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I've further limited the amount of slots as we have received less applicants than initially expected. Check the OP for the updated amount of free slots per role.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978​
  • *Timezone: SGT (GMT+8)​
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Warlord (Leader, I'm joking.)

*Character Name:

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Profits are to be made, War Crimes are to be committed, and treachery is overdue for City 40. As usual, as an avid fan of Political Drama, and today, I will be trolling the Combine instead of playing for the Combine, with your complete crew set of: Vietcong Soldier, Arabic Militant, and, Political Backstabber. So get your guns, your drugs, and your napalm, because we're going absolute babirusa. Confused? Good, because we live in a Society where the UN does not solve conflicts or problems, it starts them, and then, ESCALATES THEM.

In all seriousness, the scenario seems interesting to me. Two influential parties that hold sway over each other, City 40 has the resources but needs food, NRAU has the food but needs resources. Both require to resort to underhanded tactics in sabotage to gain the upperhand at the Negotiating Table. Things could either go smoothly for one party, it could come to a compromise for both, or it could spiral and lead to an all-out conflict between the Armed Militia of NRAU and the MDF. Moses, the enigma of Egypt I suppose, a self-serving businessman of NRAU while deviously dabbling in the underworld of rebellion to obtain the necessary means to exert his own power, I suppose in this case its weapons. Playing as Vindico Administrator Schneider was plenty fun in its own right, and I'm hoping this shall be even more fun.

Do note that this application might be subject to a withdrawal depending on the date/time of the event as school is obviously not very fun, that or I might apply for a less important role if something props up.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a bloody Asian who stays up past midnight to play HL2RP (god help me) and I enjoy superior firepower doctrines especially for absolutely no reason.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No get rekt.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A great many people here know that I am never to be taken seriously for I shitpost too much and/or too retarded for my own good.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: r/UnpopularOpinion, Dispatch​
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Craft
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190015159
  • *Discord Name & ID: MEE6.#6827
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for
MDF Unit
*Character Name: Kevin Wheeler
*Brief summary of the character It'd be clear that the caucasian male has seen a great amount of pain in his life as his facial features appear sloped and tired from both the emotional exhaustion he's faced along with simple physical trauma. Indicated by the shiv scare on his right cheek. He'd also have dark brown eyes matching neatly with his CAREFULLY maintained gunslinger moustache. Despite his depressed appearance, he'd speak in an overly prideful and confident tone of voice, always ready for a long-winded chat during the cruel hours on the jobs, making him unfavourable to many of his fellow peers. To top this off he's clearly unadjusted to the lifestyle not within the Western hemisphere, making clearly racially charged comments on any aspect of their culture that differs from that of the US

*Why do you want to play this character?: The backstory and the RP of this character was meant for Chapter Thee of 'The Long Haul' But never came to be. Hence I wish to use this short story to explore the RP and interactions this type of character type can have with others. Also, waste of a character idea in my eyes if I don't use it in some way (Link for OG app found here: Here)

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
Kevin Wheeler was a young white male living in Detroit with his father Elias. He never received any information on the whereabouts of his mother It was assumed by the behaviour of his father towards the boy that he was some sort of drunken mistake, now trapped with the burden of fatherhood. The kid would be forced to work for his fathers mechanic business. Not enough for the wannabe gangster, he'd hang out in the shader parts of the city. Picking fights with men far above his weight class is a foolish method of proving himself. Never succeeding in these rights of passage, leading to a black eye, he'd attempt to act the part he was far less than capable to survive in the business he so desired. Being the now unemployed, dropout with not even a nickel to his name he was offered his first and last taste of the criminal life he so desired. A simple bank robbery. In and out. Even the most simple of heists would prove far too challenging for the group of novices. Only five minutes into the heist the group would be arrested after being completely unaware that the silent alarm was already activated by the frantic employees without them being aware of such nad the building surrounded with an army of SWAT.

