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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.


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Radio Bob Approved
Staff Member
Server Council
Creative Team

Set in the universe of the popular online Halo web-series, ‘Red Versus Blue’, more specifically during the era of Project Freelancer. You’ll take the role of a special operations group underneath Freelancer, known as ‘Recovery’. Typically, recovery agents only worked solo or in duo’s until recently.

Your squad is an experiment by the Director, testing the capabilities of his recovery agents when in a squad-sized element. You will be deployed to recover vital Freelancer armor, equipment and data that was stolen by an insurrectionist splinter-cell.

Through hardship, and difficult decisions, Recovery squad Alpha will learn the truth behind project Freelancer. What they will do with the information remains to be seen.

This event will mainly be S2RP, unless otherwise stated during specific sections.

You must have a proper understanding of basic Halo, and Red versus Blue lore to apply for this event. Do not apply if you cannot guarantee your attendance due to limited slots.

Steam Name / ID:
Discord Name / ID:
Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?:
Character Name:
Character Callsign: (Recovery 1-10)
Character Backstory: (Minimal one paragraph)

This event is hosted by AbyssalRaven, I'm only posting it on their behalf.

The event aims to be ran on the 30th of September and 1st of October for the first two sessions. There are only 10 slots available.
It will be ran at 3PM CST

Content is a WIP and will likely receive updates before the event is ran.

As per the event host's request - to play this event you need to be 18+ years old.
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I see the older gentlemans are still trying to hold onto the Halo nostalgia from their younger days. I like this
Steam Name / ID:
  • STEAM_0:1:57871904​
Discord Name / ID:

Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?:
I know some, as I played the games and watched the movies.

Character Name:
Sergeant Matthew Jones - Sleepy

Character Callsign:
Recovery 3

Character Backstory:

Jones was a failed college student that wanted to make something of his life, he kept applying for jobs to make a living, but he couldn't get any calls from any of the positions that he applied for. Jones then found himself at the doorstep of the UNSC building, this was it, he was going to join the Space Marines, he eventually got in, passed the physical and the medical tests, and the bootcamp. After serving in the corps for a few years, he was eventually promoted to the rank of Sergeant due to his excellent performance.

Don't get fooled by Sleepy's nickname, for that he is a very stern and a disciplined soldier, he cares deeply for his comrades and everybody that serves under, or with him. He is a big strategist and doesn't get his emotions involved in a risky or a situation that is quite dangerous, and is the most logical one that can perform under stress.​
Updated to mention the time the event will be ran on + correct dates.
Steam Name / ID: STEAM_0:0:573971238
Discord Name / ID: theonewhoseesm3
Timezone: GMT +8
Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?:
Yes, Its been my very favorite series to watch and that what got me interested into the Halo Lore
Character Name: Sgt. Teddy Ironwood
Character Callsign: Recovery - 8
Character Backstory:
Ironwood, a street-smart criminal who needed to get his hands dirty to survive and provide for his family in a dangerous metropolitan environment, took on jobs with plenty of assets, and as long as he didn't care what happened to him or what he had to do on the job, it always got done and paid. Following his incarceration, he found himself at a fork in the road after a sequence of tragic circumstances resulted in a criminal order from a harsh court demanding his duty in the UNSC Marine Corps. As he enlisted in the UNSC, where he was assigned to a frigate called "Red Horizon". As he was deployed on the ship, he met a lot of units, some of whom he knew were friends and some were not. He improved his skills and strengths, which affected his improvement on any assignment in which he was involved, increasing his chances of advancing in rank. He still holds on to his soul despite the fact that the people he knew and loved throughout his enlistment years have disappeared or been killed in action by the covenant. Today, he still continues in the military as a sergeant.​
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Steam Name / ID:
Discord Name / ID:
maxyourfriend (No ID)

Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?:

Played all the Halo's except for Infinite, and religiously watch RvB 1-13 at least once a year.
Character Name:

Kaysen Jasper
Character Callsign:

Recovery - 10
Character Backstory:

