Our Mutual Destruction, SEASON 1

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Our Mutual Destruction


Tragedy has struck!

With the return of the infamous Doctor Gordon Freeman, humanity had finally received the much-needed encouragement to rise-up against its foreign occupiers. With Freeman presumed dead, the resistance used the destruction of Nova Prospekt as it's signal to rise. The streets were soon flooded with the Union facing fierce resistance against rebels utilizing tactics, something practically unheard of prior to this moment. Freeman returned several days later and with a new leader in the field the resistance soon successfully infiltrated the citadel. Though tensions began to rise when several hours passed and there wasn't any sign of the heroic Freeman or his trusty sidekick Alyx. After twenty-four hours of eager waiting, a rumor had begun to spread from the Vortigaunts. The so-called 'Freeman' had perished and the resistance had lost its momentum. Soon the resistance had been driven back, while many fled to the outlands, those who were captured or surrendered were given mercy. They still had use producing for the Union.

With the Freeman presumed dead, word was quickly spread to rally in America by any means necessary.

Apprehension And Evasion
Unfortunately for those who listened to the message broadcasted by Lambda, they weren't the only ones to receive the message. Eager to enact revenge against those who tried to free themselves, the CPRD dug deep into it's labyrinth of viruses and abominations. With several bio-weapons in hand, the Overwatch forces planted several powerful jammers around the United States, stopping anyone without a certain military-grade radio from contacting the world outside the United States. With outside contact cut off, the CPRD released an airborne Virus that hastily spread across the states, as well as an army of it's pet-projects.

The Story Begins Here
You've come to the United States seeking to unite with Lambda. However your progress was thrown off since the virus struck. It has been a week since the first wave of the virus hit. Will you escape the United States, or will you succumb to the Mist and other-worldly horrors released against you? Only time will tell. Gasmasks only delay the inevitable, with bits of viruses getting in through the filters. Requiring rooms to be properly filtrated in order to remove your gas mask .


The resistance itself. They're a professional group of insurgents, trained soldiers, and patriots who were previously willing to sacrifice themselves to free humanity from the baleful influence of the Combine. They had the equipment for the job, ranging from simple weaponry to helicopters and tanks. However, the majority of this firepower was lost during the uprising. The remnants of these folk went into hiding in the outlands after the failure of the first uprising. But they've coordinated and arrived en masse to the United States. Manpower and firepower are scarce. Desperate, this cell of Lambda managed to get in contact with a squad of Civil Protection officers and some questionable individuals with a boat. They've agreed to meet with these two groups to unite them under Lambda.

Metropolice Force

The Metro police Force used to be the hostile enforcers of the Combines will. Not anymore. After an order was given for all command units to retreat to the Nexus, the metropolice for was disbanded. Ranks 05-01 banded together with the simple objective of survival. They have weapons of moderate quality, and access to some Combine technology. They have their own tactics, coordination, and communication. They operate off their own volition. They are severely outnumbered by both Overwatch and the resistance, and are actively hunted down by the former. This particular squad of metropolice officers have arrived in the United States to negotiate with Lambda, who have elected to turn a blind-eye to the officers past careers so-long as they willingly fall in with Lambda.


Men and women who've come to the United States seeking to unite with the Lambda. Luckily for this group, they managed to ferry along with two individuals who possessed a working boat, so-long as they agreed to listen to the commands of the captains. Now with a working boat, and defacto leaders, the group made it to the American shores by the skin of their teeth. The boat was destroyed by a vicious storm as the crew attempted to dock to look for fuel. Delayed, and way off-course the crew was unfortunate enough to lose their only mode of transport just as the virus hit. With their progress severely delayed, the group has finally begun to arrive at the specified location given by the Lambda agents. A week later.

Leadership Positions:
Lambda Lieutenant & Sergeant
Civil Protection i1 and i2
Refugee Captain & Co Captain​

Lambda Application Process
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Faction:
    • *Character Role (If applicable):
  • *Character Backstory:
You have minor differences, you start with Kevlar, a radio, a gasmask, an Mp7 and two boxes of ammunition.

Max 5 characters

You have 6 points. Use them wisely.
6- Random Rifle (Will be semi-automatic or automatic, but modern-ish. You will find out on spawn)
5- Random Shotgun (Will be a modern weapon)
4- Two Fragmentation Grenades
4- Breaching Charge
3- Uniform Replacement (New plates, an extra kevlar vest, something for if your variant of armor is beat up)
3- Flash Grenade
3- Field Trauma and Suture Kit
2- Box of Ammunition (If not specified it will go to your secondary/default starting firearm)
2- Backup Melee Weapon (Likely a knife)
2- Medigel Vial
2- Handheld Radio
1- High-quality Mask Filter
1- Random Ration
Free- Personal Trinket (Mainly RP related)

Refugee Application

  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Faction:
    • *Character Role(If applicable):
  • *Character Backstory:
You have 10 points. Use them wisely.

6- Random Rifle or SMG (May be bolt action, semi-automatic, new age or old. You will find out on spawn)
5- Random Shotgun (Reference other weapons)
5- Chemical Suit, Gasmask, 1 Filter
4- Random Handgun (May be a pistol or revolver. Again you will find out on spawn)
4- Three Fragmentation Grenades
4- Surgical Kit
3- Medigel Vial
3- One Box of Ammunition (If not specified it will be the same as a Rifle or Handgun if that is chosen)
3- Old Gasmask, 1 Filter
3- Kevlar, General Protective Clothing
3- Handheld Radio
3- Stimulants (Are they hardcore drugs or just painkillers? Your choice)
2- Melee Weapon
2- Makeshift Repair Kit (Used in CraftRP)
2- Piece of Low-End Survival Gear (Your choice)
2- Flashlight
2- Sewing Kit
1- Gasmask Filter
1- Food/Drink Item, x2
Free- Personal Trinket (Mainly RP related stuff. Watches, journals, etc.)

Metropolice Application Process
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Rank:
  • *Character Backstory:

You have minor differences, you start with a stun-baton, a nine-millimeter, your uniform, two boxes of ammunition and a civil-protection ration.

Maximum 5 characters.

