--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: fallizs
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:512853308
*Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Dris Mayweather
*Do you own a OSF WL (For OSF Only): Yes
*Role/Rank: Private
*Brief Summary of Character: A still relatively new private to the OSF, finally ready for his first operation as a private.
*Character Backstory: A British man born in Birmingham, yet under the occupation, he remains stuck in City 24, nowhere near.


Section 1

Steam Name: ThomasK

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120901350

Discord Name & ID: ThomasK110#0550

Section 2

Character Name: Nicole Jackson

Do you own an OSF WL (for OSF only): Yes.

Role/Rank: Private.

Brief summary of character:
A soldier fresh out of basic training and no combat experience under her belt. She would die at war if it meant that she'd served the OSF and the Combine, but staying alive is preferable to her.

Character Backstory:

Nicole Jackson grew up during the Combine’s reign, being born in Astoria, Queens, NYC in June of 1996. She doesn’t remember much from this time period, except for some blurry images of seemingly random things: subway trains, police cars driving past, some rooms from her parent’s old apartment – completely unconnected snapshots of the 90s.

Sometimes around 2002 her mother just disappeared – this happened when she was about 6 and it changed very little in a world dominated by horror; there was simply no time to contemplate what could have happened when zombies were smashing their way into houses all around Astoria – hers could be next, it was just luck that her father used to be a Marine.

Then came the Combine, and with them, a major change in her life. Her father was found to be a former Marine and was given three options: join the Civil Protection, join the Conscripts, or die. The most appealing of these was number 2, but 3 was a close second. And then began the next chapter of Nicole’s life. Living on various military bases and being cared for by the soldiers who lived there became the norm for a few years to come.

After she moved from the Base to inner City 17, then to City 24’s remarkably shit District 8, she realised that partaking in Workshifts and waiting for something to happen was particularly boring. But out of nowhere, she stumbled upon a great opportunity for her: the Overwatch Standard Forces were hiring! She could follow in the footsteps of her father; she could serve the Universal Union (without being a dehumanised power-hungry dickhead in a gas mask). A couple of days writing an application then ensued, followed by intense (compared to civilian life, at least) training. Then before she knew it, she was a soldier and riding back to City 24 on the bus – already missing the 100% discount on Civil Protection presence that the base offered.​


"They never was too kind.

I lived out in what was left of old America after everything happened - I lived that shit, survived it, and I ain't let it get to me, because I got raised better than that, I stood for my flag and knelt for my cross - I led prayer at dinner and work with pa'.

A man makes due.

We're I some woman maybe I'd have an excuse to join the crazies still living in whatever was left of those states.

But I got out.

Union started building out there, start tycoons, companies, all some kinda' big corporate machine to export all the American gold in resources out of the land and shoot it into space for god knows what. I don't question - it's not my fucking place, and this unnatural bullshit ain't divine.

I survived a good damn year off the land dad left me, the hunting shit my Uncle got me when I was a kid - and the food mama' restocked until she croaked. I'm a fucking survivor - don't you get that?


I, Kieran O'Dreary (REMNANT), can't be fucking held.

They might got me working these long shifts.

But I keep this whole fucking place on lockdown, y'hear?"

"Got it."


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: bigdaddyboy413
*Steam ID: No clue!
*Discord Name & ID: bigdaddyboy#7556

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Kieran O'Dreary

*Brief Summary of Character:
As seen above, Kieran is a brash, abrasive and bull-headed country boy from USA, survived New America and when he got to what the Union made of the old world, his six-shooting hand landed him a job as security for some station the Union had, he was only hired because white-masks made the other staff uncomfortable, they wanted scientists to work nice and peachy with some security.

For his work helping Union labor in America.

Kieran was on it.

*Character Backstory:

See above, American man who survived America for a year when the aliens invaded, aided Union when they began building and got a job as security at the station for a comfortability hire.

--- Section Three --- (Optional)

*Tell us about yourself:

I'm himmy.

