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Deleted member 1388


Welcome to the feedback thread for Rising Sun Day 2.

Let us know what you liked most, what you found lacking, and what you want to see more of!

Don't be afraid to be honest! It helps us to improve!

Willard Industries ay?
Lights out for them I guess.
Had a great time doing things on CP and OTA today. Thank you!
I've only been here for Day Two so far and I wasn't on the whole day. I was on for a lot of hours though, spread into two sessions, the shortest session around the afternoon and the longest one by late evening to after midnight.
During my time there, and not for lack of passive RP, not much was actually engaging in any way, shape or form. I play as a regular citizen and the RP was sorely lacking in my opinion. Apart from the CP patrols there weren't a lot of people on the streets. Most of the regular ones were high ranking collaborators or members of the civil administration. No shops were open, the citizens that were there were grouped into niche parties of CWU, CMU, Collaborators, Civil Administration et cetera. The apartments have zero furniture in them. I was personally really just missing something to do and that may partly be my own fault of course, but I honestly don't feel like any RP was incentivised onto regular citizens
I had so much fun, it was awesome to see @Atle playing as Richard Willard once more, I cannot wait to see what happens next with the group

One of the things I really liked was how @Jinx took my character's backstory and experience into account when GMing the event for Willard industries, which made the event even more fun, it really made me feel connected to the setting even more.

I am really enjoying the Yakuza group, I don't know the exact tags for the players but I really have been enjoying seeing the roleplay they provide, they are a really good antagonist force for the event, I hope to see more come from them.
MAA activity picking up. 2-3 of us escorted Willard while one of us with only a kitchen knife because he lost his rifle went full English mode to defend the wall. Very funny seeing the cops ask "<:: Why are Conscripts coming? ::>" when we were going with them into the sewers. I must say that the Intact Socio is reflecting well, but has it actually escalated or anything yet?

Sewer Team Composition:

5 Cops with (2) Pistols and (3) Batons
3 Conscripts with (3) Assault rifles

As you can see, very based.
I loved day 2, I personally enjoyed a lot of the passive rp but the event with the katana lady was really nice aswell. I really enjoy developing my CP character and the Yakuza guys are really cool and provide some nice rp.

I'd like to thank:
and a few others I don't know the tags of for the amazing passive rp on Day 2.

I love chatting around with my fellow cops while also still doing my job, this has so far been one of my best experiences. The city feels really alive with broadcasts being often and the anthem playing (I really like the anthem). The xen crystal event was also an amazing event which I really enjoyed as a cop.
To sum it up, I enjoyed everything like throughout the entire day without even getting bored once. There was action, mini-events and amazing passive rp.
A before note is that today was defo my favourite day of the event so far for the following reasons.


-Alot of Events occurred today all of which were very fun.
-A brilliant performance of RICHARD WILLARD by @Atle (was literally the Cave Johnson of Coffee)
-Very fun with seeing the CRPD do their secret work and I would love to see more
-Conscripts were great for RP love whoever "Yoshi" was
-The YAKUZA are brilliant and I loved joining them on a separate character from my main one.
-Got to open up a work dark which was a small but fun part of the day.


A bit more CPs we're being a bit power hungry

Otherwise the event was BRILLIANT

Also want to point out that I'm loving @Furious Brilliant Indulstrialist Businessman character Great Job I'm loving the passive RP!
I'm new to both Half Life 2 RP and Willard as a whole, having spent only a few days on City 24 before this event started. I wrote a brief review in the Discord Feedback thread of Day One without realising that a Forum thread had been started. So, with that being said, as someone relatively new:

Day Two was enjoyable, but felt less interactive than Day One. Today, I can only recall two major events that happened around me; The katana man in the streets (albeit I didn't see anything other than him stabbing a CP, he went out of my sight after that) and the citizens all getting crowded into their apartment building for the search. Other than that, for me at least, it was just walking in the - noticeably empty - streets.

The major negative thing I have noticed these past few days is that CP just seem like more of a militia - there's a lot of them (sometimes on par with the regular populace) and when handling situations, a lot of them don't seem to be controlling the situation appropriately. I noticed this Day One - I had called for help with two men that broke into my apartment, and after they apprehended the men, the resulting sweep through the building had me getting manhandled and searched, despite being the one who had called. When the gunmen/man with detonator was around, CP called that all hostages were secured when I was still in the apartment building begging for my life, and the man with the detonator was kind enough to come up and tell me to run before he blew up the building since CP hadn't come to get me. Day Two, the search of the apartment building just seemed haphazard as whole, with citizens running into people's apartments, and CP seeming to not be controlling the structure well enough. It might just be New Player Syndrome, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or misconceiving things (I obviously don't have an eye into CP operations and communications) but I feel like they should be a touch more organised than they have been the past two days.

To mention some positives, though: The atmosphere is City 8 is nice. I think that having the Ration Machine being manned rather than automatic is a good conceptual idea, allowing people to meet eachother in the queue, even if it is unmanned half the time. The overall theme of the event is nice so far. I've enjoyed feeling involved, such as having gunmen hold me up and asking about the people from City Twenty Four.

Overall, event is enjoyable so far! Hope to see more these upcoming days!
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