That was actually some of the most fun I've had in a while as far as events go, I love multi-day events with a lot of prep work and possibilities for multiple things to happen and multiple endings. It can be kinda buggy though, but I don't really mind it, it's cool as hell.
I liked the event, but the fact we had to wait 2 hours between Trials was kind of tiring. I also think filters should be more frequent or gas in general should just be put off.

But besides that it was really cool


Actual feedback:
The amount of effort put into this is unreal. The gameplay dynamics & what we need to do became apparent from reading notes scattered around. The soul coin mechanic I only understood after I died (thinking this was it).
I like the NPC placement of stalkers & nightmares.
The audio was on point (the song for the 2nd challenge was a really good choice what was it?) and also the gong sound.
No suggestions for improvement from me.
loved the event even though I died to save one monkey. However on another note I would suggest picking different colours or more vibrant colours for trial one because I mistook the green for yellow
I had a lot of fun overall.

Really good opportunity to team up with people, then to make friends with people who you fought.
Well thought out challenges that felt fair. The traveller was a nice addition as well, though maybe he seemed a bit too good to me? IDK

Downsides I saw were the toxic gas - the ventilation stars didn't work for me? So I just had accumulating toxic buildup and I couldn't see for most the time. Hunger was a problem but I imagine we'll start with full tomorrow or start with more to loot.
I liked the event, but the fact we had to wait 2 hours between Trials was kind of tiring. I also think filters should be more frequent or gas in general should just be put off.

But besides that it was really cool
Day one was slow on purpose, so people get used to the environment and day 2 only people don't miss out on the more interesting things.
I absolutely loved the shenanigans that started during the set up, stuff like chasing around a gnome and telling everyone to do Nickelodeon Sitcomrp was hilarious.

The fact that my character was from a completely different universe from the Half-Life one made for some interesting encounters, especially when encountering Civil Protection and Vortigaunts.
Being apart of a group prior to being incinerated was fun too, kinda wish that it went on for longer though.

Over all, event good. I hope more stuff like this gets done.
No toxic gas for day two, please. The rest was awesome (Except the fact that Adolf wasn't a playable character)
And I'll say it again.