Jasper was a decent soldier, capable of getting the job done and enough to hold their own. He's been deployed around a few fronts and fought a few terrifying foes in his time. His abilities were enough for him to fall under the wing of Project Freelancer. Under the wing of the project, he's already run a couple of operations, neither of which were particularly notable in their activities. Jasper himself swears that he is next on the block for becoming a Freelancer. It is important to note that Jasper is a pathological liar, which has kept anyone around him from genuinely believing any of his claims. Only seeing him in action can tell what his actual abilities might be.
Steam Name / ID: Hayden/STEAM_0:1:22038366
Discord Name / ID: Haydeon
Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?:
Character Name:
Character Callsign:
N/A -Dumb AI
Character Backstory:
Newcastle was created to assist Recovery agents with the tasks assigned to them - stored in a convenient slot adjacent to Recovery-01's temple on their helmet. The provision of Newcastle to Recovery agents was to better assist them with adapting to new environments that they may find themselves in - while also ensuring command and control of nearby infrastructure & denial of surveillance in hostile territories. While not designated as a 'Smart AI', Newcastle still retains some sense of personality, allowing him to easily form relationships and camaraderie between the Recovery agents that he is assigned to.

Newcastle also contains a 'loss prevention' countermeasure, which will cause him/his code to essentially self-destruct and wipe itself upon a mission failure, most easily determined when the Recovery agents he is assisting have all dropped dead.
Steam Name / ID: Alessiodoomboy (STEAM_0:0:197504616)
Discord Name / ID: alessiodoomboy
Timezone: BST
Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?: Yes
Character Name: Elwood O'Quinn
Character Callsign: Recovery 7
Character Backstory: (Minimal one paragraph)


A man born on Earth, California, to well off, immigrant parents from the UK. Elwood took to reading from a young age, and became known among his friends and family as generous and intelligent. Elwood was a bright and popular student, rarely receiving a grade below A.

Elwood developed a strong moral compass, picked up from his family, that would stick with him for the rest of his life. Always protect the little guy. He taught himself some basic self defence methods, just in case he saw anyone getting bullied, or even mugged.

He never ended up using those skills he had taught himself, and despite his popularity and grades, he felt like it wasn’t enough. He had been introduced to the concept of the military by recruiters at his school. The idea grew on his mind like a cancer in his teenage years. He convinced himself that sitting idle was just as big a crime as doing it personally.

“If I’m not out there, someone else has to be.”

As he grew into adulthood, his mind would set. His parents didn’t understand, but he expected that. Knowing he could never convince them otherwise, he went despite their wishes, leaving everything behind as he entered basic training.

Starting out in basic training, Elwood’s introduction to his new life started off rocky. His first day of basic training ended with him finding the process more intense than he had expected. He wasn’t used to being pushed this hard, having always found challenges he faced back home as fairly easy and manageable. This dealt a blow to his self esteem, but over time, as his pride restored itself, the challenge began to invigorate him.

One night, Elwood encountered a pair of three trainees ganging up on one of the recruits. They were much larger than him - using their size to push the scrawny recruit around as he was unable to fight back.

The fight wasn’t fair. The three of them were strong, and clearly experienced. The recruit managed to sneak away, but in turn, Elwood faced the relentless assault instead. He managed to get a few punches in before being tackled and pinned, but by the end of it he was black, blue and red.

After his recovery, the recruit he had saved introduced himself to Elwood. His name was Hutch. The two became friends, and as they passed through training, Elwood kept an eye on Hutch. He felt a personal pride, watching him grow to become a competent soldier, and even demonstrate impressive skills in leadership. Elwood himself got training as a medic. He was planning to carry on saving and protecting people in the field.

As training ended, the two parted ways. Elwood felt confident about him, though. After all he had seen from him, he knew he’d be able to handle himself on the field.

Hop In My Car, It Don’t Have Any Doors
Elwood found a great sense of accomplishment fighting insurrectionists. He showed mercy where he could, and prioritised protecting his teammates above all else. However, his tendency to prioritise the lives of his squad over the mission began to cause him some problems as he demonstrated that he wasn’t

There was a battle coming, and there would be many injured. If he were to come, he could do more than he could ever dream of fighting with puny terrorists. But it’d be dangerous - obviously, no one could blame him for denying the offer.

Elwood was in.

Going to sleep that night, Elwood awoke in a bed that wasn’t his to the sounds of shots. He didn’t let the disorientation last long though. He was surrounded by men in blue armour. They made odd noises as each ran to their posts. He got himself up, grabbing the nearest weapon, and finding the nearest first aid supplies.

