Reorganized Red Cross

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Reorganized Red Cross
“Together we can save lives.”

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The Reorganized Red Cross is a peaceful anti-Union faction that assists in the protection, medical treatment, well-being, and overall health of refugees and citizens alike. They operate world-wide, retaining a decent sized force of skilled doctors, paramedics, and smugglers.

Organizational Structure
“To be in hell is to drift; to be in heaven is to steer.”

The Red Cross is managed by the collaborative power of several different departments. These include the Administrative Department, Wellness Department, Logistics & Recruitment Department, and finally the Department of Refugee Safety. Each of these departments serves to ensure the continuous operation of the organization's humanitarian efforts across the globe. The responsibilities of the Administrative Department include managing deployments, keeping dossiers on personnel and equipment, and finally maintaining the unity of the organization. The department’s main center of operations is in close proximity to City 24, it’s protected by the group known as THETA. This headquarters is significant as it coordinates the organization globally.

The Wellness Department’s main focus is to provide medical treatment to refugees and citizens alike; department staff will operate on anyone as long as they do not oppose or directly threaten the organization's operations; this can include Union Personnel such as Civil Protection Delegates, Conscripted Functionaries, and of course members of the Union Commissioned Workforce. Wellness Department personnel are frequently attached to other resistance groups, often relying on their protection to maintain their facilities - like the administrative department it also maintains and actively operates several centers of operations; the purposes of these centers often vary, with some playing the role of being trauma centers and major hospitals; as per usual there is usually at least one of these buildings on each continent, however the two main centers are located in North America, more specifically in the surrounding areas of City One being supported and defended by the Local Resistance.

The Logistics & Recruitment department focuses on directly smuggling supplies into cities, along with maintaining the operations of every other department; this includes providing the Administrative Department with computers, paper, etc and the Wellness Department with Medical Supplies and staff; they also play a minor role in supplying the Department of Refugee Safety. This department is one of the more independent sub-sections of the Red Cross, it maintains multiple facilities across the world and also upkeep underground supply routes. One of their more notable supply operations include the European Supply Network, which operates collaboratively with the group known as THETA to deliver supplies to the various European cities surrounding City 24.

Finally, the Department of Refugee Safety; this department takes on the duty of planning safe escape routes for citizens looking to flee the oppressive rule of the Universal Union; notably this is the only department of the Red Cross that is authorized to carry small arms. However, they are instructed to only use them as a last resort. Members of this department operate semi-autonomously from the rest organization due to their unique directive. Unlike the rest of the departments this sub-organization within the Red Cross only maintains Field HQ's which are hardly ever considered permanent and are more or less established as a necessity. Nonetheless it still manages to establish semi-permanent evacuation routes that can last up to years. The most infamous being referred to as “The Long Haul” which is the route between the Wellness Department’s Headquarters and City 1.

“There is scarcely any compassion without struggle.”

Before the Seven Hour War, the Red Cross was essential in keeping society together with humanitarian aid missions being commonplace in almost every country. This was mostly crowd funded and supported directly by volunteers as various governments began to collapse and succumb to the Xenian Menace and the planetary scale of the alien infestation. During the portal storms, the Red Cross would be restricted to main cities with a still functioning governmental body - until the Seven Hour War changed the face of human civilization. Scattered, the Red Cross reformed many of its resources into continuing its humanitarian mission away from the alien regime, who sought to confiscate all of its previous personnel and resources in order to fund their war machine and annexation process. Now, that the organization was divided into various groups and factions, the Reformed Red Cross acts as one of the only pre-war testimonies that managed to overcome the dread of overwhelming pressure, still doing so and determined to help those who cannot protect or fend for themselves. Just like the War to End All Wars, it was just the same as the guns fell silent and just as the same as when all of civilization fell silent... just as the Red Cross has always stayed true to its origins - a blood and lifeline to the future of humanity as a whole.

(Credit goes to Lord Rad-X for helping with this section; basically making the key concepts for it.)

Department Chiefs
(Event Characters for future reference)

Administrative Department Chief; Sarah F. Robinson.

Wellness Department Chief; Bruce E. Evans.

Logistics & Recruitment Department; Jeff T. Dyer

Refugee Safety Department; Franklin L. Walton

I like it. Seems like a cool addition. I like how you transferred a legit global organization into what is essentially a "Resistance" group (but of course not in the most literal sense).
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