You have 6 points. Use them wisely.
6- Random Rifle (Will be semi-automatic or automatic, but modern-ish. You will find out on spawn)
5- Random Shotgun (Will be a modern weapon)
4- Two Fragmentation Grenades
4- Breaching Charge
3- Uniform Replacement (New plates, an extra kevlar vest, something for if your variant of suit is beat up)
3- Flash Grenade
3- Field Trauma and Suture Kit
2- Box of Ammunition (If not specified it will go to your secondary/default starting firearm)
2- Backup Melee Weapon (Likely a knife)
2- Medigel Vial
2- Handheld Civil Protection Radio
1- CP Mask Filter
1- Random Ration
Free- Personal Trinket (Mainly RP related)

Final Notes
It is important to note that while this may be an unpopular decision, I've elected to use Clockwork for this Roleplay. It is of my personal belief, and the team who assisted in writing and preparing this story that Clockwork's gritty feeling is an excellent addition and will provide unique benefits in the form of overall tone and nostalgic feelings.


For reasons regarding possible man-power issues, it is discouraged you actively avoid each other.

DATE: August 21st
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"Un minuto de paciencia puede resultar en diez años de paz."​

"One minute of patience can result in ten years of peace."
Aiden Ignacio, long before enlisting into the Combine rule.
A happy man, free of worry.

Before the invasion, Aiden was in charge of production and testing of a classified material within Valencia. He enjoyed his time working, as he felt he is doing something for his country, and for his family, bringing in a steady income, and ensuring food is on the table for his wonderful mother, and dreaded father.

Aiden had a wife, her name was Sofia. They met one night when Aiden had taken his team out for celebrations on their bonus for the month. They came face to face at the bar, and hit it off instantly. Hours passed, and Aidens team had gone home, and they still spoke. Years passed, and they were happily together.

His mother was a religious woman, and a rather busy lady at home, keeping everything clean, as she wishes. Aiden always came home and took care of her, while his father was always outside, keeping to himself. Though, as his wonderful son was successful, he believed he wasn't needed.

Upon the invasion, Aiden decided to enlist, once everything had settled, seeing the absolute damage caused in such little time, he truly believed this was the best cause of action to keep everyone in his family, and Sofia, as healthy, and happy as can be.

Aiden carries around a Locket which inside has a photo of him and Sofia. A trinket he has kept with him for years.​

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: -
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Aiden Ignacio
*Character Rank: Former intention one.

  • Points:
    5- Random Shotgun (Will be a modern weapon)
    1- CP Mask Filter
    Free- Personal Trinket (Mainly RP related)
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
    Clyde Murphy
  • *Character Rank:
    Formerly i2
  • *Character Backstory:
    Clyde had been born to a middle-classed and loving family in the United States in the year 1985. Growing up, he showed himself to be tremendously poor in the education aspect-- however, was quick to try to be sociable with others in any way he can. He eventually dropped out of school at the age of 16 and quickly got himself a job working as a gas-station clerk. He had held down this job for a couple of months, and when it seemed like he was soon to be fired due to his poor work ethic-- the Resonance Cascade struck. He spent years leading up to the Combine's occupation with his family, living in an evacuation shelter set up by the military on the outskirts of Texas.

  • His siblings had unfortunately perished on their way to the shelter, which put Clyde in a dark and depressive state for a good while after the Combine had arrived. He ended up living a dull life, unmotivated to do anything else to go further. He was separated from his elderly parents, and eventually, against his better wishes, he decided he needed to do something-- if he was ever to get a chance to see them again, and make sure they were alright. He applied for the role of Civil Protection officer and soon was shoved through the strenuous and difficult training phases that City 17 had. He fought through it all, with the thought that his parents would get a better life.

  • He, unlike his High School life, excelled in all manner of training during his time in the recruit phase. He served, in a similar fashion to his gas station gig, for a couple of months as he quickly climbed the hierarchy of rankings. Some of his peers blamed it on strings being pulled, and others chalked it up to how volatile the profession is-- with many Civil Protection officers being put out of commission daily in City 17, it wasn't too unrealistic for someone as young as him to be given such a prestigious spot. Nonetheless, this is when things took a nosedive, and the full-blown Uprising occurred. He was shaken in his boots, sweating nervously as he thought he was going to die. Eventually, he was tossed out by the Combine, directly at the enemy.

  • He tried all his might, but couldn't dent them much more than injuring one or two. However, they had nailed a lucky shot on his gut-- and he was sent down bleeding. By a miracle, or perhaps God's work, he was dragged to safety by his coworkers and resuscitated. They demanded that he needed to flee the city, as something awful was about to occur. He was unsure of this, but sheepishly followed the orders of those higher command than him.

  • He was lucky enough to board a train out of the city but unlucky enough to watch the light shows that were the citadel's destruction and complete collapse. He cared not for the troubles that the Combine had, and his only driving point was to get to his family and flee to shelter in the wilderness. However, this drive had brought him to the mercy of the Lambda Resistance. They reluctantly allowed him to join their ranks, and he will do whatever it takes for them-- as long as it means he can eventually find a way to contact his parents.

    Now, he's one of the only Civil Protection officers of his ranking in the area. Despite his lofty status, he is constantly scared and desperate for his life. He doesn't feel himself fit to lead any sort of position-- yet here he is.

    He carries around a polaroid camera his father had gifted to him, in hopes that he would pursue a career relating to photography. Clyde always despised it, but now has grown an appreciation for it considering his dire situation.

    3 - Uniform Replacement
    2 - Handheld Civil Protection Radio
    1 - CP Mask Filter
    0 - Personal Trinket (Polaroid Camera)
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Metropolice Application

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Hayden
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22038366
*Discord Name & ID: Hayden#7667

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Steven Johannes
*Character Rank: Formerly i3
*Character Backstory:

'Applying pressure, non-citizen DB count is 4.'

Pre-unification, Johannes lived as a security guard at a factory that produced high-end cars. Carrying a sidearm felt natural to him ever since he was a teen, and the maintenance of said sidearm become rote routine into his early adulthood. Joining the police was something he considered often, but with political and social distrust regarding them, he decided not to. Security work was good enough, checking ID badges and security footage.

When it came to protecting the factory from the monstrosities that fell from the sky during the first portal storm, he again opted out. Turning tail and hauling ass to his friends place in the countryside was the decision he chose to make, a decision that would thankfully lead to his survival. When the 7 hour war started, it took little to no encouragement to surrender to the overwhelming force that now occupied earth.