Exiting the hardpoint he found an unoccupied warthog. After a few moments thought, he got in the driver's seat. Driving headfirst into battle, he journeyed the battlefield, finding those injured and hauling them into the vehicle. Stabilising them in groups of three to five, getting them to safety, and going back out to repeat the process. Over the course of the battle, he had saved over fifty lives.

Elwood returned a final time, but found himself unable to leave. His hardpoint was under siege. The final of the injured were still being hauled from the combat zone as the siege started.

Shoot First, Aim Later
“Three, Two, One!” Elwood heard from the outside of the hardpoint. Submachine gun fire was heard from inside. Bodies drop dead. Blood splatters. The pair that had infiltrated had made their way upstairs. Elwood hid himself as the pair approached, finding himself unable to make it to the exit.

A moment’s pause. They had begun fiddling with a console inside. Elwood raised his rifle, firing a blind shot of suppressive fire as he darted for the stairs. He heard a shout of pain, and then another, of rage, as the remaining one retaliated. He got shot in the shoulder as he descended, but at the bottom of the stairs, he was not pursued.

Elwood awoke in a UNSC ship, his wound having been tended to. A man with a beret, and a collection of medals, and explained that he had proved himself competent enough for something more. Something real.​
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Steam Name / ID: Greece#1 / STEAM_0:0:93978068

Discord Name / ID: mainetm

Timezone: GMT+2

Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?: Yes


The Upbringing

Elwin Ryder was born on Earth and raised in Quebec, Canada. His family were aggressive, and escalated conflicts at rapid paces in their neighbourhood. This hostile environment he found himself within led him to become a troublesome child. This caused him to have a hard time getting close to anyone, as everyone around him knew him as selfish and arrogant. Though who did he really need? He had been taught that all he needs is himself, and that's it. Only he's needed to carry on in life.
He kept living with his brutish style. People frowned when they saw him, and none were fond of him. "Disgusting" Is what Elwin was used to hearing when passing by groups of people. His grades were never on top. He was never at the top of his class, but what he lacked in terms of knowledge he made up for in strength. It was clear to many that he wouldn't make it far as a citizen, and if he did try then he'd end up behind bars.
He'd end up finishing his education at a High school. Never had it good with everyone dragging him down after all. And thus he contemplated upon seeking enlistment within the military.

"There I wouldn't be judged for my ways, right?"

He spent his days thinking, as once he had finished his education his parents were awfully insistent on tossing him out into the corporation offices. They had big dreams for him, yet he wasn't as aspiring.
Days had passed and Elwin finally made up his mind. The recruitment center was right around the corner. Nobody could stop him now, right? Nobody would... He had pushed all aside after all.
He left his abode when his relatives were busy. Disappearing from them, and leaving all their aspirations behind.



He'd spend years training for combat. His brutish background had him feeling as if he belonged where he was. Though with time serving the UNSC he had gotten to a point where fighting insurrectionists became futile. There was more than enough bombings and death, and he came to the realization that even he cannot stop the insurrectionists. Not with the military at the very least.
His expertise in combat, and outstanding performance however did not go unnoticed. One day he'd acquire an envelope. One which bore a mysterious logo upon it. Inside was an offer to serve something bigger. An invitation to somewhere he'd feel at home. Where he may continue to challenge himself and become more than he could ever aspire with the military.
The next day Elwin made his way to a designated meet-up point. He was greeted by a mysterious male, though his greeting was short lived as was jabbed by an strange syringe. Soon after his vision went dark and he lost conciousness.
"Where am I?" Is all Elwin could think.
His vision was blurry, and his body felt as if not his own.
The distant sounds of gunfire, and war was ever so present. He was quickly put up on his feet by someone clad in red armour. The armour however, was something he had never seen before. This wasn't military tech he thought to himself, though the hundreds of questions he had in him were all shut down by the soldier.



