the family - his family mostly consisted of females with their father often working late into the night, so in addition to being independent and self-sufficient, he had to learn how to take care of those around him and assist them and or lead them..

Along with having to work for and with his family, is an independent and leadership role, he had to learn how to keep himself in check. For many people, being the head-honcho of the family at such a young age would go to their head, but lucky Khalil's head was screwed on straight. He knew he had to keep his ego in check with the daily life of his family, as well as to those around him, so he taught himself restraint, as well as the ability to trust in oneself without it going to their head and assuming it's for the best...

But, at the same time he's developed some negative traits about himself as well - namely in his ability to be too trusting and kind to one. Often leading him to be abused in one situation or another - or failing to see the bigger picture at times with what one is planning. End in the end, however, he tries to keep a balance, but it's a hard one to keep...

In the end, Khalil Moreau taught himself a multitude of things. First of which is essentially what is needed to be a leader, as they must be able to commit to their actions, think on their own at times, as well as know-how to lead and assist those behind them. The second thing he learned is how to keep himself in check so that he doesn't make the wrong choices based on one's ego, making him quite a reliable and selfless person.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character as I think having a leadership role would prove beneficial to me, as well as others. Despite my lack of leader characters on the server, my only one being an i2 within the Civil Protection, I do have quite the record when it comes to IC leadership. Even as an i2, I practically run a squad, sweeps, raids, etc from time to time. So believe I am able to properly do the leadership role on an OOC, as well as IC level, should I need to.

Additionally, I think having a more of a 'good guy' leader, a reliable one, will be for the best as it may make things run smoother than just two bad guys or two neutral. Plus, it may clash with the more inherent bad guy mentally that is commonly associated with the MPF, CP, MDF(Esq) forces. So it can lead to IC conflict a lot of the time and I think that'll be interesting not just for me, but for others as well.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
Kalil Moreau... A kind, good-natured man who often finds himself in a role of leadership, or the role of the abused. Life for him was rough, especially during his younger years. Growing up in a family of nine, six sisters, one mother, him, and his father - he often found himself having to provide for the family in some way. Whether that be through illegal, or legal actions, it all depended on his circumstances. Though his actions never landed him more than possible petty theft, should he be caught, it did manage to garner him some useful skills in his life - namely, quick thinking, independence, and more. To which he used to great effect.

However, this life of stealing and such often meant he never had time in school, so he often struggled in classes which lead to him not truly caring for the subjects, only caring to pass with the odd C or the common D when it comes to it - so his life prospects weren't all that high once he was to leave school. So, at the age of Eighteen when he finally passed high school with anything but flying colors, he opted to join the Algerian Military.

Outside of a more legal way to support his family, alongside a way for him to garner more skills that he couldn't have in school, the Military for Khalil was an eye-opener. Living a life of what was essentially freedom had grown boring for him, as he never truly knew what to do with it - so when the Military finally gave him order and purpose, he was all for it. Finally caring about something for once, Khalil dedicated his life to serving in the Military the best he could - going from the rank of what was essentially a private, to the rank of Corporal within just a couple of years - and, on the eve of his 21st Birthday - in 2001 - disaster struck...

The portal event that changed the world hit his nation hard, as the portal storms opened up over Africa hit
HARD, and this caused the Algerian Military to spur into quick action - yet, they weren't ready for the foe they faced... During the years of constant fighting with unknown alien lifeforms, Khalil saw just how bad poor leadership could kill men - so, during these years he honed his training as well as formed his own way of fighting the foes, opting to use their own defects to his advantage. This netted him multiple, quick promotions to the rank of what was essentially Lieutenant - namely for necessity, as well as his skill. And he performed well in this role until that faithful day in 2004 hit - and another unknown foe struck out at their once-peaceful(ish) land...