Post unification
, he found himself overwhelmingly bored with the mundane day to day routine of a Civilian, but, struggling to find his place in this new world, he was again reluctant to join the new policing force - Civil Protection/Metropolice. Not because of how ruthlessly they would carry out beatings or how carelessly they would take down threats, instead he was hesitant because every time he'd eye that application form and see the need to put down family details, a sense of dread would overtake him.

He had no idea if his family was still alive, and wasn't ready to find out. It took him too long to think of them when the portal storms started happening, and the overwhelming guilt that he had never helped them was a demon he struggled to accept. His survival instincts kicked in early and it took far too long for him to snap out of it.

And yet, eventually he would apply for Civil Protection after seeing the City slowly growing more unstable and his options as a independent figure becoming fewer. So, with the loyalty points he had accrued from workshifts and the occasional report, he applied for Civil Protection and hesitatingly filled out his family details.

After about a week, he was accepted for a interview, where his parents were confirmed to still be alive, and his background deemed sufficient to be drafted.

He spent his time as a Civil Protection officer primarily focused around the loyal sectors of the City, a increasing sense of unease shadowing him whenever he sweeped the slummer districts, as he had a inkling of what was to come but nothing to go off of - crime was, almost, reducing, so he had no reason to feel this way.

And yet his suspicions would prove true soon after a series of seemingly unrelated shotcoppings and canal incursions. While the city was burning down, he huddled in some apartment complexes with his team, travelling across the rooftops using bridges that the resistance had prepared in advance. After having taken several losses, engaged countless rogue functionaries, and having failed to return to the Nexus after a mass RTB, the situation he found himself in was complex, as were where his loyalties would lie in the coming days and months.

After having picked up radio communications from surviving functionaries, he made way towards their location with his sidearm in hand, preparing himself for what he may encounter next.

3 - Uniform Replacement (Primarily after the replacement plates)
2 - Handheld CP Radio
1 - CP Mask Filter
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Steam ID: (I cant find it)
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Oliver Henry
  • *Character Faction: Refugees
    • *Character Role(If applicable): Medic.
  • *Character Backstory: His story before the invasion means nothing, all that matters is when it all started. 2005
    Oliver Henry before all of this hell was going to medical school to become a doctor, unfortunately for him it would cut short 4 years in due to the portal storms, halting his career. Thats the run up, now onto the present..

    He already had a grudge against the civil protection force, not the combine itself. Due to there barbaric ways of handling citizens who disobey. And with that in mind, he used his skills in the medical field to help those who could not be treated by CMU due to there status, this did indeed get him in hot waters for illegally buying medical supplies, putting him on BOL.

    The rest was the same, he'd help injured, hide from overwatch and civil protection, and stay with groups.. With nova prospekt falling, he decided to flee to america with another batch of refugees, in hope of a land of 'free'.

    He now finds himself ripping off a gasmask, traversing the land. To a fate unknown.
    Medigel + Stimulants(pain killers) in total 6 points.
    A Makarov Pistol, 4 points.
    Free. Trinket (A necklace of a cross)
    Free. Medical Shirt. (The CMU one)
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: esim boost

*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190762082

*Discord Name & ID: EBoost#8665

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Booker Brightfin

*Character Faction: Lambda Leadership Or Regular Lambda of not accepted as Leadership Role

*Character Role (If applicable): Lambda Sergeant

*Character Backstory:


Pictured: Booker's Message to Lambda Cells and televisions around The Eastern United States upon news of the Uprising

It’s been years since Booker has had action like this, but this is nothing compared to what happened in City i17.

This is something bigger. He wasn't going to let it slide, not again.

A Bronx Boy

Booker Brightfin’s beginnings started in the heart of America, ironically it brought him back there. He was born in New York in the year 1952, Dwight Eisenhower was elected President of the United States, America detonated the world's first hydrogen bomb, and Booker lay swaddled in a cradle in the Bronx safe under his family's steed.

Booker lived in New York for most of his life as a mechanic for a local Chevrolet dealer, falling under his father's footsteps of becoming a self-made man, and that he did. He bought his first house at the age of 24 with the help of his well-off family, went to college to get a degree in Political Science, and had a loving wife and family by the age of 35. He was by all means living the American dream.

Booker Brightfin lived long enough to see his son Chester Brightfin graduate college and move out, lived long enough to grow old of his nagging wife and move on from her to a nice cottage in Eastern Europe. In turn, he got to live to see the day Humanity fell to its knees under the might of an Alien Invasion.

Booker's Calling and Falling

He quickly was recruited for a short lived militia on the border of Bulgaria called the “United Front”, a band of rag tag gunmen looking to survive in the new Xen landscape of Eastern Europe. The United Front had a special place in Brightfin’s evolution to become a leader later in life, as he learned how to maintain composure in the heat of a battle no matter the loss of life. Loss of life was a common occurrence in this militia, and Booker rose the ranks to install himself as one of the few leaders of this group, teaching the underlings the practice of human kindness, yet ruthlessness in battle.

Then they came. Brightfin’s world was turned upside down in a single night, the majority of the United Front being wiped out by a single Synth Detachment Force from a portal appearing in the middle of their camp. No amount of training could prepare them for the horrific monstrosities that appeared from the Combine Overworld that night. Booker ran as fast as he could, fleeing not in cowardice but to survive the menace that came to slaughter him and his friends.

Booker Brightfin was now a citizen of the newly formed City 17, the staple of the Combines' rule over humanity. A new Citadel was to be formed, and Booker was selected as one of the ‘lucky few’ to be transferred to the Industrial District of City 17. In i17, Booker was a lowlife. One of the many residents of the Slums, only going to the City to collect rations. He wanted nothing to do with the Combine.

Industrial 17 and Lambda

In his time in i17, Booker met someone by the name of ‘Hans’. A mysterious individual at first, but his intentions of bringing down the reign of the Combine were obvious. Booker became friends with Hans, and in a few months of vetting became an official member of Lambda. Booker’s social skills combined with his former militia experience allowed him to climb the ranks of the local Lambda cell in i17.

The City and its people were choking, dying in the streets at the hand of a new unseen threat only known as the ‘Foul’. In this short period of time, Booker proved his worth to Lambda by helping bring in members of the resistance from City 24 to take down the threat of the Foul. Unfortunately, Booker Brightfin never got to see the end result of the battle for i17, being sent off by Lambda for other duties in the outskirts of City 17 and other places around the globe. In the outskirts of City 17 he helped scout and maintain White Forest for some time, visited City 12 to recruit ESIC remnants scattered in the Hong Kong slums, and even got to visit his home City of New York for a meeting with leaders of The Patriots.