*Are you new to Willard Networks?:


*Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:

A few friends.

*What's your favourite thing about Half Life 2?:

Probably the side-characters, like Laszlow.



--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
Shimac's Stew
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97461406
*Discord Name & ID: Shimac's Stew#0330

--- Section Two ---


View attachment 18213

'Mann' - The Lone Shepherd

*Character Name:
*Brief Summary of Character:
An adult german shepherd who chose to follow an old human with a strange metal leg out into the vast cold wilderness of Northern Greenland before being separated by an unknown beast, forcing him to once again survive alone.
*Character Backstory:

'A New Pup'

'Mann' was born a few years after the Seven Hour War, in the middle of an isolated lodge deep within a forest somewhere in the middle of Greenland. Given birth by his mother, who was an old german shepherd herself, alongside his other siblings - Not only did he live underneath the embrace of his mother, but he and his siblings were also under the protection and care of an old human hunter.

From what 'Mann' remembered in his pup years before the age of one, the human hunter was very stoic and serious yet the human also cared for them deeply in the form of headpats and meals. This is when he knew that the human was part of 'The pack' and that he knew that something within his primal instincts that this man would fight and die for us. Such devotion and loyalty to 'The Pack' could only be repaid by swearing themselves to this human in return.

'Receiving His first name; Lucas'

After a year passed and he has slowly grown to a bigger form, yet not reaching the peak of his maturity, 'Mann' was granted the name of 'Lucas' by his old master after managing to survive for so long. The same could not be said however to half of his siblings and his mother; Whom he mourned by a loud howl piercing into the sky in the woods. The old human whom he called 'Alpha' within his primal mind, buried them deep under the snow and dirt with a pile of rocks stacked upon it. Strangely, the 'Alpha' each cut a slit in their left ear for some reason.

'Mann', also known as 'Lucas' at the time, was your typical german shepherd male dog in terms of fur color and physical body size. This allowed him to accompany his 'Alpha' into hunts in the woods for small or large game to feed themselves with. Alongside these hunts was his two siblings that survived alongside him, whom was named 'Luna' and 'Max' - A female and male german shepherd respectively who looked just about the same as him with 'Luna' being on the more leaner side in terms of her physical body.

Together; His 'Alpha' alongside his kin consistently hunted game to feed themselves with, explored, and took on walks along the woods before huddling within the warm lodge at the end of the day. This routine continued for two years to where him, and his siblings, all grew to full maturity. The game they caught were often either these strange 'ant' things that always tried to run away or fight back before it was taken down or the rare Reindeer that managed to survive and adapt to the xen fauna that populated earth. But his favorite was the fish that his 'Alpha' caught from the scary watery depths of a lake.

It was a peaceful life 'Lucas' lived but like everything; It will all come to an end at some point...

'The Lone Survivor'

During one of their many hunts, his 'Alpha' was strangely on-guard for the past week ever since they saw one of those large dirt towers popped up near the end of the woods. From his years of hunting and living within said woods, the ant-like bugs often build these dirt towers and now one is way too close for comfort upon their 'territory'.

On the way home after catching yet another hunt for their dinner, 'Lucas' felt something off from the path they usually walked on. This prompted him to suddenly stop to inspect his surroundings, which earned the attention of his 'Alpha'

The ground felt and smelled... Different. As if they were recently used... It was only when he felt a rumble beneath his paws that he sensed it.

The displacement of slow and the sounds of multiple rumblings from the dirt revealed the blue ant-like beings they have hunted many times before.

Now it seems they are now the hunted as many of these beings surrounded them, cutting off any way of escape. So they did the next best thing in this dire situation.


And so they fought against the ambushing ant-like beings with all of their might and ferociousness that a hunting dog could have; The sounds of growls, barks, bites, scratches, the shouting of his 'Alpha' and the thundering boom from the weapon in his hands echoed all around the woods. Yet no matter how many they kill, more of them kept coming from the ground...

