RealGamer's Event Concept


Radio Bob Approved
Steam Name & ID: Suspicious Banjo Music, STEAM_0:0:49381279
Discord Name & ID: What?#2406

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the concept:

Overall reasoning and value behind the event:

With the rebel's destruction of the Aswan High Dam, Sector 10 won't be seeing immediate returns from the agri-zone after its liberation due to reconstruction efforts. MAA leadership has taken upon itself to secure and receive approval for a subsequent operation, venturing south of the flooded farmlands to find an arable section of land which can feed the city in the meantime.

After the long awaited second campaign of the MAA ended up with mixed results, the faction leadership wanted to work on subsequent followup missions to try and assist the rebuilding process of Union food infrastructure. Despite the NRAU threat being entirely eliminated, they sabotaged the Dam before the end of the campaign, forcing the Union to rebuild and reclaim the land over a long rebuilding process. The commander of the 24th MAA division approced several parties, engaging in a diplomatic mission to get an expedition approved which would allow them to seek out and secure a temporary region of arable land.

The suitable land that the 24th found lays just outside of the dangerous scorched dunes and has enough farmland to feed several cities, one of which would be City 24. With approval from the City 40 Administration, and the Sector 10 Administration, the 24th began preparations for an expedition into the Kerma region of Pre-war Sudan. Such an expedition would be to clear the area out of any old world, or xen holdouts, and establish a defensible temporary agri-zone to supplement Sector 10's food supply while City 40's agri-zone is repaired.


This will require that the 24th prepares for a mission into an unknown region, most likely one that hasn't been under the Union's eye for years just for how remote it is.
The division will need to perform reconnaissance in the region and discover just what has taken up residence in the region after the Combine's invasion, if anything. And then establish a temporary base while supplies is shipped in to construct a fortified agricultural area which will help serve the Union while it suffers from the effects of the NRAU's sabotage. This may take days, and can give MAA characters the experience of a long, drawn out military deployment. Over the next few days, most of their time shall be spent constructing defenses and trying to find ways to occupy their time in the scorching heat of the desert, doing passive rp with the occasional flash of action.


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.): Yes, I'd like to help organize the event.

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: Yes.

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?: Yes, it ties in directly with the food shortage crisis.

Will this concept affect the mainserver?: If successful it will have a serious positive effect on the amount of food coming in to city 24.

/Event **The Summer desert heat scorches down brutally on the sands anyone without foot-wear would feel their feet beginning to burn underneath the 40+ C Heat, As wearing suits begins to become an unbearable feeling those with such suits would be wise to ensure they had adequate water less they succumb to heat stroke....

|An Average Height male clad in CBRN Protective gear adorned by body armor| <::Man, Did anyone remember to bring the fan...?::>
|A Soldier of the MAA Speaks with an Italian Accent| <::Air Conditioning? There's no need for Air conditioning where we're going!::>
Here to confirm from my side that C40 is happy for the MAA to conduct this expedition on their behalf and will provide them with river transportation and any equipment they need, they will also be sending an official along with the expedition to ensure everything is in order and to keep an eye on whatever unfolds on the trip.
Going to turn this into an Expedition maybe, since its been posted with nothing but silence since then