While in the States, Booker heard it was time. News spread quickly of the Uprising, City 17 had begun to fall under the hands of the Resistance. And better yet, it was inspired by none other than the Savior he heard about from a Vortigaunt long ago. It was time to arm up, it was time to ignite his contacts he had been building for so long and flame the war-fire that was in the workings for so very long.

Yet just like the former uprising in i17, it was snuffed out. The Savior known as ‘Freeman’ was reported as dead.

Booker wont let history repeat itself.

He’s going to re-ignite this war with all the flame he has left.

3- Uniform Replacement
3- Field Trauma and Suture Kit
Free- Personal Trinket [Small vial of Booker's homemade favorite 'Breen Tar']
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  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
    A Jewish Monkey
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
    A Jewish Monkey#1406
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
    Oliver Adler
  • *Character Faction:
    • *Character Role(If applicable):
      Refugee Bodyguard
  • *Character Backstory:
    Enlisting within the United States Marine Corps at 18 during the portal storm crisis. He'd complete his basic training and SOI, being shipped out to his unit, 2nd Battalion 2nd Marine Regiment, somewhere around 2002. He'd fight against the Combine invasion but the resistance was futile, his friends would believe that he had gotten PTSD from the defense against the combine. This believed PTSD would explain Adler's change in attitude, he'd begin acting more erratic and hostile. He and several of his squadmates would ditch their military gear and flee into the civilian populace. Adler and his squadmates would fall into the rebel type of civilians making several attempts to make contact with Lambda cells, though all were unfruitful.
    One thing that stands true is he plans on avenging those brothers he lost in The Invasion.
You have 10 points. Use them wisely.
4- Random Handgun (Maybe a pistol or revolver. Again you will find out on spawn)
3- One Box of Ammunition (If not specified it will be the same as a Rifle or Handgun if that is chosen)
3- Kevlar, General Protective Clothing: Padded USMC Cold Weather Jacket (High-Temperature Resistant) Labeled "2nd BATT, 2nd MARINES" with it stenciled below "ADLER"
Free- Personal Trinket (Mainly RP-related stuff. Watches, journals, etc.): Dog tags + USMC EGA Pin​
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  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • The Fog Deluxe​
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Maine™#8574​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Frederick Miller
*Character Rank:
Former intention five
*Character Backstory:
Frederick was a basic man before the Invasion, being part of the LAPD he underwent basic training and the basics of how to operate a firearm. He served in the LAPD for a year, growing close to his so-called partner Lawrence. But no longer than a year after he enlisted in the Police Force, the Invasion struck. He was caught in the midst of the panic in LA and was unsure himself about what to do here. But it was no matter because soon enough the Combine declared its rule over Earth and Fred was stripped clean of his equipment before being sent off to an unknown city to him. Being shipped off without any knowledge of his whereabouts, he grew concerned for his family and friends. Furthermore, with the propaganda spreading about the benefits of Civil Protection he was drawn in and enlisted to keep his family safe.​
  • Fred spent most of his days patrolling rather empty streets. As he had learned that everyone was advised to stay inside.​
  • Fred had learned to accept the Combine's rule and adapted to it. But even then, he tried his best to keep away from the dangerous situations to the best of his ability. And when the Combine fell and the Uprisings happened, he decided to defect in the midst of the chaos. Notifying his subordinate before fleeing from the city walls with his rather lackluster gear and equipment. On his journey, he kept on using his radio to try and get in contact with other defects.​
2- Medigel
2- Handheld CP Radio
1- CP Mask Filter
1- CP Mask Filter​
  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Steffan
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
  • *Discord Name & ID: Steffan Wilhelm#4013
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: James Schmidt
  • *Character Rank: i4
  • *Character Backstory:
  • James Came to work with the civil protection at the first city he was relocated to, then after joining 3 weeks later he was transferred to City 17, then being promoted from i5 to i4. During the conflict with Gordon and his resistance allies James survived through hiding and fleeing the entire place, he met up with a squad of civil protection with similar ideas to himself, mostly of wanting to survive, with the feeling of betrayal fresh in their minds.

    They somehow managed to find themselves ambushed whilst fleeing the combines rules, James narrowly escaping death as his squad was gunned down before him, mercilessly ripped apart by a Transhuman death squad, Alone and terrified James made his way to France, where he found a long-abandoned Resistance outpost within an old cold war bunker, there he found a working static radio and managed to get a hold of a public resistance frequency, detailing the supposed death of Gordon freeman from the vortigaunt, and Humanities last hope, the last stand in the US, still feeling the betrayal from his once beloved benefactors and the memory of his squad being gunned down, he had the confidence and the motivation to contribute to something much beyond his own purpose to help for the greater good of the remnants of humanity.

    He makes his way to the US although being careful and slow, avoiding the watchful eye of the union, He makes it to US soil and meets up with a local remnant of the Metropolice force who were happy to take him in as a new brother of sorts. After the virus began to spread the number of the squad thinned down only to Five, every cautious and ever careful these five remaining including James had dwindling supplies, it has been a week since it first started and they are now en route to contact a former resistance cell, with the simple objective of co-operation and increasing their chances of survival.

3- Uniform Replacement
2- Civil Protection Radio
1- Combine Filter
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  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Cengo
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113942347
  • *Discord Name & ID: Cengiz#4268
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Nikolay Petrov

  • *Character Faction: Refugee
    • *Character Role(If applicable):

  • Normal Refugee
  • *Character Backstory:
Nikolay Petrov a former Russian Soldier, joined the Soviet Reclamation Force after the 7 Hour war. He lost his family during the Combine Invasion and swore to revenge them. He is a man in his 30s or maybe 40s, and was a Mechanic before the 7 Hour war. He is Zealous in his belief in Marxism–Leninism and the overall supremacy of Communism. His abilitys to quickly move in the shadows during the night was the cause that he was promoted to a Spy. He was Tasked with the Mission to invade Lambda as an Spy and capture many Informations about the cell as possible.​

4- Random Handgun (May be a pistol or revolver. Again you will find out on spawn)
3- Kevlar, General Protective Clothing
3- One Box of Ammunition (If not specified it will be the same as a Rifle or Handgun if that is chosen)
Free- Personal Trinket :
The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx

Join me Comrades, together we Shall fight the enemies of our Motherland
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Metropolice Application Process
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: mind games
  • *Steam ID: 76561198062191304
  • *Discord Name & ID: theHandgun#6281
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: John Dudman
  • *Character Rank: Intention 2
  • *Character Backstory:
An image of John Dudman doing loyality test to new arrivals of City 17. The test consist of dropping an empty soda can and asking for the citizens to pick it up, and then throw it back to the garbage bin.
An image of John Dudman doing loyality test to the new arrivals of City 17. The test consist of dropping an empty soda can to the ground and asking for the citizens to pick it up, and then throw it back to the garbage bin. Failure to do so usually results in a 507 public non-compliance charge.