Once again, Khalil was flung into quick action - but not quick enough. The sustained fighting with the forces of Xen for almost three straight years took a toll on the military, and so when the combine came in full force he was truly unable to do anything - alongside any other military force. Men of his who had served him left and right died in a matter of minutes and hours - those he had trusted, shared drinks with, and more were now all gone. And not a single tactic that he had developed could save them...

So in the end, he gave up on the sixth hour - surrounding the forces that were above them... Though his suffering wasn't yet over - as, despite his resistance, the combine saw that he could be a useful pawn in controlling the occupational forces - yet, not trustworthy enough to have any real rank. So, in the years to come, he was trusted around the ranks of the lower-tier Arteria Arm, otherwise known as the Conscripts - and having lost most of his friends, most likely his family, and more.. he had no reason to resist the Combine for once again giving him something stable. And since gaining high enough rank, he was presented with a choice. Continue on with this Conscripts, or get an easier posting. Choosing the latter, he was trained in the way of Civil Protection, and was handed over to a place more suiting of his talents - that being the MDF of City-40 as an MDF RL... Yet, he still retains some of his old mentalities - namely that of being a good leader. One that promotes trust, unity, and overall wellbeing of those not just under his command, but around him as well...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a laid-back sort of guy who often spends his time roleplaying or doing other various recreational hobbies, such as Model Making, Sports, etc. There isn't much else to say on me unless you and I become great friends in the future, but just note that I ain't the type to get loud or angry should stuff go astray - or be the guy who ruins the fun for anyone else.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here for about two months now, so still a little fresh but I know for the most part the ongoing of this community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with a couple of people, namely with the staff team members like Booile, Neon, etc, etc. They know me, I know them. Some on friendly times some just acquaintances. Outside of that, I'm on good terms with the players, like Rags,
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: Combine Assassins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Maybe consider having the Egypt Arteria branch make an appearance? Might make a lil more sense to see them if this is outside city walls alongside Workers if not as protectors then perhaps as forced labor.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
    Steffan Gaming™
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
    Steffan Wilhelm#4013
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
MDF (I have the CP WL on main)

*Character Name:
Dakari Sadiki

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Loyalist CP who respects and loves his fellow MDF like family, he's always nervous and a little twitchy, he kills without remorse and does so frighteningly efficiently.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play this character because I want to experience the CP side of an event, since all the other events I had been a part of, I played the role of the rebel, But I want to try something different this time and be a CP in an event.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Dakari loves the union due to his parents being murdered by anti-citizens and he vowed to enact his revenge, by joining the CP's his effectiveness and brutality earned him his specialed position within the MDF, of which he holds the group close to his heart as he considers them to be his real family.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    I consider myself to be a good thinker when I need to come up with a new idea on the spot, I would say that I am comfortably able to adapt to different situations.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    I am not new to Willard and I have been in the community for a few months now.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    I am familiar with some of the staff members such as Candy and neonity and players such as Raptorian, Umbra, Coffee, and booile.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?:
    My favourite part about half-life is the raw atmosphere given by the game, and you can resonate with the real and gritty struggle that every citizen has to face in their daily lives, and how their lives are affected by the Union.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Noh
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35366028
  • *Discord Name & ID: Noh#8950
  • *Timezone: US EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: MDF Rank Leader (MDF RL)

*Character Name: Khalil Moreau
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Khalil Moreau was born in the summer of 1980 in the once French Colony of Algeria. Life was rough for the young man and his family, food, medicine, clothing, all that were scarce for the most part- so he had to learn quickly how to be independent and self-sufficient. In addition to that, he was one of the only males within the family - his family mostly consisted of females with their father often working late into the night, so in addition to being independent and self-sufficient, he had to learn how to take care of those around him and assist them and or lead them..

Along with having to work for and with his family, is an independent and leadership role, he had to learn how to keep himself in check. For many people, being the head-honcho of the family at such a young age would go to their head, but lucky Khalil's head was screwed on straight. He knew he had to keep his ego in check with the daily life of his family, as well as to those around him, so he taught himself restraint, as well as the ability to trust in oneself without it going to their head and assuming it's for the best...