Each dead ant thing joined it's fallen kin, but eventually, they started to tire from the constant fighting and it was only a matter of time till one of his 'Pack' would be too tired to defend themselves... The first who fell was 'Luna', struck down by two antlions from the sides after failing to dodge them. Her agonizing howls as the two antlions tore her to shreds triggered a protective instinct within 'Lucas' mind and he ran in an attempt to save his kin but it was all for naught as she was already dead before he could reach her.

Like a line of dominoes, his older kin 'Max' soon followed his sister's fate - Surrounded by the ant-things from all sides, they all sliced and bit into the older member without mercy as 'Max' fought back with all of his dwindling might before one of the ant-things leaped into him and bit into his neck , making 'Max' yelp loudly then falling dead down to the snow.

Seeing his older siblings fall to the ant-beings he considered as prey struck fear into his mind, his primal instincts telling him to run! To escape! To live another day! In that moment of fear, one ant-thing snuck up on him and almost received the same fate as 'Max' before the thundering boom blasted the ant into nothing but paste infront of his very eyes.

'Lucas' turned to see his 'Alpha' using his thunder boom stick to blast the ant-things surrounding 'Max's' and 'Luna's' still-bodies, killing one after the other till it revealed their dead and bloodied state. Sadness within the pit of his stomach surfaced as he looked at his 'Alpha's face of pure despair at the death of his 'Pack members'.

Taking a moment to glance at him, his 'Alpha' looked slightly relieved before that moment of taking off his eyes from the enemy would be his un-doing. 'Lucas' saw a flash of movement behind 'Alpha' and his instinct to dash forward triggered - The desire to protect the last remaining member of his 'pack', his family...

Yet again, he would be too slow and it was only a few meters that he would see the horrifying sight of his 'Alpha' pierced by the two front limbs of the ant-thing into his chest, splattering the snow with his blood. 'Alpha' could only widen his eyes and stand in shock before the limbs pulled out, letting his body fall to the floor with his shell-shocked eyes facing 'Lucas' which he could only stare back in horror...

The death of his 'Alpha' and his 'siblings' amongst the snow, bodies lying still as the flow of blood painting the white into red... All his primal instincts to run was ignored and he turned to the one feeling brewing within his heart...


His gritting sharp teeth and canine eyes glared onto the remaining few ant-things in the battlefield but he was focused on the one specific ant-thing infront of him that dare killed his 'Alpha'... The ant-thing only hissed in retaliation as it's limbs, still painted in blood, took a swipe at him only for 'Lucas' to unexpectedly leaped forward and taking the hit to his body, biting down onto the ant-thing with such savagery, splattering green blood on his fur and face but he cared not.

He only wanted this ant-thing and the rest dead...

He dispatched the last remaining ant-things with lack of regard to his life, earning him many scratches and bites upon his fur as his wounds began to drip blood. But this didn't matter to him right now as he limped to the unmoving body of his 'Alpha, and took one long gaze into his unblinking eyes...

'Lucas' could feel the embrace of darkness closing on him but he resisted long enough to let out a loud and long howl into the sky, one filled with despair and loss... Before his body planted itself onto the snow, staining the white red with his blood...

Slow blinking eyes and breathing began to toll on 'Lucas', this must be the end... He only regretted that he failed his 'pack'.... His family... However, a strange figure ran through the woods towards him; It was tall, it looked... like 'Alpha' but only hunching down and it was green.

Darkness took him, remembering seeing a large red eye looking down on him before his own eyes shut close.

View attachment 18228

'The Kindness of an Unknown Stranger and the Meeting of the Odd-human with a metal leg'

When he woken up, 'Lucas' found himself within a cave with a burning campfire beside him... His alert senses triggered as he scanned the area only to see the end of the cave was a dead end with the other side being the one entrance to said cave. Remaining still in alert for a few minutes before he slowly delved into a cautious but semi-resting stance.