John Dudman, aka XRAY-6, iron baton of the Union that spreads horror to the anti-citizens with his unorthadox methods of punishments. After the occupation, he happily signed up to the Civil Protection for the purpose of having power over others and living a more comfortable life. He is driven by his superiority complex and brutality, that alone was enough to carry him to the rank of intention 1 because the Combine direly needed fierce officers that could solidify the occupation and enslavement of the human race at the beginning of the occupation.

In an ordinary day at City 17, he welcomed the new arrivals by doing his trademarked loyalty test. Everything was fine until the Civil Protection teams were warned of a possible miscount. A manhunt began after this warning and they began chasing down the anti-citizen throughout the city. Failure to catch this individual resulted in him being punished by a demotion to intention 2 and relocation to a city in the United States. He continued with his duties there until the uprising began.

After the disbandment of Civil Protection teams, following the uprising, he decided that the best course of action from now on was to escape the City and reach the outlands, where he can wait until everything was in order again to make his comeback.


3- Field Trauma and Suture Kit
2- Medigel Vial
1- CP Mask Filter
Free - An empty soda can that he always carries to test the loyalty of citizens.
  • Lambda-

  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Komrade Seals
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45272469
  • *Discord Name & ID: Komrade Seals#0612
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Wilson Carter
  • *Character Faction: Lambda
    • *Character Role (If applicable): N/A, traditional 'veteran' Lambda insurgent.
  • *Character Backstory:
Wilson Carter was, by all measures, an ordinary man leading a somewhat ordinary life. An Englishman born and raised in London by a family with a military history dating back to the trenches of France and further back, Carter soon found himself seeking enlistment with the famed Second Battalion, Parachute Regiment of the British Army- otherwise known simply as '2 Para.' This, Carter achieved, yet his first taste of true prolonged combat came with the first Portal Storms, fracturing much of the global system. Many despaired at the swift collapse of most of the world, yet Carter, with full understanding of humanity's inherent perseverance, was determined to be equally resilient as his forebears. As such, he retained his position in the Paras, working to keep the peace in the few remaining urban jungles and many refugee camps, as well as routing out any warlords that sprung up too close.

And so, when the Universal Union made their landings, folding over the entire world in Seven Hours, Carter was one of the many who took to the underground instead of giving in to or worse- collaborating with their alien occupiers. It was no surprise then that a concrete and at least semi-organised resistance would take hold, for the most part remaining underground, unseen and unheeded. Throughout his time, Carter and others around him would be shifted, shuffled and smuggled to other Lambda cells all around the world. Eventually, after some years, he found himself transferred to the one of the American cells, and since then has been lying in wait with his comrades, trying to survive the latest biological assault and cut off from the rest of the globe thanks to the efforts of the CPRD, waiting for even the tiniest piece of news regarding the uprising beyond.

You have minor differences, you start with Kevlar, a radio, an Mp7 and two boxes of ammunition.

You have 6 points. Use them wisely.

3- Uniform Replacement
1- High-quality Mask Filter
2- Medigel Vial

Free- Personal Trinket (TBA)
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  • *Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198355274960
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Shawn Newman
  • *Character Faction: Lambda
    • *Character Role (If applicable): N/A
  • *Character Backstory:
Before the seven hour war, Shawn was a poet/playwright who gained moderate acclaim across a few local theatres in his local area. Shawn was known for discussing topics of free will and responsibility. He was criticised for his overwhelming gloomy determinism, but he was quickly enroute to increasing his sphere of influence as more and more began to pick up his work. Unfortunately, he was not given the time needed to become a household name.

Unable to continue his career, legally, as a playwright, Shawn was hired as a journalist for the Bureau of Enlightenment. He stuck with the work for a few years. He later described his articles as "mindless propaganda". Shawn had also looked for counselling due to lingering trauma due to the seven hour war. After a major struggle to get it, Shawn found the counselling unhelpful due to the lack of professional training from the counsellor. Shawn began flirting with the idea of crime by beginning to buy illegal drugs as an escape from his problems.

Shawn encountered a business that was able to convert his credits into chips - a local illegal currency. Shawn used this currency to purchase narcotics and alcohol (though alcohol was legal - he found that he was able to buy them cheaper and stronger illegally). Shawn was not able to keep the secret of his habits from his loyalist friends. After finding that Shawn was unsalvageable, he was fired, beaten, interrogated, and was demoted to underclass.

No longer able to convert credits into chips at an effective rate, Shawn began to suffer serious withdrawal. He became a junkie, laughed at or thought pathetic by everyone. He was a dishevelled shell of his former self, living in the slums and only coming to the city for his ration. He became almost unrecognisable - his physique bone skinny compared to his usual chubby self. Having nothing, Shawn did his best to get back on his feet. He invested what little he had left in a pen and as much paper as he could afford. He started out with poetry again - before finding out the hard way that no one was interested in poems anymore, not making enough to cover the cost of the cheap writing equipment he used to make it. Instead, he moved onto articles. Able to put in an ad for a local dealer - who accepted more out of pity than in the interest of self profit - Shawn wrote the first report from "The Unsilenced Paper". It was a rocky business model - very often barely keeping him afloat.

Shawn began to slowly climb in popularity among the underground community. He wrote under the pen-name "Kennedy". Shawn began weening himself off of narcotics, as well as gaining more and more popularity in the black market as an advertiser. The advertisements were most often written by the group themselves and had different techniques to evade legal detection. Most commonly, readers were told to leave notes at dead drops in places Civil Protection would have a hard time watching for extended periods, or to ask around for someone under a fake name. He gained a bit of much needed weight, shaved his overgrown and messy beard, and was all around doing pretty well for himself. Soon, Civil Protection opened an investigation on the real identity of "Kennedy". Shawn had got himself an 'office' space in a slum's apartment which had printers, computers (with a pre-war OS), meaning he didn't have to handwrite each copy of the paper he posted around. Shawn ended up sound-proofing the walls after he realised how loud the printers were. He was also on the market for some writers, and had gotten himself an assistant who wrote articles.

