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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: HanSolo1519
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:125460846
  • *Discord Name & ID: HanSolo1519
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Jaramogi Otiende
*Brief summary of the character: Illiterate middle-aged Sudanese member of the NRAU, resents the organization turn to militancy due to his upbringing as a refugee.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I'm interested in the event and this feels like a role that lets me take part without others relying on me heavily. This specific character provides, what I believe, to be a unique basis for roleplay while still being true to the setting.
Full Backstory: Raised in the turmoil of the second Sudanese Civil War, Jaramogi migrated to Egypt with his parents. After the combine's arrival, he, like many others, fell into place in the Agriculture Union. As the NRAU grew in power, Jaramogi resented the group's turn to militancy, hitting close to home and his experience with violence and the horrors of war. Despite his moral convictions, the combine poses too much of a threat to ignore.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: While I'm new to the server, I've been in the hl2rp community since early 2018. Played on mostly smaller clockwork servers instead of getting involved with larger communities like Nebulous.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been around for a little over a month now, though I would still consider myself a new member of the community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people in the staff and Rebel community, I'm not acquainted with many of the cp and loyalist mains though.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The architecture. The combined presence is visibly growing on the walls, from broadcast screens sprouting out of corners to towers hanging on the sides of buildings. Makes it feel like alien technology is a growing infestation slowly overwriting the old world.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
MDF (I have CP wl)

*Character Name:
Sadiki Goburn

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):

Loyalist unit with a kind soul to teammates and a cutting glare to all enemies. A killing machine with no remorse.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I think it would be interesting to play as a CP in a event for once instead of being a rebel or worker

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
Sadiki was known to be efficient with work before and after the invasion. Applied to become a CP officer where he rapidly went up the ranks and became well known eventually landing him a position in the MDF. His cold blood is feared by many, but his teammates are the safest ones.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    Music, games, vibes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    No, I have been in the community for a few months now.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yes. I am familiar with a few players such as steffan, milkman, light and umbra, and staff members such as candy.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    The atmosphere and lore surrounding the games and the HLRP community's own lore.
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204002917
*Discord Name & ID: Appi#9339
*Timezone: Eastern European Time
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Gahiji Fakhri
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): Gahiji was among the conscripts for the NRAU. He doesn't mind the labor and has met a lot of new people during this time as well. Now thinks of Moses as a great leader and is ready to do anything for the NRAU.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Mostly because I just haven't participated in a Short Stories event for a long time and I think this one is very interesting. I like the setting and the story and I'd want to play in it.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself:
Not much to say. I am an Eastern European guy who likes video games.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not quite. I have been here since Terranova closed.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Sure, I know some people.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I just like the story overall. All the lore and especially its setting. I find it great and extremely enjoyable.
Rewritten in slight co-operation with @crustytoes640

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Raptorian
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
  • *Discord Name & ID: Raptorian#9627
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Vortigaunt Caravan
*Character Name: Tah'Xie'Shoa, or "Shu"

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A born trader, Shu's mercantile ways trace back to City 40, where he would trade illegal items to corrupt CWU officials in order to live a decadent life in the shadows. After years in practice, he would finally have enough influence to arrange an escape for himself, where he would have his shackles broken. As one last token of reprimand, after being set free, he would steal various sets of jewelry from the local Loyalist Party, covering his body in the illustrious gold and gems.

Fashioning himself a cloak to protect from the vicious sand-storms, and to act as shade for his hide against the beating sun, he travelled across the deserts. Trading his expensive jewelry and whatever other items he could find to collect a variety of merchandise. Alongside his companion Monthu, the sly Shu travels the sandy-wasteland, reveling in his wealth.

Full Backstory
In the expansive slums of City 40, Tah'Xie'Shoa thrived. On the homeworld, long ago, he acted as a merchant travelling between tribes and distributing different unique and exotic items, ranging from animal hides to ancient writings. After the capture of the homeworld, Tah'Xie'Shoa's lifestyle wouldn't quite cease. Continuing his trade even in the slave-camps of Xen, and under the watch of the Nihilanth, he supplied many a starving worker with much-needed meat, all in exchange for knowledge. Eventually becoming one of the most knowledgeable Vortigaunts in Xen, he plotted a revolution against the Nihilanth. However, it was too late, and the Resonance Cascade would undo his plotting, sending him hurling towards Earth as the Puppet God fell.

Landing in the deserts of Arabia, he quickly became accustomed. Finding a remote village, he took shelter there, hiding in an abandoned house. Eventually being forced into confrontation with the human residents, he threw himself before them, and at their mercy, he was spared. Learning to speak Arabic and became a well-known figure due to his... Odd nature. Even assisting in fighting back against the portal storms, he eventually grew quite loyal to the village, and in favor of wandering he remained. Until the Combine came once more, seemingly hell-bent on finishing this eradication campaign against his kind, he was powerless against the unending hordes.