Pleading guilty to the crime he would be forced to serve a five-year prison sentence for armed robbery. This prison, simply known as North-Rock Pedementary is where the man would receive a true wake up call, forced to sleep beside true criminals with more than enough muscle to back up their words. The next three years would be a living hell for the young man, deeming it as the ''true crime''. Forced to serve as a slave to the men far more dangerous than himself. The only saving grace is that while he was trapped in there it meant security from the horrors which would be known as the Seven Hour War. The prison security was proven to be far outclassed to the interdimensional Empire they were forced to face off against, were swept aside with ease, leaving them confused and aimless criminals under their thump. Whilst many of the convicts would be quickly killed off during their escape attempts or refusal to listen to the new authority the few that survived proved to be worthy volunteers for the to be formally created Civil Protection Force as many of them had the... ''adjustable morals'' necessary for the job as well being shown by their former colleagues who were the new power in play. Many of these men signed up in order to be on the ''winning side'' of history. One of these now is Kevin Wheeler.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Craft
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190015159
  • *Discord Name & ID: MEE6.#6827
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for
MDF Unit
*Character Name: Kevin Wheeler
*Brief summary of the character It'd be clear that the caucasian male has seen a great amount of pain in his life as his facial features appear sloped and tired from both the emotional exhaustion he's faced along with simple physical trauma. Indicated by the shiv scare on his right cheek. He'd also have dark brown eyes matching neatly with his CAREFULLY maintained gunslinger moustache. Despite his depressed appearance, he'd speak in an overly prideful and confident tone of voice, always ready for a long-winded chat during the cruel hours on the jobs, making him unfavourable to many of his fellow peers. To top this off he's clearly unadjusted to the lifestyle not within the Western hemisphere, making clearly racially charged comments on any aspect of their culture that differs from that of the US

*Why do you want to play this character?: The backstory and the RP of this character was meant for Chapter Thee of 'The Long Haul' But never came to be. Hence I wish to use this short story to explore the RP and interactions this type of character type can have with others. Also, waste of a character idea in my eyes if I don't use it in some way (Link for OG app found here: Here)

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):
Kevin Wheeler was a young white male living in Detroit with his father Elias. He never received any information on the whereabouts of his mother It was assumed by the behaviour of his father towards the boy that he was some sort of drunken mistake, now trapped with the burden of fatherhood. The kid would be forced to work for his fathers mechanic business. Not enough for the wannabe gangster, he'd hang out in the shader parts of the city. Picking fights with men far above his weight class is a foolish method of proving himself. Never succeeding in these rights of passage, leading to a black eye, he'd attempt to act the part he was far less than capable to survive in the business he so desired. Being the now unemployed, dropout with not even a nickel to his name he was offered his first and last taste of the criminal life he so desired. A simple bank robbery. In and out. Even the most simple of heists would prove far too challenging for the group of novices. Only five minutes into the heist the group would be arrested after being completely unaware that the silent alarm was already activated by the frantic employees without them being aware of such nad the building surrounded with an army of SWAT.

Pleading guilty to the crime he would be forced to serve a five-year prison sentence for armed robbery. This prison, simply known as North-Rock Pedementary is where the man would receive a true wake up call, forced to sleep beside true criminals with more than enough muscle to back up their words. The next three years would be a living hell for the young man, deeming it as the ''true crime''. Forced to serve as a slave to the men far more dangerous than himself. The only saving grace is that while he was trapped in there it meant security from the horrors which would be known as the Seven Hour War. The prison security was proven to be far outclassed to the interdimensional Empire they were forced to face off against, were swept aside with ease, leaving them confused and aimless criminals under their thump. Whilst many of the convicts would be quickly killed off during their escape attempts or refusal to listen to the new authority the few that survived proved to be worthy volunteers for the to be formally created Civil Protection Force as many of them had the... ''adjustable morals'' necessary for the job as well being shown by their former colleagues who were the new power in play. Many of these men signed up in order to be on the ''winning side'' of history. One of these now is Kevin Wheeler.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fedora
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40596937
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fedora#7644
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---
*Role you're applying for:
City 40 Delegate
*Character Name: Ayah Harb
*Brief summary of the character:
An woman representive of the City 40 Administration, she was selected in order to strike a deal with the NRAU to help with restrating and resuming the food supply to City 40. She is a ruthless, cold-hearted woman who will do anything in her power to increase her own authority and this is the chance for her to secure her authority in City 40.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play this character as I never really get the chance to play as Administration and I believe this would be a great chance to fit into the role and see how it goes. As a side note; I'm happy for any other applicants for the City 40 Delegate to take this role as I have the mindset in filling in the role if no one does so.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: TheNewz
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:174058743
  • *Discord Name & ID: TheNewz#7806
  • *Timezone: CEST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
NRAU Supervisor