Shawn had put in an advertisement for a local munition's selling group. Soon after the paper was put up, the group was busted by Civil Protection. Meanwhile, within the city, Civil Protection were working hard on the identity of Kennedy. They had a height, eye and hair colour, accent and general build for the suspect, from a few months worth of interrogations of multiple suspects. They had taken some of the papers to a lab, though no fingerprints or other identifying material were found. Shawn was identified as one of many suspects that could be "Kennedy", due to his matching appearance to reports, the extended amount of time he spent in the slums, as well as his background in journalism. A team of plain-clothed officers were sent to follow him, and deduced his possible base of operations to an apartment in the slums. A protection team was sent in to search the apartment. As this was happening, what remained of the munition's group was looking for a snitch. They instantly locked onto the paper - they were fine until they made a deal with them. Arming up, they moved to enter Shawn's apartment. They kicked the door down, putting their guns to Shawn and his assistant's head. Just as they were about to fire - Civil Protection arrived at the doorway - and all hell broke loose.

The munition's group were armed better than Civil Protection. It was rifle's vs SMGs. However, the cops were better trained. Shawn crawled out the window in the chaos, seeing one of the munition's group firing into his own. The snitch. His assistant wasn't so lucky, having been shot and killed by Civil Protection as they made their first entry. He climbed down his apartment building and made a break for it, running underground to try and escape the cops. After the final remnants of the munition's group were killed, the search for Shawn began.

In his search for an escape, Shawn encountered two vortigaunts who accepted to help him out the city. They went through a filthy tunnel - walking a few miles until they emerged out of a hole in the outlands. The vortigaunts lead an exhausted Shawn into a nearby abandoned building, where he passed out.

Shawn woke up to find the vortigaunts gone. They had left a hatchet, a pistol, an extra clip of ammo, and a note that simply said "good luck". He was on his own - and having never even fired a pistol before - he didn't like his chances. He considered going back to the city, but he'd be hunted down and killed by Civil Protection. Not knowing what else to do, he began walking in the direction opposite the city. He got hungry, thirsty, and desperate, causing him to end up wasting a clip trying fruitlessly kill a crow he saw overhead. Eventually he gave up hope, collapsing on the ground and accepting his fate. He passed out again. He woke up to a headcrab curiously tapping his leg with it's fangs. He panicked, firing his entire clip into the creature, obliterating it. Realising what he just did - he lunged for the corpse, ripping it apart with his hands and eating the thing raw. He hadn't eaten in so long that it tasted like a gourmet meal.

Walking for miles and miles and killing zombies upon zombies with his hatchet, Shawn finally arrived at a settlement for refugees. He collapsed at their doorstep, and they quickly took him in. He was treated for multiple scratch marks - as well as sickness from having to eat raw meat and drink dirty water. After a few weeks of recovery, he was lucky to be okay. The group called themselves Lambda. With nowhere else to go, he joined up with them, receiving firearms training and going back to writing newspapers for the group, where he is to this day.

3 points, uniform replacement.
2 points, extra ammunition.
1 point, high quality filter.
Trinket: notebook and pen.
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  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: zEnxrgy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198115627521
  • *Discord Name & ID: zEnxrgy#4105
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Wolf Schreiner
  • *Character Faction:
  • Refugee
    • *Character Role(If applicable):
    • N/A
  • Character Backstory:
Wolf Schreiner, born in Germany, Aschaffenburg was a former Soldat of the Bundeswehr. He was part of the 251 Fallschirmjägerbataillon.
He is in his late 30´s.

After the combine would have landed on Earth, he would have been deployed on German territory, protecting the Reichstag from the alien invaders; which would lead in a surrender. The combine would have shown mercy, transferring him to a city; City 13.

In City 13, he was the owner of a local shop, he called it "Schreiner´s Werkzeug & Mehr", where it was possible for high Tier-loyalists to buy expensive tools and more. His shop got closed after he got multiple malcompliance verdicts, also resulting in loose of a lot of Social Credits, which forced him to lay low in the slums.

After arriving at a refugee camp outside of City 13, he was told to find "Lambda". Equipped with a handgun, supplies ( and a crowbar [if possible] ), he would start his journey.

Swearing to continue the fight, he would try to make his way to the lambda cells. He has nothing else to loose other than his very own life, since his family deceased a long time ago in the 7 hour-war...

"It may be hard for me, but it is necesarry..."

Wolf is friendly & caring, but can be vicious if betrayed or being hostile towards him.
Wolf Schreiner is not religious.
He is a nicotine addict.

You have 10 points. Use them wisely.

4- Random Handgun (May be a pistol or revolver. Again you will find out on spawn)
3- One Box of Ammunition (If not specified it will be the same as a Rifle or Handgun if that is chosen)
2- Melee Weapon ( Crowbar if possible )
1- Food/Drink Item, x2
Free- Personal Trinket: Picture of Personal Battalion (Bundeswehr)

FREE: Blue Beanie
FREE: Work Boots
FREE: Blue Pants
FREE: Fingerless Gloves
FREE: Satchel (Small bag)
FREE: Grey Jacket
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  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: mrjustin412​
  • *Steam ID: 76561198866246578​
  • *Discord Name & ID: mrjustin122#6241​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Nakamori Kiyoshi​
  • *Character Faction: Refugee​
    • *Character Role(If applicable): Co-Captain (I'm fine with normal refugee though if someone gets Co-Captain)​
  • *Character Backstory:
The man christened as Nakamori Kiyoshi was born on May Eighteenth, 1965 to a middle-class family living in Japan's Osaka city, having a humbled father and gentle mother. From a young age, pride and confidence coursed through Nakamori's veins, practically any action of significance filling him with the joy of a job done well and done by him. It was hardly any surprise that Nakamori thought he was destined for greatness, ill-content with living as a mere commoner among the sea of identical strangers.

It took much work for Nakamori to achieve what he did but, slowly and steadily, he rose up in the food chain of Osaka as a businessman, his charisma allowing him to get his way in business deals and his mastery satisfying those he worked below. Steadily, the people Nakamori once acted as a subordinate to became his own subordinates, as he grew to control a multi-million dollar corporation by the time he was thirty-five.