But, at the same time he's developed some negative traits about himself as well - namely in his ability to be too trusting and kind to one. Often leading him to be abused in one situation or another - or failing to see the bigger picture at times with what one is planning. End in the end, however, he tries to keep a balance, but it's a hard one to keep...

In the end, Khalil Moreau taught himself a multitude of things. First of which is essentially what is needed to be a leader, as they must be able to commit to their actions, think on their own at times, as well as know-how to lead and assist those behind them. The second thing he learned is how to keep himself in check so that he doesn't make the wrong choices based on one's ego, making him quite a reliable and selfless person.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character as I think having a leadership role would prove beneficial to me, as well as others. Despite my lack of leader characters on the server, my only one being an i2 within the Civil Protection, I do have quite the record when it comes to IC leadership. Even as an i2, I practically run a squad, sweeps, raids, etc from time to time. So believe I am able to properly do the leadership role on an OOC, as well as IC level, should I need to.

Additionally, I think having a more of a 'good guy' leader, a reliable one, will be for the best as it may make things run smoother than just two bad guys or two neutral. Plus, it may clash with the more inherent bad guy mentally that is commonly associated with the MPF, CP, MDF(Esq) forces. So it can lead to IC conflict a lot of the time and I think that'll be interesting not just for me, but for others as well.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
Kalil Moreau... A kind, good-natured man who often finds himself in a role of leadership, or the role of the abused. Life for him was rough, especially during his younger years. Growing up in a family of nine, six sisters, one mother, him, and his father - he often found himself having to provide for the family in some way. Whether that be through illegal, or legal actions, it all depended on his circumstances. Though his actions never landed him more than possible petty theft, should he be caught, it did manage to garner him some useful skills in his life - namely, quick thinking, independence, and more. To which he used to great effect.

However, this life of stealing and such often meant he never had time in school, so he often struggled in classes which lead to him not truly caring for the subjects, only caring to pass with the odd C or the common D when it comes to it - so his life prospects weren't all that high once he was to leave school. So, at the age of Eighteen when he finally passed high school with anything but flying colors, he opted to join the Algerian Military.

Outside of a more legal way to support his family, alongside a way for him to garner more skills that he couldn't have in school, the Military for Khalil was an eye-opener. Living a life of what was essentially freedom had grown boring for him, as he never truly knew what to do with it - so when the Military finally gave him order and purpose, he was all for it. Finally caring about something for once, Khalil dedicated his life to serving in the Military the best he could - going from the rank of what was essentially a private, to the rank of Corporal within just a couple of years - and, on the eve of his 21st Birthday - in 2001 - disaster struck...

The portal event that changed the world hit his nation hard, as the portal storms opened up over Africa hit
HARD, and this caused the Algerian Military to spur into quick action - yet, they weren't ready for the foe they faced... During the years of constant fighting with unknown alien lifeforms, Khalil saw just how bad poor leadership could kill men - so, during these years he honed his training as well as formed his own way of fighting the foes, opting to use their own defects to his advantage. This netted him multiple, quick promotions to the rank of what was essentially Lieutenant - namely for necessity, as well as his skill. And he performed well in this role until that faithful day in 2004 hit - and another unknown foe struck out at their once-peaceful(ish) land...

Once again, Khalil was flung into quick action - but not quick enough. The sustained fighting with the forces of Xen for almost three straight years took a toll on the military, and so when the combine came in full force he was truly unable to do anything - alongside any other military force. Men of his who had served him left and right died in a matter of minutes and hours - those he had trusted, shared drinks with, and more were now all gone. And not a single tactic that he had developed could save them...