A weapon was shoved into Elwin's hands followed by distant shouting, and screaming.
"Get out there and reclaim that stronghold!" was shouted by the soldier, whose nameplate stated HUTCH.
All those around him were clad in red.
Explosions, vehicles, deaths... This war wasn't ending anytime soon, and Elwin found himself in the midst of it.
The only colours visible on the field were Red and Blue.
One thing was for sure however... He's part of the Red Team.
Though it wasn't all for nothing... With time he improved. His survival instincts, and kill or be killed mentality kept his drive on in the simulation.
His brutish behavior retained, though was lessened. He had learned to work with others, and had even developed a form of sensible humor.
Though no matter how many people he considered "Brothers" in this simulation, it was all nearing an end for Elwin.

Elwin checked his wrist-pad.
"One more hardpoint to go" he stated confidently.
He had gotten used to the objectives, and had grown comfortable with working with his brothers in arms.
Nobody knew how long they've spent in there, but time mattered little to them by now.

The hardpoint stood strong with blue silhouettes all around it.
It was clear they were expecting a fight.

"2-1 Take the left! 2-2 Take the right!" barked Hutch over his radio.
The blues had spotted us as we approached, and explosives rang out everywhere.
This was hell. Truly hell... But we've been through this before.
"Rog' that!" yelled out Elwin as he moved to the rightern side of the hardpoint.
His weapon was trained at the blues in the distance. Shots were being fired left and right and bodies were dropping.
Elwin however managed to remain in the battle.

Reds and Blues were dropping En-Masse. Rifle fire, Explosives, Aerial Support. All of it was in use.

"We're closing in on the Hardpoint! Prep' for breach!" barked
Hutch. His voice turned raspy from his constant shouting over the recent battles.
Bullets passing by, barely missing us as we're advancing. Is this luck?

Elwin and Hutch made their way to the entrance of the Hardpoint.
A bloody mess it was...
Bodies were scattered all around the entrance. Some missing limbs, some bled out.
Yet there were no survivors.

"Three. Two. One!" barked Hutch with his raspy voice before entering the Hardpoint.
He took lead. He always did. That's what made Hutch a lively bastard.
Elwin followed behind Hutch. Shouting and steps were heard from inside of the Hardpoint.

Submachine gun fire was heard from inside. Multiple impacts, and then went Hutch's iconic rifle.
Bodies drop dead. Blood splatters. We've always been in the lead on this one.

Elwin and Hutch made it to the upper floor of the hardpoint.
Establishing a link is all we need now.
And that's where it all went wrong...

WAR.. IS... HELL...


A deafening shot rang out from behind, splattering the walls with a crimson red hue.
Elwin quickly turned around to face the perpetrator.
Without second thought he pulled back on his trigger, unloading his magazine whilst yelling enraged.
Blood painted the wall as
Elwin's magazine found itself empty.
Though the damage was already done...

Hutch collapsed to the ground with a loud thud. He gasped for air whilst gripping his wounds.
The walls around him all covered in red. It was a gruesome mess.
He tried to stop it...
But it wasn't enough.
He bled too much..

Elwin quickly dropped next to Hutch.
He reached up to the side of his helmet, shouting over the radio.
"Hardpoint secure! Bring us a medic here on the pronto!" Elwin shouted. His shout was quick, and sounded as if in distress.

Hutch kept on applying pressure upon his wounds, but there were too many.
He looked up to Elwin, attempting to utter something but...
The injuries were too severe. He was choking.
It was clear that he was beyond helping.

Elwin did his best to slow down Hutch's bleeding, though it wasn't enough.
"Hutch! Don't you leave me you damned bastard! We made it this far! This far!" Elwin shouted, the sense of panic was ever so present in his voice.
But before long... Hutch was dead. The emergency teams made it to the scene, though it was too late.

Elwin stared at Hutch's deceased body. The shock had gotten to him.
They were the closest they could be.
But all it took was...
One unlucky shot

The hardpoint was taken care of. Elwin wasn't given any rest before a ping emitted from his wrist-pad and his vision suddenly dissolved into darkness yet again. Though this time he wasn't alone.

His vision slowly returned, and infront of him stood a well-dressed male. His chest portrayed a variety of medals and a beret.

He stared Elwin dead in the eye, a cold gaze locked upon him for moments before exchanging a plethora of words.
And finally... A hand was extended to Elwin. The officer's cold gaze was no longer present.

There was clear spite still left within Elwin.
The Freelancer Project never let anyone rest now, did it?

