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Refuge Rampart


The Hat of All Time
A True Citizen
Refuge Rampart

26th May 2024

During the aftermath of a major Combine assault on several outposts under the banner of Moonlight's Alliance, you find yourselves at Outpost Mont Blanc - a derelict research base with several buildings now repurposed for supplies and communication. The outpost is a key part of the group's network, aiding incoming refugees from other Outposts who are seeking an escape. You're tasked with making sure that the facility is running as optimally as possible for the maximum amount of refugees to be evacuated.

So far, your outpost has avoided transhuman and synthetic assault by virtue of being on the outer rim of the Alliance's sphere of influence. When striders and gunships were headed towards the well armed interior outposts, Outpost Mont Blanc's destruction was tasked to a conscript battalion, the C24 'GUARDIANS OF SALÉVE'. The Outpost was able to hold through a few skirmishes against the conscripts - who quickly realised the mountain terrain didn't favour them in a full frontal assault - so they arranged a few of their members to infiltrate amongst the refugees making a chaotic sprint away from their fallen outposts and sneak into Mont Blanc to sabotage from within.

In this event there will be infiltrators. If you wish to become one, send a DM to either @Fedora or @alessiodoomboy in discord or on the forums

If there aren't enough infiltrators, you may be selected to fill the role. You will deny if you wish.

Base Operators will not be infiltrators

Base Operator - 0/3
The base operators are trusted members of Outpost Mont Blanc and find themselves in leadership roles, directing the refugees to do their tasks within the Outpost.

Outpost Survivor 0 / Infinite
You are one of the other outpost survivors, after somehow surviving the ordeal at your previous Outpost, you found yourself at Outpost Mont Blanc and are aiding in the base's operations, for you know that doing so will help the other refugees who are coming through.

Infilitrator (?/?)
You are part of the C24 'GUARDIANS OF SALÉVE' who were chosen to infilitrate into the outposts, failure is not an option.​


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Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Discord Name:

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Character Name:
Character Skills:
Character Backstory:

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Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Discord Name:

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Character Name:
Character Skills:
Character Role within the Outpost you were stationed at:
Character Backstory prior to joining up to the Outpost you were stationed at:

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Steam Name: Bounter
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56174230
Discord Name & ID: bounter_

--- IC Section ---
Character Name: Joshamee "Brig" Davis
Character Skills (will be edited if done wrong):

Guns 20
Speed 20
Medicine 15
Cooking 18
Melee 22
Crafting 21
Smuggling 12

Character Role within the Outpost you were stationed at: While not specified, the role of his was that of a general repairman and craftsman. Making tools and gear to be used around the place for himself and other residents. On top much that, repairing and fixing some of the parts of the Outpost, like pipes, wires or any broken machinery or elements. Sometimes, He also assisted in preparing food for other Rebels or Refugees, wether thats baking bread or making something else for them. But primarly, it was a position of a Craftsman/Repaiman.

Character Backstory prior to joining up to the Outpost you were stationed at:

Not much is known about his early life, except for the fact that he was born around 1980, and was raised in a Sailor family at the Coast of England, where around his 20s he managed to become a Sailor via. Sailor School, and upon finishing it has earned his Family's old Brig. However, anything afterwards is not exactly clear, until recent times.

What is known, is that before joining the outpost that he was stationed at, Joshamee Davis, was originally a Rebel Sea-Courier, delivering and providing to Rebels materials, weapons, ammo and all other kinds of cargo, using his older Brig named "Wells" named after his Favourite writer. Him owning a Brig, and often sharing his stories of it, have earned him the nickname "Brig" among his comrades. Stories, since after a while, Combine managed to find the wreck of "Wells" on one of the beaches along the Coast of Italy, the damage on it was a sign of Ichtyosaurus attacks, alongside being damaged by rocks and debris.
He and his crew managed to take some of the Cargo onto the close-by regions, and into City 24, to assist the Local resistance with them. In there, he became a local craftsman and a capable fighter, however he prefered to stay low and keep to himself. Often sees as cowardice, which alongside his Sailor-like attitude and way of doing things, especially his slight alcoholism and ability to act harshly, made him a occasionally problematic but still appreciated companion. This lasted until their evacuation from the region, where he was forced to relocate into one of the Local Outposts... That is, until they had to escape once more.