So in the end, he gave up on the sixth hour - surrounding the forces that were above them... Though his suffering wasn't yet over - as, despite his resistance, the combine saw that he could be a useful pawn in controlling the occupational forces - yet, not trustworthy enough to have any real rank. So, in the years to come, he was trusted around the ranks of the lower-tier Arteria Arm, otherwise known as the Conscripts - and having lost most of his friends, most likely his family, and more.. he had no reason to resist the Combine for once again giving him something stable. And since gaining high enough rank, he was presented with a choice. Continue on with this Conscripts, or get an easier posting. Choosing the latter, he was trained in the way of Civil Protection, and was handed over to a place more suiting of his talents - that being the MDF of City-40 as an MDF RL... Yet, he still retains some of his old mentalities - namely that of being a good leader. One that promotes trust, unity, and overall wellbeing of those not just under his command, but around him as well...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a laid-back sort of guy who often spends his time roleplaying or doing other various recreational hobbies, such as Model Making, Sports, etc. There isn't much else to say on me unless you and I become great friends in the future, but just note that I ain't the type to get loud or angry should stuff go astray - or be the guy who ruins the fun for anyone else.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here for about two months now, so still a little fresh but I know for the most part the ongoing of this community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with a couple of people, namely with the staff team members like Booile, Neon, etc, etc. They know me, I know them. Some on friendly times some just acquaintances. Outside of that, I'm on good terms with the players, like Rags,
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: Combine Assassins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Noh
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35366028
  • *Discord Name & ID: Noh#8950
  • *Timezone: US EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: MDF Rank Leader (MDF RL)

*Character Name: Khalil Moreau
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Khalil Moreau was born in the summer of 1980 in the once French Colony of Algeria. Life was rough for the young man and his family, food, medicine, clothing, all that were scarce for the most part- so he had to learn quickly how to be independent and self-sufficient. In addition to that, he was one of the only males within the family - his family mostly consisted of females with their father often working late into the night, so in addition to being independent and self-sufficient, he had to learn how to take care of those around him and assist them and or lead them..

Along with having to work for and with his family, is an independent and leadership role, he had to learn how to keep himself in check. For many people, being the head-honcho of the family at such a young age would go to their head, but lucky Khalil's head was screwed on straight. He knew he had to keep his ego in check with the daily life of his family, as well as to those around him, so he taught himself restraint, as well as the ability to trust in oneself without it going to their head and assuming it's for the best...

But, at the same time he's developed some negative traits about himself as well - namely in his ability to be too trusting and kind to one. Often leading him to be abused in one situation or another - or failing to see the bigger picture at times with what one is planning. End in the end, however, he tries to keep a balance, but it's a hard one to keep...

In the end, Khalil Moreau taught himself a multitude of things. First of which is essentially what is needed to be a leader, as they must be able to commit to their actions, think on their own at times, as well as know-how to lead and assist those behind them. The second thing he learned is how to keep himself in check so that he doesn't make the wrong choices based on one's ego, making him quite a reliable and selfless person.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character as I think having a leadership role would prove beneficial to me, as well as others. Despite my lack of leader characters on the server, my only one being an i2 within the Civil Protection, I do have quite the record when it comes to IC leadership. Even as an i2, I practically run a squad, sweeps, raids, etc from time to time. So believe I am able to properly do the leadership role on an OOC, as well as IC level, should I need to.

Additionally, I think having a more of a 'good guy' leader, a reliable one, will be for the best as it may make things run smoother than just two bad guys or two neutral. Plus, it may clash with the more inherent bad guy mentally that is commonly associated with the MPF, CP, MDF(Esq) forces. So it can lead to IC conflict a lot of the time and I think that'll be interesting not just for me, but for others as well.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
Kalil Moreau... A kind, good-natured man who often finds himself in a role of leadership, or the role of the abused. Life for him was rough, especially during his younger years. Growing up in a family of nine, six sisters, one mother, him, and his father - he often found himself having to provide for the family in some way. Whether that be through illegal, or legal actions, it all depended on his circumstances. Though his actions never landed him more than possible petty theft, should he be caught, it did manage to garner him some useful skills in his life - namely, quick thinking, independence, and more. To which he used to great effect.