Reluctantly, an offer was made. One which would let Elwin back into the real world. though. This time however he would no longer be Elwin... He was now Quebec, and his only partner was none other than "Alaska"

And as such, that was the beginning of service between RECOVERY-1 and
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Steam Name / ID: memesky / STEAM_0:0:91426770
Discord Name / ID: memesky
Are you minimally acquainted with Halo / RVB Lore?:


Agent David 'Alaska' Stryker




Raised by a single father, Maximilian, David had few issues in his early days. The family was known for its wealth; although that privilege started slowly waning over the decades. David focused all of his efforts into improving himself in New Harmony's school, determined to carry on the family's legacy and return them to their glory. His father was a renowned UNSC Captain, commandeering the UNSC Hawkeye.
Few friends were made on this selfless journey, but that was not a major concern for Stryker. Years passed as he graduated with honors at the top of his class, after which he enrolled with the Luna OCS academy.



Stryker found no interest in commanding from the coziness of a captain's cabin; hence his decision to side with the marine branch of the UNSC. Acceptance followed quickly, the entry exam results showcasing an above average score. He stayed in regular contact with his father, who wasn't too fond of the decision to join the Marine Corps over the Navy.
Years passed as David entered the final year. Many friends were made along the way; he was with like-minded people, after all. Stryker was held in high regard for his intelligence & courage by the instructors, to the point where jealousy started to fill the halls of Mare Nubium.
At last, the epilogue of Stryker's stay at the Academy was here. He graduated with high honors; just like everyone else in his class - no mistakes were made, yet this uneventful life would soon take a swift turn.

Unsc Manson GIF - Unsc Manson GIFs


The United Earth Government was still recovering from the consequences of the Human-Covenant War, Stryker's commission was rushed as he replaced a fallen Lieutenant. The platoon was not too eager to see their leader so easily replaced; the platoon sergeant in particular was despondent.

Dozens of eyes darted towards the fresh Lieutenant as he made his first appearance in the platoon's section of the vessel. Empathy was not required to feel the disdain.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant!" said Corporal Jones sarcastically; performing a lousy salute.

Stryker paid the remark no mind, his gaze focusing on a certain individual - the platoon sergeant.

"Come with me, Staff Sergeant." the Lieutenant said, sauntering towards the hall.

The two strolled the dimly lit hallways of the Challenger, only the occasional ship ambience breaking the awkward silence. The sergeant seemed distracted, paying no attention to his commanding officer until he finally broke the peace and quiet.
"I'm aware that you've lost your Lieutenant to the Insurrectionists recently. Accept my condolences, sergeant Ford."

The sergeant shut his eyes closed, dropping an unhurried nod.
"You'll have to cut your losses here. We'll have to work together to keep the team at their absolute best. Cooperate for them, not for me."

"I assure you, Lieutenant. I am fully aware of what my duties entail."
"For everyone's sake, I certainly hope you are. Dismissed."

The pair exchanged salutes as the staff sergeant backtracked to the barracks.
There was a lot of work to be done.



The ship grinded to a halt as the general quarters alarm blared. The Captain was calling for immediate deployment of the marines onboard.

Stryker's platoon boarded the Pelican, one by one. The bird is quick to take off.
Jones' fireteam joined in on his ridiculing of the Lieutenant, laughing it off.
"Cut the chatter, you troglodytes!"
The staff sergeant's words were quick to silence the platoon.
"Listen up, team. We've been assigned to quell a sudden Insurrectionist uprising on Draco III. New Albany, the capital, has been completely overtaken by their forces. Command is sending us straight into the capital. If we can retake the center, the rebels will be quick to fall without support. Any questions?"

Silence fills the cold air of the Pelican.
"Good. Then get ready fo-"

A sudden explosion rocks the bird's rotor as alarms start to blare from the cockpit.


The Lieutenant's ears start to ring as he regains consciousness, his hazy eyes unveiling the horrors before him.



Total chaos filled the city of New Albany. The surprise attack on the arriving forces was a devastating blow to the operation; they were expecting the Corps.

Bullets whizzed the air, hitting a marine on the way.

"SNAP OUT OF IT, LT!" screamed out Corporal Jones.​
Stryker regained his senses, darting over the environment as he spoke.