'Lucas' vividly remembered the battle against those ant-things and the death of his kin, yet he know he sustained many grave injuries that it would be impossible for him to still live and breath. Looking upon his coat of fur, he found that his wounds were gone! With scars the only things that showed in their place.

Someone took care of him and healed him but who?

The desire to leave this place was also evident in his heart but where would he go? He didn't know where he was and his 'home' was nowhere to be found near the cave. Plus, the cave was warm and it seemed that his 'savior' left him some leftover ant-thing meat near the fire.

Seeing said meat made him boil in anger as he devoured it with such fierce force with his jaws, his hate for the killers of his 'pack' would never leave his primal mind till the day he dies...

Days went by as 'Lucas' stayed within the cave, periodically leaving the cave to hunt for food - Preferably lone antlions - but his savior never did return. He wondered what happen to him but he continued to stay within the cave for both shelter and warmth against the relentless cold outside. He slept at the dead-end area of the cave to stay warm and as a safety measure.

Yet one night, as he slept, his sensitive ears perked up at the sound of snow being crushed underfoot. This woke 'Lucas' as he stood up in alert at the approaching sounds that seem to be steadily growing closer after each step. He slinked down to the stone floor, his eyes staring at the entrance of the cave before a shadowy figure showed itself. It took a flashlight and shined a light on him as his eyes heard a confused gasp and a gravely voice.

"A dog?"

Looking up, the light provided enough to show the figure infront of him in slight detail; A man, just like 'Alpha'.

Unknowingly to 'Lucas, This man would grant him the new name of 'Mann' and his journey with him would begin...


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: fallizs
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:512853308
*Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Dris Mayweather
*Do you own a OSF WL (For OSF Only): Yes
*Role/Rank: Private
*Brief Summary of Character: A still relatively new private to the OSF, finally ready for his first operation as a private.
*Character Backstory: A British man born in Birmingham, yet under the occupation, he remains stuck in City 24, nowhere near.



Section 1

Steam Name: ThomasK

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120901350

Discord Name & ID: ThomasK110#0550

Section 2

Character Name: Nicole Jackson

Do you own an OSF WL (for OSF only): Yes.

Role/Rank: Private.

Brief summary of character:
A soldier fresh out of basic training and no combat experience under her belt. She would die at war if it meant that she'd served the OSF and the Combine, but staying alive is preferable to her.

Character Backstory:

Nicole Jackson grew up during the Combine’s reign, being born in Astoria, Queens, NYC in June of 1996. She doesn’t remember much from this time period, except for some blurry images of seemingly random things: subway trains, police cars driving past, some rooms from her parent’s old apartment – completely unconnected snapshots of the 90s.

Sometimes around 2002 her mother just disappeared – this happened when she was about 6 and it changed very little in a world dominated by horror; there was simply no time to contemplate what could have happened when zombies were smashing their way into houses all around Astoria – hers could be next, it was just luck that her father used to be a Marine.

Then came the Combine, and with them, a major change in her life. Her father was found to be a former Marine and was given three options: join the Civil Protection, join the Conscripts, or die. The most appealing of these was number 2, but 3 was a close second. And then began the next chapter of Nicole’s life. Living on various military bases and being cared for by the soldiers who lived there became the norm for a few years to come.

After she moved from the Base to inner City 17, then to City 24’s remarkably shit District 8, she realised that partaking in Workshifts and waiting for something to happen was particularly boring. But out of nowhere, she stumbled upon a great opportunity for her: the Overwatch Standard Forces were hiring! She could follow in the footsteps of her father; she could serve the Universal Union (without being a dehumanised power-hungry dickhead in a gas mask). A couple of days writing an application then ensued, followed by intense (compared to civilian life, at least) training. Then before she knew it, she was a soldier and riding back to City 24 on the bus – already missing the 100% discount on Civil Protection presence that the base offered.​




Congrats to those who were accepted. Ping us for your Role in the Discord to get set up

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
Shimac's Stew
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97461406
*Discord Name & ID: Shimac's Stew#0330