Captured and shackled once more, he was shipped to City 40, a newly established urban center in the former city of Cairo. His impression of humans had been positive so far, to the point of confusion when he was viciously abused by the local population. Being forced into the dilapidated streets of the Slums, he was taught how to live by an older man who had lived there for years. The art of scamming, unfairly trading to his utmost advantage, was added to his skill-set. Helping the old man in a series of cons, known for his ability to make a quick escape, he was given the nickname "Shu", after the Egyptian God of Wind.

As time went on, the old man disappeared. Alone, he continued the old man's work. Selling contraband to would-be anti-citizens, he eventually became high-profile enough to start trading with Loyalists and the CWU. One day, while playing a rigged game against a group of thugs, he was caught in the act. As he was about to meet his untimely demise at the hands of the brutes, a savior emerged, striking them in an ambush. A gargantuan Vortigaunt stood over him, helping him to his feet-- Or hooves, rather. Introducing himself as Monthu, the pair were a match made in heaven. Together they were able to pull the most dangerous scams, intimidate the lowly individuals of the slums, and become infamous.

A deal was struck between the Vortigaunts. In exchange for an escape from the city, Monthu would follow Shu to the ends of the Earth. His sly nature had not quite left him yet, and amidst the vault of contraband he had acquired, he had swiftly mapped out the City, including hidden entrances and exits. With this knowledge, and a hefty favor owed to him by the local assistant director of the CWU, he was able to slip himself and Monthu into a special workshift that would take them over a specific bridge. Casting themselves into the River Nile, they swam to a hidden sewer pipe, frequented by refugees. Using it to escape the coming patrol, they were able to remove their collars and retreat into the desert.

Travelling together, the two made their names known across the sands. Shu and Monthu, and their Vortigaunt Caravan.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Vortigaunts are among my favorite factions, and this seems like a unique experience.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
I do vort stuff. I'm a vort guy.
Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I've been here for a good amount of time, long enough to become a vort lead apparently.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
A lot of rebels and vorts alike, and the staff who usually interact with these groups.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
I can't really pin it down, I appreciate a lot about half-life. I love the games for what they did to the industry, how they brought us the source engine, and just what I could learn from the design decisions of these games. Its up there with the greats alongside Halo, for me.
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Vortigaunt caravan
*Character Name: Zaargh'cha A.K.A "Monthu"
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A 6,11ft mature hunter who was tranferred to city 40 after it's boom in popularity. He was sent there to do a lot of heavy lifting since there needed to be more housing for the refugees. He was freed not long after by a small group of resistance fighters, he spilt away from them and met a fellow vortigaunt named Shu. They quickly became friends after Monthu fended off an attack from a disgruntled client.
*Why do you want to play this character?: i think the dyamic between Monthu and Shu is great, a sleezy trader who goes around scamming people while his 6,11ft bodyguard protects and sometimes extortshis cilents. It'll also be interesting as They would also be somewhat of villains, Monthu wouldbe the morally grey one, only doing what he's told, but he could also be quite evil too, doing things to only benefit him and Shu. And it'd give me experience with a freed vort as the vort i have now is just a biotic
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Monthu was created over 650 years ago. His Ancestors were all once proud hunters. At the age of 5 Zaargh joined his kin's hunter pack. While inexperienced, he did prove himself thanks to his gifted abilties. Over the next centuries years he grew and became much stronger, and as he grew, so did his Clan. He was regarded as one of the best hunters in his tribe, and brought a huge amount of honour to his kin. Zaargh could not of been happier, he was willing to serve his tribe to the end of time...but unfortunately...Fate had a different idea in mind...

The combine invaded his homeworld which sparked a decade long, brutal war. Zaargh was quick to aid his kin in the never ending onslaught of combine soliders. At first, it seemd to be that the vortigaunts were winning. But soon the combine started implementing more technology into the battle, they used things such as striders, tanks and even rained down hellfire. In the end the combine overwhelmed the vortigaunts, they had to flee. Zaargh watched his clan be destroyed by the combine forces, he even watches his tribes best hunters be massacred, and he was unable to stop it. He only fled from his home because his elder pleaded with him. Stating that if all the hunters were wiped out, they would be no-one left to stop the combine if they followed.

Zaargh escaped his homeworld. Defeated and frustrated. He viewed his kin so highly, how on his grand elders name did the combine defeat his race? They were proud warrios! Nontheless, they have no time to fret, they must rebuild on their new home, Xen. On Xen Zarrgh met a lot of strange alien creatures, none that were present on his homeworld besides Antlions. It is unclear how long Zaargh and his race was able to enjoy their peace and quiet. But tragedy awaited once more for the vortigaunt race.

