Good and fun with a few minor annoyances. Groups continue to rush ahead whilst people try to pace themselves and actually roleplay, which ends up just making the roleplay actually feel more like a zombie escape map/gamemode.

Though this is more of a player problem than it is a GM problem, GMs should try punishing people who continue to charge into every room without a care of what may be ahead.
It was good, but people need to stop fucking running ahead and speedrunning things. While we WERE on a timecrunch, it was one we could get away with taking things slow.
I WANTED to RP and I made a damn strong effort but I didn't want to get left behind in the end because I decided I cared to roleplay and others didn't care enough to.
As a side note, how did everyone like The Yokel?
Amazing event!

The admins looked at my char bio and started playing as characters that my character is friends with so they could kill them in front of me or force me to kill them. I love the imposters

I love the alternate reality, I like seeing alternate versions of peoples characters. I really hope all of us make it

I got to have an argument with an interdimensional eldrich horror in the comfort of my own mind at the end of the event, I love the char dev!
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I loved tormenting Zima and having him confront his previous mind controlled or deceased friends and forcing him to kill them for his own safety

I was there 10/10
My only negative feedback is people rushing. People need to learn to RP and slow down. Don't try run at full speed just because you know where to go or you are bored of everyone else's RP. Hold back, keep still- I was forced to enter observer and spawn 4 synths to force everyone to slow down despite multiple IC messages and some OOC warnings to wait and hold.

Minimal issue and was near the end, but do slow down Please.
I ran out of revolver ammo, charged a monster with my machete, hit it, and did an Action that continued the Motion and decapitated the thing.

This event was pretty fun, downside is my character died in a shitty way, falling down a damn hole. Was fun crushing skulls in as a creature afterwards though ;)
started the event as a delusional nomad, spawned on a hill with a campfire and a lot of good loot. my spawn landed me next to a sniper nest which had repair plating and a CP suit, which i repaired and wore for almost the whole event

scavenged around and talked to myself with a tape recorder, didn’t even know how big the map was so i didn’t know if there were that many people let alive ICly. as i entered the nearby church i heard running and whispering, so i grabbed a shit load of stuff and noped out of there. then i found a house with a lot of supplies and met up with Andrew, a rebel who would stick by me the whole event

6 hours. that’s how long the event was, and i did a LOT as Jacob. it was so much fun and actually got me very, very scared at the beginning of the event being alone and stuck in the middle of nowhere.

the only downsides are that i got to the evacuation point late which caused me to get swallowed by a horde of zombies which resulted in my death (probably should’ve just ran away when i saw the first couple of zombies, that’s on me lol), and later in the event everyone kinda came together into one HUGE group. it took away the scare factor really easily as we had a lot of OTA and physically adept people to take on an entire horde. this issue will probably be fixed on the second day. im dead so i won’t be able to see it, but hopefully it’s as good as today.

10/10, need more events like this
Had connection issues throughout which messed up my planned start.

Started late, was spawned in by an admin close to a group of CP’s and loyalists, found another group, went with them until we found OTA, ditched them, found a random CP, went with that CP a while until he died and the group came up to meet me, then we wandered a bit, got lost by going the wrong way for like 30 minutes, then got to the end.

My only complaint was I would’ve liked to have spawned further away from anyone, since they happened to be in the only way I could’ve gone, but that’s more on me for approaching them I guess.

I still don’t know who played the CP I was with.
Liked the event
It start to fee overwhelming at some point that I wanted to go solo
It was fantastic at the start the mood was set and being alone with few people really put the vibe

Later on when we started to form with people it just became like zombie escape but still some rp was done

Overwatch soldiers talked like humans which was weird.

At least I got a nice hearthwick suit and ordinal rifle