--- Section Two ---


View attachment 18213

'Mann' - The Lone Shepherd

*Character Name:
*Brief Summary of Character:
An adult german shepherd who chose to follow an old human with a strange metal leg out into the vast cold wilderness of Northern Greenland before being separated by an unknown beast, forcing him to once again survive alone.
*Character Backstory:

'A New Pup'

'Mann' was born a few years after the Seven Hour War, in the middle of an isolated lodge deep within a forest somewhere in the middle of Greenland. Given birth by his mother, who was an old german shepherd herself, alongside his other siblings - Not only did he live underneath the embrace of his mother, but he and his siblings were also under the protection and care of an old human hunter.

From what 'Mann' remembered in his pup years before the age of one, the human hunter was very stoic and serious yet the human also cared for them deeply in the form of headpats and meals. This is when he knew that the human was part of 'The pack' and that he knew that something within his primal instincts that this man would fight and die for us. Such devotion and loyalty to 'The Pack' could only be repaid by swearing themselves to this human in return.

'Receiving His first name; Lucas'

After a year passed and he has slowly grown to a bigger form, yet not reaching the peak of his maturity, 'Mann' was granted the name of 'Lucas' by his old master after managing to survive for so long. The same could not be said however to half of his siblings and his mother; Whom he mourned by a loud howl piercing into the sky in the woods. The old human whom he called 'Alpha' within his primal mind, buried them deep under the snow and dirt with a pile of rocks stacked upon it. Strangely, the 'Alpha' each cut a slit in their left ear for some reason.

'Mann', also known as 'Lucas' at the time, was your typical german shepherd male dog in terms of fur color and physical body size. This allowed him to accompany his 'Alpha' into hunts in the woods for small or large game to feed themselves with. Alongside these hunts was his two siblings that survived alongside him, whom was named 'Luna' and 'Max' - A female and male german shepherd respectively who looked just about the same as him with 'Luna' being on the more leaner side in terms of her physical body.

Together; His 'Alpha' alongside his kin consistently hunted game to feed themselves with, explored, and took on walks along the woods before huddling within the warm lodge at the end of the day. This routine continued for two years to where him, and his siblings, all grew to full maturity. The game they caught were often either these strange 'ant' things that always tried to run away or fight back before it was taken down or the rare Reindeer that managed to survive and adapt to the xen fauna that populated earth. But his favorite was the fish that his 'Alpha' caught from the scary watery depths of a lake.

It was a peaceful life 'Lucas' lived but like everything; It will all come to an end at some point...

'The Lone Survivor'

During one of their many hunts, his 'Alpha' was strangely on-guard for the past week ever since they saw one of those large dirt towers popped up near the end of the woods. From his years of hunting and living within said woods, the ant-like bugs often build these dirt towers and now one is way too close for comfort upon their 'territory'.

On the way home after catching yet another hunt for their dinner, 'Lucas' felt something off from the path they usually walked on. This prompted him to suddenly stop to inspect his surroundings, which earned the attention of his 'Alpha'

The ground felt and smelled... Different. As if they were recently used... It was only when he felt a rumble beneath his paws that he sensed it.

The displacement of slow and the sounds of multiple rumblings from the dirt revealed the blue ant-like beings they have hunted many times before.

Now it seems they are now the hunted as many of these beings surrounded them, cutting off any way of escape. So they did the next best thing in this dire situation.


And so they fought against the ambushing ant-like beings with all of their might and ferociousness that a hunting dog could have; The sounds of growls, barks, bites, scratches, the shouting of his 'Alpha' and the thundering boom from the weapon in his hands echoed all around the woods. Yet no matter how many they kill, more of them kept coming from the ground...

Each dead ant thing joined it's fallen kin, but eventually, they started to tire from the constant fighting and it was only a matter of time till one of his 'Pack' would be too tired to defend themselves... The first who fell was 'Luna', struck down by two antlions from the sides after failing to dodge them. Her agonizing howls as the two antlions tore her to shreds triggered a protective instinct within 'Lucas' mind and he ran in an attempt to save his kin but it was all for naught as she was already dead before he could reach her.