(NOTE: i'm going to gloss over these next two paragraphs as i want to get to the meat and potatoes of his app :)

The nihilanth took control of Xen, enslaving every race within it. It's an ironic fate for the vortigaunts, as they left they're homeworld with the sole intent to avoid slavery. It was futile to resist, the nihilanth had complete domination over the xenians, and they would soon do their bidding once the resonance cascade happened. Lots of innocent vorts died that day, but the cost of their blood came with the price of freedom...but not for long.

The resonance cascade caught the attention of our ever so present benefactors. The vortigaunts were enslaved once more. Being sent to earth after the seven hour war was concluded. Zaargh was stationed in city two for a while, that was until the uprising in the city happened, it was deemed too unsafe to live their with the anti-civl presence and the narcrotics. Zaargh was soon sent to city 40.

City 40 soon became quite popular with citizens around the world, refugees started to pour in, they need workers to rebuild, and Zaargh was the perfect candidate to do so. While their Zaargh learnt alot about humans history and culture, specfically about the ancient egyptians, he learnt how to speak Arabic by citizens who spent the time to talk to him, along with some english in city two, he was not very good at either language. Zaargh spent most of his time working, doing lots of heavy lifting and hammering away at objects. Compared to other biotics, Zaarghs life was quite easy, he did his work and he did it quite well, and the CP units and vort hating citizens were quite scared of him, they often keep their distances from him with Cps often drawing their gun, as a mesely stun baton would of did nothing to him. Even with the Cps in charge they often did not choose to insult him, out of fear he may hold grudges towards them.

One day while Zaargh was drinking at a local bar, a women approaches him, and told him to to enter the slums region of city 40. Once he arrived he was greeted with a small group of resistance fighters. They saw a lot of potential in him, he was huge and incredibly strong, you could almost pass Zaargh off as a skinny hulk or super mutant. The chains of servitude were broken....but that was not the hard part... Zaargh entered the sewers, attempting to flee and hide away from the civil protection teams. He was eventually found. But Zaargh put up a hostile resistance, it was him against 6 civil protection units, but that did not scare him off. He charged and intercepted the CPs, He charged into the crowd, knocking three over and attacked any Cps close to him. despite Zaarghs pure strength and durability, getting shot at by 6 different people at the same time was hard to handle, luckily for Zaargh, the resistance group came to his aid mid fight, once they arrived the fight was pretty much decided. Zaargh and the resistance quickly dispatched of the civil protection units. And made their way to freedom.

Once Zaargh was freed, he thanked his saviours graceiously. He was given the option to join, but he declined, stating that he preferrs to be alone. Before he left, he was given the nickname Monthu, named after the god of war. Over the next weeks he spent majority of his time hunting and trying to get stronger. But one day, while exploring indigent (or whatever is the equivent in city 40) Monthu heard shouting coming from within a building. He could hear a voice that sounded like a vortigaunt, he slammed over the door. He saw an Arab man pointing his revolver at the vortigaunt across the table, they seemed to be playing cards. The arab man quickly turnt Monthu and shot him out of pure instinct. Monthu took the shot, looking down at his chest, he grolws at the wound before looking at the man, furious. he tried to apologies and plead with Monthu, but he had none of it. Monthu let out a roar before charging the man, ripping him to shreads. The two men tried to pull out their weapons but Monthu was far too fast! He killed the two men with ease! Monthu and the vortigaunt talked with one another, The other vortigaunt went by the name Shu, and they quickly became friends.

Shu was a sleezy trader who went around scamming people. Monthu was just what he needed, with Monthu by his side, he was unstoppable. Any competiton that Shu once had was shut down by Monthu, usually by force. With no one else to go to everyone had to go with Shu. who often had ridiculous prices, but they couldn't complain, unless they wanted to deal with Monthu. Monthu and Shu quickly became notorious as Criminals in the slums, they hoarded all the resources and sold them at ridicolous prices, and were loan sharks who put people in extreme debt sometimes. They both became the kingpins of indigent.

But eventually. it became boring for Monthu, he was unrivaled and had total domination over indigent, not only that the heat of their dealings became too much to bear, so Monthu struck a deal with Shu. If he could lead them out of the city safely, Monthu would follow him through the deserts endlessly. which leads us to present day...