However, this life of stealing and such often meant he never had time in school, so he often struggled in classes which lead to him not truly caring for the subjects, only caring to pass with the odd C or the common D when it comes to it - so his life prospects weren't all that high once he was to leave school. So, at the age of Eighteen when he finally passed high school with anything but flying colors, he opted to join the Algerian Military.

Outside of a more legal way to support his family, alongside a way for him to garner more skills that he couldn't have in school, the Military for Khalil was an eye-opener. Living a life of what was essentially freedom had grown boring for him, as he never truly knew what to do with it - so when the Military finally gave him order and purpose, he was all for it. Finally caring about something for once, Khalil dedicated his life to serving in the Military the best he could - going from the rank of what was essentially a private, to the rank of Corporal within just a couple of years - and, on the eve of his 21st Birthday - in 2001 - disaster struck...

The portal event that changed the world hit his nation hard, as the portal storms opened up over Africa hit
HARD, and this caused the Algerian Military to spur into quick action - yet, they weren't ready for the foe they faced... During the years of constant fighting with unknown alien lifeforms, Khalil saw just how bad poor leadership could kill men - so, during these years he honed his training as well as formed his own way of fighting the foes, opting to use their own defects to his advantage. This netted him multiple, quick promotions to the rank of what was essentially Lieutenant - namely for necessity, as well as his skill. And he performed well in this role until that faithful day in 2004 hit - and another unknown foe struck out at their once-peaceful(ish) land...

Once again, Khalil was flung into quick action - but not quick enough. The sustained fighting with the forces of Xen for almost three straight years took a toll on the military, and so when the combine came in full force he was truly unable to do anything - alongside any other military force. Men of his who had served him left and right died in a matter of minutes and hours - those he had trusted, shared drinks with, and more were now all gone. And not a single tactic that he had developed could save them...

So in the end, he gave up on the sixth hour - surrounding the forces that were above them... Though his suffering wasn't yet over - as, despite his resistance, the combine saw that he could be a useful pawn in controlling the occupational forces - yet, not trustworthy enough to have any real rank. So, in the years to come, he was trusted around the ranks of the lower-tier Arteria Arm, otherwise known as the Conscripts - and having lost most of his friends, most likely his family, and more.. he had no reason to resist the Combine for once again giving him something stable. And since gaining high enough rank, he was presented with a choice. Continue on with this Conscripts, or get an easier posting. Choosing the latter, he was trained in the way of Civil Protection, and was handed over to a place more suiting of his talents - that being the MDF of City-40 as an MDF RL... Yet, he still retains some of his old mentalities - namely that of being a good leader. One that promotes trust, unity, and overall wellbeing of those not just under his command, but around him as well...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a laid-back sort of guy who often spends his time roleplaying or doing other various recreational hobbies, such as Model Making, Sports, etc. There isn't much else to say on me unless you and I become great friends in the future, but just note that I ain't the type to get loud or angry should stuff go astray - or be the guy who ruins the fun for anyone else.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here for about two months now, so still a little fresh but I know for the most part the ongoing of this community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with a couple of people, namely with the staff team members like Booile, Neon, etc, etc. They know me, I know them. Some on friendly times some just acquaintances. Outside of that, I'm on good terms with the players, like Rags,
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: Combine Assassins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Interesting character. As you said yourself, I think this creates a very intriguing dynamic between the two personalities that may clash with each other. You know, bad cop & good cop kinda thing.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978​
  • *Timezone: SGT (GMT+8)​
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Warlord (Leader, I'm joking.)

*Character Name:

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Profits are to be made, War Crimes are to be committed, and treachery is overdue for City 40. As usual, as an avid fan of Political Drama, and today, I will be trolling the Combine instead of playing for the Combine, with your complete crew set of: Vietcong Soldier, Arabic Militant, and, Political Backstabber. So get your guns, your drugs, and your napalm, because we're going absolute babirusa. Confused? Good, because we live in a Society where the UN does not solve conflicts or problems, it starts them, and then, ESCALATES THEM.