*Character Name: Jackson Wells

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):

An american man in the middle of africa working as a NRAU Supervisor, this seems quite unnatural and rightfully so as Jackson doesn't come from City-40 but rather City-1. Due to his hard work as a member of the CWU in his own city and with no available managerial post, he was offered the post of NRAU Supervisor and relocated to manage the plantation althrough... His position as a NRAU Supervisor has been questioned by the MDF and the administration due to the disappearance of food supplies and seemingly no reports of said disappearance, he very much dislike the situations he's in due to the troubles he's now been through and hope for the MDF Inspection to go smoothly and hopefully get the hell out of this shithole if everything goes south.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Well, I've been quite bored playing on the main server even if events take place from time to time and Im personally really just waiting for auspicious to come out and unfortunately this short story has taken priority on that event so that's really just that
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Hoki
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:435300941
  • *Discord Name & ID: HOKI#5845
  • *Timezone: CET
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: Mike Davidson
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
An overly optimistic unit, originally from the United States. Completely brainwashed by propaganda, he believes whatever the Combine do is necessary and for the good of mankind.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Because of an apparent lack of applicants. After reading about the event, it interested me. As I have the CP WL on the main server, I've decided to apply for a CP unit on this event.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Hello
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No. Joined the discord in 2019, played since the first beta.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Atmosphere
Last edited:
*Steam Name: Hiros | Error 410
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54068821
*Discord Name & ID: Hiros#4906
*Timezone: GMT +2

*Role you're applying for:
MDF Commanding Officer [If you decide to choose someone else then just MDF unit]

*Character Name: Konstantin Chayka

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Choleric Commander, that's how most of the units see him. He is harsh and cruel to rule breakers. However deep within all the anger and cruelty, a caring Commander is hiding that cares about his troops. He sees politeness as a weak trait.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Never tried to be such a character in such event. Just want to enjoy the event, it looks interesting and can generate a lot of great RP.​
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Hoki
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:435300941
  • *Discord Name & ID: HOKI#5845
  • *Timezone: CET
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: Mike Davidson
*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
An overly optimistic unit, originally from the United States. Completely brainwashed by propaganda, he believes whatever the Combine do is necessary and for the good of mankind.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Because of an apparent lack of applicants. After reading about the event, it interested me. As I have the CP WL on the main server, I've decided to apply for a CP unit on this event.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Hello
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No. Joined the discord in 2019, played since the first beta.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Atmosphere
*Steam Name: Hiros | Error 410
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54068821
*Discord Name & ID: Hiros#4906
*Timezone: GMT +2

*Role you're applying for: MDF Commanding Officer [If you decide to choose someone else then just MDF unit]

*Character Name: Konstantin Chayka

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother):
Choleric Commander, that's how most of the units see him. He is harsh and cruel to rule breakers. However deep within all the anger and cruelty, a caring Commander is hiding that cares about his troops. He sees politeness as a weak trait.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Never tried to be such a character in such event. Just want to enjoy the event, it looks interesting and can generate a lot of great RP.​
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Milk
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: NRAU SUPERVISOR

*Character Name: Abasi Abanoub

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): "Abasi Abanoub is an Egyptian man standing at 6'2 with a furry moustache for an upper lip and Hazel eyes mixed with greying hair.

A man who takes his job very seriously and with pride. Those who know him would see him as a grumpy old man who's only other charismatic emotion is when there is a bountiful supply of food and income. He is often seen carrying a notepad which he writes in during the day as he notes down any and all production of Barley of he can see. Being a personal assistant to his Boss "Moses" Abasi serves Well and fills in all the information on the current workers and their production of Barley daily.