(Thanks for reading, i hope this was up to your standard. I would love this role, if you have any criticsms or suggestions let me know)

Special thanks to @Raptorian for helping me co-write this
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fedora
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40596937
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fedora#7644
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---
*Role you're applying for:
City 40 Delegate
*Character Name: Ayah Harb
*Brief summary of the character:
An woman representive of the City 40 Administration, she was selected in order to strike a deal with the NRAU to help with restrating and resuming the food supply to City 40. She is a ruthless, cold-hearted woman who will do anything in her power to increase her own authority and this is the chance for her to secure her authority in City 40.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play this character as I never really get the chance to play as Administration and I believe this would be a great chance to fit into the role and see how it goes. As a side note; I'm happy for any other applicants for the City 40 Delegate to take this role as I have the mindset in filling in the role if no one does so.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Stationrush​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60277174​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stationrush#2517​
  • *Timezone: GMT-4​
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

City 40 Delegate

*Character Name:
Kaeden Hosseini

*Brief summary of the character :
A man like Kaeden Hosseini is always in his element within politics, or at least tries to be. A uniquely charismatic man within City 40, contrasting against the administration's cutthroat political culture. He climbed the political ladder using patience and bargaining rather than threats. As a young up-start within the administration, he finds himself surrounded by enemies.

However, Kaeden is clutching a unique opportunity to solidify his reputation back home; the NRAU has cooked up a catastrophe in the making for City 40, and he'll be hailed as hero if he pulls off a miracle in the Nile. It won't be easy, but he has a couple tricks up his sleeve; subterfuge, leverage and just enough patience to get his way.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
In my experience, I've rarely touched on the 'political' aspects of HL2RP, or RP in general. The delegate role seems like a new and fun experience, especially in this unique setting. I'd also like my character to sort of act as the voice of reason, judging from the fact that the short story description almost guarantees that conflict is inevitable; somebody has to at least try and balance everything. Overall, excited to be a part of this event.
Rewritten in slight co-operation with @crustytoes640

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Raptorian
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
  • *Discord Name & ID: Raptorian#9627
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Vortigaunt Caravan
*Character Name: Tah'Xie'Shoa, or "Shu"

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A born trader, Shu's mercantile ways trace back to City 40, where he would trade illegal items to corrupt CWU officials in order to live a decadent life in the shadows. After years in practice, he would finally have enough influence to arrange an escape for himself, where he would have his shackles broken. As one last token of reprimand, after being set free, he would steal various sets of jewelry from the local Loyalist Party, covering his body in the illustrious gold and gems.

Fashioning himself a cloak to protect from the vicious sand-storms, and to act as shade for his hide against the beating sun, he travelled across the deserts. Trading his expensive jewelry and whatever other items he could find to collect a variety of merchandise. Alongside his companion Monthu, the sly Shu travels the sandy-wasteland, reveling in his wealth.

Full Backstory
In the expansive slums of City 40, Tah'Xie'Shoa thrived. On the homeworld, long ago, he acted as a merchant travelling between tribes and distributing different unique and exotic items, ranging from animal hides to ancient writings. After the capture of the homeworld, Tah'Xie'Shoa's lifestyle wouldn't quite cease. Continuing his trade even in the slave-camps of Xen, and under the watch of the Nihilanth, he supplied many a starving worker with much-needed meat, all in exchange for knowledge. Eventually becoming one of the most knowledgeable Vortigaunts in Xen, he plotted a revolution against the Nihilanth. However, it was too late, and the Resonance Cascade would undo his plotting, sending him hurling towards Earth as the Puppet God fell.

Landing in the deserts of Arabia, he quickly became accustomed. Finding a remote village, he took shelter there, hiding in an abandoned house. Eventually being forced into confrontation with the human residents, he threw himself before them, and at their mercy, he was spared. Learning to speak Arabic and became a well-known figure due to his... Odd nature. Even assisting in fighting back against the portal storms, he eventually grew quite loyal to the village, and in favor of wandering he remained. Until the Combine came once more, seemingly hell-bent on finishing this eradication campaign against his kind, he was powerless against the unending hordes.

Captured and shackled once more, he was shipped to City 40, a newly established urban center in the former city of Cairo. His impression of humans had been positive so far, to the point of confusion when he was viciously abused by the local population. Being forced into the dilapidated streets of the Slums, he was taught how to live by an older man who had lived there for years. The art of scamming, unfairly trading to his utmost advantage, was added to his skill-set. Helping the old man in a series of cons, known for his ability to make a quick escape, he was given the nickname "Shu", after the Egyptian God of Wind.

As time went on, the old man disappeared. Alone, he continued the old man's work. Selling contraband to would-be anti-citizens, he eventually became high-profile enough to start trading with Loyalists and the CWU. One day, while playing a rigged game against a group of thugs, he was caught in the act. As he was about to meet his untimely demise at the hands of the brutes, a savior emerged, striking them in an ambush. A gargantuan Vortigaunt stood over him, helping him to his feet-- Or hooves, rather. Introducing himself as Monthu, the pair were a match made in heaven. Together they were able to pull the most dangerous scams, intimidate the lowly individuals of the slums, and become infamous.