In all seriousness, the scenario seems interesting to me. Two influential parties that hold sway over each other, City 40 has the resources but needs food, NRAU has the food but needs resources. Both require to resort to underhanded tactics in sabotage to gain the upperhand at the Negotiating Table. Things could either go smoothly for one party, it could come to a compromise for both, or it could spiral and lead to an all-out conflict between the Armed Militia of NRAU and the MDF. Moses, the enigma of Egypt I suppose, a self-serving businessman of NRAU while deviously dabbling in the underworld of rebellion to obtain the necessary means to exert his own power, I suppose in this case its weapons. Playing as Vindico Administrator Schneider was plenty fun in its own right, and I'm hoping this shall be even more fun.

Do note that this application might be subject to a withdrawal depending on the date/time of the event as school is obviously not very fun, that or I might apply for a less important role if something props up.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a bloody Asian who stays up past midnight to play HL2RP (god help me) and I enjoy superior firepower doctrines especially for absolutely no reason.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No get rekt.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A great many people here know that I am never to be taken seriously for I shitpost too much and/or too retarded for my own good.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: r/UnpopularOpinion, Dispatch​
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: HanSolo1519
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:125460846
  • *Discord Name & ID: HanSolo1519
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Jaramogi Otiende
*Brief summary of the character: Illiterate middle-aged Sudanese member of the NRAU, resents the organization turn to militancy due to his upbringing as a refugee.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I'm interested in the event and this feels like a role that lets me take part without others relying on me heavily. This specific character provides, what I believe, to be a unique basis for roleplay while still being true to the setting.
Full Backstory: Raised in the turmoil of the second Sudanese Civil War, Jaramogi migrated to Egypt with his parents. After the combine's arrival, he, like many others, fell into place in the Agriculture Union. As the NRAU grew in power, Jaramogi resented the group's turn to militancy, hitting close to home and his experience with violence and the horrors of war. Despite his moral convictions, the combine poses too much of a threat to ignore.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: While I'm new to the server, I've been in the hl2rp community since early 2018. Played on mostly smaller clockwork servers instead of getting involved with larger communities like Nebulous.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been around for a little over a month now, though I would still consider myself a new member of the community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people in the staff and Rebel community, I'm not acquainted with many of the cp and loyalist mains though.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The architecture. The combined presence is visibly growing on the walls, from broadcast screens sprouting out of corners to towers hanging on the sides of buildings. Makes it feel like alien technology is a growing infestation slowly overwriting the old world.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
MDF (I have CP wl)

*Character Name:
Sadiki Goburn

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):

Loyalist unit with a kind soul to teammates and a cutting glare to all enemies. A killing machine with no remorse.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I think it would be interesting to play as a CP in a event for once instead of being a rebel or worker

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Sadiki was known to be efficient with work before and after the invasion. Applied to become a CP officer where he rapidly went up the ranks and became well known eventually landing him a position in the MDF. His cold blood is feared by many, but his teammates are the safest ones.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    Music, games, vibes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    No, I have been in the community for a few months now.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yes. I am familiar with a few players such as steffan, milkman, light and umbra, and staff members such as candy.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    The atmosphere and lore surrounding the games and the HLRP community's own lore.
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204002917
*Discord Name & ID: Appi#9339
*Timezone: Eastern European Time
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Gahiji Fakhri
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): Gahiji was among the conscripts for the NRAU. He doesn't mind the labor and has met a lot of new people during this time as well. Now thinks of Moses as a great leader and is ready to do anything for the NRAU.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Mostly because I just haven't participated in a Short Stories event for a long time and I think this one is very interesting. I like the setting and the story and I'd want to play in it.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself:
Not much to say. I am an Eastern European guy who likes video games.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not quite. I have been here since Terranova closed.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Sure, I know some people.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I just like the story overall. All the lore and especially its setting. I find it great and extremely enjoyable.
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