Like a line of dominoes, his older kin 'Max' soon followed his sister's fate - Surrounded by the ant-things from all sides, they all sliced and bit into the older member without mercy as 'Max' fought back with all of his dwindling might before one of the ant-things leaped into him and bit into his neck , making 'Max' yelp loudly then falling dead down to the snow.

Seeing his older siblings fall to the ant-beings he considered as prey struck fear into his mind, his primal instincts telling him to run! To escape! To live another day! In that moment of fear, one ant-thing snuck up on him and almost received the same fate as 'Max' before the thundering boom blasted the ant into nothing but paste infront of his very eyes.

'Lucas' turned to see his 'Alpha' using his thunder boom stick to blast the ant-things surrounding 'Max's' and 'Luna's' still-bodies, killing one after the other till it revealed their dead and bloodied state. Sadness within the pit of his stomach surfaced as he looked at his 'Alpha's face of pure despair at the death of his 'Pack members'.

Taking a moment to glance at him, his 'Alpha' looked slightly relieved before that moment of taking off his eyes from the enemy would be his un-doing. 'Lucas' saw a flash of movement behind 'Alpha' and his instinct to dash forward triggered - The desire to protect the last remaining member of his 'pack', his family...

Yet again, he would be too slow and it was only a few meters that he would see the horrifying sight of his 'Alpha' pierced by the two front limbs of the ant-thing into his chest, splattering the snow with his blood. 'Alpha' could only widen his eyes and stand in shock before the limbs pulled out, letting his body fall to the floor with his shell-shocked eyes facing 'Lucas' which he could only stare back in horror...

The death of his 'Alpha' and his 'siblings' amongst the snow, bodies lying still as the flow of blood painting the white into red... All his primal instincts to run was ignored and he turned to the one feeling brewing within his heart...


His gritting sharp teeth and canine eyes glared onto the remaining few ant-things in the battlefield but he was focused on the one specific ant-thing infront of him that dare killed his 'Alpha'... The ant-thing only hissed in retaliation as it's limbs, still painted in blood, took a swipe at him only for 'Lucas' to unexpectedly leaped forward and taking the hit to his body, biting down onto the ant-thing with such savagery, splattering green blood on his fur and face but he cared not.

He only wanted this ant-thing and the rest dead...

He dispatched the last remaining ant-things with lack of regard to his life, earning him many scratches and bites upon his fur as his wounds began to drip blood. But this didn't matter to him right now as he limped to the unmoving body of his 'Alpha, and took one long gaze into his unblinking eyes...

'Lucas' could feel the embrace of darkness closing on him but he resisted long enough to let out a loud and long howl into the sky, one filled with despair and loss... Before his body planted itself onto the snow, staining the white red with his blood...

Slow blinking eyes and breathing began to toll on 'Lucas', this must be the end... He only regretted that he failed his 'pack'.... His family... However, a strange figure ran through the woods towards him; It was tall, it looked... like 'Alpha' but only hunching down and it was green.

Darkness took him, remembering seeing a large red eye looking down on him before his own eyes shut close.

View attachment 18228

'The Kindness of an Unknown Stranger and the Meeting of the Odd-human with a metal leg'

When he woken up, 'Lucas' found himself within a cave with a burning campfire beside him... His alert senses triggered as he scanned the area only to see the end of the cave was a dead end with the other side being the one entrance to said cave. Remaining still in alert for a few minutes before he slowly delved into a cautious but semi-resting stance.

'Lucas' vividly remembered the battle against those ant-things and the death of his kin, yet he know he sustained many grave injuries that it would be impossible for him to still live and breath. Looking upon his coat of fur, he found that his wounds were gone! With scars the only things that showed in their place.

Someone took care of him and healed him but who?

The desire to leave this place was also evident in his heart but where would he go? He didn't know where he was and his 'home' was nowhere to be found near the cave. Plus, the cave was warm and it seemed that his 'savior' left him some leftover ant-thing meat near the fire.