A deal was struck between the Vortigaunts. In exchange for an escape from the city, Monthu would follow Shu to the ends of the Earth. His sly nature had not quite left him yet, and amidst the vault of contraband he had acquired, he had swiftly mapped out the City, including hidden entrances and exits. With this knowledge, and a hefty favor owed to him by the local assistant director of the CWU, he was able to slip himself and Monthu into a special workshift that would take them over a specific bridge. Casting themselves into the River Nile, they swam to a hidden sewer pipe, frequented by refugees. Using it to escape the coming patrol, they were able to remove their collars and retreat into the desert.

Travelling together, the two made their names known across the sands. Shu and Monthu, and their Vortigaunt Caravan.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Vortigaunts are among my favorite factions, and this seems like a unique experience.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
I do vort stuff. I'm a vort guy.
Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I've been here for a good amount of time, long enough to become a vort lead apparently.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
A lot of rebels and vorts alike, and the staff who usually interact with these groups.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
I can't really pin it down, I appreciate a lot about half-life. I love the games for what they did to the industry, how they brought us the source engine, and just what I could learn from the design decisions of these games. Its up there with the greats alongside Halo, for me.
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Vortigaunt caravan
*Character Name: Zaargh'cha A.K.A "Monthu"
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A 6,11ft mature hunter who was tranferred to city 40 after it's boom in popularity. He was sent there to do a lot of heavy lifting since there needed to be more housing for the refugees. He was freed not long after by a small group of resistance fighters, he spilt away from them and met a fellow vortigaunt named Shu. They quickly became friends after Monthu fended off an attack from a disgruntled client.
*Why do you want to play this character?: i think the dyamic between Monthu and Shu is great, a sleezy trader who goes around scamming people while his 6,11ft bodyguard protects and sometimes extortshis cilents. It'll also be interesting as They would also be somewhat of villains, Monthu wouldbe the morally grey one, only doing what he's told, but he could also be quite evil too, doing things to only benefit him and Shu. And it'd give me experience with a freed vort as the vort i have now is just a biotic
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Monthu was created over 650 years ago. His Ancestors were all once proud hunters. At the age of 5 Zaargh joined his kin's hunter pack. While inexperienced, he did prove himself thanks to his gifted abilties. Over the next centuries years he grew and became much stronger, and as he grew, so did his Clan. He was regarded as one of the best hunters in his tribe, and brought a huge amount of honour to his kin. Zaargh could not of been happier, he was willing to serve his tribe to the end of time...but unfortunately...Fate had a different idea in mind...

The combine invaded his homeworld which sparked a decade long, brutal war. Zaargh was quick to aid his kin in the never ending onslaught of combine soliders. At first, it seemd to be that the vortigaunts were winning. But soon the combine started implementing more technology into the battle, they used things such as striders, tanks and even rained down hellfire. In the end the combine overwhelmed the vortigaunts, they had to flee. Zaargh watched his clan be destroyed by the combine forces, he even watches his tribes best hunters be massacred, and he was unable to stop it. He only fled from his home because his elder pleaded with him. Stating that if all the hunters were wiped out, they would be no-one left to stop the combine if they followed.

Zaargh escaped his homeworld. Defeated and frustrated. He viewed his kin so highly, how on his grand elders name did the combine defeat his race? They were proud warrios! Nontheless, they have no time to fret, they must rebuild on their new home, Xen. On Xen Zarrgh met a lot of strange alien creatures, none that were present on his homeworld besides Antlions. It is unclear how long Zaargh and his race was able to enjoy their peace and quiet. But tragedy awaited once more for the vortigaunt race.

(NOTE: i'm going to gloss over these next two paragraphs as i want to get to the meat and potatoes of his app :)

The nihilanth took control of Xen, enslaving every race within it. It's an ironic fate for the vortigaunts, as they left they're homeworld with the sole intent to avoid slavery. It was futile to resist, the nihilanth had complete domination over the xenians, and they would soon do their bidding once the resonance cascade happened. Lots of innocent vorts died that day, but the cost of their blood came with the price of freedom...but not for long.

The resonance cascade caught the attention of our ever so present benefactors. The vortigaunts were enslaved once more. Being sent to earth after the seven hour war was concluded. Zaargh was stationed in city two for a while, that was until the uprising in the city happened, it was deemed too unsafe to live their with the anti-civl presence and the narcrotics. Zaargh was soon sent to city 40.

