Official Public Beta 29-30th


WN Owner
Staff Member
Willard Management

29-30. May. 2021

Bugs, crashes and other issues can occur. We hope for a smooth experience but keep in mind this is a beta and issues are very likely to pop up, including server crashes. We'll be keeping it very chill mostly to allow people to explore and try out the current version, you're also welcome to RP if you'd like to. Keep in mind no characters, items or anything of the sort will be saved once the beta is complete.

Please refer to our bug forum section if you discover any bugs during your exploration, thank you!

We'll make an announcement in the Discord channel at the time of opening and the server will be kept open for the full duration both day/night.

29-30.May.2021 is the duration of the first public BETA.

You'll need to subscribe to the following collection if you decide to join the test:

what are the rules? are players encouraged to search for exploits?
As long as you inform us of any you find and don't do anything malicious with it, I don't mind. Didn't ban people for it in the previous beta either. Better to find this shit in beta than after launch, so willing to cut people leeway here.