Yet, the wealth he had achieved, the status, the dream Nakamori had brought into reality all came with a dire cost. The once joyful, chipper spirit had vacated his body, leaving only a stubborn, arrogant husk of a man who only cared for one thing and one thing above all else: business. Nakamori had already gone through one relationship and his nature hardly made his current relationship any easier to maintain. There were many nights were Nakamori was found practically passed out on his desk from exerting himself, and yet he refused to even dare believe he had earned such a rest.

But rest would come to Nakamori whether he desired it or not, for the Portal Storms and the havoc they wrought in the First Days brought about mass destruction, death, and worst of all for Nakamori, the collapse of the world's economy! What was the point of owning a corporation if the economy around it was as dead as much of Nakamori's staff?! The following four years were troublesome for Nakamori, and yet humbling at the same time: his relationship was rekindled, for the once egotistic Nakamori found himself caring more for what little he had left than what more he had lost. The once high and mighty CEO took on a new job, fathering his two sons and even earning a third; it was an idyllic family life...for all of four years.

Many heralded the arrival of the Universal Union with a variety of emotions: hope, disgust, fear, and resentment. For Nakamori, the end of the Seven Hour War and the surrender of humanity was soon marked by pure anguish for now he had truly lost everything: his wife, his sons, his home, his business, even his culture. His love ripped away from him, his two eldest sons sent to re-education camps, and his third...it is easy for one to guess that his third son was too young for the Combine's regime. Even with the turning of a new cheek, Nakamori had everything, every single achievement, all the things he loved and cherished, stripped from him and leaving a hollow husk that could only go through the motions of life.

There was hope for Nakamori, hope and salvation that he found in the Lord, for in his darkest hours and bleakest moments, Nakamori uncovered a newfound love from God and His texts. Nakamori had hardly been a religious man or a believer in such texts, often putting such 'superstitions' in his eyes to the side when focused on more pressing matters. Yet Nakamori had nothing else to put his attention to now than faith, and his faith was that his new Lord would show him a sign that life was worth living. The now humbled, aged Nakamori lived his life as a kindred yet devoted spirit, as he believed in time that the Lord would reward Nakamori for his devotion to Him. All he needed as that signal...

Much like how the Vortigaunts saw the return of the One Free Man as a sign the Combine's reckoning, Nakamori saw it as an opportunity not for revenge but to seek what he had lost. The Combine's hold over humanity was weakening and with it, the barriers that kept Nakamori away from those he held near and dear to his heart and soul; and thus, Nakamori fought not just in the Lord's name but in the name of his family, and he fought fiercely at that. The battle waged between the Resistance and the Combine grew stagnate, hardly helped by the disappearance and rumored death of the Freeman; it seemed as if Nakamori's one sole chance to rise up against his oppressors had slipped from his grasp as easily as it had fallen into them.

All was not lost for our dear Nakamori, however, for word soon reached him of a new mission the Lambda fighters had devised, a rallying point in the wastelands of America. With hardly anything to lose yet everything to gain, Nakamori packed what he could, and set off to find the boat that would take him and others he would meet to North America. In his eyes, the mission to America was hardly just a push against the Combine; it was both a pilgrimage for Nakamori to seek the truth for himself, and to seek out his sons, who in his eyes would have inherited his father's fighting spirit.

It is difficult to say if Nakamori's reasoning is a desperate, thinly veiled hope he clings to, or a remnant of his youthful arrogance. Perhaps his skills may land him a favorable position next to the lucky boat captain. Perhaps not. Only time shall tell what North America holds for Nakamori, good...or bad.

4- Random Handgun
3- Handheld Radio
2- Melee weapon (hatchet if possible)
1- Food/Drink Item, x2
Free Item: blue and yellow jacket (intended to be non-protective)
Free item: fingerless gloves
Free item: booties (Infestation Control boots)
Free item: Large backpack
Free item: personal trinket - Holy Bible​
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  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: DoodleDude
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:510728945
  • *Discord Name & ID: DoodleDude#0903
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Jax Venuz
  • *Character Rank: I4
  • *Character Backstory:
  • resim_2022-08-07_215312567.png
  • A Doctor pre-war, Jax was born in Coushatta, Lousiana, a small town with fine hospitality and respect. He spent his life in Coushatta, It was family for him. When the Black Mesa incident happened America was terrorized by creatures from far beyond, Jax made it alive and well although scarred mentally from the trauma he endured. When the Combine occupation happened, Jax climbed the ranks of society while keeping his "loyal citizen" facade and made it to Civil Protection. Even though he is not the most loyal citizen out there as he states to masses, He is not interested in going rouge in any way, He is in the job for the profit it has... He's a quite over protective person and is Cautious all the time. His mental state is on a new low due to the event that will cause GREAT changes in his life at this very moment as If the trauma he endured when the invasion of Xen started, Therefore He keeps prescripted Anti-depressants on him.
:: GEAR ::
3- Field Trauma and Suture Kit
2- Handheld Radio
1- High-quality Mask Filter
Free- Personal Trinket (Mainly RP related): Anti-Depressants. 6 Pills left.

" No one's dying until I do, keep that in mind, boy "

Note: Feel free to critize so I can Improve!

  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Divine
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212
  • *Discord Name & ID: Divine#7207
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Martin Conway
  • *Character Rank: Formerly, i3
  • *Character Backstory:

    Pre-Unification / Post-Unification / The Collapse

Born in the year of 1974, Martin Conway was the son of a middle-class New York family.
The majority of his life was mundane, boring, and generally the same up until his 22nd birthday.
At the age of twenty-two, Martin dedicated himself to joining the New York Police Department,
to which he presented himself with gallantry and excellence over the eight years of his active service.

Eight years had passed since 1996, the year that Martin joined the NYPD. It was business as 'usual'.
If you could even call it that. Though, this was 2004. Portal Storms going on still, and Martin had to
assist in calming down the people every time some wacky xenian problem occurred. Up until the day
where the Combine invaded Earth and led the planet under occupation of the Universal Union.

Martin tried to fight along with his colleagues, but upon realization of how fruitless their efforts were,
they all surrendered themselves or died in the war. Martin voluntarily joined the Civil Protection force,
though any promotions he ever got were incredibly slowed by his behavior which was held in disdain by

command units.