City 40 soon became quite popular with citizens around the world, refugees started to pour in, they need workers to rebuild, and Zaargh was the perfect candidate to do so. While their Zaargh learnt alot about humans history and culture, specfically about the ancient egyptians, he learnt how to speak Arabic by citizens who spent the time to talk to him, along with some english in city two, he was not very good at either language. Zaargh spent most of his time working, doing lots of heavy lifting and hammering away at objects. Compared to other biotics, Zaarghs life was quite easy, he did his work and he did it quite well, and the CP units and vort hating citizens were quite scared of him, they often keep their distances from him with Cps often drawing their gun, as a mesely stun baton would of did nothing to him. Even with the Cps in charge they often did not choose to insult him, out of fear he may hold grudges towards them.

One day while Zaargh was drinking at a local bar, a women approaches him, and told him to to enter the slums region of city 40. Once he arrived he was greeted with a small group of resistance fighters. They saw a lot of potential in him, he was huge and incredibly strong, you could almost pass Zaargh off as a skinny hulk or super mutant. The chains of servitude were broken....but that was not the hard part... Zaargh entered the sewers, attempting to flee and hide away from the civil protection teams. He was eventually found. But Zaargh put up a hostile resistance, it was him against 6 civil protection units, but that did not scare him off. He charged and intercepted the CPs, He charged into the crowd, knocking three over and attacked any Cps close to him. despite Zaarghs pure strength and durability, getting shot at by 6 different people at the same time was hard to handle, luckily for Zaargh, the resistance group came to his aid mid fight, once they arrived the fight was pretty much decided. Zaargh and the resistance quickly dispatched of the civil protection units. And made their way to freedom.

Once Zaargh was freed, he thanked his saviours graceiously. He was given the option to join, but he declined, stating that he preferrs to be alone. Before he left, he was given the nickname Monthu, named after the god of war. Over the next weeks he spent majority of his time hunting and trying to get stronger. But one day, while exploring indigent (or whatever is the equivent in city 40) Monthu heard shouting coming from within a building. He could hear a voice that sounded like a vortigaunt, he slammed over the door. He saw an Arab man pointing his revolver at the vortigaunt across the table, they seemed to be playing cards. The arab man quickly turnt Monthu and shot him out of pure instinct. Monthu took the shot, looking down at his chest, he grolws at the wound before looking at the man, furious. he tried to apologies and plead with Monthu, but he had none of it. Monthu let out a roar before charging the man, ripping him to shreads. The two men tried to pull out their weapons but Monthu was far too fast! He killed the two men with ease! Monthu and the vortigaunt talked with one another, The other vortigaunt went by the name Shu, and they quickly became friends.

Shu was a sleezy trader who went around scamming people. Monthu was just what he needed, with Monthu by his side, he was unstoppable. Any competiton that Shu once had was shut down by Monthu, usually by force. With no one else to go to everyone had to go with Shu. who often had ridiculous prices, but they couldn't complain, unless they wanted to deal with Monthu. Monthu and Shu quickly became notorious as Criminals in the slums, they hoarded all the resources and sold them at ridicolous prices, and were loan sharks who put people in extreme debt sometimes. They both became the kingpins of indigent.

But eventually. it became boring for Monthu, he was unrivaled and had total domination over indigent, not only that the heat of their dealings became too much to bear, so Monthu struck a deal with Shu. If he could lead them out of the city safely, Monthu would follow him through the deserts endlessly. which leads us to present day...

(Thanks for reading, i hope this was up to your standard. I would love this role, if you have any criticsms or suggestions let me know)

Special thanks to @Raptorian for helping me co-write this
Good apps, I look forward to seeing how the story and chemistry between these two characters play out on the server.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Stationrush​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60277174​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stationrush#2517​
  • *Timezone: GMT-4​
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

City 40 Delegate

*Character Name:
Kaeden Hosseini

*Brief summary of the character :
A man like Kaeden Hosseini is always in his element within politics, or at least tries to be. A uniquely charismatic man within City 40, contrasting against the administration's cutthroat political culture. He climbed the political ladder using patience and bargaining rather than threats. As a young up-start within the administration, he finds himself surrounded by enemies.