"Jones. Have you seen Ford?"​
"Nuh-uh. Not in a while. I heard he took the rest of the platoon towards the administration building. Maybe we can reach them if we take that Warthog."​
Stryker shot a nod at Jones as he rose to his feet.​


Jones, the Lieutenant and another marine rushed out, sprinting for the Warthog as they were provided covering fire.

"You sure you can drive one of these, boss?"
The remark was ignored as the officer pressed onto the pedal, drifting straight through the battlefield. His ears continued to blare as the Warthog's machinegun fired volley after volley towards the enemy.

What seemed like a suicide mission turned out to work perfectly for the trio; they were behind the administration building, quickly disembarking.
Oddly enough, the area was devoid of any life, only the distant gunfire could be heard from here.
Lieutenant Stryker gestured Jones and the Private towards the main door, signaling for them to breach.


The marine lowered his weapon at the sight before him. The entire building was ransacked, filled with corpses of both sides of the conflict -- mainly UNSC forces. A familiar figure could be seen among the dead; identified as sergeant Ford.
Silence filled the hall; a moment of peace and clarity in the never-ending struggle of warfare.
The trio motioned for the exit as a shot rang out - straight into the Private's skull.

"THEY'RE HERE, THEY'RE HERE, GET THE COMMANDER OUT OF HERE!" a panicked voice shouted from the other side of the building.
Jones held the trigger of his battle rifle, forcing the Insurrectionists into cover. Stryker ignored the Corporal's cries, pushing onward. Bursts of gunfire came from his own battle rifle, taking down the first line of hostiles.
Jones may have protested, but he sure as hell followed. The duo pushed up the stairs, their flurry of bullets putting a swift end to anyone in their way.
At the end of the hallway, a single door remained - the Governor's office.
The Corporal was ignored once again, as the Lieutenant kicked down the door.
Only one person was in this room - his prominence clear as day by the uniform; the Insurrectionist commander.
The figure raised their hands, eyeing the two with fear.
"For treason against the United Earth Government and its colonies, you are under arres-"
Stryker reached for his M6 magnum, firing a shot straight into the commander's skull.
The officer moved towards the Governor's desk, accessing the broadcast systems for the city.

"Attention to all traitors. Your commander is dead, his entire command structure has collapsed. You have no one and nothing. Your numbers dwindle, and ours only rise. This is your only chance to surrender."

As minutes passed, the amount of shots that could be heard in the distance diminished. In mere hours, the battle for New Albany was over. Without the capital, the remnants were certain to fall swiftly.


Local denizens were quick in their rebuilding efforts of Draco III. Stryker received all the honors for the victory; although he didn't appear to be too enthusiastic about it. Corporal Jones-- now Sergeant Jones started avoiding the Lieutenant, yet he never talked about what happened, perhaps he thought no one would believe him, or maybe he understood it was the right choice.

The announcement system jumped to life as a raspy voice filled the halls of the ship:

Lieutenant David Stryker, report to the bridge.

red vs blue freelancers logo Pokemon Tattoo, Red Vs Blue, Gaming Tattoo, Gorgeous Tattoos, Make You Cry, Geek Culture, Rwby, Tattoos And Piercings, As You Like

A pair of salutes welcomed the Lieutenant as he entered the brain of the Challenger.
Stryker dropped a sharp salute as he approached the Captain, who appeared to be accompanied by an UNSC official.

"He's all yours." the Captain said to the figure, before walking off of the bridge.
"Lieutenant. I read the after action report on Draco III. You seem to have a unique way of handling things."

Stryker maintained silence, his posture firm; his hands behind his back.

"There have been some job openings recently. I believe we have a suitable position for you."

From now on, Lieutenant David Stryker was only known as Agent Alaska. He was assigned a partner; Agent Quebec. Their partnership was short-lived, as the 'Recovery' squad formed.


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As per the event host, all applicants have been accepted / approved for their designated call-signs and backstories. Although, it is important to keep in mind that your characters past military rank does not apply in the Freelancer programme (IE: Sergeant). A leader will be selected amongst you, either prior to the event, or in character at a later date. You will receive a ping when you've been added to the appropriate channels.
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