Seeing said meat made him boil in anger as he devoured it with such fierce force with his jaws, his hate for the killers of his 'pack' would never leave his primal mind till the day he dies...

Days went by as 'Lucas' stayed within the cave, periodically leaving the cave to hunt for food - Preferably lone antlions - but his savior never did return. He wondered what happen to him but he continued to stay within the cave for both shelter and warmth against the relentless cold outside. He slept at the dead-end area of the cave to stay warm and as a safety measure.

Yet one night, as he slept, his sensitive ears perked up at the sound of snow being crushed underfoot. This woke 'Lucas' as he stood up in alert at the approaching sounds that seem to be steadily growing closer after each step. He slinked down to the stone floor, his eyes staring at the entrance of the cave before a shadowy figure showed itself. It took a flashlight and shined a light on him as his eyes heard a confused gasp and a gravely voice.

"A dog?"

Looking up, the light provided enough to show the figure infront of him in slight detail; A man, just like 'Alpha'.

Unknowingly to 'Lucas, This man would grant him the new name of 'Mann' and his journey with him would begin...

Rebecca Stryker would like to know your location
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: AgentImperiya
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Agent#2190

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Dmitry Dobrovolskiy
*Do you own a OSF WL (For OSF Only) Yes, I do.
*Role/Rank: OSF, Private
*Brief Summary of Character: Yet Dmitry is quite a character, he will write every note on his notebook featuring his whole story from the beginning of his first arrival to City-24, yet his journey awaits him in the next future operations that he fights for not only his city, but his army, the OSF! Dmitry's hope is not viewed yet... Will he survive and live peaceful life in the City? Or will he face death and be forgotten?
*Character Backstory:

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: AgentImperiya
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Agent#2190

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Dmitry Dobrovolskiy
*Do you own a OSF WL (For OSF Only) Yes, I do.
*Role/Rank: OSF, Private
*Brief Summary of Character: Yet Dmitry is quite a character, he will write every note on his notebook featuring his whole story from the beginning of his first arrival to City-24, yet his journey awaits him in the next future operations that he fights for not only his city, but his army, the OSF! Dmitry's hope is not viewed yet... Will he survive and live peaceful life in the City? Or will he face death and be forgotten?
*Character Backstory:

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: AgentImperiya
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Agent#2190

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Dmitry Dobrovolskiy
*Do you own a OSF WL (For OSF Only) Yes, I do.
*Role/Rank: OSF, Private
*Brief Summary of Character: Yet Dmitry is quite a character, he will write every note on his notebook featuring his whole story from the beginning of his first arrival to City-24, yet his journey awaits him in the next future operations that he fights for not only his city, but his army, the OSF! Dmitry's hope is not viewed yet... Will he survive and live peaceful life in the City? Or will he face death and be forgotten?
*Character Backstory:



--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50764615
*Discord Name & ID: Jak#9400

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
RCT. Ozawa Koan
*Do you own a OSF WL (For OSF Only) Yes
*Role/Rank: RCT

*Brief Summary of Character:

The Asian drug lord of District 9, Ozawa is a man looking to make money and have fun whole doing it. He was forced to join the OSF in City 24 after City Administrator Heartwick forced him to join via interrogation.

*Character Backstory:

Ozawa Koan, Businessman, Fighter, Bastard, and Drug Entrepreneur.

Ozawa was born many years before the 7 Hour war in the City of Tokyo, Japan. With a wife and three children, his life war torn apart when they were separated by the Portal storms after the disaster at Black Mesa that shook the world.
Ozawa now lives trying to make as much money as he can, in hopes of making a name for himself in City 24. And by doing so, maybe attracting the attention of his long lost family.

for him, City Administrator Heartwick caught wind of his antics first, forcing Ozawa to join the OSF.



Due to the Operation being Abandoned on Day 1, There will be no Day 2. Sorry guys