However, Kaeden is clutching a unique opportunity to solidify his reputation back home; the NRAU has cooked up a catastrophe in the making for City 40, and he'll be hailed as hero if he pulls off a miracle in the Nile. It won't be easy, but he has a couple tricks up his sleeve; subterfuge, leverage and just enough patience to get his way.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
In my experience, I've rarely touched on the 'political' aspects of HL2RP, or RP in general. The delegate role seems like a new and fun experience, especially in this unique setting. I'd also like my character to sort of act as the voice of reason, judging from the fact that the short story description almost guarantees that conflict is inevitable; somebody has to at least try and balance everything. Overall, excited to be a part of this event.
-Re-Wrote some parts of my character "Abasi Abanoub"s app as I wasn't really happy with how I wrote it.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Cloudbucket
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49652360
  • *Discord Name & ID: cloudbucket#9487
  • *Timezone: CST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Saadah Mostafa
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A man of Egyptian heritage strengthened by his long working days. His skin shows signs of constant abuse from the rays of sun along with the numerous scars evident on his callused hands. He enjoys the life on the fields and does not wish to give it up.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
A working man will either work himself to death or die fighting. I wish to play this man.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
When called upon to Conscript for the NRAU he did not hesitate to sign up. Long has he looked for meaning and adventure in this life and now was his opportunity. When it came to it, he would never return back alive.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Cloudbucket and I enjoy creating Unique Stories
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: This will be my first Short Story
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The Dystopian 1984 like aesthetic.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Petski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
  • *Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585
  • *Timezone: Central European Time (CET)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Olanja Ghab
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A large man, equipped with broad shoulders & thick arms, he was born for manual labor. While bald, he sports a large & majestic beard, going well with his tanned skin. Although sturdily built, several marks of abuse could be spotted in every nook & cranny of his body.
*Why do you want to play this character?: To enjoy memorable roleplay experiences. More specifically, i find the setting of the event overall very interesting and i'd like to be part of it.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): N/A

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: 6500+ hours on Garry's Mod and still counting. Most of this time was spent on Warhammer 40K servers, both as a player & developer. I enjoy experiencing new roleplay opportunities with friends and new faces alike, and i assume this will be one of those experiences.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been playing since launch-day of this version. I was not part of the beta nor earlier versions of any Willard servers.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people and made some friends, but i am arguably still pretty new to the community.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The theme & designs of everything from the Combines architecture to rebel-made contraptions like Dog. I'm also a sucker for the story.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Milk
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: NRAU SUPERVISOR

*Character Name: Abasi Abanoub

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): "Abasi Abanoub is an Egyptian man standing at 6'2 with a furry moustache for an upper lip and Hazel eyes mixed with greying hair.

A man who takes his job very seriously and with pride. Those who know him would see him as a grumpy old man who's only other charismatic emotion is when there is a bountiful supply of food and income. He is often seen carrying a notepad which he writes in during the day as he notes down any and all production of Barley of he can see. Being a personal assistant to his Boss "Moses" Abasi serves Well and fills in all the information on the current workers and their production of Barley daily.

Abasi is also a man who is strict on the rules and regulations set in place by "Moses" and will try to uphold them by any means necessary and any worker who breaks these rules would be noted down and punished by order of "Moses" if he deems it necessary.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I usually play as The Lowest or Soldier sort of characters in Short Stories but never the higher ups or management positions and lately and wish to give it a go.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): Find Out IC

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I've always been a fan of Gmod RP's and I've always been a Huge fan of the Half Life series so I have a good bit of experience of Gmod RP's over the Last few years and I really enjoy Willard Networks and Especially the Short Stories and I've been hooked since CERES

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really I've been playing on the server since around mid August and have enjoyed every second.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Recognise some names from other RP servers I've been in the past but other than that not really but it's always good to meet new people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Well I've always been a fan of Half Life for years but The thing I love the Most by far is the Lore and Story as its just amazing how the Enviournments have changed since the Combine came and how The Government's of the world which have ruled us all for over hundreds of years get crushes within 7 hours by a newcome
-Rewrote some parts again.

Kept going over the Brief description but now I'm happy with it

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Cloudbucket
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49652360
  • *Discord Name & ID: cloudbucket#9487
  • *Timezone: CST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name:
Saadah Mostafa
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A man of Egyptian heritage strengthened by his long working days. His skin shows signs of constant abuse from the rays of sun along with the numerous scars evident on his callused hands. He enjoys the life on the fields and does not wish to give it up.
*Why do you want to play this character?: A working man will either work himself to death or die fighting. I wish to play this man.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): When called upon to Conscript for the NRAU he did not hesitate to sign up. Long has he looked for meaning and adventure in this life and now was his opportunity. When it came to it, he would never return back alive.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Cloudbucket and I enjoy creating Unique Stories
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: This will be my first Short Story
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The Dystopian 1984 like aesthetic.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Petski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
  • *Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585
  • *Timezone: Central European Time (CET)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Olanja Ghab
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A large man, equipped with broad shoulders & thick arms, he was born for manual labor. While bald, he sports a large & majestic beard, going well with his tanned skin. Although sturdily built, several marks of abuse could be spotted in every nook & cranny of his body.
*Why do you want to play this character?: To enjoy memorable roleplay experiences. More specifically, i find the setting of the event overall very interesting and i'd like to be part of it.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): N/A

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: 6500+ hours on Garry's Mod and still counting. Most of this time was spent on Warhammer 40K servers, both as a player & developer. I enjoy experiencing new roleplay opportunities with friends and new faces alike, and i assume this will be one of those experiences.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been playing since launch-day of this version. I was not part of the beta nor earlier versions of any Willard servers.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people and made some friends, but i am arguably still pretty new to the community.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The theme & designs of everything from the Combines architecture to rebel-made contraptions like Dog. I'm also a sucker for the story.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Milk
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: NRAU SUPERVISOR

*Character Name: Abasi Abanoub

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): "Abasi Abanoub is an Egyptian man standing at 6'2 with a furry moustache for an upper lip and Hazel eyes mixed with greying hair.