Barely avoiding death, Martin kept himself alive by fulfilling the wishes of the Union as most did. Knowing
he still had family alive, and his continued service in the Ministry of Civil Protection would keep them safe
and treated better was one of the many things that kept him committed to the job. As difficult as it was,
beating innocent people, and killing others without batting an eye he managed to keep himself up until

the resistance showed its true power.

During what can only truly be described as the collapse of the Combine's power, or at least the majority of it,

Martin disregarded the sacrifice codes, and any other orders given by the Overwatch AI. Abandoning the Civil
Protection and deserting from the Union.

From there on, his fate will be decided.


(Six Total)

Armor Replacement - 3
9mm Ammunition - 2
CP Filter - 1
RP Trinket (Family Photo) - FREE
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Zachus
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:195372622
  • *Discord Name & ID: Zachus#0276
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Tyrone Adams
  • *Character Faction: Refugee
    • *Character Role(If applicable): Refugee Engineer
  • *Character Backstory: With below average grades in school, Adams never had much plans for a career path after Highschool. Being kicked out of his parents house and having no form of income, he'd head down to his local recruiting station. His struggles in life would be fixed by a Marine clad in Khaki and Green. Surprisingly, after finishing bootcamp he'd be assigned to 2nd CEB as a 1371. Stationed at Camp Lejeune NC with his platoon attached to 2/2. On leave the Combine would invade unable to fight back against the unrelenting Empire. Fleeing to the civic populous, he would associate with those less than loyal to the Combine.
You have 10 points. Use them wisely.

4- Random Handgun (May be a pistol or revolver. Again you will find out on spawn)
4- Three Fragmentation Grenades
2- Makeshift Repair Kit (Used in CraftRP)
Free- Personal Trinket (Old Bible)
Free- Glasses
Free- Any type of Alyx Coat
Free- Boonie hat
Free- Dogtags​
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  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Dej
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Frank Zhang
  • *Character Faction: Lambda
    • *Character Role (If applicable): Lieutenant
  • *Character Backstory:
Frank Zhang is Chinese-Canadian who was a IT Worker in one of the many large conglomerates present within the Canadian City of Toronto, living a relatively average life, having completed his Studies and obtaining both a Diploma and Degree in Computer Engineering. His troubles were generic and about the same as the usual of the Middle Class, rent, Job Security, Public Safety, and more. His family was adequately well off, though he frequently quarreled with his younger brother.

Like the millions of others on this fateful day, 2001 saw the Portal Storms tear apart the world. Shattering all sense of peace and war alike. Zhang was one of the lucky ones if you could call him one, either luck or misfortune it was that the Military found him first, along with his Co-Workers, and were quickly evacuated to one of the buildings designated as a Emergency Camp, setup due to the increasing hostile presence by Xenian Incursions. Everyone had to do their part, so when he volunteered to help, they shoved a C8 Assault Rifle into his hands, and pointed him towards the nearest sandbag barricade. The waves were endless, the ambushes were always expected, but they were never prepared. Zhang was forced to watch as the Canadian Military's Outer Defense Perimeter slowly began to shrink and shrink, thousands being lost on a whims notice until they finally managed to successfully entrench on the City limits itself. But this didn't stop anything, it didn't stop the sewers from becoming a dangerous dungeon, and random Xenian Portals popping ambushes inside the City itself. He, along with thousands of other "Conscripted Defenders" were hard pressed alongside the military to keep the perimeter up.

Years pass as the Xenian Portal Storms slowly shaped the lands and became the new norm. By this point, Zhang was one of the NCOs of the "Toronto Militia", a group of Non-Military individuals who contributed to the safety of the City. Years passed by as untold millions perished from the Xenian Onslaught. Yet the worst had yet to come, for the skies on day glowed a different shade of horrific red, as instead of Mantarays and Vortigaunts, Synthetic Gunships and Dropships began to blot out the sun, Synth Troopers and Striders swarmed the surface, obliterating both the Xenians and the United Nations alike. Zhang was once again lucky, having been holed up in one of the many Underground Command Bunkers that had been constructed. But that didn't stop the Combine from storming the Underground with Synth Troopers, forcing them to flee into the Hazardous and Dangerous Metro Tunnels and Sewer Systems, where he would eventually be caught by a roving patrol and forced into "Citizenship" into the newly christened City-70, formerly Detroit, as a Civilian, and not shot as a Combatant thanks to him being forced to abandon his weapons in favour of speed during his escape into the Metro Tunnels.

Life wasn't easy under the Combine, having been separated from his family, never to hear of them again. Zhang was forced into the many factories that City-70 now housed, toiling away for countless hours that would have made Labor Unions start riots. And like many others, Zhang, not used to the harsh conditions, began to fall behind like many others, and was soon treated even lower than the scum of the Earth. Eventually leading him to forming uneasy friendships with other members of the Slums, and in the end, joining a local Rebel Cell.

Sabotage, Infiltration, Skirmishes, Ambushes, all were done in the name of "Humanity", Zhang held little actual care for Humanity, seeing the Collaborators in the form of the Civil Administration and Civil Protection, in the end, he fought for himself more than anything, to be free of both the Combine and the harsh nature of the Wasteland, fighting for others was just an added side benefit that came along with his own desires. But his little revolutionary career wouldn't last long, as Civil Protection eventually launched a large scale crackdown in conjunction with Overwatch, and easily flushed out and overran any sort of holdings the Rebels had in his District, forcing him to retreat to the Outlands with some of his remaining cell.

Its here where he met the more prevalent and consolidated Lambda Rebels, where they recognized his time in both the Canadian Militia and City-70's Resistance Cells, he was given a couple assignments to prove his worth, and eventually given a Leadership position, where he led some of the cells against the Combine during "Freeman's Uprising".

The present is looking grim as usual, morale is at an all time low as rumors of Freeman's death continues to spread, and the European Revolution being swift stamped and crushed by the Combine. Add the toxic viruses of North America to the mix? And you got some dark days ahead of you, the likes of which you've never seen before. It leads to Zhang's current predicament, now tired and clinging on to whatever hope he has left, his superiors tell him that refugees from the European Continent are on the way to seek refuge, along with a group of Rogue Civil Protection Officers seeking to negotiate their own safety.

This shit can't get any worse, right?

2- Boxes of SMG Ammo
2- Medigel Vial
1- High-quality Mask Filter
1- Ration
FREE - Backpacks (Small & Big)
FREE - Helmet
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