Abasi is also a man who is strict on the rules and regulations set in place by "Moses" and will try to uphold them by any means necessary and any worker who breaks these rules would be noted down and punished by order of "Moses" if he deems it necessary.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I usually play as The Lowest or Soldier sort of characters in Short Stories but never the higher ups or management positions and lately and wish to give it a go.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother): Find Out IC

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I've always been a fan of Gmod RP's and I've always been a Huge fan of the Half Life series so I have a good bit of experience of Gmod RP's over the Last few years and I really enjoy Willard Networks and Especially the Short Stories and I've been hooked since CERES

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really I've been playing on the server since around mid August and have enjoyed every second.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Recognise some names from other RP servers I've been in the past but other than that not really but it's always good to meet new people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Well I've always been a fan of Half Life for years but The thing I love the Most by far is the Lore and Story as its just amazing how the Enviournments have changed since the Combine came and how The Government's of the world which have ruled us all for over hundreds of years get crushes within 7 hours by a newcome
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: -「 Light 」-
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33353517
  • *Discord Name & ID: Light..#7799
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: MDF (RL WL)

*Character Name: Robins Lôcs

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A professional in attitude, and an expert in urban warfare, but he's always hated the damned weather over here in City 40.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to participate in more of the story team's events which I always thoughroughly enjoy! I also want to help out making sure we don't need to reschedule again.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Born in Latvia, Robins has always lived in cold environs. Growing up he was raised by addicts and delinquents, always involved in back alley fights and drug deals. He learned how to fight in the city, and these skills proved him useful later in life.
He never knew when the next meal would grace his existence. He hated this lifestyle. Once he got to 18, he enlisted into the Latvian Army to escape that life of misery and saw limited deployment in the Gulf War. Here, in Iraq, he learned Arabic and became an interpretter for his section of the platoon.

After the 7 hour war, he enlisted into the Metropolice force for Riga, Latvia, but with an overwhelming amount of applicants (many from former soviet army individuals whom hadn't had a job for the last 15 years), he, with his skills in Arabic, was transferred to City 40.

It's not been long since his transfer, and he's only just been given the all-clear to be issued a Sub Machine Gun. He still hates the weather here.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: -「 Light 」-
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33353517
  • *Discord Name & ID: Light..#7799
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: MDF (RL WL)

*Character Name: Robins Lôcs

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): A professional in attitude, and an expert in urban warfare, but he's always hated the damned weather over here in City 40.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to participate in more of the story team's events which I always thoughroughly enjoy! I also want to help out making sure we don't need to reschedule again.

Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

Born in Latvia, Robins has always lived in cold environs. Growing up he was raised by addicts and delinquents, always involved in back alley fights and drug deals. He learned how to fight in the city, and these skills proved him useful later in life.
He never knew when the next meal would grace his existence. He hated this lifestyle. Once he got to 18, he enlisted into the Latvian Army to escape that life of misery and saw limited deployment in the Gulf War. Here, in Iraq, he learned Arabic and became an interpretter for his section of the platoon.

After the 7 hour war, he enlisted into the Metropolice force for Riga, Latvia, but with an overwhelming amount of applicants (many from former soviet army individuals whom hadn't had a job for the last 15 years), he, with his skills in Arabic, was transferred to City 40.

It's not been long since his transfer, and he's only just been given the all-clear to be issued a Sub Machine Gun. He still hates the weather here.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Nati
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:61493704
  • *Discord Name & ID: Nati#5366
  • *Timezone: GMT +2
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
MDF (I have CP WL)

*Character Name: Asim Mahmoud

*Brief summary of the character (Moses applicants don't bother): Loyal Civil Protection, a selfless unit with great fighting experience, willing sacrifice himself for the team, rebels have killed his son and would kill any without mercy if the chance is given.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to be part of the event I haven't been able to play short stories and I want to give it a shot, I've been I-3 for 2'ish months and think it would be fun to join in the event.
Full Backstory (Optional. Moses applicants don't bother):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: All I can say is games, action, and music.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No I've been in Willard since the beta.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Well yes, I've been around for enough time obviously.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Anything involves CPs or OTA or it's music.
Operation: Exodus will be ran tomorrow at 7PM GMT by the Willard Short Stories team. Because of that, this thread will be closed. Thank you all very much for your applications. Myself and I'm sure the rest of the team are looking forward to the event.

See you in the desert.

operation exodus.png
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