A man who takes his job very seriously and with pride. Those who know him would see him as a grumpy old man who's only other charismatic emotion is when there is a bountiful supply of food and income. He is often seen carrying a notepad which he writes in during the day as he notes down any and all production of Barley of he can see. Being a personal assistant to his Boss "Moses" Abasi serves Well and fills in all the information on the current workers and their production of Barley daily.

Abasi is also a man who is strict on the rules and regulations set in place by "Moses" and will try to uphold them by any means necessary and any worker who breaks these rules would be noted down and punished by order of "Moses" if he deems it necessary.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I usually play as The Lowest or Soldier sort of characters in Short Stories but never the higher ups or management positions and lately and wish to give it a go.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): Find Out IC

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I've always been a fan of Gmod RP's and I've always been a Huge fan of the Half Life series so I have a good bit of experience of Gmod RP's over the Last few years and I really enjoy Willard Networks and Especially the Short Stories and I've been hooked since CERES

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really I've been playing on the server since around mid August and have enjoyed every second.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Recognise some names from other RP servers I've been in the past but other than that not really but it's always good to meet new people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Well I've always been a fan of Half Life for years but The thing I love the Most by far is the Lore and Story as its just amazing how the Enviournments have changed since the Combine came and how The Government's of the world which have ruled us all for over hundreds of years get crushes within 7 hours by a newcome
There's no need to re-upload your application, I haven't forgotten about it. There are some grammar issues which is concerning for me considering this is a supervisor role. So you're not off the table, but I will be keeping an eye out for other applicants. I wouldn't bother rewriting it considering it would be your fourth time. Just be patient.
Due to the low number of applicants, the event will be delayed until the 26th of November (Friday) 7PM GMT. Apologies! 😭

braking bad half life.png
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fiery
  • *Steam ID: My Steam 64 ID 76561198120414264 and my Steam 32 ID STEAM_0:0:80074268
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
  • *Timezone: MST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Bahadur Ali
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A 37-year-old man around 6'2 in height, and weighing around 202lbs. He is adorned with light brown skin, black hair, a ponytail, and a full, but soft short beard and mustache. He seems to be fine with his current comfy-ish position within the NRAU as an enforcer and wheat harvester, but he seems to be a bit antsy when a moment may call for violence. He can at times be a hot-headed person, but he seems generally friendly and social to his fellow comrades except of course when they anger him.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I feel like this would be an interesting character for me to play as I have not played something akin to that of a "rebel" in any of these stories, and furthermore, these feel more like a cartel of some sort just trying to make themselves as powerful and rich as possible in the world around them. Considering in Ceres I played a supervisor, and in Collapse, I played a CP, I feel like just being one of the standard militiamen under "Moses" and the NRAU supervisors sounds fun.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): N/A

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Not much to say really. I'm just a pretty chill person that likes to have fun playing games and stuff.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I'm pretty familiar with Willard.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: With some Short Stories staff members, and a few other players.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The environments you get to explore. Overgrown cities and semi-apocalyptic outlands are quite fun to explore around in and see the views.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fiery
  • *Steam ID: My Steam 64 ID 76561198120414264 and my Steam 32 ID STEAM_0:0:80074268
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
  • *Timezone: MST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Worker
*Character Name: Bahadur Ali
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A 37-year-old man around 6'2 in height, and weighing around 202lbs. He is adorned with light brown skin, black hair, a ponytail, and a full, but soft short beard and mustache. He seems to be fine with his current comfy-ish position within the NRAU as an enforcer and wheat harvester, but he seems to be a bit antsy when a moment may call for violence. He can at times be a hot-headed person, but he seems generally friendly and social to his fellow comrades except of course when they anger him.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I feel like this would be an interesting character for me to play as I have not played something akin to that of a "rebel" in any of these stories, and furthermore, these feel more like a cartel of some sort just trying to make themselves as powerful and rich as possible in the world around them. Considering in Ceres I played a supervisor, and in Collapse, I played a CP, I feel like just being one of the standard militiamen under "Moses" and the NRAU supervisors sounds fun.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): N/A

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Not much to say really. I'm just a pretty chill person that likes to have fun playing games and stuff.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I'm pretty familiar with Willard.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: With some Short Stories staff members, and a few other players.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The environments you get to explore. Overgrown cities and semi-apocalyptic outlands are quite fun to explore around in and see the views.
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